Why is this getting the same row twice in second loop? - for-loop

The code below runs with no apparent errors, but despite I've looked for all possible causes I could think of, I couldn't find the reason why it gets the correct row iterated, marks it as processed ("Sim), and from the 2º iteration on, it gets the new row, but repeats the others already iterated over.
function formToData() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = sheet.getSheetByName("Form Responses 1");
var targetSheet = sheet.getSheetByName("Cadastro de Cliente");
var StartRow = 2;
var RowRange = ss.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
var WholeRange = ss.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 30);
var AllValues = WholeRange.getValues();
var message = "";
for (var i = 0; i < AllValues.length; i++) {
var currentRow = AllValues[i];
//if row has been sent, then continue to next iteration
if (currentRow[0] != "" && currentRow[29] != "Sim") {
//set the row to look at
var setRow = parseInt(i) + StartRow;
var data = currentRow[0];
var dataFormatted = Utilities.formatDate(data, SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSpreadsheetTimeZone(), "dd/MM/yyyy', às 'HH:mm") + "hs";
//set HTML template for information
message +=
"<p><b>Data: </b>" + dataFormatted + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Unidade: </b>" + currentRow[1] + "</p>"
//mark row as "sent"
ss.getRange(setRow, 30).setValue("Sim");
var values = targetSheet.getRange("A:A").getValues();
var maxIndex = values.reduce(function (maxIndex, row, index) {
return row[0] === "" ? maxIndex : index;
}, 0);
targetSheet.getRange(maxIndex + 2, 1, 1, 30)
var sendTo = "email";
var subject = "Cadastro de cliente novo";
if (message) {
to: sendTo,
subject: subject,
name: "Comercial - Emape",
htmlBody: message,
}//For loop closes
I'd appreaciate if you could help me find the flaw.

I tried to replicate this behavior, however, on a static sheet the script performs as expected:
Set unmarked rows in column 30 as 'Sim'.
Copy these rows to a separate sheet starting from the first empty row (or whichever row that Column A is empty).
Given the names of the functions and the sheets, this may be a Sheet generated by a Google Form. These sheets are dynamic, and there is a possibility that the contents may change while your script is running, especially if users are allowed to edit responses.
As a workaround, I suggest to lock the form before running the script:
Also, check the contents of the sheet and form for any possibility that the "Sim" mark might be overwritten by new or edited form data, maybe the sheet is inserting 30 columns instead of 29 or less.


Google Script - Macro to get data from a TABLE A and paste required values to Table B in sequence using LOOP

I seek help in finalizing a MACRO script for following task.
Basic requirements is to get data from 'Ref' tab (around 200 symbols) in a sequence to 'Mcontrol'!E3 (this tab imports a table from the Website)
From this table, sorted highest 2 values of Symbol/s is extracted and exported to 'OI EOD' tab,
i.e. required value is shown in 'OI EOD'! G5:K5.
Then, copy paste range 'OI EOD'! G5:K5 , to the matched row (symbol match to 'Mcontrol'!E3) in the table below ('OI EOD'!C6:C210).
I seek help in putting forEach condition in the macro. SO that next cycle of copy paste function is completed, for each new value in Cell_1 reference.
Hope ppl take notice of the help request from a novice and give good solution and guidance.
Sheet link is Following
Macro -
var wb = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh1= wb.getSheetByName('Mcontrol');
var sh2= wb.getSheetByName('OI EOD');
var R1 = 3
var C1 = 3
var R2 = 3
var C2 = 2
var R3 = 3
var C3 = 5
var cell_1 = sh1.getRange(R1,C1).getValue();
var cell_2 = sh1.getRange(R2,C2).getValue();
var cell_3 = sh1.getRange(R3,C3).getValue();
cell_1 = i + 1;
var Range_1 = sh2.getRange(6, 3, 300);
var row_i = 5 ; // source row no. for data copy paste
const Row_1 = row_i;
const Col_2 = 7;
const Row_Offet1 = 1;
const Col_Offet1 = 5;
var data = Range_1.getValues();
let ABC = cell_3;
let row = 1 + data.findIndex(users => {return users[0] == ABC});
var row_target = row + row_i ;
const sourceRange = sh2.getRange(Row_1,Col_2,Row_Offet1,Col_Offet1);
var destRange = sh2.getRange(row_target,Col_2,Row_Offet1,Col_Offet1);
Logger.log(k) ;
// cell_1=sh1.getRange(R1, C1);
// sh1.getRange(R1,C1).setValue(i);
Not sure if understand the task as a whole, so here is a guess.
This way you can get values from some start to some end 'symbols' (or numbers) and put these values in correct rows on the 'OI EOD' sheet:
function main() {
var start = 1;
var end = 5;
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var mcontrol_sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Mcontrol');
var oi_eod_sheet = ss.getSheetByName('OI EOD');
// get a list of all Symbols from column 'C' of the sheet 'OI EOD'
var symbols = oi_eod_sheet.getRange('c6:c').getValues().flat();
for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
// set the number i on the sheet 'Mcontrol' into the cell 'C3'
// wait to complete all the changes on the spreadsheet
// get the Symbol and Values from the range 'C5:K5' of the sheet 'OI EOD'
var [symbl, _, _, _, ...values] = oi_eod_sheet.getRange('c5:k5').getValues()[0];
// get the row index for this Symbol on the sheet 'Mcontrol'
var row = symbols.indexOf(symbl) + 6;
console.log({row}, {symbl}, {values});
// set the values on the sheet 'OI EOD' on the row with given index
oi_eod_sheet.getRange('g' + row + ':k' + row).setValues([values]);
It's up to you to decide how the start and end values could be defined. It can be values from two cells. Or it can be selected range. Or something else.

Add a status to each proccesed row in for loop that has an if statement with Google App Script

I've got a for loop in App script that is looking only at rows that have data in two columns. I'd like to set a status on each row that is actually processed, but the statuses get added to the wrong rows. When I add to i it adds to the whole length of the array, so I guess I shouldn't be trying to process each row, what am I doing wrong?
function auditReport() {
var sheetname = "Sheet1"; // name of data sheet ex. Form Responses 1
var colstoworkon = 10; // how many cols are filled with data f.e. by a form
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
var data = sheet.getRange(3,1,sheet.getLastRow()-1,colstoworkon).getValues(); // starting with row 2 and column 1 as our upper-left most column,
//This makes it loops continuously and checks all not done rows
for (var i in data) {
if(data[i][1] && data[i][2]){//if email or copy are undefined just skip
var setStatus = sheet.getRange(i,4).setValue("done")
} // end of if
} // End of Loop
} //End of email function
Modification points:
In your script, from getRange(3,1,sheet.getLastRow()-1,colstoworkon), in this case, it is required to be getRange(3,1,sheet.getLastRow()-2,colstoworkon).
In the case of for (var i in data) {, i is the string type.
When you want to use sheet.getRange(i,4).setValue("done"), it is required to be sheet.getRange(Number(i) + 3, 4).setValue("done").
I thought that this might be the reason of your issue of but the statuses get added to the wrong rows..
In the case of if (data[i][1] && data[i][2]) {, if the value is 0, data[i][1] && data[i][2] is false.
When these points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
function auditReport() {
var sheetname = "Sheet1";
var colstoworkon = 10;
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
var data = sheet.getRange(3, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 2, colstoworkon).getDisplayValues();
for (var i in data) {
if (data[i][1] && data[i][2]) {
var setStatus = sheet.getRange(Number(i) + 3, 4).setValue("done");
Or, your script can be also modified as follows. In this modification, done is put using the range list. By this, the process cost can be reduced a little.
function auditReport() {
var sheetname = "Sheet1";
var colstoworkon = 10;
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
var data = sheet.getRange(3, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 2, colstoworkon).getDisplayValues();
var ranges = data.map(([,b,c], i) => b && c ? `D${i + 3}` : "").filter(String);
if (ranges.length == 0) return;

How to randomize names without repeating its name in a row when you click again the randomize function?

Good day. I am making a program to send monthly survey for IT employees with 46 members. Given the code in google app script in google sheet, how could I limit the names of ratees to appear again on the same row when I run randomize function in the 2nd to 6th times. Thank you.
About the code:
It can generate randomize names with no duplicates per row, name1-name46.
It can generate randomize name per column, name 1-46, all name1-46 were in each column
When you rerun the given code, there is a possibility for the name in each row to appear again in the same row.
Given the data below, ratee 1-5 should not appear again in the same row when you run randomize function 2nd-6th times.
function randomize() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetname = "Emails";
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
// some variables
var randomcount = 2; // how many random names
var rowstart = 2; // ignore row 1 - the header row
var width = 6; // how many names in each row - 1/rater plus 5/ratee
var thelastrow = sheet.getLastRow();
//Logger.log("DEBUG:last row = "+thelastrow)
// get the employee names
var employeecount = thelastrow-rowstart+1;
//Logger.log("DEBUG: employee count = "+employeecount);//DEBUG
// get the data
var datarange = sheet.getRange(rowstart, 3, thelastrow - rowstart+1);
//Logger.log("DEBUG: range = "+datarange.getA1Notation());//DEBUG
var data = datarange.getValues();
//Logger.log("data length = "+data.length);
var data1d = data.map(function(e){return e[0]});
var finalArr = getRandUniqMatrix(5, 46).map(function(row){return row.map(function(col){return data1d[col]})});
sheet.getRange(2,4,finalArr.length, finalArr[0].length).setValues(finalArr);
//Credits to: TheMaster
//#see https://stackoverflow.com/a/56588581
function getRandUniqMatrix(numCols, numRows) {
var maxIter = 1000; //Worst case number of iterations, after which the loop and tempCol resets
var output = Array.apply(null, Array(numRows)).map(function(_, i) {
return [i++];
var getRandom = function() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * numRows);
};//getrandom number within numRows
while (numCols--) {//loop through columns
for (
var row = 0, currRandNum = getRandom(), tempCol = [], iter = 0;
row < numRows;
) {//loop through rows
//unique condition
if (!~output[row].indexOf(currRandNum) && !~tempCol.indexOf(currRandNum)) {
} else {
currRandNum = getRandom();//get a new random number
if (iter > 1000) {//reset loop
iter = 0;
tempCol = [];
row = -1;
if (row + tempCol.length + 1 === numRows * 2) {//last row, Combine output+tempCol
output.forEach(function(e, i) {
return e.push(tempCol[i]);
return output;
console.info(getRandUniqMatrix(5, 46));
Expected outcome:
Totally different names per row of ratees when you run randomize function in the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th and 6th times. In realworld application in sending survey, we don't want to rate the same person next month or until 6th month.
Don't run the function 2 to 6 times. Run the function once with 30 column(5x6). Use the first 5 columns the first time, the next 5 columns second time and so on..
var finalArr = getRandUniqMatrix(30, 46).map(function(row){return row.map(function(col){return data1d[col]})});

Replace certain cell values in a column

Disclaimer: I am Newb. I understand scripting a little, but writing it is a pain for me, mostly with loops and arrays, hence the following.
I am attempting to pull all of the data from a specific column (in this case H [8]), check each cell's value in that column and if it is a y, change it to Yes; if it's n, change it to No; if it's empty, leave it alone and move onto the next cell.
Here's what I have so far. As usual, I believe I'm pretty close, but I can't set the value of the active cell and I can't see where I'm messing it up. At one point I actually changed ever value to Yes in the column (so thankful for undo in these cases).
Example of Sheet:
..... COL-H
r1... [service] <-- header
r2... y
r3... y
r4... n
r5... _ <-- empty
r6... y
Intent: Change all y's to Yes and all n's to No (skip blank cells).
What I've tried so far:
Function attempt 1
function Thing1() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("mySheet");
var lrow = ss.getLastRow();
var rng = ss.getRange(2, 8, lrow - 1, 1);
var data = rng.getValues();
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == "y") {
data[i][0] == "Yes";
Function attempt 2
function Thing2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("mySheet");
var lrow = ss.getLastRow();
var rng = ss.getRange(2, 8, lrow - 1, 1);
var data = rng.getValues();
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == "n") {
} else if (data[i][0] == "y") {
Once I'm done here, I want to modify the function so that I can target any column and change one value to another (I already have a method for that, but I need to be able to set the value). It would be like so: =replace(sheet, col, orig_value, new_value). I will post it as well below.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Completed Code for searching and replacing within a column
function replace(sheet, col, origV1, newV1, origV2, newV2) {
// What is the name of the sheet and numeric value of the column you want to search?
var sheet = Browser.inputBox('Enter the target sheet name:');
var col = Browser.inputBox('Enter the numeric value of the column you\'re searching thru');
// Add old and new targets to change (Instance 1):
var origV1 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 1:] What old value do you want to replace?');
var newV1 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 1:] What new value is replacing the old?');
// Optional - Add old and new targets to change (Instance 2):
var origV2 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 2:] What old value do you want to replace?');
var newV2 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 2:] What new value is replacing the old?');
// Code to search and replace data within the column
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheet);
var lrow = ss.getLastRow();
var rng = ss.getRange(2, col, lrow - 1, 1);
var data = rng.getValues();
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == origV1) {
data[i][0] = newV1;
} else if (data[i][0] == origV2) {
data[i][0] = newV2;
Hope this helps someone out there. Thanks Again #ScampMichael!
The array named data was created from the values in the range and is independent of the spreadsheet after it is created so changing an element in the array does not affect the spreadsheet. You must modify the array and then put the whole array back where it came from.
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == "n") {
data[i][0] = "No";
} else if (data[i][0] == "y") {
data[i][0] = "Yes";
rng.setValues(data); // replace old data with new

How to reduce execution time of this Google Apps Script?

I wrote a script that gets a rows data from a spreadsheet and loops through them, calling a function to send an SMS if the rows' data meets certain conditions (having a phone number and not having already been sent for example).
However after adding about 600 rows, the script execution time exceeds it's limit, that seems to be 5 minutes according to my research. I'm using JavaScript objects to read data and a for loop to iterate through the rows.
Can anyone tel me if it is possible to make it faster? I'm very new to programming but this seems such a light task for all this computing power that I can't understand why it takes so long
Thanks in advance!
Here's the code of the function I'm using:
// Will send SMS on the currently active sheet
function sendSms() {
// Use the send sms menu to trigger reconcile
var user = ScriptProperties.getProperty(PROPERTY_USER_RECONCILE);
if (user == null)
// The sheets
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Registo");
var settingsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Settings");
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var startRow = 2;
var apiKey = settingsSheet.getRange("B2").getValue();
var apiSecret = settingsSheet.getRange("B3").getValue();
var prefix = settingsSheet.getRange("B4").getValue();
var numRows = sheet.getMaxRows() - 1;
var numCols = 16;
var statusColNum = 15; // IMPT: To keep track status in col 15
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, numCols);
// Make sure there is API key and secret
if (apiKey == "" || apiSecret == "") {
Browser.msgBox("You MUST fill in your API key and secret in Settings sheet first!");
// Create one JavaScript object per row of data.
var objects = getRowsData(sheet, dataRange);
var totalSent = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i) {
// Get a row object
var rowData = objects[i];
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var templateSheet = ss.getSheetByName("SMS Modelo");
var template = templateSheet.getRange("A1").getValue();
// jump loop iteration if conditions not satisied
if (rowData.resolv == "x" || rowData.contactoUtente == null || rowData.contactoUtente == "" || rowData.reserv == null || rowData.reserv == "" || rowData.cont == "x" || rowData.sms !== null) continue;
var message = fillInTemplateFromObject(template, rowData);
var senderName = "Farm Cunha"
var mobile = rowData.contactoUtente;
// Send via Nexmo API
var response = nexmoSendSms(apiKey, apiSecret,"+351" + mobile, message, senderName);
if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var object = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (object.messages[0]['status'] == "0") {
// Set to QUEUE status - We assumed SENT, as we don't handle delivery status.
//sheet.getRange(startRow + i, statusColNum).setValue(STATUS_QUEUE);
sheet.getRange(startRow + i, statusColNum).setValue(STATUS_SENT);
// Set the reference id
sheet.getRange(startRow + i, 19).setValue(object.messages[0]['message-id']);
// sheet.getRange(startRow + i, statusColNum+3).setValue(new Date()); linha pode ser activada para fazer timestamp do envio
else {
// If status is not 0, then it is an error.
// Set status to the error text
sheet.getRange(startRow + i, statusColNum).setValue(object.messages[0]['error-text']);
else {
// Non 200 OK response
sheet.getRange(startRow + i, statusColNum).setValue("Error Response Code: " + response.getResponseCode);
// Need a wait. Need to throttle else will have "Route Busy" error.
// Update total sent
var lastTotalSent = parseInt(ScriptProperties.getProperty(PROPERTY_SMS_SENT_FOR_RECONCILE));
if (isNaN(lastTotalSent)) lastTotalSent = 0;
ScriptProperties.setProperty(PROPERTY_SMS_SENT_FOR_RECONCILE, (lastTotalSent + totalSent).toString());
Logger.log("Last sent: " + lastTotalSent + " now sent: " + totalSent);
You have a few things in your loop that are too time consuming : spreadsheet readings and API calls + 2 seconds sleep !.
I would obviously advise you to take these out of the loop (specially the template sheet reading that is always the same!). A possible solution would be to check the conditions from the row objects and to save the valid entries in an array... THEN iterate in this array to call the API.
If this is still too long then proceed by small batches, saving the end position of the partial iteration in scriptproperties and using a timer trigger that will continue the process every 5 minutes until it is completed (and kill the trigger at the end).
There are a few example of this kind of "mechanics" on this forum, one recent example I suggested is here (it's more like a draft but the idea is there)
Ok, I've solved it by taking these 3 lines out of the loop as Serge (thanks) had told me to:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var templateSheet = ss.getSheetByName("SMS Modelo");
var template = templateSheet.getRange("A1").getValue();
It's so simple that I don't know how I was not seeing that.
This simple change made the script much faster. For example, going through 600 rows would take more than 5 minutes. Now, more than 5000 rows only take seconds.
