Evaluating an hcl.Expression which expected value is a Go interface - go

I am writing a HCL-based configuration language where some types of blocks can reference other blocks using expressions, as follows:
source "my_source" {
// some blocks and attributes...
to = destination.my_kafka_topic
destination "kafka" "my_kafka_topic" {
// some blocks and attributes...
destination "elasticsearch" "my_es_index" {
// some blocks and attributes...
(The goal is the model the flow of events in a messaging system, and then materialize the actual system in terms of infrastructure.)
During parsing, I simply perform a partial decoding of the static attributes and blocks and ensure "to" hcl.Attributes can be interpreted as hcl.Traversals, but don't evaluate them (yet).
type Source struct {
Name string // first HCL tag
/* ... */
To hcl.Traversal
type Destination struct {
Type string // first HCL tag
Name string // second HCL tag
/* ... */
Later, referenceable blocks (e.g. destination in the example above) are associated with a certain Go type based on their Type label, and this Go type always implements an interface called Referenceable.
type Referenceable interface {
AsReference() *Destination
type Destination struct {
// fields that represent the destination in terms of address, protocol, etc.
At that stage, I know how to build a map of referenceables map[string]Referenceable where the key is <block_type>.<block_name> (e.g. "destination.my_kafka_topic"), but I am unsure how to leverage that in an hcl.EvalContext in order to evaluate the variables to Go Referenceables.
What I would like to know is: how to express a Go interface in the cty type system used by hcl.EvalContext? Is is even possible? If not, is it advised to inject instances of *Destination in the hcl.EvalContext instead?


Define golang struct as type with arbitrary fields?

I'm very new to golang and the use of interfaces more generally. I've stubbed out some code here:
type Alerter interface {
type AlertConfig struct{}
type Alert struct {
Config *AlertConfig
type AlertConfigurator interface {
UpdateConfig(key, value interface{}) (*AlertConfig, error)
type EmailAlertConfig AlertConfig {
Recipients []mail.Address,
type HTTPAlertConfig AlertConfig {
Method string
TargetURL url.URL
type HTTPAlert struct {
Config *HTTPAlertConfig
type EmailAlert struct {
Config *EmailAlertConfig
func (ea *EmailAlert) Alert() {
// this would actually send an email using data in its Config
func (ha *HTTPAlert) Alert() {
// this would actually hit an HTTP endpoint using data in its Config
I'm sure I have all kinds of assumptions & biases that are hobbling my ability to express what I want to accomplish with this:
I want to create different types of "Alert"s. Any alert I create should have an "Alert()"
method that triggers the Alert to actually do something (send an email, or POST to a URL,
for example.
The trouble comes in representing an Alert's "Config". Different Alerts have different fields
in their Configs. However, for each Alert type, specific fields are required to be there.
To accomplish that I wanted to create a base type "AlertConfig" as a struct with arbitrary fields,
then define, say, EmailAlertConfig as type 'AlertConfig', but having these specific fields, and then
type 'HTTPAlertConfig' as type 'AlertConfig' requiring different fields. This way, I can define
the 'Alert' type as having a field 'Config *AlertConfig'.
I can almost emulate what I want if AlertConfig is defined as map[string]interface{}, but
in this case I can't leverage golang's checking to validate that an EmailConfig has the required fields.
It seems pretty clear that I'm thinking about this the wrong way. I could use a hand in getting on the right track & appreciate your advice.
Declare a type with the common fields:
type AlertConfig struct {
ExampleCommonField string
Embed that type in actual configurations:
type HTTPAlertConfig struct {
Method string
TargetURL url.URL
Based on the code in the question, the alert and config types can be combined.
func (ha *HTTPAlertConfig) Alert() {
// this will hit an HTTP endpoint using data in the receiver
One way to deal with this problem is to leave configs as purely implementation specific:
type HTTPAlert struct {
Config *HTTPAlertConfig
func (a *HTTPAlert) Alert() {...}
type EmailAlert struct {
Config *EmailAlertConfig
func (e *EmailAlert) Alert() {...}
With this implementation, the actual Alert implementation can use the type-specific alert configuration, leaving the problem of initializing the config.
When you create the instance of an alert, you can perform type-specific initialization. For instance:
var alerts = map[string]func(configFile string) Alert {
"htmlAlert": NewHTMLAlert,
"emailAlert" NewEmailAlert,
func NewHTMLAlert(configFile string) Alert {
var alert HTMLAlert
// Read file, initialize alert
return &alert

Go: Access a struct's properties through an interface{}

I am having trouble in accessing the one struct's properties (named Params) in different file.
please consider x.go where i invoke a function(CreateTodo)
type Params struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
IsCompleted int `json:is_completed`
Status string `json:status`
var data = &Params{Title:"booking hotel", IsCompleted :0,Status:"not started"}
isCreated := todoModel.CreateTodo(data) // assume todoModel is imported
now CreateTodo is a method on a struct (named Todo) in different file lets say y.go
type Todo struct {
Id int `json:todo_id`
Title string `json:"title"`
IsCompleted int `json:is_completed`
Status string `json:status`
func (mytodo Todo)CreateTodo(data interface{}) bool{
// want to access the properties of data here
return true
Now I just want to use properties of data in CreateTodo function in y.go.
But i am not able to do so and getting following error
data.Title undefined (type interface {} is interface with no methods)
I am sure issue is around accepting struct as an empty interface but i am not able to figure out.
Please help here.Thanks
So you have one of two options, depending on your model:
Switch to data *Params instead of data interface{} as suggested in another answer but it looks like you are expecting different types in this function, if so; check option #2 below.
Use Type switches as follows:
func (t Todo) CreateTodo(data interface{}) bool {
switch x := data.(type) {
case Params:
return true
// Other expected types
// Unexpected type
return false
P.S. Be careful with your json tags: it should be json:"tagName". Notice the ""! Check go vet.
You could just type the function parameter:
func (mytodo Todo)CreateTodo(data *Params) bool{
// want to access the properties of data here
return true
See: https://play.golang.org/p/9N8ixBaSHdP
If you want to operate on a Params (or *Params), you must do that.
If you want to operate on an opaque type hidden behind an interface{}, you must do that.
In short, you cannot peek behind the curtain without peeking behind the curtain. Either expose the actual type Params, so that you can look at it, or keep all the code that does look at it elsewhere. The "keep the code elsewhere" is where interface really shines, because it allows you to declare that something otherwise-opaque has behaviors and ask for those behaviors to happen:
type Titler interface {
GetTitle() string
If Params has a GetTitle function, it becomes a Titler.
You can now define your CreateTodo as a function that takes a Titler, and then you can pass &data to this function.
This structure is overall quite klunky and it seems much more likely that Todo itself should be an embeddable struct instead, but see a more complete example starting from a stripped-down version of your sample code here, in the Go Playground.

Passing default/static values from server to client

I have an input type with two fields used for filtering a query on the client.
I want to pass the default values (rentIntervalLow + rentIntervalHigh) from server to the client, but don't know how to do it.
Below is my current code. I've come up with two naïve solutions:
Letting the client introspect the whole schema.
Have a global config object, and create a querable Config type with a resolver that returns the config object values.
Any better suggestions than the above how to make default/config values on the server accessible to the client?
// schema.js
const typeDefs = gql`
input FilteringOptions {
rentIntervalLow: Int = 4000
rentIntervalHigh: Int = 10000
type Home {
id: Int
roomCount: Int
rent: Int
type Query {
allHomes(first: Int, cursor: Int, input: FilteringOptions): [Home]
export default typeDefs
I'm using Apollo Server 2.8.1 and Apollo React 3.0.
It's unnecessary to introspect the whole schema to get information about a particular type. You can just write a query like:
query {
__type(name:"FilteringOptions") {
inputFields {
Default values are values that will be used when a particular input value is omitted from the query. So to utilize the defaults, the client would pass an empty object to the input argument of the allHomes field. You could also give input a default value of {}, which would allow the client not to provide the input argument at all, while still relaying the min and max default values to the resolver.
If, however, your intent is to provide the minimum and maximum values to your client in order to drive some client-specific logic (like validation, drop down menu values, etc.), then you should not utilize default values for this. Instead, this information should be queried directly by the client, using, for example, a Config type like you suggested.

Composition combining data and functions with interfaces and structs

I'm wondering if this is something that's done in Go or if I'm thinking about it all wrong: composing type x interface and type x struct so my interface methods have access to specific data too:
The C programmer in my wants to do this:
type PluginHandler interface {
pm *PluginManager
func (ph PluginHandler) onLoad() {
There I have an interface defined with a function, but also some data I want to pass to those functions but this is a syntax error.
So is this something that's doable in Go through some other method or am I just thinking about the problem wrong?
You have defined onLoad incorrectly. You cannot define a function directly on interface type.
Once you have an interface, you need another type to implement methods specified in the interface. For example, if another type implements onLoad method, they automatically (implicitly) implement the interface PluginHandler.
The other thing you need to do is change the interface function type to accept the required data:
type PluginHandler interface {
struct SomeType {
// ...
func (s SomeType) onLoad(pm *PluginManager) { // SomeType now implements
pm.DoSomething() // PluginHandler interface.
This way, you get to inject whichever PluginManager required by PluginHandler.
Also, you can use SomeType as a PluginHandler type whereever required.
func someFuntion(ph PluginHandler) {
// ...
// ...
Can be called with an input argument of type SomeType:
s := SomeType{}
TL;DR; There is no direct translation to Go.
Long answer:
Go interfaces are only methods.
Go structs are only data (with the possibility of receiver methods).
You can reference, and even embed interfaces within structs:
type Frobnicator interface {
Frobnicate() error
type Widget struct {
WidgetName string
But that's not really what you're talking about.
The best answer to your dilema is, I believe: Take a step back. You're focusing on the trees, and you need to look at the forest. Go takes a different approach than C, or classical OO languages like C++ and Java.
Look at the general problem to be solved, and find solutions to that in Go. This can be a painful process (I can say from experience), but it's really the only way to learn the new way of thinking.
Just for the record, you can add extra methods to an existing type, by introducing another (indirection) type as:
type HandlerManager PluginManager
func (x *HandlerManager) onLoad() {
And if you need to go with a more generic solution, a combination of Adapter & Strategy patterns could do:
type PluginHandlerAdapter struct{ _onLoad func() }
func (x *PluginHandlerAdapter) onLoad() {
Used like (public/private access ignored):
type PluginManager struct {
func NewPluginManager() *PluginManager {
res := new(PluginManager)
res._onLoad = res.DoSomething
return res

How to provide read access to implementers of a protocol while others have write access in Swift

I'd like to provide read access for certain properties to all classes/structs that implement a protocol while client classes of the protocol are allowed read+write access. Is there a way to do this in Swift?
protocol WheelsProtocol {
var count: Int {get set}
struct Car: WheelsProtocol {
var count: Int = 0
func checkTirePressure() {
// Here, we will iterate over the count of wheels but we should
// not allow the number of wheels to be changed
struct CarFactory {
var wheels: WheelsProtocol
init(wheels: WheelsProtocol) {
self.wheels = wheels
mutating func configureVehicle() {
self.wheels.count = 4
What about a protocol for car makers and a different one for cars, something like
protocol MakesCars {
var wheelCount: Int {get set}
protocol HasWheels{
var wheelCount: Int { get }
struct Car: HasWheels {
let wheelCount: Int
init(wheelCount: Int) {
self.wheelCount = wheelCount
func checkTirePressure() {
// Here, we will iterate over the count of wheels but we should
// not allow the number of wheels to be changed
wheelCount = 5 //COMPILER ERROR
struct CarFactory: MakesCars {
The key is that you have to define a read-only property in the protocol as a var with { get } but in the object that adopts that protocol you have to put let and set it in an initializer.
There is not a way to limit access to a particular method in the way you're describing. From the documentation on Access Control:
Swift provides three different access levels for entities within your
code. These access levels are relative to the source file in which an
entity is defined, and also relative to the module that source file
belongs to.
Public access enables entities to be used within any source file from
their defining module, and also in a source file from another module
that imports the defining module. You typically use public access when
specifying the public interface to a framework.
Internal access enables entities to be used within any source file
from their defining module, but not in any source file outside of that
module. You typically use internal access when defining an app’s or a
framework’s internal structure.
Private access restricts the use of an entity to its own defining
source file. Use private access to hide the implementation details of
a specific piece of functionality.
To accomplish this, you would need to create a separate module (i.e., a Framework) and limit the writes to the internal scope and make the reads of the public scope.
