How to use Template Literals in Cypress It() command description - mocha.js

When I put a template literal in the description of an It command, the template literal does not get evaluated, instead, the template literal code is displayed.
let title = "Page Tile";
it('Find Page Title = ${title}' , function () {
cy.title({ timeout: 90000 }).should('include', title)
The output looks like: Find Page Title = ${title}
I was hoping for output of: Find Page Title = Page Tile

Make sure you are using backticks. `` instead of ''.


How to check either the headline or the content should contain "FIFA" keyword?

How do I write this test in Cypress?
enter image description here
I have to confirm that either the headline or paragraph should contain the same keyword.
It's better to have JQuery elements in hand before the assertion so that you can use JQuery methods on them. cy.get() acts just like $(...) in JQuery, it will be enough to have the elements. (more here)
Once u have the elements, i.e. $el1 and $el2 below, then you can get their text via .text() method (more here) and then you can write your assertion.
Instead of a separate assertion, below I used a single one and checked if either of them includes the desired text by using || operator.
cy.get('first-el').then($el1 => {
cy.get('second-el').then($el2 => {
const inEl1 = $el1.text().includes('FIFA');
const inEl2 = $el2.text().includes('FIFA');
expect(inEl1 || inEl2);

Kendo UI template syntax in TabStrip

I have a kendo template that contains a tabstrip. In this tabstrip I have item that use the kendo template syntax like so:
items.Add().Text("Block Attributes").LoadContentFrom("BlockAttributes", "Properties", new { blockRef = "#=BlockRef#" });
In this case the block ref gets output as expected. However when using the .Action() method like so:
items.Add().Action("Details", "Properties", new { fiscalYear = Model.FiscalYear, blockRef = "#=BlockRef#" }).Text("Details");
the propertyId uses the literal string that is typed so it will try to navigate using "#=BlockRef#" as a parameter which results in an error.
Why does it work ok for the former but not the latter? How do I get this to work?
A solution I have found, although probably ill-advised is to do the following:
items.Add().Text("Details").Url(Url.Action("Detail", "Properties", new { fiscalYear = Model.FiscalYear, blockRef = -1 }).ToString().Replace("-1", "#=BlockRef#"))
It seems there is no way to get Kendo templates to work directly with Url.Action(), the html has to first be generated and then parameters have to be individually replaced. I used -1 as BlockRef is expecting an int and there is no possible way for -1 to appear naturally in the system.

Replacing scan by gsub in Ruby: how to allow code in gsub block?

I am parsing a Wiki text from an XML dump, for a string named 'section' which includes templates in double braces, including some arguments, which I want to reorganize.
This has an example named TextTerm:
section="Sample of a text with a first template {{TextTerm|arg1a|arg2a|arg3a...}} and then a second {{TextTerm|arg1b|arg2b|arg3b...}} etc."
I can use scan and a regex to get each template and work on it on a loop using:
section.scan(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/i).each { |item| puts "1=" + item[1] # arg1a etc.}
And, I have been able to extract the database of the first argument of the template.
Now I also want to replace the name of the template "NewTextTerm" and reorganize its arguments by placing the second argument in place of the first.
Can I do it in the same loop? For example by changing scan by a gsub(rgexp){ block}:
section.gsub!(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| '{{NewTextTerm|\2|\1}}'}
I get:
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|\\2|\\1}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|\\2|\\1}} etc."
meaning that the arguments of the regexp are not recognized. Even if it worked, I would like to have some place within the gsub block to work on the arguments. For example, I can't have a puts in the gsub block similar to the scan().each block but only a string to be substituted.
Any ideas are welcome.
PS: Some editing: braces and "section= added", code is complete.
When you have the replacement as a string argument, you can use '\1', etc. like this:
string.gsub!(regex, '...\1...\2...')
When you have the replacement as a block, you can use "#$1", etc. like this:
You are mixing the uses. Stick to either one.
Yes, changing the quote by a double quote isn't enough, #$1 is the answer. Here is the complete code:
section="Sample of a text with a first template {{TextTerm|arg1a|arg2a|arg3a...}} and then a second {{TextTerm|arg1b|arg2b|arg3b...}} etc."
section.gsub(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| "{{New#$1|#$3|#$2}}"}
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|arg2a|arg3a...|arg1a}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|arg2b|arg3b...|arg1b}} etc."
Thus, it works. Thanks.
But now I have to replace the string, by a "function" returning the changed string:
def stringreturn(arg1,arg2,arg3) strr = "{{New"+arg1 + arg3 +arg2 + "}}"; return strr ; end
section.gsub(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| stringreturn("#$1","|#$2","|#$3") }
will return:
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|arg2a|arg3a...|arg1a}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|arg2b|arg3b...|arg1b}} etc."
Thanks to all!
There is probably a better way to manipulate arguments in MediaWiki templates using Ruby.

XQuery looking for text with 'single' quote

I can't figure out how to search for text containing single quotes using XPATHs.
For example, I've added a quote to the title of this question. The following line
$x("//*[text()='XQuery looking for text with 'single' quote']")
Returns an empty array.
However, if I try the following
$x("//*[text()=\"XQuery looking for text with 'single' quote\"]")
It does return the link for the title of the page, but I would like to be able to accept both single and double quotes in there, so I can't just tailor it for the single/double quote.
You can try it in chrome's or firebug's console on this page.
Here's a hackaround (Thanks Dimitre Novatchev) that will allow me to search for any text in xpaths, whether it contains single or double quotes. Implemented in JS, but could be easily translated to other languages
function cleanStringForXpath(str) {
var parts = str.match(/[^'"]+|['"]/g);
parts ={
if (part === "'") {
return '"\'"'; // output "'"
if (part === '"') {
return "'\"'"; // output '"'
return "'" + part + "'";
return "concat(" + parts.join(",") + ")";
If I'm looking for I'm reading "Harry Potter" I could do the following
var xpathString = cleanStringForXpath( "I'm reading \"Harry Potter\"" );
$x("//*[text()="+ xpathString +"]");
// The xpath created becomes
// //*[text()=concat('I',"'",'m reading ','"','Harry Potter','"')]
Here's a (much shorter) Java version. It's exactly the same as JavaScript, if you remove type information. Thanks to
String escapedText = "concat('"+originalText.replace("'", "', \"'\", '") + "', '')";!
In XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0, the delimiter of a string literal can be included in the string literal by doubling it:
let $a := "He said ""I won't"""
let $a := 'He said "I can''t"'
The convention is borrowed from SQL.
This is an example:
/*/*[contains(., "'") and contains(., '"') ]/text()
When this XPath expression is applied on the following XML document:
<t>I'm reading "Harry Potter"</t>
<t>I am reading "Harry Potter"</t>
<t>I am reading 'Harry Potter'</t>
the wanted, correct result (a single text node) is selected:
I'm reading "Harry Potter"
Here is verification using the XPath Visualizer (A free and open source tool I created 12 years ago, that has taught XPath the fun way to thousands of people):
Your problem may be that you are not able to specify this XPath expression as string in the programming language that you are using -- this isn't an XPath problem but a problem in your knowledge of your programming language.
Additionally, if you were using XQuery, instead of XPath, as the title says, you could also use the xml entities:
"" for double and &apos; for single quotes"
they also work within single quotes
You can do this using a regular expression. For example (as ES6 code):
export function escapeXPathString(str: string): string {
str = str.replace(/'/g, `', "'", '`);
return `concat('${str}', '')`;
This replaces all ' in the input string by ', "'", '.
The final , '' is important because concat('string') is an error.
Well I was in the same quest, and after a moment I found that's there is no support in xpath for this, quiet disappointing! But well we can always work around it!
I wanted something simple and straight froward. What I come with is to set your own replacement for the apostrophe, kind of unique code (something you will not encounter in your xml text) , I chose //apos// for example. now you put that in both your xml text and your xpath query . (in case of xml you didn't write always we can replace with replace function of any editor). And now how we do? we search normally with this, retrieve the result, and replace back the //apos// to '.
Bellow some samples from what I was doing: (replace_special_char_xpath() is what you need to make)
function repalce_special_char_xpath($str){
$str = str_replace("//apos//","'",$str);
/*add all replacement here */
return $str;
function xml_lang($xml_file,$category,$word,$language){ //path can be relative or absolute
$language = str_replace("-","_",$language);// to replace - with _ to be able to use "en-us", .....
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_file);
$xpath_result = $xml->xpath("${category}/def[en_us = '${word}']/${language}");
$result = $xpath_result[0][0];
return repalce_special_char_xpath($result);
the text in xml file:
<en_us>If you don//apos//t know which server, Click here for automatic connection</en_us> <fr_fr>Si vous ne savez pas quelle serveur, Cliquez ici pour une connexion automatique</fr_fr> <ar_sa>إذا لا تعرفوا أي سرفير, إضغطوا هنا من أجل إتصال تلقائي</ar_sa>
and the call in the php file (generated html):
<span><?php echo xml_lang_body("If you don//apos//t know which server, Click here for automatic connection")?>

Why does this code not remove Layout?

I spent some time trying to remove layout (defined in _ViewStart) using:
#Layout = ""
#Layout = null
Why does it only work using block?
Layout = "";
In my vision, both ways should work.
#Layout is a code nugget.
It prints the value of the Layout property.
The Razor parser stops at the space after the word Layout, so the = null is parsed as literal markup.
You want to execute a statement, not print a value, so you need to use a code block (#{ ... }).
For more information, see my blog post.
