How Develop Win32 and DirectX in VSCode - windows

I want develop Win32 and DirectX in Visual Studio Code.
I already installed gcc, mingw.
OS is windows10.
How do I setting it?

See Microsoft Docs for details on developing C++ code with VS Code.
The latest DirectX headers and link libraries are found in the Windows 10 SDK. Using the Visual C++ or clang/LLVM for Windows toolsets are the best options for consuming the latest Windows 10 SDK.
You may find the DirectX Tool Kit a useful starting point, although my tutorials focus on the Visual Studio MSBuild build environment. I also reference using CMake. You can use MSBuild through Visual Studio Community, and you can use CMake through either VS Community or VS Code.


Use Visual Tools without installing Visual Studio

I've a Windows Server 2012 for make my build every night. I want to use CMake to generate Makefiles with NMake. But I don't want to install a complete Visual Studio just to get the tools (compiler / linker).
I want to know if there is a way to do that or if I have to install visual imperative ?
I search on web but the answers i found are not so clear...
The commmand line build Tools has been removed from the Windows SDK as of the "Windows SDK for Windows 8" release. Earlier SDKs included compilers. So if you use an SDK prior to the Windows 8 era you can go with the older SDKs.
If you new the current SDK version you need to install developer Tools like Visual Studio.

Can I compile and run cuda program in windows 7 without visual studio?

Currently I am new to CUDA I have NVIDIA tesla c2075 card I install CUDA toolkit for windows. Now I don't have visual studio. I want to run and test CUDA programs without using visual studio.
The only officially supported compiler for use with CUDA on windows is cl.exe, the compiler that ships with visual studio. It also comes with the express (free) versions of visual studio. Is there a reason you don't want to do this?
You can also get the tools and set up a command-line compile environment using the Microsoft Windows SDK.

Build C++/C# created with Visual Studio 2012 without VS 2012 being installed?

If I have a Visual Studio Solution file of VS2012 with few C++ native projects and a few C# projects, can I build this solution without installing Visual Studio 2012 itself?
This would ease (among other things) the maintenance on our Build-Server nodes.
You will need to install VS2012 Express.
Based on Microsoft documentation:
The Windows SDK no longer ships with a complete command-line build environment. You must install a compiler and build environment separately. If you require a complete development environment that includes compilers and a build environment, you can download Visual Studio 2012 Express, which includes the appropriate components of the Windows SDK.
There's also SharpDevelop... That should be able to build whatever you need. You may need to install the SDK, too- not sure. But it's quite a bit more lightweight than VS (express or not). And there's always Mono (and MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio) for the C# and LLVM, MinGW and LCC for the C/C++ compilation, should you feel Microsoft's compilers have cooties. LLVM just released their first version for Windows not long ago, but it seems pretty solid... MinGW has been working on Windows for ages (and cross-compiling to Windows from various POSIX OSes, to boot). LCC can be slightly flaky at times, but it's tiny. I think the licensing is a bit restrictive, too, but you'll want to check yourself if that's the route you intend to go.
Also... just found this: Walkthrough: Using MSBuild to Create a Visual C++ Project.

Possible to use Qt Open Source integrated in Visual Studio?

I'm currently having issues installing Qt (Open Source Edition) such that I can use it in integrated into Visual Studio 2010. I realize that the 2008 edition will have deployment issues, and so I installed it from the source, only to be missing qtmaind.lib.
Anyways, I was looking around for a solution to this, and I came upon this:, which states:
Open Source Versions of Qt is not officially supported for use with
any version of Visual Studio. Integration with Visual Studio is
available as part of the Qt Commercial Edition.
Anyways, I thought maybe this was the reason I was having problems, and so I wanted to ask the following question:
Is it possible to integrate Open Source Qt into Visual Studio?
Absolutely. I use Qt 4.7 integrated with Visual Studio 2005.
I configured Qt this way:
configure -debug-and-release -opensource -shared -ltcg
-no-accessibility -no-qt3support
Once Qt was built (via nmake), I also installed the Qt Visual Studio Add-in.

Using the Windows 7 and DirectX SDKs with VS2005

I have Visual Studio 2005 and want to teach myself DirectX in my free time. I downloaded the latest Windows 7 and DirectX SDKs. According to Microsoft's website, the latest DirectX SDK is not compatible with Visual Studio 2005 (I assume they mean it's not compatible with the SDK it came with). Can I configure VS2005 to use the SDKs I downloaded instead of the SDK it came with? If so, is there anything I should be particularly careful with?
The June 2010 DirectX SDK no longer supports Visual Studio 2005. You need to download an older version of the SDK and you'll be fine.
I'd wager you can encourage June 2010 to run under 2005. You may need to modify your headers slightly to make them 2005 compatible but the DX DLLs don't care what they get dynamically linked to by ... Install the SDK set up the include and library paths to point at the DirectX sdk ... compile and see what errors you get.
