make rebuild target depending on zip file - makefile

Why make rebuilds the target (I suppose) if the dependency is a binary file?
To reproduce:
create (and enter it) a new empty directory
download the GameLift SDK (it is just an example: the Makefile content on this question is an example with this file)
create a simple Makefile with the content below
issue more times the make command
all: GameLift_12_22_2020/GameLift-SDK-Release-4.0.2/GameLift-Cpp-ServerSDK-3.4.1/CMakeLists.txt
unzip -oq
I would have expected to see the unzip command to be executed only first time I issue the make command, but it continue to be executed in next make runs... why?

There are two possibilities, we cannot know which is the case with the information you've provided.
The first is that the file GameLift_12_22_2020/GameLift-SDK-Release-4.0.2/GameLift-Cpp-ServerSDK-3.4.1/CMakeLists.txt is not present in the zip file, so the second time make runs it looks to see if that file exists and it doesn't, so it re-runs the rule. If, in the same directory you run make, you use ls GameLift_12_22_2020/GameLift-SDK-Release-4.0.2/GameLift-Cpp-ServerSDK-3.4.1/CMakeLists.txt (after the unzip runs) and you get "file not found" or similar, this is your problem.
If that's not it, then the problem is that the timestamp of the file in the zip file is older than the zip file itself, and when unzip unpacks the file it sets the timestamp to this older time.
So when make goes to build it finds the CMakeLists.txt file but the modification time is older than the zip file, so make unpacks the zip file again to try to update it.
You can use ls -l to see the modification time on that file. If this is the case you should touch the file when you unpack it, so it's newer:
unzip -oq
touch $#


zip created using -jr flags unzipped differently on macOS when double clicking vs running unzip

I am zipping the .xctest file from Plugins folder inside the .app target generated by building my app. I have a build phase script that runs last in my test target to copy this file over. I use the following script to do the zipping:
This gives me file. But it unzips differently based on these 2 methods,
Double clicking in finder
Why is unzip going to the innermost node and extracting all the files? I want the unzip command to give me the .xctest directory. I tried renaming the zip file to and it still behaves similarly.
I was initially zipping using zip -r ${XCTEST_ZIP} ${XCTEST_FILE}, but the problem with this was it would retain the entire folder structure from root (\) when I double clicked to unzip the file. A post recommend using the -j flag instead of -r. But just -j led to no zip file being generated. Another comment recommend -jr which created a zip that generated output I expected when double clicking it. But I guess the unzip command does stuff differently.
Similar Question: MacOs zip file - different result when double click and running unzip command
The cause for error here was very different,
The problem was when the file was created. It was not related to MacOs issue but with certain path length known issue in windows
Based on How to zip folder without full path, I had to update my script to first cd into the TARGET_BUILD_DIR before generating the zip. I also had to remove the -j flag so the local folder structure was retained on running unzip.

Compiling files in a directory into their own zip folder using a makefile script

I am currently taking a class where we submit homework through an online tool. However, it requires submissions to be made up of individually zipped files in order to compile them properly. This is time consuming when I sometimes make multiple submissions. I am trying to write a make file script to make a zipped copy of all files within the same folder. I then want to move those zipped files to a sub directory I create afterward called zippedFiles. This is what I have so far. The for loop line works when I run it directly in terminal but has the following error when I run make zip I get the following error: zip error: Nothing to do! (.zip) I am new to learning bash and make files and have been unable to research a solution on my own.
rm -f ./*zip #remove any extra zip copies.
rm -rf zippedFiles #delete old zippedFiles
for i in *; do zip $ $i; done #zip each file ***not working
mkdir zippedFiles #remake new zippedFiles directory
In makefiles, you must use twice the $ to reference to a variable from the for loop.
for i in *; do zip $$ $$i; done

How to create tar files automatically

I like to create tar-files to distribute some scripts using bash.
For every script certain configuration-files and libraries (or toolboxes) are needed,
e.g. a script called needs Checks.ini, and to run, which are stored in specific folders on my harddisk and need to be copied in the same manner on the users harddisk.
I can create a tarfile manually for each script, but i like to have it more simple.
For this i have the idea to define a list of all needed files and their pathes for a specific script and read this in a bashscript, which creates the tar file.
I started with:
while read line
echo "$line"
done < $1
Which is reading the files and pathes. In my example the lines are:
My question is how do I have to organize the data to make a tar file with the specified files using bash?
Or is there someone having a better idea?
No need for a complicated script, use option -T of tar. Every file listed in there will be added to the tar file:
-T, --files-from FILE
get names to extract or create from FILE
So your script becomes:
tar -cvpf something.tar -T listoffiles.txt
listoffiles.txt format is super easy, one file per line. You might want to put full path to ensure you get the right files:
You can add tar commands to the script as needed, or you could loop on the list files, from that point on, your imagination is the limit!

Making single executable includes all program file and folders with nsis?

I have zip file containing my installation files. I'm extracting this zip and copying these files into installation directory with the script shown below:
ZipDLL::extractall "$OUTDIR\" "C:\myapp\demo\"
if I remove zip file from $OUTDIR than installer is not able to find zip file as expected. What I want to do is embedding this zip or its extracted folders into exe itself. I added
File -r "$OUTDIR/demo"
but this script didn't worked as well.
When you use the ZipDll plugin, you are referring to the file you want to process ( by using its place at run time: along the installer.exe.
When you use the File statement to embed some files into the produced installer, you need to refer to the files by using their place at compile time.
Replace the $OUTDIR in the File statement by the path relative to the .nsi script.
BTW, you should take the habit to check at the compilation log, NSIS probably tells you about that kind of problem when paths are incorrect at compile-time.

How to make open sourced scripts 'installable'?

I've finished a little useful script written in Bash, hosted on github. It's tested and documented. Now, I struggle with how to make it installable, i.e. where should I put it and how.
It seems other such projects use make and configure but I couldn't really find any information on how to do this for bash scripts.
Also I'm unsure into which directory to put my script.
I know how to make it usable by myself but if a user downloads it, I want to provide the means for him to install it easily.
There is no standard for this because most of the time, a project isn't a single script file. Also single file scripts don't need a build step (the script is already in an executable form) and configuration usually comes from an external config file (so no need for a configure script, either).
But I suggest to add a comment near the top of the file which explains what it does and how to install it (i.e. chmod +x + copy to folder).
Alternatively, you could create an installer script which contains your original script plus a header which asks the user where she wants to install the real script and which does everything (mkdir, set permissions with sudo, etc) but it really feels like overkill in your case.
If you want to make it installable so the package manager can easily install and remove (!) it, you need to look at the documentation for rpm or Debian packaging. These are the two most used package managers but they can't install a script per-user (so it would probably end up in /usr/bin)
instruct them to create a file named after the script in their home directory, chmod ug+x the file so it has executable permissions than put the script inside the file, don't forget the #!/bin/bash up top of the vim. This example is a script to copy a file, archive the copied file than remove the copied file leaving only the original file and the archived file.
#### The following will copy the desired file
cp -r /home/wes/Documents/Hum430 /home/wes/docs
#### Next archives the copied file
tar -zcvf Hum430.tar.gz /home/wes/docs
#### and lastly removes the un-archived copy leaving only the original and the archived file.
rm -r /home/wes/docs
### run the file with ./filename (whatever the file is named)
