Intellij build artifact configuration for spring boot - spring-boot

We're working in a Spring Boot project. Till now, I used to generate the jar file with IntelliJ (community edition) via Build Artifact, but since few days ago, the generated JAR is no longer having the normal structure of:
but a "normal" java jar structure with all the packages at the root level.
Output is generated in the "out" folder as per my config (see below)
It is obvious that I changed something either because in my team the pom.xml has changed in some way I'm not able to find, or because I changed the IntelliJ config.
The most funny thing is that if I go to CTRL-E -> Maven -> (My Project) -> package, or alternatively I run from the command line "mvn package" this generates a perfectly well formed Spring Boot jar named xxx-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT in the "target" directory
Note the difference between "target" and "out"
In my CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-S -> Artifact config I'm not aware of having changed anything:
The artifact entry, JAR -> From modules with dependencies, the output directory named "out", the manifest selected from the "resources" and not from the "java" dir, etc.
My pom.xml, of course has been modified several times lately, but still has the expected build section with:
Honestly, I don't know where to look at, or even what to look for.
As per the mvn package working it is clearly not a code problem, but a config one, IMHO.
Any idea will be more than welcome.
EDIT: Adding full pom.xml and versions
IntelliJ Community Edition 2020.3.1
JDK v1.8
Maven v3.6.3
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- For spring aspect oriented logging -->
Tried a couple more things, without success
Reinstall IntelliJ, including version 2020.3.2
Reinstall Maven on my Ubuntu 20
Change IntelliJ Maven config at File -> Settings -> Build... -> Build -> Maven -> Runner and forcing JDK 1.8
Adding these lines to the pom.xml (news are only the maven entries)


OpenAPI, SpringBoot 3.x not eveerything uses Jakarta instead of Javax

I am trying to bump up dependencies in my project to SpringBoot 3.x. As Spring is switching from javax to jakarta, I'm trying to make it all happened in the project as well.
I'm, using OpenAPI to generate some files, and as for most of them everything works as expected, the problem is with ApiUtils - it is still trying to us javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.
I have checked mustache files and there is no javax dependency there.
Any ideas how to deal with that? I would appreciate any help.
Parts of my pom connected to the issue:
<!--Spring dependencies-->
This was a known issue that was actually just fixed yesterday with this merge. Now, you can use the new useJakartaEe config option to force the Jakarta imports.
Maven Example
Gradle Example
configOptions = [
useJakartaEe: "true"
CLI Example
openapi-generator -g spring -o out -i spec.yaml --additional-properties=useJakartaEe=true

Making an executable jar with Maven/Spring/Eclipse

So I already tried these:
Add plugin in pom.xml
Delete .m2 folder to do a clean package in run as Maven build...
running mvn clean (on project folder in eclipse IDE)
Closing and running eclipse again.
The thing is: When I run the main class on eclipse as Java application, the eclipse console shows the app starting up with spring logo. But when I make a Maven build or extract the project as .jar file and try to do java -jar, An exception occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/boot/SpringApplication
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication at java.base
Why this occurs? I's possible to make this project to build the jar as executable? When you use the java -jar command and see the spring logo starts the application and so on...
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Building an executable jar -->
<!-- give full qualified name of your main class-->
The maven-jar-plugin will create a jar file that contains only your application classes and resources. The jar file will not contain other code that is required to run the application, such as the Spring Boot code including the class org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication. For this to work you would need to list all dependency jar files with java -jar <jar-file-path> -cp <list of all dependency jar files>.
Spring Boot supports executable jar files by packaging the application code and all dependent jars into a single jar file. It also creates the MANIFEST.MF entries automatically so you don't need that configuration in your pom.xml. There is more information about this in the Spring Boot documentation and the Spring Boot Maven Plugin documentation.

Maven can't resolve depndency from GitLab private repo

So like the title says I am using GitLab to host a number of spring boot projects. We also have a simple Maven package repository that hosts a common library used between various projects. I have followed the official documentation from GitLab. However Maven gives me an error when it tries to resolve dependencies.
I have tried deleting .m2 directory and cleared caches on intellij. Hoping to get some help in resolving this. Below you will find my pom.xml and the error message.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" /xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>bidmii web application backend</description>
<!--Bidmii internal dependencies-->
<!--Third party dependencies-->
<!-- excludes JUnit 4.12 from spring-boot-starter-test -->
<!-- -->
Error message from maven.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project bmf: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.bidmii:bmf:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.bidmii:bidmii-core-data:jar:1622132284.278f525b-SNAPSHOT in gitlab-maven (
So I figured out the problem. It was an authentication problem related to the Deply-Token. The token the token that I was using was created under a co-worker's GitLab Account. Apparently when trying to pull a dependency from a GitLab package, you must use a Deply-Token created by your own account.

how to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1

i am trying to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1 and tomcat.
i have to use jdk1.7 , the following are all jar file in my web project lib.
with that jar file, i can not start my tomcat.
so someone can help to create a pom.xml file , so that i can build my web project with maven ?
you can use Eclipse neon for project development, first you need to create maven ptoject and add dependencies into pom.xml, you can refer below sample code.">
<description>ProjectName web api.</description>
<name>Spring Framework Maven Release Repository</name>
<!-- Test Case Dependency -->
in this pom you can get the Spring Framework with hibernate and JPA. for more you can refer below link
You can use online application called Spring Initializr that can generate a Spring Boot project
structure for you. It doesn’t generate any application code, but it will give you a basic project
Just Visit:
Specify the Build Tool (Maven or Gradle), language, Spring Boot Version, project Metadata and the dependencies and download the project. You'll also find the generated pom.xml in the downloaded file.

Detected both log4j-over-slf4j.jar AND slf4j-log4j12.jar on the class path with maven and spring boot

I don't know how do I solve this issue. Please take a look and if possible let me how do I solve it. Here is my pom.xml file.
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
I am basically getting the following error:
Detected both log4j-over-slf4j.jar AND slf4j-log4j12.jar on the class path, preempting StackOverflowError.
See also for more details.
Go to your pom.xml and on the bottom tab and click "Dependency Hierarchy" tab. From there search for log4j-over-slf4j. Exclude all instances of this dependency (right click on the instance and "Exclude Maven Artifact"). After you have no more log4j-over-slf4j appearing and have resaved try to run the program. If it still doesn't work then undo the changes you just made (might be smart to backup your pom.xml in the beginning) and exclude all instances of slf4j-log4j12.
I was hitting the same problem when working with Apache Storm . . . an example why one might work and not the other is how Storm pulls in log4j-over-slf4j at runtime despite the fact that I added "Exclude log4j-over-slf4j" to the storm-core dependency
You can solve the problem by adding "sl4j over log4j" in pom.xml
