Cypress - How to verify if a file is downloaded? - download

I would like to check that a file is downloaded as part of my test. I only need to confirm that the file is downloaded after clicking a button. I have no need to read the file and its contents. All the files I am downloading are zips, not sure if that makes them harder to read?
it('Initiate download', () => {
it('Verify the downloaded file', () => {

You can try this
const path = require("path");
it('Verify the downloaded file', () => {
const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config("downloadsFolder");
cy.readFile(path.join(downloadsFolder, "")).should("exist");

According to the Cypress documentation (, it is enough to just call
cy.readFile(myFile.txt) // GOOD
Do not call
cy.readFile(myFile.txt).should('exist') // BAD
I was experiencing some performance problem with Cypress 10, when I called .should('exist'). This was very slow and ended in some timeouts.

I also ran into the same issue but got resolved by using a double backslash for the download folder path and this resolved my issue
it('Verify the downloaded file', () => {


Blank page after running Cypress tests

Whenever I run a new cypress test, the page that is supposed to show the UI is blank. Even when I click on each part of each test it remains blank. Please see image below.
Cypress package version: 10.4.0
Node v16.16.0
describe("home page", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
context("Hero section", () => {
it("the h1 contains the correct text", () => {
"Testing Next.js Applications with Cypress"
it("the features on the homepage are correct", () => {
cy.get("dt").eq(0).contains("4 Courses")
cy.get("dt").eq(1).contains("25+ Lessons")
cy.get("dt").eq(2).contains("Free and Open Source")
context("Courses section", () => {
it("CourseL Testing Your First Next.js Application", () => {
.contains('Get started')
/// <reference types="cypress" />
Cypress.Commands.add('getByData', (selector) => {
return cy.get(`[data-test=${selector}]`);
I faced the same issue in Cypress version 12.0.0 and I solved it by adding this configuration to cypress.config.js
testIsolation: false,
Try adding 's' to http; this might solve that else here is similar issue reported which might give you clue to your problem
You might have put the it() describe() statements in the wrong place. Try creating the most simple test file possible or better still use an example test that cypress provides strip it down and continue to test it until it is barebones.
I have a "solution" in my tests - it seems that the it steps lose the URL.
Remove all the it steps:
describe('Register Native', () => {
// it("Verify1", () => {
: a
// })
// it("Verify2", () => {
: b
// })
Now I have a structure like this (only one it step):
describe('Registrer Native', () => {
it('Whole test- Without IT parts', () => {
: a
: b
: c
It is not an optimal solution as I now have a long test without intermediary it sections.

Cypress - How can I verify if the downloaded file contains name that is dynamic?

In cypress, the xlsx file I am downloading always starts with lets say "ABC" and then some dynamic IDs. How can I verify if the file is downloaded successfully and also contains that dynamic name?
Secondly, what if the downloaded file is like "69d644353f126777.xlsx" then how can i verify that the file is downloaded when everything in the name is dynamic.
Thanks in advance.
One way that suggests itself is to query the downloads folder with a task,
const fs = require('fs');
on('task', {
downloads: (downloadspath) => {
return fs.readdirSync(downloadspath)
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(before => {
// do the download
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(after => {
expect(after.length) +1)
If you can't direct the downloads to a folder local to the project, provide a full path. Node.js (i.e Cypress tasks) has full access to the file system.
To get the name of the new file, use a filter and take the first (and only) item in the result.
const newFile = after.filter(file => !before.includes(file))[0]
Maybe this will works but this also requires a filename to be assert.Write this code in index.js
on('task', {
isExistPDF(PDFfilename, ms = 4000) {
`looking for PDF file in ${downloadDirectory}`,
return hasPDF(PDFfilename, ms);
Now add custom command in support/commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('isDownloaded', (selectorXPATH, fileName) => {
//click on button
//verify downloaded file
cy.task('isExistPDF', fileName).should('equal', true)
Lastly write this code in your logic area
verifyDownloadedFile(fileName) {
//Clear downloads folder
cy.exec('rm cypress/downloads/*', {
log: true,
failOnNonZeroExit: false,
cy.isDownloaded(this.objectFactory.exportToExcelButton, fileName)
and call this function in your testcase
I ended up using something similar to #user14783414.
However I keep getting that the downloads' folder length was 0. I then added an cy.wait() which solved the issue.
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(before => {
// do the download
}).then(() => {
cy.wait(500).then(() => {
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(after => {
expect(after.length) +1)
Another approach is to leverage Nodes API and to define a plugin task which waits for a new download to be available and returns the filename:
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('task', {
getDownload: () => {
const downloadsFolder = config['downloadsFolder'];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const watcher =, (eventType, filename) => {
if (eventType === 'rename' && !filename.endsWith('.crdownload')) {
setTimeout(reject, config.taskTimeout); // Or another timeout if desired
And then it is fairly easily used within a test spec as follows:
it('downloads a file', () => {
cy.task('getDownload').then(fileName => {
// do something with your newly downloaded file!
console.log('Downloaded file:', fileName);
Now technically there may be a bit of a race condition if the file is downloaded extremely quickly and the file exists on disk before the watcher begins, but in my testing - even with relatively small files and fast network speed - I have never observed this.
For the solution of Nicholas, in firefox, the '.crdownload' doesn't exist so we need to add a condition on the '.part' :
if (eventType === 'rename' && !filename.endsWith('.crdownload') && !filename.endsWith('.part'))

Cypress: How to test Windows window to Save a Data?

I have a test that opens a windows pop-up to save the users personal data. Here I want to click "OK"
I tried to use cy.go('forward') but that does not work for windows pop ups.
Change the download directory of files downloaded during Cypress tests.
Change download directory cypress doc
// cypress/plugins/index.js
const path = require('path')
module.exports = (on) => {
on('before:browser:launch', (browser, options) => {
const downloadDirectory = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'downloads')
if ( === 'chromium' && !== 'electron') {
options.preferences.default['download'] = { default_directory: downloadDirectory }
return options
if ( === 'firefox') {
options.preferences[''] = downloadDirectory
options.preferences[''] = 2
// needed to prevent download prompt for text/csv files.
options.preferences['browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk'] = 'text/csv'
return options
Window doesn't open, and the file is downloaded directly. (It doesn't work for Electron browser)
add pictures to the fixtures folder
Install file-upload via powershell npm install cypress-file-upload
add to yout commands.js : import ‘cypress-file-upload’
add to your code:

Error message when using aliases with cypressIO

I get the following error message when using: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of undefined"
I´ve done exactly as they do in the documentation:
Can anyone see what i´m doing wrong?
beforeEach(() => {
it('should show text', () => {
Read the cypress documentation and the problem i did was using arrow functions and i did not access the alias in a closure using a .then(). As soon as i did this, it worked:
it('should show text', () => {
cy.get('#main').then(function () {
OR use function() instead of () => on the it() callback
it('should show text', function() {
Text has always been a pain in cypress. This could be one of a few things:
1) Sometimes this.alias doesn't work, try using:
cy.get('#text').then(text => console.log(text));
2) If the text is contained in an element below #title, you will have to get that specific element. For example, #title might be a div, which contains an h1 element inside of it, so in that case you would need to use #title > h1 as your selector. Post your HTML and I'll be able to tell if that's the case
3) invoke('text') almost never works, I'm not sure why. I find this works much more often cy.get('#title').then($el => el.text())

Running into Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page with basic protractor test

describe('my homepage', function() {
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
// ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;
// ptor.sleep(5000);
describe('login', function(){
var email = element.all('email'))
, pass = ptor.findElement('password'))
, loginBtn = ptor.findElement(protractor.By.css('#login button'))
it('should input and login', function(){
// email.then(function(obj){
// console.log('email', obj)
// })
the above code returns
Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}
and I have no idea why this is, ptor load the page correctly, it seem to be the selection of the elements that fails.
Thanks, your almost right, and gave me the right philosophy, so the key is to ptor.sleep(3000) to have each page wait til ptor is in sync with the project.
I got the same error message (Angular 1.2.13). My tests were kicked off too early and Protractor didn't seem to wait for Angular to load.
It appeared that I had misconfigured the protractor config file. When the ng-app directive is not defined on the BODY-element, but on a descendant, you have to adjust the rootElement property in your protractor config file to the selector that defines your angular root element, for example:
// protractor-conf.js
rootElement: '.my-app',
when your HTML is:
<div ng-app="myApp" class="my-app">
I'm using ChromeDriver and the above error usually occurs for the first test. I've managed to get around it like this:
ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;
function() {
return ptor.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(
function(url) {
return targetUrl == url;
}, 2000, 'It\'s taking too long to load ' + targetUrl + '!'
Essentially you are waiting for the current URL of the browser to become what you've asked for and allow 2s for this to happen.
You probably want to switch the ignoreSynchronization = false afterwards, possibly wrapping it in a ptor.wait(...). Just wondering, would uncommenting the ptor.sleep(5000); not help?
After some experience with Promise/Deferred I've realised the correct way of doing this would be: () {
ptor.getCurrentUrl(targetUrl).then(function (newURL){
Please note that if you are changing the URL (that is, moving away from the current AngularJS activated page to another, implying the AngularJS library needs to reload and init) than, at least in my experience, there's no way of avoiding the ptor.sleep(...) call. The above will only work if you are staying on the same Angular page, but changing the part of URL after the hashtag.
In my case, I encountered the error with the following code:
describe("application", function() {
it("should set the title", function() {
browser.getTitle().then(function(title) {
Fixed it by doing this:
describe("application", function() {
it("should set the title", function() {
browser.get("#/home").then(function() {
return browser.getTitle();
}).then(function(title) {
In other words, I was forgetting to navigate to the page I wanted to test, so Protractor was having trouble finding Angular. D'oh!
The rootElement param of the exports.config object defined in your protractor configuration file must match the element containing your ng-app directive. This doesn't have to be uniquely identifying the element -- 'div' suffices if the directive is in a div, as in my case.
From referenceConf.js:
// Selector for the element housing the angular app - this defaults to
// body, but is necessary if ng-app is on a descendant of <body>
rootElement: 'div',
I got started with Protractor by watching the otherwise excellent lecture, where he uses a condensed exports.config. Since rootElement defaults to body, there is no hint as to what is wrong with your configuration if you don't start with a copy of the provided reference configuration, and even then the
Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}
message doesn't give much of a clue.
I had to switch from doing this:
describe('navigation', function(){
var navbar = element(by.css('#nav'));
it('should have a link to home in the navbar', function(){
it('should have a link to search in the navbar', function(){
to doing this:
describe('navigation', function(){
var navbar = element(by.css('#nav'));
it('should have a link to home in the navbar', function(){
it('should have a link to search in the navbar', function(){
the key diff being:
hope this may help someone.
I was getting this error:
Failed: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "window.angular is undefined. This could be either because this is a non-angular page or because your test involves client-side navigation, which can interfere with Protractor's bootstrapping. See for details"
The solution was to call page.navigateTo() before page.getTitle().
import { AppPage } from './app.po';
describe('App', () => {
let page: AppPage;
beforeEach(() => {
page = new AppPage();
it('should have the correct title', () => {
import { AppPage } from './app.po';
describe('App', () => {
let page: AppPage;
beforeEach(() => {
page = new AppPage();
it('should have the correct title', () => {
If you are using
in your spec some times, it throws the same error.
Try to use
await browser.restart()
