Why the flag bit LOAD_TLB_AS_64BIT of LoadTypeLibEx does not take effect - windows

sample code
ITypeLib* pp;
//C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\MSPPT.OLB
LoadTypeLibEx(_T("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\MSPPT.OLB"), (REGKIND)(REGKIND_NONE| LOAD_TLB_AS_64BIT), &pp);
Check that the value of a->syskind is always equal to 1(means SYS_WIN32).
enum tagSYSKIND
SYS_WIN16 = 0,
SYS_WIN32 = ( SYS_WIN16 + 1 ) ,
SYS_MAC = ( SYS_WIN32 + 1 ) ,
SYS_WIN64 = ( SYS_MAC + 1 )
Whether the calling method is wrong, why the flag bit LOAD_TLB_AS_64BIT does not take effect.
The expected value is SYS_WIN64


IfIndex calculation Huawei

I'm trying to interface to a Huawei device (MA5608T) via Python through SNMP.I learned that there is a correspondence between the index value and the port.
But I still don't understand how it translates
for example:
4194445056.0(index) = 0/17/7(port)
does anyone know what are the steps to do?
try this way:
4194304000 + (slot * (256 * 32)) + pon * 256) + '.' + onu_id
This Javascript code is taken from production. The binary operations will give you a clue on how to extract the data from the packet.
function convert_snmp_packet( packet ){
let regex = /[^\.]*/g;
let found = packet.match( regex );
if( found.length < 2 ) {
throw new Error( "wrong packet ? " + packet );
let left_part = parseInt( found[0] );
// found[1] is just the dot
let ont_index = parseInt( found[ 2 ] );
let slot_num;
let port_num;
slot_num = ( left_part & ( 15 << 13 ) ) >> 13;
port_num = ( left_part & ( 15 << 8 ) ) >> 8;
let json = {
slot_num: slot_num,
port_num: port_num,
ont_index: ont_index
return json;
test code:
class packet_Test extends Test {
test_packet( ){
// packet must be a String for this to work
let p = "4194445056.0";
let actual = convert_snmp_packet( p );
let expected = { slot_num: 1, port_num: 7, ont_index: 0 };
this.assertEquals( expected, actual );
Sorry for the necromancy. Ran into this while looking for information about SNMP over a Huawei olt.

How to align the text shown in login page of custom credential provider

Is there any way to align the text (justify/left/right alignment)shown below token field in login page of custom credential provider
If you have a look at credentialprovider.h
typedef /* [v1_enum] */
typedef /* [v1_enum] */
There is no provision for alignment for a field in CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE. There is no API/constant to declare the aligment of a specific field. The only alignment Credential Provider does is "Center alignment".

OS X AudioUnit: kAudio_ParamError when setting misc properties on a Generator

I'm building a simple AudioUnit app which should use an AUGraph to connect a generator (which generates, say, a sine wave) to a format converter (because that seems like what I need) to an output device.
Code snippets:
AudioComponentDescription desc ;
desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Generator ;
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_ScheduledSoundPlayer ;
desc.componentFlags = 0 ;
desc.componentFlagsMask = 0 ;
desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple ;
status = AUGraphAddNode ( mGraph , &desc , &mGeneratorNode ) ;
checkOSStatus ( "creating generator node" , status ) ;
I do similarly for mConverterNode with kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter/kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter and for mOutputNode with kAudioUnitType_Output/kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput.
I then open the graph:
AUGraphOpen ( mGraph ) ; // error checking code omitted from example
I then get references to them:
AUGraphNodeInfo ( mGraph , mGeneratorNode , 0,&mGeneratorRef ) ; // error checking code omitted from example
I then set the format:
AudioStreamBasicDescription format ;
format.mSampleRate = mSamplingRate ;
format.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM ;
format.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger ;
format.mFramesPerPacket = 1 ;
format.mChannelsPerFrame = 1 ; // mono
format.mBitsPerChannel = 16 ;
format.mBytesPerFrame = format.mBitsPerChannel*format.mChannelsPerFrame/8 ;
format.mBytesPerPacket = format.mBytesPerFrame*format.mFramesPerPacket ;
status = AudioUnitSetProperty ( mGeneratorRef , kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat , kAudioUnitScope_Output , kOutputBus , &format,sizeof(format) ) ;
checkOSStatus ( "setting output format" , status ) ;
(Note: kOutputBus is an enum to 0; it's an anachronism from a previous example I found. Also, mSamplingRate is a size_t whose value is 48000)
And set the render callback:
AURenderCallbackStruct cb ;
cb.inputProc = &_callbackProxy ;
cb.inputProcRefCon = static_cast<void*> ( this ) ;
status = AudioUnitSetProperty ( mGeneratorRef , kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback , kAudioUnitScope_Output , 0 , &cb,sizeof(cb) ) ;
checkOSStatus ( "setting the generator callback" , status ) ;
However, for both the stream format and the render callback I get kAudio_ParamError back as the resultant status.
No matter what I do (mono/stereo, when I place that command, etc), I cannot make it work.
Note: I later do this:
AUGraphConnectNodeInput ( mGraph , mGeneratorNode,0 , mConverterNode,0 ) ;
AUGraphConnectNodeInput ( mGraph , mConverterNode,0 , mOutputNode,0 ) ;
AUGraphInitialize ( mGraph ) ;
AUGraphStart ( mGraph ) ;
// again, error-checking code omitted from example
And it works........ But I can't set those properties and therefore can't generate audio.
What am I missing?
(To people with 1500+ reputation: please make an "osx-sierra" tag; I'm a bit shy of that mark)
From an obscure comment at the end of this:
I ran AUGraphOpen at the very beginning before creating things (why?) and it worked.
But then I was getting invalid format errors, so I set the format on the input of the converter instead of the output of the generator.
But then it wasn't calling the render callback, so I removed the generator altogether and put the render callback on the input of the converter.
At this point, it worked and is generating my sound.
I hope this helps somebody else in the future with this so-horribly-documented API.


I use below code for #1 screenshot.
int _objfnd = ObjectFind( name );
if ( _objfnd == -1 )
ObjectCreate ( _vlineName, OBJ_VLINE, 0, Time[i], 0 );
and I use below code for #2 screenshot.
int _objfnd = ObjectFind( name );
if ( _objfnd == -1 )
datetime _dayTime = Time[i] ;
int _dayNext = PeriodSeconds( _Session_Breaks_Day_Prd ) ;
_dayTime = _dayTime - ( _dayTime % _dayNext ) + _dayNext ;
ObjectCreate ( _vlineName, OBJ_VLINE, 0, _dayTime, 0 ) ;
If you figure out my concern,please give me good advice, much appreciate.
A: the code has not handled Daylight Saving Time Shift 2016, Nov-06

Why MQL4 OrderModify() will not modify the order when backtesting?

I'm trying to ADD a stop loss to my open market orders in MetaTrader 4 when a position gets 100 pips "to the good" which is to be equal to the Order Open Price;
OrderStopLoss() == OrderOpenPrice()
But this isn't happening.
I've added Print() & GetLastError() functions and nothing is coming up in the journal, so it must be something in my coding - but cannot see what would be wrong.
OK this is what I have so far, one for loop for the buy, one for the sell. I've also Normalized the "doubles" as I have been advised to do & have also declared the BuyMod & SellMod to "true" at the very top. This should ensure that the default won't resort to false. I also thought it might be helpful if I told you I have the MetaEditor version 5 build 1241:)
The following code I have is the following;
/*Breakeven Order Modification*/
bool BuyMod = true;
bool SellMod = true;
for(int b = OrdersTotal()-1;b>=0;b--)
double aBidPrice = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID);
double anOpenPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
double aNewTpPrice = OrderTakeProfit();
double aCurrentSL = OrderStopLoss();
double aNewSLPrice = anOpenPrice;
double pnlPoints = (aBidPrice - anOpenPrice)/_Point;
double stopPoints = (aBidPrice - aNewSLPrice)/_Point;
int stopLevel = int(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL));
int aTicket = OrderTicket();
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
if(stopPoints >= stopLevel)
if(aTicket > 0)
if(pnlPoints >= breakeven)
if(aNewSLPrice != aCurrentSL)
BuyMod = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(aNewSLPrice,Digits),NormalizeDouble(aNewTpPrice,Digits),0,buycolor);
SendMail("Notification of Order Modification for Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10),"Good news! Order Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10)+"has been changed to breakeven");
for(int s = OrdersTotal()-1; s>=0; s--)
double anAskPrice = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK);
double anOpenPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
double aNewTpPrice = OrderTakeProfit();
double aCurrentSL = OrderStopLoss();
double aNewSLPrice = anOpenPrice;
double pnlPoints = (anOpenPrice - anAskPrice)/_Point;
double stopPoints = (aNewSLPrice - anAskPrice)/_Point;
int stopLevel = int(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL));
int aTicket = OrderTicket();
if(OrderType()== OP_SELL)
if(stopPoints >= stopLevel)
if(pnlPoints >= breakeven)
if(aNewSLPrice != aCurrentSL)
if(aTicket > 0)
SellMod = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(aNewSLPrice,Digits),NormalizeDouble(aNewTpPrice,Digits),0,sellcolor);
SendMail("Notification of Order Modification for Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10),"Good news! Order Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10)+"has been changed to breakeven");
trading algorithmic-trading mql4 metatrader4
edited just now
asked 2 days ago
Todd Gilbey
You might want to know, StackOverflow does not promote duplicate questions. ( see the
Besides meeting an MQL4 syntax-rules,there are more conditions:
A first hidden trouble is in number rounding issues.
MetaQuotes, Inc., recommends wherever possible, to normalise float values into a proper price-representation.
Thus,wherever a price goes into a server-side instruction { OrderSend(), OrderModify(), ... } one shall always prepare such aPriceDOMAIN valueby a call to NormalizeDouble( ... , _Digits ), before a normalised price hits any server-side instruction call.
May sound rather naive, but this saves you issues with server-side rejections.
Add NormalizeDouble() calls into your code on a regular base as your life-saving vest.
A second, even a better hidden trouble is in STOP_ZONE-s and FREEZE_ZONE-s
While not visible directly, any Broker set's in their respective Terms & Conditions these parameters.
In practice,this means, if you instruct { OrderSend() | OrderModify() } to set / move aPriceDOMAIN level to be setup too close to current actual Ask/Bid ( violating a Broker-forbidden STOP_ZONE )orto delete / modify aPriceDOMAIN level of TP or SL, that are already set and is right now, within a Broker-forbidden FREEZE_ZONE distance from actual Ask/Bid,such instruction will not be successfully accepted and executed.
So besides calls to the NormalizeDouble(), always wait a bit longer as the price moves "far" enough and regularly check for not violating forbidden STOP_ + FREEZE_ zones before ordering any modifications in your order-management part of your algotrading projects.
Anyway, Welcome to Wild Worlds of MQL4
Update: while StackOverflow is not a Do-a-Homework site, let me propose a few directions for the solution:
for ( int b = OrdersTotal() - 1; b >= 0; b-- ) // ________________________ // I AM NOT A FAN OF db.Pool-looping, but will keep original approach for context purposes
{ if ( ( OrderSelect( b, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES ) ) == true )
// ------------------------------------------------------
double aBidPRICE = MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_BID ); // .UPD
double anOpenPRICE = OrderOpenPrice(); // .SET FROM a db.Pool Current Record
double aNewTpPRICE = OrderTakeProfit(); // .SET FROM a db.Pool Current Record
double aCurrentSlPRICE = OrderStopLoss(); // .SET FROM a db.Pool Current Record
double aNewSlPRICE = anOpenPRICE; // .SET
double pnlPOINTs = ( aBidPRICE - anOpenPRICE )/_Point; // .SET
double stopPOINTs = ( aBidPRICE - aNewSlPRICE )/_Point; // .SET
// ------------------------------------------------------------ // .TEST
if ( OP_BUY == OrderType() )
if ( Period() == OrderMagicNumber() )
if ( stopPOINTa > stopLevel )
if ( pnlPOINTs >= breakeven )
if ( aNewSlPRICE != aCurrentSlPRICE )
{ // YES, HAVE TO OPEN A BLOCK {...}-CODE-BLOCK FOR THE if()if()if()if()-chain's-POSITIVE CASE:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int aBuyMOD = OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
NormalizeDouble( aNewSlPRICE, Digits ),
NormalizeDouble( aNewTpPRICE, Digits ),
switch( aBuyMOD )
{ case ( NULL ): { ...; break; } // FAIL ( ANALYSE ERROR )
default: { ...; break; } // PASS OrderModify()
The problem is in your call to a built-in OrderModify() function.
OrderStopLoss() == OrderModify() will evaluate as false which in turn will evaluate as 0 since == is a comparison operator.
An OrderStopLoss() is a call to another built-in function (not a variable), you can't save anything to it so OrderStopLoss() = 4 wouldn't work either.
From the MQL4 documentation:
bool OrderModify( int ticket, // ticket
double price, // price
double stoploss, // stop loss
double takeprofit, // take profit
datetime expiration, // expiration
color arrow_color // color
In your case that would be the following, assuming ModBuy is already defined somewhere in the code:
ModBuy = OrderModify( OrderTicket(), // <-ticket from record OrderSelect()'d
OrderOpenPrice(), // <-price from current record
OrderOpenPrice(), // <-price from current record
OrderTakeProfit(), // <-TP from current record
0, // ( cannot set P/O expiration for M/O )
buycolor // ( set a color for a GUI marker )
Or you could just use any other valid value instead of the second OrderOpenPrice() to set a new stoploss.
I'm really sorry, I'm new to Stackoverflow, this is the revised code I now have based on everyone's comments & recommendation's below
**Local Declarations**
pnlPoints = 0;
point = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);
stopLevel = int(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)+MarketInfo (Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD));
sl = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(),Digits);
tp = OrderTakeProfit();
cmd = OrderType();
breakeven = 100;
**Global Variables**
double pnlPoints;
double price,sl,tp;
double point;
int stopLevel;
int cmd;
int breakeven;
double newSL;
for(int b = OrdersTotal()-1; b>=0; b--)
price = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID);
newSL = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits);
pnlPoints = (price - OrderOpenPrice())/point;
if(OrderMagicNumber() == Period())
ModBuy = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),newSL,tp,buycolor);
else if(ModBuy == false)
Print("OrderModify failed with error #",GetLastError());
