Lowest Positive Difference between two tuples - algorithm

If I have an array which is sorted by the first element:
[(2021/01/01, 100), (2021/01/02, 5320), ..., (2021/01/07, 23)], how do I output an array such that each element holds the number of days between days from an input tuple t until a future date in the input array having the lowest positive difference between the number in tuple t and the number in the future date tuple.
For example,
[(2021/01/01, 100), (2021/01/02, 5320), (2021/01/04, 5319), (2021/01/09, 23)] has the solution:
[8, 2, 5, 0]
Explanation: For the first, 100 and 23 is closest and 9 - 1 = 8.
My attempt:
for i from 0 to n-1:
m = inf
for j from 1 to n:
if a[i].value >= a[j].value and a[i].value - a[j].value < m:
m = a[i].value - a[j].value
update the current min date difference
add to list of min date differences
return that list
I have written a n^2 algorithm, but I'm trying to make it more efficient. My guess is that I can turn this into a binary tree but I'm having no luck. If anyone could guide my I'd appreciate it!

You could visit the input in reverse order and build a balanced search tree (e.g. AVL, red-black, B-tree,...) from the already visited values, ordered by the number part of the tuples.
Values in a balanced search tree can be found in O(logn) time, and given (the path to) a node, the successor and predecessor nodes can be found in O(1) average time.
So find the predecessor and successor node in that tree based on the current value being visited. Either of these two will represent the minimum difference with the current number, and so output the corresponding day-difference in the result list at the current index.
Here is some pseudo code where I assume there is already an implementation of a balanced search tree. That balanced search tree should be capable of taking a comparator function so it knows how to compare two nodes, an add method, and next and previous methods on its nodes (interfaces may differ):
function compare(x, y): # two elements from the input array
if x.value === y.value: # equal? then prefer the earliest date:
return x.date - y.date # assuming this returns a signed number of days
return x.value - y.value
function getResult(a):
tree = AVL(compare) # keeps order by using the given compare function
result = array(len(a)) # array of same length as a
for i from n-1 downto 0:
days = infinity
node = tree.add(a[i]) # create an AVL node, insert it in the tree and return it
successor = node.next() # can return NIL when there is no successor
if successor != NIL:
days = abs(successor.date - node.date)
predecessor = node.previous()
if predecessor != NIL:
days = min(days, abs(predecessor.date - node.date)
result[i] = days
result[n-1] = 0 # Optional, when you prefer 0 there instead of infinity
return result


Is it possible to find the smallest value in max heap recursively without reversing the array

I am trying to find the smallest value in a max heap(stored in an array) recursively, without reversing the array. I have some problems trying to define the recursive case. How do I give the correct index to the recursive call? (starting index from 1 instead of 0)If the first node is stored in slot i, then I know that its left and right nodes are stored in slot 2*i and 2*i+1 respectively and so are their own left and right nodes. How do I pass this information recursively?
smallest(size ,index_of_parent_node){
i = size/2
if (i == 0)
return A[i]
return min[smallest(size/2 , index_of_left_of_parent) , smallest(size/2, index_of_right_of_parent)]
I have some problems trying to define the recursive case. How do I give the correct index to the recursive call? (starting index from 1 instead of 0)If the first node is stored in slot i, then I know that its left and right nodes are stored in slot 2*i and 2*i+1 respectively and so are their own left and right nodes. How do I pass this information recursively?
The current implementation does not work because it will not look at all the leaf nodes. The minimum element will be one of the leaf nodes.
If you want to do it recursively then you can start from the root node of the max-heap and get the minimum from its two subtrees recursively like below -
def getSmallestNumber (maxHeapArray , size):
#assuming maxHeapArray has at least one element
#and 1-based indexing
return helper(maxHeapArray, size, 1)
def helper (maxHeapArray, size, currentIndex):
if currentIndex >= size:
return maxHeapArray[currentIndex]
currentNumber = maxHeapArray[currentIndex]
leftIndex = 2 * currentIndex
rightIndex = 2 * currentIndex + 1
leftMin = helper(maxHeapArray, size, leftIndex)
rightMin = helper(maxHeapArray, size, rightIndex)
return min(currentNumber, leftMin, rightMin)
You can also do a linear traversal of the complete array or half of the elements. Time complexity to get min elements from max-heap

why Find-Minimum operation in priority queue implemented in unsorted array take only complexity = O(1) ? <steven skiena's the algorithm design manual>

In steven skiena's the algorithm design manual (page 85),
The author show in a table that priority queue implemented in unsorted array only take O(1) for both insertion and find minimum operation.
For my understanding unsorted array wasn't able get the minimum item in O(1) , because it has to search through the whole array to get the minimum.
is there any details i missed out in priority queue ?
It's (mostly) written there under the table:
The trick is using an extra variable to store a pointer/index to the minimum ...
Presumably, the next word is "value", meaning it's a simple O(1) dereference to get the minimum.
When inserting an item, you just append it to the end and, if it's less than the current minimum, update that pointer/index. That means O(1) for the insert.
The only "expensive" operation is then delete-minimum. You know where it is due to the pointer/index but it will take O(n) operations to shuffle the array elements beyond it down one.
And, since the cost is already O(n), you may as well take the opportunity to search the array for the new minimum and store its position in the pointer/index.
The pseudo-code for those operations be something along the lines of (first up, initialisation and insertion, and assuming zero-based indexes):
class prioQ:
array = [] # Empty queue.
lowIndex = 0 # Index of lowest value (for non-empty queue).
def insert(item):
# Add to end, quick calc if array empty beforehand.
if len(array) == 1:
lowIndex = 0
# Adjust low-index only if inserted value smaller than current.
if array[lowIndex] > item:
lowIndex = len(array) - 1
Then a function to find the actual minimum value:
def findMin():
# Empty array means no minimum. Otherwise, return minimum.
if len(array) == 0: return None
return array[lowIndex]
And, finally, to extract the minimum value (remove it from the queue and return it):
def extractMin():
# Empty array means no minimum. Otherwise save lowest value.
if len(array) == 0: return None
retVal = array[lowIndex]
# Shuffle down all following elements to delete lowest one
for index = lowIndex to len(array) - 2 inclusive:
array[index] = array[index + 1]
# Remove final element (it's already been shuffled).
delete array[len(array) - 1]
# Find lowest element and store.
if len(array) > 0:
lowIndex = len(array) - 1
for index = len(array) - 2 to 0 inclusive:
if array[index] <= array[lowIndex]:
lowIndex = index
# Return saved value.
return retVal
As an aside, the two loops in the extractMin function could be combined in to one for efficiency. I've left it as two separate loops for readability.
One thing you should keep in mind, there are actually variations of the priority queue that preserve insertion order (within a priority level) and variations that do not care about that order.
For the latter case, you don't have to shuffle all the elements to remove an extracted one, you can simply move the last one in the array over the extracted one. This may result in some time savings if you don't actually need to preserve insertion order - you still have to scan the entire array looking for the new highest-priority item but at least the number of shuffle assignments will be reduced.
#paxdiablo's answer gives the scheme referred to in the book. Another way to achieve the same complexity is to always store the minimum at the first index in the array:
To insert x in O(1) time, either insert it at the end (if it is bigger than the current minimum), or copy the current minimum to the end and then store x at index 0.
To query the minimum in O(1) time, return the value at index 0.
To delete the minimum in O(n) time, search for the new minimum from index 1 onwards, write it at index 0, then "fill in the gap" by swapping the element at the last index to where the new minimum used to be.

Approximation-tolerant map

I'm working with arrays of integer, all of the same size l.
I have a static set of them and I need to build a function to efficiently look them up.
The tricky part is that the elements in the array I need to search might be off by 1.
Given the arrays {A_1, A_2, ..., A_n}, and an array S, I need a function search such that:
search(S)=x iff ∀i: A_x[i] ∈ {S[i]-1, S[i], S[i]+1}.
A possible solution is treating each vector as a point in an l-dimensional space and looking for the closest point, but it'd cost something like O(l*n) in space and O(l*log(n)) in time.
Would there be a solution with a better space complexity (and/or time, of course)?
My arrays are pretty different from each other, and good heuristics might be enough.
Consider a search array S with the values:
S = [s1, s2, s3, ... , sl]
and the average value:
s̅ = (s1 + s2 + s3 + ... + sl) / l
and two matching arrays, one where every value is one greater than the corresponding value in S, and one where very value is one smaller:
A1 = [s1+1, s2+1, s3+1, ... , sl+1]
A2 = [s1−1, s2−1, s3−1, ... , sl−1]
These two arrays would have the average values:
a̅1 = (s1 + 1 + s2 + 1 + s3 + 1 + ... + sl + 1) / l = s̅ + 1
a̅2 = (s1 − 1 + s2 − 1 + s3 − 1 + ... + sl − 1) / l = s̅ − 1
So every matching array, whose values are at most 1 away from the corresponding values in the search array, has an average value that is at most 1 away from the average value of the search array.
If you calculate and store the average value of each array, and then sort the arrays based on their average value (or use an extra data structure that enables you to find all arrays with a certain average value), you can quickly identify which arrays have an average value within 1 of the search array's average value. Depending on the data, this could drastically reduce the number of arrays you have to check for similarity.
After having pre-processed the arrays and stores their average values, performing a search would mean iterating over the search array to calculate the average value, looking up which arrays have a similar average value, and then iterating over those arrays to check every value.
If you expect many arrays to have a similar average value, you could use several averages to detect arrays that are locally very different but similar on average. You could e.g. calculate these four averages:
the first half of the array
the second half of the array
the odd-numbered elements
the even-numbered elements
Analysis of the actual data should give you more information about how to divide the array and combine different averages to be most effective.
If the total sum of an array cannot exceed the integer size, you could store the total sum of each array, and check whether it is within l of the total sum of the search array, instead of using averages. This would avoid having to use floats and divisions.
(You could expand this idea by also storing other properties which are easily calculated and don't take up much space to store, such as the highest and lowest value, the biggest jump, ... They could help create a fingerprint of each array that is near-unique, depending on the data.)
If the number of dimensions is not very small, then probably the best solution will be to build a decision tree that recursively partitions the set along different dimensions.
Each node, including the root, would be a hash table from the possible values for some dimension to either:
The list of points that match that value within tolerance, if it's small enough; or
Those same points in a similar tree partitioning on the remaining dimensions.
Since each level completely eliminates one dimension, the depth of the tree is at most L, and search takes O(L) time.
The order in which the dimensions are chosen along each path is important, of course -- the wrong choice could explode the size of the data structure, with each point appearing many times.
Since your points are "pretty different", though, it should be possible to build a tree with minimal duplication. I would try the ID3 algorithm to choose the dimensions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ID3_algorithm. That basically means you greedily choose the dimension that maximizes the overall reduction in set size, using an entropy metric.
I would personally create something like a Trie for the lookup. I said "something like" because we have up to 3 values per index that might match. So we aren't creating a decision tree, but a DAG. Where sometimes we have choices.
That is straightforward and will run (with backtracking) in maximum time O(k*l).
But here is the trick. Whenever we see a choice of matching states that we can go into next, we can create a merged state which tries all of them. We can create a few or a lot of these merged states. Each one will defer a choice by 1 step. And if we're careful to keep track of which merged states we've created, we can reuse the same one over and over again.
In theory we can be generating partial matches for somewhat arbitrary subsets of our arrays. Which can grow exponentially in the number of arrays. In practice are likely to only wind up with a few of these merged states. But still we can guarantee a tradeoff - more states up front runs faster later. So we optimize until we are done or have hit the limit of how much data we want to have.
Here is some proof of concept code for this in Python. It will likely build the matcher in time O(n*l) and match in time O(l). However it is only guaranteed to build the matcher in time O(n^2 * l^2) and match in time O(n * l).
import pprint
class Matcher:
def __init__ (self, arrays, optimize_limit=None):
# These are the partial states we could be in during a match.
self.states = [{}]
# By state, this is what we would be trying to match.
self.state_for = ['start']
# By combination we could try to match for, which state it is.
self.comb_state = {'start': 0}
for i in range(len(arrays)):
arr = arrays[i]
# Set up "matched the end".
state_index = len(self.states)
this_state = {'matched': [i]}
self.comb_state[(i, len(arr))] = state_index
self.state_for.append((i, len(arr)))
for j in reversed(range(len(arr))):
this_for = (i, j)
prev_state = {}
if 0 == j:
prev_state = self.states[0]
matching_values = set((arr[k] for k in range(max(j-1, 0), min(j+2, len(arr)))))
for v in matching_values:
if v in prev_state:
prev_state[v] = [state_index]
if 0 < j:
state_index = len(self.states)
self.comb_state[this_for] = state_index
# Theoretically optimization can take space
# O(2**len(arrays) * len(arrays[0]))
# We will optimize until we are done or hit a more reasonable limit.
if optimize_limit is None:
# Normally
optimize_limit = len(self.states)**2
# First we find all of the choices at the root.
# This will be an array of arrays with format:
# [state, key, values]
todo = []
for k, v in self.states[0].iteritems():
if 1 < len(v):
todo.append([self.states[0], k, tuple(v)])
while len(todo) and len(self.states) < optimize_limit:
this_state, this_key, this_match = todo.pop(0)
if this_key == 'matched':
pass # We do not need to optimize this!
elif this_match in self.comb_state:
this_state[this_key] = self.comb_state[this_match]
# Construct a new state that is all of these.
new_state = {}
for state_ind in this_match:
for k, v in self.states[state_ind].iteritems():
if k in new_state:
new_state[k] = new_state[k] + v
new_state[k] = v
i = len(self.states)
self.comb_state[this_match] = i
this_state[this_key] = [i]
for k, v in new_state.iteritems():
if 1 < len(v):
todo.append([new_state, k, tuple(v)])
#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
def match (self, list1, ind=0, state=0):
this_state = self.states[state]
if 'matched' in this_state:
return this_state['matched']
elif list1[ind] in this_state:
answer = []
for next_state in this_state[list1[ind]]:
answer = answer + self.match(list1, ind+1, next_state)
return answer;
return []
foo = Matcher([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])
print(foo.match([2, 2, 3]))
Please note that I deliberately set up a situation where there are 2 matches. It reports both of them. :-)
I came up with a further approach derived off Matt Timmermans's answer: building a simple decision tree that might have certain some arrays in multiple branches. It works even if the error in the array I'm searching is larger than 1.
The idea is the following: given the set of arrays As...
Pick an index and a pivot.
I fixed the pivot to a constant value that works well with my data, and tried all indices to find the best one. Trying multiple pivots might work better, but I didn't need to.
Partition As into two possibly-intersecting subsets, one for the arrays (whose index-th element is) smaller than the pivot, one for the larger arrays. Arrays very close to the pivot are added to both sets:
function partition( As, pivot, index ):
return {
As.filter( A => A[index] <= pivot + 1 ),
As.filter( A => A[index] >= pivot - 1 ),
Apply both previous steps to each subset recursively, stopping when a subset only contains a single element.
Here an example of a possible tree generated with this algorithm (note that A2 appears both on the left and right child of the root node):
{A1, A2, A3, A4}
/ \
/ \
{A1, A2} {A2, A3, A4}
pivot:7 pivot:33
index:54 index:0
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
A1 A2 {A2, A3} A4
/ \
/ \
A2 A3
The search function then uses this as a normal decision tree: it starts from the root node and recurses either to the left or the right child depending on whether its value at index currentNode.index is greater or less than currentNode.pivot. It proceeds recursively until it reaches a leaf.
Once the decision tree is built, the time complexity is in the worst case O(n), but in practice it's probably closer to O(log(n)) if we choose good indices and pivots (and if the dataset is diverse enough) and find a fairly balanced tree.
The space complexity can be really bad in the worst case (O(2^n)), but it's closer to O(n) with balanced trees.

What is the most efficient algorithm/data structure for finding the smallest range containing a point?

Given a data set of a few millions of price ranges, we need to find the smallest range that contains a given price.
The following rules apply:
Ranges can be fully nested (ie, 1-10 and 5-10 is valid)
Ranges cannot be partially nested (ie, 1-10 and 5-15 is invalid)
Given the following price ranges:
The result for searching price 7 should be 5-10
The result for searching price 100 should be 100-120 (smallest range containing 100).
What's the most efficient algorithm/data structure to implement this?
Searching the web, I only found solutions for searching ranges within ranges.
I've been looking at Morton count and Hilbert curve, but can't wrap my head around how to use them for this case.
Because you did not mention this ad hoc algorithm, I'll propose this as a simple answer to your question:
This is a python function, but it's fairly easy to understand and convert it in another language.
def min_range(ranges, value):
# ranges = [(1, 100), (50, 100), (100, 120), (5, 10), (5, 20)]
# value = 100
import math
best_range = None
best_range_len = math.inf
for b, e in ranges:
if b <= value <= e and e - b < best_range_len:
best_range = (b, e)
best_range_len = e - b
print(f'Minimal range containing {value} = {best_range}')
I believe there are more efficient and complicated solutions (if you can do some precomputation for example) but this is the first step you must take.
EDIT : Here is a better solution, probably in O(log(n)) but it's not trivial. It is a tree where each node is an interval, and has a child list of all strictly non overlapping intervals that are contained inside him.
Preprocessing is done in O(n log(n)) time and queries are O(n) in worst case (when you can't find 2 ranges that don't overlap) and probably O(log(n)) in average.
2 classes: Tree that holds the tree and can query:
class tree:
def __init__(self, ranges):
# sort the ranges by lowest starting and then greatest ending
ranges = sorted(ranges, key=lambda i: (i[0], -i[1]))
# recursive building -> might want to optimize that in python
self.node = node( (-float('inf'), float('inf')) , ranges)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.node)
def query(self, value):
# bisect is for binary search
import bisect
curr_sol = self.node.inter
node_list = self.node.child_list
while True:
# which of the child ranges can include our value ?
i = bisect.bisect_left(node_list, (value, float('inf'))) - 1
# does it includes it ?
if i < 0 or i == len(node_list):
return curr_sol
if value > node_list[i].inter[1]:
return curr_sol
# if it does then go deeper
curr_sol = node_list[i].inter
node_list = node_list[i].child_list
Node that holds the structure and information:
class node:
def __init__(self, inter, ranges):
# all elements in ranges will be descendant of this node !
import bisect
self.inter = inter
self.child_list = []
for i, r in enumerate(ranges):
if len(self.child_list) == 0:
# append a new child when list is empty
self.child_list.append(node(r, ranges[i + 1:bisect.bisect_left(ranges, (r[1], r[1] - 1))]))
# the current range r is included in a previous range
# r is not a child of self but a descendant !
if r[0] < self.child_list[-1].inter[1]:
# else -> this is a new child
self.child_list.append(node(r, ranges[i + 1:bisect.bisect_left(ranges, (r[1], r[1] - 1))]))
def __str__(self):
# fancy
return f'{self.inter} : [{", ".join([str(n) for n in self.child_list])}]'
def __lt__(self, other):
# this is '<' operator -> for bisect to compare our items
return self.inter < other
and to test that:
ranges = [(1, 100), (50, 100), (100, 120), (5, 10), (5, 20), (50, 51)]
t = tree(ranges)
Preprocessing that generates disjoined intervals
(I call source segments as ranges and resulting segments as intervals)
For ever range border (both start and end) make tuple: (value, start/end fiels, range length, id), put them in array/list
Sort these tuples by the first field. In case of tie make longer range left for start and right for end.
Make a stack
Make StartValue variable.
Walk through the list:
if current tuple contains start:
if interval is opened: //we close it
if current value > StartValue: //interval is not empty
make interval with //note id remains in stack
(start=StartValue, end = current value, id = stack.peek)
add interval to result list
StartValue = current value //we open new interval
push id from current tuple onto stack
else: //end of range
if current value > StartValue: //interval is not empty
make interval with //note id is removed from stack
(start=StartValue, end = current value, id = stack.pop)
add interval to result list
if stack is not empty:
StartValue = current value //we open new interval
After that we have sorted list of disjointed intervals containing start/end value and id of the source range (note that many intervals might correspond to the same source range), so we can use binary search easily.
If we add source ranges one-by-one in nested order (nested after it parent), we can see that every new range might generate at most two new intervals, so overall number of intervals M <= 2*N and overall complexity is O(Nlog N + Q * logN) where Q is number of queries
Added if stack is not empty section
Result for your example 1-100, 50-100, 100-120, 5-10, 5-20 is
1-5(0), 5-10(3), 10-20(4), 20-50(0), 50-100(1), 100-120(2)
Since pLOPeGG already covered the ad hoc case, I will answer the question under the premise that preporcessing is performed in order to support multiple queries efficiently.
General data structures for efficient queries on intervals are the Interval Tree and the Segment Tree
What about an approach like this. Since we only allow nested and not partial-nesting. This looks to be a do-able approach.
Split segments into (left,val) and (right,val) pairs.
Order them with respect to their vals and left/right relation.
Search the list with binary search. We get two outcomes not found and found.
If found check if it is a left or right. If it is a left go right until you find a right without finding a left. If it is a right go left until you find a left without finding a right. Pick the smallest.
If not found stop when the high-low is 1 or 0. Then compare the queried value with the value of the node you are at and then according to that search right and left to it just like before.
As an example;
We would have (l,10) (l,20) (l,30) (r,45) (r,60) (r,100) when searching for say, 65 you drop on (r,100) so you go left and can't find a spot with a (l,x) such that x>=65 so you go left until you get balanced lefts and rights and first right and last left is your interval. The reprocessing part will be long but since you will keep it that way. It is still O(n) in worst-case. But that worst case requires you to have everything nested inside each other and you searching for the outer-most.

How to adapt Fenwick tree to answer range minimum queries

Fenwick tree is a data-structure that gives an efficient way to answer to main queries:
add an element to a particular index of an array update(index, value)
find sum of elements from 1 to N find(n)
both operations are done in O(log(n)) time and I understand the logic and implementation. It is not hard to implement a bunch of other operations like find a sum from N to M.
I wanted to understand how to adapt Fenwick tree for RMQ. It is obvious to change Fenwick tree for first two operations. But I am failing to figure out how to find minimum on the range from N to M.
After searching for solutions majority of people think that this is not possible and a small minority claims that it actually can be done (approach1, approach2).
The first approach (written in Russian, based on my google translate has 0 explanation and only two functions) relies on three arrays (initial, left and right) upon my testing was not working correctly for all possible test cases.
The second approach requires only one array and based on the claims runs in O(log^2(n)) and also has close to no explanation of why and how should it work. I have not tried to test it.
In light of controversial claims, I wanted to find out whether it is possible to augment Fenwick tree to answer update(index, value) and findMin(from, to).
If it is possible, I would be happy to hear how it works.
Yes, you can adapt Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees) to
Update value at a given index in O(log n)
Query minimum value for a range in O(log n) (amortized)
We need 2 Fenwick trees and an additional array holding the real values for nodes.
Suppose we have the following array:
index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
value 1 0 2 1 1 3 0 4 2 5 2 2 3 1 0
We wave a magic wand and the following trees appear:
Note that in both trees each node represents the minimum value for all nodes within that subtree. For example, in BIT2 node 12 has value 0, which is the minimum value for nodes 12,13,14,15.
We can efficiently query the minimum value for any range by calculating the minimum of several subtree values and one additional real node value. For example, the minimum value for range [2,7] can be determined by taking the minimum value of BIT2_Node2 (representing nodes 2,3) and BIT1_Node7 (representing node 7), BIT1_Node6 (representing nodes 5,6) and REAL_4 - therefore covering all nodes in [2,7]. But how do we know which sub trees we want to look at?
Query(int a, int b) {
int val = infinity // always holds the known min value for our range
// Start traversing the first tree, BIT1, from the beginning of range, a
int i = a
while (parentOf(i, BIT1) <= b) {
val = min(val, BIT2[i]) // Note: traversing BIT1, yet looking up values in BIT2
i = parentOf(i, BIT1)
// Start traversing the second tree, BIT2, from the end of range, b
i = b
while (parentOf(i, BIT2) >= a) {
val = min(val, BIT1[i]) // Note: traversing BIT2, yet looking up values in BIT1
i = parentOf(i, BIT2)
val = min(val, REAL[i]) // Explained below
return val
It can be mathematically proven that both traversals will end in the same node. That node is a part of our range, yet it is not a part of any subtrees we have looked at. Imagine a case where the (unique) smallest value of our range is in that special node. If we didn't look it up our algorithm would give incorrect results. This is why we have to do that one lookup into the real values array.
To help understand the algorithm I suggest you simulate it with pen & paper, looking up data in the example trees above. For example, a query for range [4,14] would return the minimum of values BIT2_4 (rep. 4,5,6,7), BIT1_14 (rep. 13,14), BIT1_12 (rep. 9,10,11,12) and REAL_8, therefore covering all possible values [4,14].
Since a node represents the minimum value of itself and its children, changing a node will affect its parents, but not its children. Therefore, to update a tree we start from the node we are modifying and move up all the way to the fictional root node (0 or N+1 depending on which tree).
Suppose we are updating some node in some tree:
If new value < old value, we will always overwrite the value and move up
If new value == old value, we can stop since there will be no more changes cascading upwards
If new value > old value, things get interesting.
If the old value still exists somewhere within that subtree, we are done
If not, we have to find the new minimum value between real[node] and each tree[child_of_node], change tree[node] and move up
Pseudocode for updating node with value v in a tree:
while (node <= n+1) {
if (v > tree[node]) {
if (oldValue == tree[node]) {
v = min(v, real[node])
for-each child {
v = min(v, tree[child])
} else break
if (v == tree[node]) break
tree[node] = v
node = parentOf(node, tree)
Note that oldValue is the original value we replaced, whereas v may be reassigned multiple times as we move up the tree.
Binary Indexing
In my experiments Range Minimum Queries were about twice as fast as a Segment Tree implementation and updates were marginally faster. The main reason for this is using super efficient bitwise operations for moving between nodes. They are very well explained here. Segment Trees are really simple to code so think about is the performance advantage really worth it? The update method of my Fenwick RMQ is 40 lines and took a while to debug. If anyone wants my code I can put it on github. I also produced a brute and test generators to make sure everything works.
I had help understanding this subject & implementing it from the Finnish algorithm community. Source of the image is http://ioinformatics.org/oi/pdf/v9_2015_39_44.pdf, but they credit Fenwick's 1994 paper for it.
The Fenwick tree structure works for addition because addition is invertible. It doesn't work for minimum, because as soon as you have a cell that's supposed to be the minimum of two or more inputs, you've lost information potentially.
If you're willing to double your storage requirements, you can support RMQ with a segment tree that is constructed implicitly, like a binary heap. For an RMQ with n values, store the n values at locations [n, 2n) of an array. Locations [1, n) are aggregates, with the formula A(k) = min(A(2k), A(2k+1)). Location 2n is an infinite sentinel. The update routine should look something like this.
def update(n, a, i, x): # value[i] = x
i += n
a[i] = x
# update the aggregates
while i > 1:
i //= 2
a[i] = min(a[2*i], a[2*i+1])
The multiplies and divides here can be replaced by shifts for efficiency.
The RMQ pseudocode is more delicate. Here's another untested and unoptimized routine.
def rmq(n, a, i, j): # min(value[i:j])
i += n
j += n
x = inf
while i < j:
if i%2 == 0:
i //= 2
x = min(x, a[i])
i = i//2 + 1
if j%2 == 0:
j //= 2
x = min(x, a[j-1])
j //= 2
return x
