Finding all functions of certain type - go

Is there a way to list out all functions that uses/returns a specific type?
For example: I'm interested to use the following function.
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error
How can I find out all functions (across all Go packages) that can return a Handler?

I'd write an analysis tool using the x/tools/go/analysis framework. Here's a rough sketch that you can run on any module (it uses go/packages underneath so it fully supports modules):
import (
var RtAnalysis = &analysis.Analyzer{
Name: "rtanalysis",
Doc: "finds functions by return type",
Run: run,
func main() {
func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
for _, file := range pass.Files {
ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
if funcTy, ok := n.(*ast.FuncType); ok {
if funcTy.Results != nil {
for _, fl := range funcTy.Results.List {
if tv, ok := pass.TypesInfo.Types[fl.Type]; ok {
if tv.Type.String() == "net/http.Handler" {
ns := nodeString(funcTy, pass.Fset)
fmt.Printf("%s has return of type net/http.Handler\n", ns)
return true
return nil, nil
// nodeString formats a syntax tree in the style of gofmt.
func nodeString(n ast.Node, fset *token.FileSet) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
format.Node(&buf, fset, n)
return buf.String()


Why doesn't YAML.v3 marshal a struct based on the String() in golang?

I have a struct which contains a type based on an enum. I am trying to render it to a user friendly string. Here's minimum viable code:
package main
import (
type Job struct {
Engine Engine `json:"Engine" yaml:"Engine"`
//go:generate stringer -type=Engine --trimprefix=Engine
type Engine int
const (
engineUnknown Engine = iota // must be first
engineDone // must be last
func main() {
j := Job{Engine: EngineDocker}
fmt.Printf("%+v\n\n", j)
out, _ := yaml.Marshal(j)
Here's the generated code:
// Code generated by "stringer -type=Engine --trimprefix=Engine"; DO NOT EDIT.
package main
import "strconv"
func _() {
// An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed.
// Re-run the stringer command to generate them again.
var x [1]struct{}
_ = x[engineUnknown-0]
_ = x[EngineDocker-1]
_ = x[engineDone-2]
const _Engine_name = "engineUnknownDockerengineDone"
var _Engine_index = [...]uint8{0, 13, 19, 29}
func (i Engine) String() string {
if i < 0 || i >= Engine(len(_Engine_index)-1) {
return "Engine(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"
return _Engine_name[_Engine_index[i]:_Engine_index[i+1]]
Here's the output:
Engine: 1
Here's what I'd like the output to be:
Engine: Docker
I thought the String() in the generated file would accomplish this. Is there any way to do this? Thanks!
yaml marshaler doesn't use String method. Instead YAML uses encoding.TextMarshaler and encoding.TextUnmarshaler interfaces. Actually, all other codec schemes - JSON, XML, TOML, etc. - use those interfaces to read/write the values. So, if you implement those methods for your type, you will receive all other codecs for free.
Here is an example how to make a human-readable encoding for your enum:
type Engine int
const (
engineUnknown Engine = iota // must be first
engineDone // must be last
var engineNames []string
var engineNameToValue map[string]Engine
func init() {
engineNames = []string{"Unknown", "Docker"}
engineNameToValue = make(map[string]Engine)
for i, name := range engineNames {
engineNameToValue[strings.ToLower(name)] = Engine(i)
func (e Engine) String() string {
if e < 0 || int(e) >= len(engineNames) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Invalid engine code: %d", e))
return engineNames[e]
func ParseEngine(text string) (Engine, error) {
i, ok := engineNameToValue[strings.ToLower(text)]
if !ok {
return engineUnknown, fmt.Errorf("Invalid engine name: %s", text)
return i, nil
func (e Engine) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(e.String()), nil
func (e *Engine) UnmarshalText(text []byte) (err error) {
name := string(text)
*e, err = ParseEngine(name)
How it works:
func main() {
j := Job{Engine: EngineDocker}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n\n", j)
out, err := yaml.Marshal(j)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("YAML: %s\n", string(out))
var jj Job
err = yaml.Unmarshal(out, &jj)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n\n", jj)
// == JSON ==
out, err = json.Marshal(j)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("JSON: %s\n", string(out))
var jjs Job
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &jjs)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n\n", jjs)
the output
YAML: Engine: Docker
JSON: {"Engine":"Docker"}
See? It writes and reads strings to both YAML and JSON without any extra effort.

Golang Return a different Struct based on some logic and unmarshal to that struct

I have a case where I'm I have to support multiple versions. Each one has different data so I create 2 structs. Based on the version I will return 1 of the structs. Once I identify which struct, I then would request the data and Unmarshal into the struct. However, Since that struct satisfies an interface, I dont think the unmarshal is working correctly. I always get the zero value for the sctruct
package main
import (
// Ten300 ...
type Ten300 struct {
Map string `json:"map"`
Enabled string `json:"enabled"`
// Ten400 ...
type Ten400 struct {
Block1 int `json:"block_1"`
Block2 int `json:"block_2"`
// NET ...
type NET struct {
CMD Commands
S TenIft
// Commands ...
type Commands struct {
Get string
// TenIft ...
type TenIft interface {
Get(string) error
// Get ...
func (n *Ten300) Get(module string) error {
fmt.Println("Ten300", "Get()")
return nil
// Get ...
func (n *Ten400) Get(module string) error {
fmt.Println("Ten400", "Get()")
n.Block2 = 100
return nil
// TenGen easy to read fun type
type TenGen func() NET
// VersionSetup is a map of possible version
var VersionSetup = map[string]TenGen{
"3.0.0": func() NET {
return NET{
CMD: Commands{
Get: "getConfig",
S: &Ten300{},
"4.0.0": func() NET {
return NET{
CMD: Commands{
Get: "getSettings",
S: &Ten400{},
const input300 = `{
"map": "one",
"enabled": "two"
const input400 = `{
"block_1": 1,
"block_2": 2
// Setup ...
func (n *NET) Setup() error {
// This Switch is just to use hard coded data
var input string
switch n.S.(type) {
case *Ten400:
input = input400
case *Ten300:
input = input300
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), n.S)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("returning err:", err)
return err
fmt.Printf("n.s type: %T\nn.s value: %+v\n", n.S, n.S)
return nil
func main() {
version := "3.0.0"
if f, ok := VersionSetup[version]; ok {
net := f()
err := net.Setup()
if err != nil {
version = "4.0.0"
if f, ok := VersionSetup[version]; ok {
net := f()
err := net.Setup()
if err != nil {
Added go-playground ... this seems to work, but is this the best solution?

Generic function with variable input/output types

Just playing with aws sdk for go. When listing resources of different types I tend to have alot of very similar functions like the two in the example bellow.
Is there a way to rewrite them as one generic function that will return a specific type depending on what is passed on as param?
Something like:
func generic(session, funcToCall, t, input) (interface{}, error) {}
currently I have to do this (functionality is the same just types change):
func getVolumes(s *session.Session) ([]*ec2.Volume, error) {
client := ec2.New(s)
t := []*ec2.Volume{}
input := ec2.DescribeVolumesInput{}
for {
result, err := client.DescribeVolumes(&input)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t = append(t, result.Volumes...)
if result.NextToken != nil {
input.NextToken = result.NextToken
} else {
return t, nil
func getVpcs(s *session.Session) ([]*ec2.Vpc, error) {
client := ec2.New(s)
t := []*ec2.Vpc{}
input := ec2.DescribeVpcsInput{}
for {
result, err := client.DescribeVpcs(&input)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t = append(t, result.Vpcs...)
if result.NextToken != nil {
input.NextToken = result.NextToken
} else {
return t, nil
Because you only deal with functions it is possible to use the reflect package to generate functions at runtime.
Using the object type (Volume, Vpc) it is possible to derive all subsequents information to provide a fully generic implementation that is really dry, at the extent at the being more complex and slower.
It is untested, you are welcome to help in testing and fixing it, but something like this should put you on the track
The registry idea come from this answer
for reference the golang documentation of the reflect package is at
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%T\n", getter(Volume{}))
fmt.Printf("%T\n", getter(Vpc{}))
type DescribeVolumesInput struct{}
type DescribeVpcs struct{}
type Volume struct{}
type Vpc struct{}
type Session struct{}
type Client struct{}
func New(s *Session) Client { return Client{} }
var typeRegistry = make(map[string]reflect.Type)
func init() {
some := []interface{}{DescribeVolumesInput{}, DescribeVpcs{}}
for _, v := range some {
typeRegistry[fmt.Sprintf("%T", v)] = reflect.TypeOf(v)
var errV = errors.New("")
var errType = reflect.ValueOf(&errV).Elem().Type()
var zeroErr = reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem())
var nilErr = []reflect.Value{zeroErr}
func getter(of interface{}) interface{} {
outType := reflect.SliceOf(reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(of)))
fnType := reflect.FuncOf([]reflect.Type{reflect.TypeOf(new(Session))}, []reflect.Type{outType, errType}, false)
fnBody := func(input []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
client := reflect.ValueOf(New).Call(input)[0]
t := reflect.MakeSlice(outType, 0, 0)
name := fmt.Sprintf("Describe%TsInput", of)
descInput := reflect.New(typeRegistry[name]).Elem()
mName := fmt.Sprintf("Describe%Ts", of)
meth := client.MethodByName(mName)
if !meth.IsValid() {
return []reflect.Value{
reflect.ValueOf(fmt.Errorf("no such method %q", mName)),
for {
out := meth.Call([]reflect.Value{descInput.Addr()})
if len(out) > 0 {
errOut := out[len(out)-1]
if errOut.Type().Implements(errType) && errOut.IsNil() == false {
return []reflect.Value{t, errOut}
result := out[1]
fName := fmt.Sprintf("%Ts", of)
if x := result.FieldByName(fName); x.IsValid() {
t = reflect.AppendSlice(t, x)
} else {
return []reflect.Value{
reflect.ValueOf(fmt.Errorf("field not found %q", fName)),
if x := result.FieldByName("NextToken"); x.IsValid() {
} else {
return []reflect.Value{t, zeroErr}
fn := reflect.MakeFunc(fnType, fnBody)
return fn.Interface()
Proxying 3rd party API, is quite simple to implement with
go, here is how' it got implemented with endly e2e test runner AWS proxy
I would say that AWS API is perfect candidate for proxying, as long as reflection performance price is not an issue.
Some other 3rd party API like kubernetes
are much more challenging, but still quite easy to proxy with go, which is a combination of reflection and code generation:

go 1.8 plugin use custom interface

I want to use custom interface based on go plugin, but I found it's not support.
Definition of filter.Filter
package filter
import (
// Context filter context
type Context interface {
SetStartAt(startAt int64)
SetEndAt(endAt int64)
GetStartAt() int64
GetEndAt() int64
GetProxyServerAddr() string
GetProxyOuterRequest() *fasthttp.Request
GetProxyResponse() *fasthttp.Response
NeedMerge() bool
GetOriginRequestCtx() *fasthttp.RequestCtx
GetMaxQPS() int
ValidateProxyOuterRequest() bool
InBlacklist(ip string) bool
InWhitelist(ip string) bool
IsCircuitOpen() bool
IsCircuitHalf() bool
GetOpenToCloseFailureRate() int
GetHalfTrafficRate() int
GetHalfToOpenSucceedRate() int
GetOpenToCloseCollectSeconds() int
GetRecentlyRequestSuccessedCount(sec int) int
GetRecentlyRequestCount(sec int) int
GetRecentlyRequestFailureCount(sec int) int
// Filter filter interface
type Filter interface {
Name() string
Pre(c Context) (statusCode int, err error)
Post(c Context) (statusCode int, err error)
PostErr(c Context)
// BaseFilter base filter support default implemention
type BaseFilter struct{}
// Pre execute before proxy
func (f BaseFilter) Pre(c Context) (statusCode int, err error) {
return http.StatusOK, nil
// Post execute after proxy
func (f BaseFilter) Post(c Context) (statusCode int, err error) {
return http.StatusOK, nil
// PostErr execute proxy has errors
func (f BaseFilter) PostErr(c Context) {
This pkg is in my go app project.
load plugin file
package proxy
import (
var (
// ErrKnownFilter known filter error
ErrKnownFilter = errors.New("unknow filter")
const (
// FilterHTTPAccess access log filter
FilterHTTPAccess = "HTTP-ACCESS"
// FilterHeader header filter
FilterHeader = "HEAD" // process header fiter
// FilterXForward xforward fiter
FilterXForward = "XFORWARD"
// FilterBlackList blacklist filter
FilterBlackList = "BLACKLIST"
// FilterWhiteList whitelist filter
FilterWhiteList = "WHITELIST"
// FilterAnalysis analysis filter
FilterAnalysis = "ANALYSIS"
// FilterRateLimiting limit filter
FilterRateLimiting = "RATE-LIMITING"
// FilterCircuitBreake circuit breake filter
FilterCircuitBreake = "CIRCUIT-BREAKE"
// FilterValidation validation request filter
FilterValidation = "VALIDATION"
func newFilter(filterSpec *conf.FilterSpec) (filter.Filter, error) {
if filterSpec.External {
return newExternalFilter(filterSpec)
input := strings.ToUpper(filterSpec.Name)
switch input {
case FilterHTTPAccess:
return newAccessFilter(), nil
case FilterHeader:
return newHeadersFilter(), nil
case FilterXForward:
return newXForwardForFilter(), nil
case FilterAnalysis:
return newAnalysisFilter(), nil
case FilterBlackList:
return newBlackListFilter(), nil
case FilterWhiteList:
return newWhiteListFilter(), nil
case FilterRateLimiting:
return newRateLimitingFilter(), nil
case FilterCircuitBreake:
return newCircuitBreakeFilter(), nil
case FilterValidation:
return newValidationFilter(), nil
return nil, ErrKnownFilter
func newExternalFilter(filterSpec *conf.FilterSpec) (filter.Filter, error) {
p, err := plugin.Open(filterSpec.ExternalPluginFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := p.Lookup("NewExternalFilter")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sf := s.(func() (filter.Filter, error))
return sf()
This is the code of load plugin in my go app project
package main
import (
// AccessFilter record the http access log
// log format: $remoteip "$method $path" $code "$agent" $svr $cost
type AccessFilter struct {
// NewExternalFilter create a External filter
func NewExternalFilter() (filter.Filter, error) {
return &AccessFilter{}, nil
// Name return name of this filter
func (f *AccessFilter) Name() string {
return "HTTP-ACCESS"
// Pre pre process
func (f *AccessFilter) Pre(c filter.Context) (statusCode int, err error) {
return 200, nil
// Post execute after proxy
func (f *AccessFilter) Post(c filter.Context) (statusCode int, err error) {
cost := (c.GetStartAt() - c.GetEndAt())
log.Infof("%s %s \"%s\" %d \"%s\" %s %s",
return 200, nil
// PostErr post error process
func (f *AccessFilter) PostErr(c filter.Context) {
// GetRealClientIP get read client ip
func GetRealClientIP(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) string {
xforward := ctx.Request.Header.Peek("X-Forwarded-For")
if nil == xforward {
return strings.SplitN(ctx.RemoteAddr().String(), ":", 2)[0]
return strings.SplitN(string(xforward), ",", 2)[0]
This is the definition of plugin, it's in my plugin project. The plugin project and go app project are different projects.
I found errors:
panic: interface conversion: plugin.Symbol is func() (filter.Filter, error), not func() (filter.Filter, error)
You can find code in this project
filter.Filter is in pkg/filter package.
load plugin file in proxy/factory.go
plugin go file is in another project.
Custom interfaces work just fine.
But one important thing: you can only type assert types from values looked up from plugins that are defined outside of the plugin (you can't refer types defined in plugins). This also applies to each component of "composite types", for example you can only type assert a function type whose parameter and result types are also defined outside of the plugin.
1. With a common package outside of the plugin
One solution is to define the interface in a package outside of the plugin, and both the plugin and your app can import it and refer to it.
Define it in package filter:
package filter
type Filter interface {
Name() string
Age() int
The plugin is in package pq and imports package filter:
package main
import (
type plgFilter struct{}
func (plgFilter) Name() string { return "Bob" }
func (plgFilter) Age() int { return 23 }
func GetFilter() (f filter.Filter, err error) {
f = plgFilter{}
fmt.Printf("[plugin GetFilter] Returning filter: %T %v\n", f, f)
And the main app that also imports (the same) package filter, loads the plugin, looks up GetFilter(), calls it and also uses the returned Filter:
package main
import (
func main() {
p, err := plugin.Open("pg/")
if err != nil {
GetFilter, err := p.Lookup("GetFilter")
if err != nil {
filter, err := GetFilter.(func() (filter.Filter, error))()
fmt.Printf("GetFilter result: %T %v %v\n", filter, filter, err)
fmt.Println("\tName:", filter.Name())
fmt.Println("\tAge:", filter.Age())
[plugin GetFilter] Returning filter: main.plgFilter {}
GetFilter result: main.plgFilter {} <nil>
Name: Bob
Age: 23
2. With plugin returning interface{}, and interface defined in main app
Another solution is to have the plugin function return a value of type interface{}. Your main app can define the interface it expects, and it can use type assertion on the interface{} value returned by the plugin.
No filter package this time.
The plugin is in package pq:
package main
import (
type plgFilter struct{}
func (plgFilter) Name() string { return "Bob" }
func (plgFilter) Age() int { return 23 }
func GetFilterIface() (f interface{}, err error) {
f = plgFilter{}
fmt.Printf("[plugin GetFilterIface] Returning filter: %T %v\n", f, f)
And the main app:
package main
import (
func main() {
p, err := plugin.Open("pg/")
if err != nil {
GetFilterIface, err := p.Lookup("GetFilterIface")
if err != nil {
filterIface, err := GetFilterIface.(func() (interface{}, error))()
fmt.Printf("GetFilterIface result: %T %v %v\n", filterIface, filterIface, err)
myfilter := filterIface.(MyFilter)
fmt.Println("\tName:", myfilter.Name())
fmt.Println("\tAge:", myfilter.Age())
type MyFilter interface {
Name() string
Age() int
[plugin GetFilterIface] Returning filter: main.plgFilter {}
GetFilterIface result: main.plgFilter {} <nil>
Name: Bob
Age: 23
Also see related question: How do Go plugin dependencies work?

Go url parameters mapping

Is there a native way for inplace url parameters in native Go?
For Example, if I have a URL: http://localhost:8080/blob/123/test I want to use this URL as /blob/{id}/test.
This is not a question about finding go libraries. I am starting with the basic question, does go itself provide a basic facility to do this natively.
There is no built in simple way to do this, however, it is not hard to do.
This is how I do it, without adding a particular library. It is placed in a function so that you can invoke a simple getCode() function within your request handler.
Basically you just split the r.URL.Path into parts, and then analyse the parts.
// Extract a code from a URL. Return the default code if code
// is missing or code is not a valid number.
func getCode(r *http.Request, defaultCode int) (int, string) {
p := strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/")
if len(p) == 1 {
return defaultCode, p[0]
} else if len(p) > 1 {
code, err := strconv.Atoi(p[0])
if err == nil {
return code, p[1]
} else {
return defaultCode, p[1]
} else {
return defaultCode, ""
Well, without external libraries you can't, but may I recommend two excellent ones:
httprouter - - is extremely fast and very lightweight. It's faster than the standard library's router, and it creates 0 allocations per call, which is great in a GCed language.
Gorilla Mux - -
Very popular, nice interface, nice community.
Example usage of httprouter:
func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, %s!\n", ps.ByName("name"))
func main() {
router := httprouter.New()
router.GET("/hello/:name", Hello)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
What about trying using regex, and find a named group in your url, like playground:
package main
import (
var myExp = regexp.MustCompile(`/blob/(?P<id>\d+)/test`) // use (?P<id>[a-zA-Z]+) if the id is alphapatic
func main() {
s := "http://localhost:8080/blob/123/test"
u, err := url.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
match := myExp.FindStringSubmatch(s) // or match := myExp.FindStringSubmatch(u.Path)
result := make(map[string]string)
for i, name := range myExp.SubexpNames() {
if i != 0 && name != "" {
result[name] = match[i]
fmt.Printf("id: %s\n", result["id"])
id: 123
Below full code to use it with url, that is receiving http://localhost:8000/hello/John/58 and returning http://localhost:8000/hello/John/58:
package main
import (
var helloExp = regexp.MustCompile(`/hello/(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]+)/(?P<age>\d+)`)
func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
match := helloExp.FindStringSubmatch(req.URL.Path)
if len(match) > 0 {
result := make(map[string]string)
for i, name := range helloExp.SubexpNames() {
if i != 0 && name != "" {
result[name] = match[i]
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(result["age"]); err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %v year old named %s!", result["age"], result["name"])
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Sorry, not accepted age!")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Wrong url\n")
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/hello/", hello)
http.ListenAndServe(":8090", nil)
How about writing your own url generator (extend net/url a little bit) as below.
// --- This is how does it work like --- //
url, _ := rest.NewURLGen("http", "stack.over.flow", "1234").
ParamQuery("foo_id", "abc").
ParamQuery("bar_id", "xyz").
ParamQuery("page", "1").
ParamQuery("offset", "5").
log.Printf("url: %s", url)
// url: http://stack.over.flow:1234/foo/abc/bar/xyz?page=1&offset=5
// --- Your own url generator would be like below --- //
package rest
import (
// URLGen generates request URL
type URLGen struct {
pattern string
paramPath map[string]string
paramQuery map[string]string
// NewURLGen new a URLGen
func NewURLGen(scheme, host, port string) *URLGen {
h := host
if port != "" {
h += ":" + port
ug := URLGen{}
ug.Scheme = scheme
ug.Host = h
ug.paramPath = make(map[string]string)
ug.paramQuery = make(map[string]string)
return &ug
// Clone return copied self
func (u *URLGen) Clone() *URLGen {
cloned := &URLGen{}
cloned.paramPath = make(map[string]string)
cloned.paramQuery = make(map[string]string)
err := copier.Copy(cloned, u)
if err != nil {
return cloned
// Pattern sets path pattern with placeholder (format `:<holder_name>`)
func (u *URLGen) Pattern(pattern string) *URLGen {
u.pattern = pattern
return u
// ParamPath builds path part of URL
func (u *URLGen) ParamPath(key, value string) *URLGen {
u.paramPath[key] = value
return u
// ParamQuery builds query part of URL
func (u *URLGen) ParamQuery(key, value string) *URLGen {
u.paramQuery[key] = value
return u
// Do returns final URL result.
// The result URL string is possible not escaped correctly.
// This is input for `gorequest`, `gorequest` will handle URL escape.
func (u *URLGen) Do() (string, error) {
err := u.buildPath()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return u.String(), nil
func (u *URLGen) buildPath() error {
r := []string{}
p := strings.Split(u.pattern, "/")
for i := range p {
part := p[i]
if strings.Contains(part, ":") {
key := strings.TrimPrefix(p[i], ":")
if val, ok := u.paramPath[key]; ok {
r = append(r, val)
} else {
if i != len(p)-1 {
// if placeholder at the end of pattern, it could be not provided
return errors.Errorf("placeholder[%s] not provided", key)
r = append(r, part)
u.Path = strings.Join(r, "/")
return nil
func (u *URLGen) buildQuery() {
q := u.URL.Query()
for k, v := range u.paramQuery {
q.Set(k, v)
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
With net/http the following would trigger when calling localhost:8080/blob/123/test
http.HandleFunc("/blob/", yourHandlerFunction)
Then inside yourHandlerFunction, manually parse r.URL.Path to find 123.
Note that if you don't add a trailing / it won't work. The following would only trigger when calling localhost:8080/blob:
http.HandleFunc("/blob", yourHandlerFunction)
As of 19-Sep-22, with go version 1.19, instance of http.request URL has a method called Query, which will return a map, which is a parsed query string.
func helloHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// when request URL is `http://localhost:3000/?first=hello&second=world`
fmt.Println(req.URL.Query()) // outputs , map[second:[world] first:[hello]]
res.Write([]byte("Hello World Web"))
No way without standard library. Why you don't want to try some library? I think its not so hard to use it, just go get bla bla bla
I use Beego. Its MVC style.
how about a simple utility function ?
func withURLParams(u url.URL, param, val string) url.URL{
u.Path = strings.ReplaceAll(u.Path, param, val)
return u
you can use it like this:
u, err := url.Parse("http://localhost:8080/blob/:id/test")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u := withURLParams(u, ":id","123")
// now u.String() is http://localhost:8080/blob/123/test
If you need a framework and you think it will be slow because it's 'bigger' than a router or net/http, then you 're wrong.
Iris is the fastest go web framework that you will ever find, so far according to all benchmarks.
Install by
go get
Django templates goes easy with iris:
import (
"" // <-----
func main() {
app := iris.New()
app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // you can choose gorillamux too
app.Adapt(view.Django("./templates", ".html")) // <-----
app.Get("/hi", hi)
func hi(ctx *iris.Context){
ctx.Render("hi.html", iris.Map{"Name": "iris"})
