Why does the algorithm expression result get trucated? - bash

If I run $((0x100 - 0 & 0xff)), I got 0.
However $((0x100 - 0)) gives me 256.
Why the result from the first expression got truncated?

Because & is a bitwise operator, and there are no matching bits in 0x100 and 0xff.
What that means is it looks at the bits that make up your numbers and you get a 1 back in the position where both inputs have a 1.
So if you do $((0x06 & 0x03))
In binary you end up with
6 = 0110
3 = 0011
So when you logical and those together, you'll get
0010 (binary) or 0x02
For the numbers you have, there are no bits in common:
0x100 in binary is
0000 0001 0000 0000
0xff in binary is
0000 0000 1111 1111
If you bitwise and them together, there are no matching bits, so you'll end up with
0000 0000 0000 0000
Interestingly, it does the subtraction before it does the bitwise and operation (I expected it to do the other way):
$((0x100 - 1 & 0xff)) gives 255 or 0xff because 0x100 - 1 = 0xff


Why does the CRC of "1" yield the generator polynomial itself?

While testing a CRC implementation, I noticed that the CRC of 0x01 usually (?) seems to be the polynomial itself. When trying to manually do the binary long division however, I keep ending up losing the leading "1" of the polynomial, e.g. with a message of "0x01" and the polynomial "0x1021", I would get
1 0000 0000 0000 (zero padded value)
(XOR) 1 0000 0010 0001
0 0000 0010 0001 = 0x0021
But any sample implementation (I'm dealing with XMODEM-CRC here) results in 0x1021 for the given input.
Looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computation_of_cyclic_redundancy_checks, I can see how the XOR step of the upper bit leaving the shift register with the generator polynomial will cause this result. What I don't get is why this step is performed in that manner at all, seeing as it clearly alters the result of a true polynomial division?
I just read http://www.ross.net/crc/download/crc_v3.txt and noticed that in section 9, there is mention of an implicitly prepended 1 to enforce the desired polynomial width.
In my example case, this means that the actual polynomial used as divisor would not be 0x1021, but 0x11021. This results in the leading "1" being dropped, and the remainder being the "intended" 16-bit polynomial:
1 0000 0000 0000 0000 (zero padded value)
(XOR) 1 0001 0000 0010 0001
0 0001 0000 0010 0001 = 0x1021

How to bitmask a number (in hex) using the AND operator?

I know that you can bitmask by ANDing a value with 0. However, how can I both bitmask certain nibbles and maintain others. In other words if I have 0x000f0b7c and I wanted to mask the everything but b (in other words my result would be 0x00000b00) how would I use AND to do this? Would it require multiple steps?
You can better understand boolean operations if you represent values in binary form.
The AND operation between two binary digits returns 1 if both the binary digits have a value of 1, otherwise it returns 0.
Suppose you have two binary digits a and b, you can build the following "truth table":
a | b | a AND b
0 | 0 | 0
1 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | 0
1 | 1 | 1
The masking operation consists of ANDing a given value with a "mask" where every bit that needs to be preserved is set to 1, while every bit to discard is set to 0.
This is done by ANDing each bit of the given value with the corresponding bit of the mask.
The given value, 0xf0b7c, can be converted as follows:
f 0 b 7 c (hex)
1111 0000 1011 0111 1100 (bin)
If you want to preserve only the bits corresponding to the "b" value (bits 8..11) you can mask it this way:
f 0 b 7 c
1111 0000 1011 0111 1100
0000 0000 1111 0000 0000
The value 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 can be converted to hex and has a value of 0xf00.
So if you calculate "0xf0b7c AND 0xf00" you obtain 0xb00.

decoding HID data

I am using an rs232 HID reader.
Its manual says that its output is
where CC is reserved for HID
DDDDDDDDDD is the transponder (the card) data
XX is a checksum
the checksum is well explained and irrelevant here. About DDDDDDDDDD only says valid values are 0000000000 to 1FFFFFFFFF but no indication of how it converts to what is printed on front face of the card.
I have 3 sample cards, sadly on a short range (edit plus an extra one). here I show them:
readed from rs232 shown on card
00000602031C27 00398
00000602031F2A 00399
0000060203202B 00400
00000601B535F1 55962 **new
Also I have a DB with 1000 cards loaded (what is printed on front) so I need the the decode path from what I read on rs232 to what is printed on front.
Some values from DB (I have seen the cards, but I have no phisical access to them now)
Thanks a lot to every one.
Googling for the string "CCDDDDDDDDDDXX" returns http://www.rfideas.com/downloads/SerialAppNote8.pdf which seems to describe how to decode the numbers. I don't guarantee if that is accurate.
Decoding the Standard 26-bit Format
Message sent by the reader:
0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 3 1 C 2 7
0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 3 1 F 2 A
0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 3 2 0 2 B
0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 B 5 3 5 F 1
Stripping off the checksum, X, and reducing the data to binary gives:
cccc cccc zzzz zzzz zzzz zspf ffff fffn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnp
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0010 0000 0011 0001 1100
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0010 0000 0011 0001 1111
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0010 0000 0011 0010 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0001 1011 0101 0011 0101
All the Card Data Characters to the left of the 7th can be ignored.
c = HID Specific Code.
z = leading zeros
s = start sentinel (it is always a 1)
p = parity odd and even (12 bits each).
f = Facility Code 8 bits
n = Card Number 16 bits
From this we can see that
00000602031C27 → n = 0b0000000110001110 = 398
00000602031F2A → n = 0b0000000110001111 = 399
0000060203202B → n = 0b0000000110010000 = 400
00000601B535F1 → n = 0b1101101010011010 = 55962
So, for your example, we may probably get:
(f, n) = 0b0000_0001__1101_1000_1100_1111
odd parity of first 12 bits = 0
even parity of last 12 bits = 0
result = 00000403b19e56

Are these endian transformations correct?

I am struggling to figure this out, I am trying to represent a 32bit variable in both big and little endian. For the sake of argument let's say we try the number, "666."
Big Endian: 0010 1001 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000
Little Endian: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1001 1010
Is this correct, or is my thinking wrong here?
666 (decimal) as 32-bit binary is represented as:
[0000 0000] [0000 0000] [0000 0010] [1001 1010] (big endian, most significant byte first))
[1001 1010] [0000 0010] [0000 0000] [0000 0000] (little endian, least significant byte first)
(I have used square brackets to group 4-bit nibbles into bytes)

How do you convert little Endian to big Endian with bitwise operations?

I get that you'd want to do something like take the first four bits put them on a stack (reading from left to right) then do you just put them in a register and shift them x times to put them at the right part of the number?
Something like
1000 0000 | 0000 0000 | 0000 0000 | 0000 1011
Stack: bottom - 1101 - top
shift it 28 times to the left
Then do something similar with the last four bits but shift to the right and store in a register.
Then you and that with an empty return value of 0
Is there an easier way?
Yes there is. Check out the _byteswap functions/intrinsics, and/or the bswap instruction.
You could do this way..
For example
I/p : 0010 1000 and i want output
1000 0010
input store into a variable x
int x;
i = x>>4
j = x<<4
k = i | j
print(K) //it will have 1000 0010.
