How does Elasticsearch 7 track_total_hits improve query speed? - elasticsearch

I recently upgraded from Elasticsearch 6 to 7 and stumbled across the 10000 hits limit.
Changelog, Documentation, and I also found a single blog post from a company that tried this new feature and measured their performance gains.
But I'm still not sure how and why this feature works. Or does it only improve performance under special circumstances?
Especially when sorting is involved, I can't get my head around it. Because (at least in my world) when sorting a collection you have to visit every document, and that's exactly what they are trying to avoid according to the Documentation: "Generally the total hit count can’t be computed accurately without visiting all matches, which is costly for queries that match lots of documents."
Hopefully someone can explain how things work under the hood and which important point I am missing.

There are at least two different contexts in which not all documents need to be sorted:
A. When index sorting is configured, the documents are already stored in sorted order within the index segment files. So whenever a query specifies the same sort as the one in which the index was pre-sorted, then only the top N documents of each segment files need to be visited and returned. So in this case, if you are only interested in the top N results and you don't care about the total number of hits, you can simply set track_total_hits to false. That's a big optimization since there's no need to visit all the documents of the index.
B. When querying in the filter context (i.e. bool/filter) because no scores will be calculated. The index is simply checked for documents that match a yes/no question and that process is usually very fast. Since there is no scoring, only the top N matching documents are returned per shard.
If track_total_hits is set to false (because you don't care about the exact number of matching docs), then there's no need to count the docs at all, hence no need to visit all documents.
If track_total_hits is set to N (because you only care to know whether there are at least N matching documents), then the counting will stop after N documents per shard.
Relevant links:


Elasticsearch Track total hits alternative with approximation

Based on this article - link there are some serious performance implications with having track_total_hits property set to true.
We currently use it to get the number of documents matching after users search. Then user can use pagination to scroll through the results. The number of documents for such a search usually ranges from 10k - 5M.
Example of a user work flow:
User performs a search which matches 150.000 documents
We show him the first 200 results which he can scroll through but we also show him the total number of documents found in the search.
Since we always show the number of document searches and often those numbers can be quite high we need some kind of a way to get that count. I'm not sure but if we almost always perform paginated searches I would assume a lot of the things would be in memory ? Maybe then this actually effects us less then how it's shown in the provided article?
Some kind of an approximation and not an exact count would be ok for us if it would improve performance.
Is there such an option in Elasticsearch where we can get approximated count on search requests ?
There is no option to get an approximate count, but you may want to consider assigning track_total_hits a lower bound instead of true , which is a good compromise from a performance standpoint (
That way, you can show users that there are at least k results - but there could be more.
Also, try using search_after (if you are not using it already) for pagination.

Is there a way to change the Search API facet count to show a total word count instead of the count of matching fragments (documents)?

I'm creating an application using Marklogic 8 and the search API. I need to create facets based on MarkLogic defined collections, but instead of the facet count giving a tally of the number of fragments (documents) which contain X number of occurrences of the keyword search performed, I need the facet count to reflect the total number of times the keyword appears in all documents in the collection.
Right now, I'm using search:search() to process the query and return a element with the facet option enabled.
In the MarkLogic documentation, I've been looking at cts:frequency() which says:
"If you want the total frequency instead of the fragment-based frequency (that is, the total number of occurences of the value in the items specified in the cts:query option of the lexicon API), you must specify the item-frequency option to the lexicon API value input to cts:frequency."
But, I can't get that to work.
I've tried running a query like this in query console, but it times out.
cts:element-values(QName("", "TEI"),
"", "item-frequency",
The issue is probably that you have a range index on <TEI>, which contains the entire document. Range indexes are memory-mapped, so you have essentially forced the complete text contents of your database into memory. It's hard to say exactly what's going on, but it's probably struggling to inspect the values (range indexes are designed for smaller atomic values) and possibly swapping to disk.
MarkLogic has great documentation on its indexing, so I'd recommend starting there for a better understanding on how to use them:
Note that even using the item-frequency option, results (or counts) are not guaranteed to be one-to-one with the "total number of times the keyword appears." It will report the number of "items" matching - in your example it would report on the number of <TEI> elements matching.
The problem of getting an exact count of terms matching a query across the whole database is actually quite hard. To get exact matching values within a document, you would need to use cts:highlight or cts:walk, which requires loading the whole document into memory. That typically works fine for a subset of documents, but ultimately to get an accurate value for the entire database, you would need to load the entire database into memory and process every document.
Nearly any approach to getting a term match count requires some kind of approximation and depends heavily on your markup. For example, if you index <p> (or even better <s>) elements, it would be possible to construct a query that uses indexes to count the number of matching paragraphs (or sentences), but that would still load an incredibly large amount of data into memory and keep it there. This is technically feasible if you are willing to allocate enough memory (and/or enough servers), but it hardly seems worth it.

Terminate After in elasticsearch

I have the intention to use the Terminate After feature of elasticsearch in order to reduce the result set.
The question is, the documents retrieved when using Terminate After, are ranked among the complete set of documents, or just among the reduced returned set?
Terminate after limits the number of search hits per shard so any document that may have had a hit later could also have had a higher ranking(higher score) than highest ranked document returned since the score used for ranking is independent of the other hits.
So yes the document will be ranked depending upon only the result set returned, but this would not affect how the actual score was calculated which takes into account all the documents.
Wanting a reduced result set and wanting it to be ranked depending on all the hits that may have occurred is a contradiction in itself.
Terminate after is generally used for filter type queries where the score of all returned docs is the same so that ranking doesn't matter.
For match type queries ES uses pagination so it's already quite efficient and you don't really need to restrict the document set anyways.

Paging elasticsearch aggregation results

Imagine i have two kind of records: a bucket and an item, where item is contained in a bucket, and bucket may have relatively small amount of items (normally not more than 4, never more than 10). Those records are squashed into one (an item with extra bucket information) and placed inside Elasticsearch.
The task i am trying to solve is to find 500 buckets (at max) with all related items at once by filtered query that relies on item's attributes, and i'm stuck on limiting / offsetting aggregations. How do i perform such kind of task? I see top_hits aggregation which allows me to control size of related items amount, but i can't find a clue how can i control size of returned buckets.
update: okay, i'm terribly stupid. The size parameter of terms aggregation provides me with limiting. Is there any way to perform offset task? I don't need 100% precision and probably won't ever page those results, but anyway i'd like to see this functionality.
I don't think we'll be seeing this feature any time soon, see relevant discussion at GitHub.
Paging is tricky to implement because document counts for terms
aggregations are not exact when shard_size is less than the field
cardinality and sorting on count desc. So weird things may happen like
the first term of the 2nd page having a higher count than the last
element of the first page, etc.
There an interesting approach is mentioned, you could request like top 20 results on 1st page, then on 2nd page you run the same aggregation but exclude those 20 terms you already saw on the previous page and so forth. But this doesn't allow you "random" access to arbitrary page, you must go through pages in-order.
...if you only have a limited number of unique values compared to the
number of matched documents, doing the paging on client-side would be
more efficient. On the other hand, on high-cardinality-fields, your
first approach based on an exclude would probably be better.

Paging in Elasticsearch when results have equal scores

Is it possible to implement reliable paging of elasticsearch search results if multiple documents have equal scores?
I'm experimenting with custom scoring in elasticsearch. Many of the scoring expressions I try yield result sets where many documents have equal scores. They seem to come in the same order each time I try, but can it be guaranteed?
AFAIU it can't, especially not if there is more than one shard in a cluster. Documents with equal score wrt. a given elasticsearch query are returned in random, non-deterministic order that can change between invocations of the same query, even if the underlying database does not change (and therefore paging is unreliable) unless one of the following holds:
I use function_score to guarantee that the score is unique for each document (e.g. by using a unique number field).
I use sort and guarantee that the sorting defines a total order (e.g. by using a unique field as fallback if everything else is equal).
Can anyone confirm (and maybe point at some reference)?
Does this change if I know that there is only one primary shard without any replicas (see other, similar querstion: Inconsistent ordering of results across primary /replica for documents with equivalent score) ? E.g. if I guarantee that there is one shard AND there is no change in the database between two invocations of the same query then that query will return results in the same order?
What are other alternatives (if any)?
I ended up using additional sort in cases where equal scores are likely to happen - for example searching by product category. This additional sort could be id, creation date or similar. The setup is 2 servers, 3 shards and 1 replica.
