How i can get user access token in Dialogflow? - laravel

I am trying to find the users access token in the dialogflow because I am trying to associate it with but it is not working
this is the code :
$botman = app('botman');
$dialogflow = Dialogflow::create('token')->listenForAction();
$botman->hears('weathersearch', function (BotMan $bot) {
$extras = $bot->getMessage()->getExtras();
$bot->reply('I'm working');
How can I find my token ?

you can try this:
I tried to write detailed instructions :)


Azure AD userAssertion: Token missing scope "Directory.Read.All"

I have a Web API and a UI application that used ADAL library to call the Web API.
I already gave DELEGATED PERMISSIONS (Read directory data) for both Web API and UI application while registering the apps to Azure AD.
I have below code in Web API to save Token for log-In user,
private void ConfigureAuthentication(IAppBuilder app)
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Tenant"],
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters { SaveSigninToken = true, ValidAudience = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Audience"] }
Now in Web API controllers, I am trying to get token to access Microsoft AD Graph API using below code,
var bootstrapContext = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identities.First().BootstrapContext as System.IdentityModel.Tokens.BootstrapContext;
string userName = "";
string userAccessToken = bootstrapContext.Token;
UserAssertion userAssertion = new UserAssertion(bootstrapContext.Token, "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer", userName);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, aadInstance, tenant));
var clientCred = new ClientCredential(clientId, appKey);
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", clientCred, userAssertion);
accessToken = result.AccessToken;
The above code giving me token back but the scope values is below,
`scp: "User.Read"`
Question - Why the token not giving directory access (Directory.Read.All) as I already set Directory access?
`scp: "Directory.Read.All User.Read"`
I am missing Grant Permission for Read Directory Data under DELEGATED PERMISSIONS. After giving Grant Permission I am able to get token with scope scp: "Directory.Read.All User.Read"
If I understand correctly, you want to use Microsoft Graph API ,not Azure AD Graph API.
However, based on that the screenshot you post in this question is a v1 enpoint AAD Application, it does nothing about Microsoft Graph API which you're trying to approaching. So, whatever you changed on this application, the result shouldn be same. I suggest you register v2 enpoint Application in
Here is a document which shows how to get auth tokens for using Microsoft Graph.
Hope this helps!

Authenticating a Xamarin Android app using Azure Active Directory fails with 401 Unauthorzed

I am trying to Authenticate a Xamarin Android app using Azure Active Directory by following article here:
I have registered a native application with AAD; note that i havent given it any additional permissions beyond creating it.
Then i use the below code to authenticate the APP with AAD
button.Click += async (sender, args) =>
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(commonAuthority);
if (authContext.TokenCache.Count > 0)
authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authContext.TokenCache.ReadItems().GetEnumerator().Current.Authority);
authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(graphResourceUri, clientId, returnUri, new PlatformParameters(this));
doGET("{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/OPSLABRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/LABVM?api-version=2015-08-01", authResult.AccessToken);
private string doGET(string URI, String token)
Uri uri = new Uri(String.Format(URI));
// Create the request
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Bearer " + token);
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.Method = "GET";
// Get the response
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = null;
httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
catch (Exception ex)
Toast.MakeText(this, "Error from : " + uri + ": " + ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show();
return null;
This seems to be getting a token when using a Work account.
Using a valid hotmail account throws error A Bad Request was received.
However the main problem is when i try to retrieve VM details using REST.
the REST GET method fails with 401 Unauthorized error even when using the Work account.
I am not sure if the code is lacking something or if i need to give some additional permissions for the App. This needs to be able to support authenticating users from other tenants to get VM details.
Any guidance is appreciated.
note that i havent given it any additional permissions beyond creating
This is the problem here.
In order for you to call the Azure Management API, you must first register your application to have permissions to call this API.
You can do that as a part of your app registration like so:
Only at that point, will your app be authorized to call ARM, and your calls should start to work.
According to your description, I checked this issue on my side. As Shawn Tabrizi mentioned that you need to assign the delegated permission for accessing ARM Rest API. Here is my code snippet, you could refer to it:
var context = new AuthenticationContext($"{tenantId}");
result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(
, clientId, new Uri("{redirectUrl}"), platformParameter);
I would recommend you using Fiddler or Postman to simulate the request against ARM with the access_token to narrow this issue. If any errors, you could check the detailed response for troubleshooting the cause.
Here is my test for retrieving the basic information of my Azure VM:
Additionally, you could leverage for decoding your access_token and check the related properties (e.g. aud, iss, etc.) as follows to narrow this issue.

Your credentials do not allow access to this resource [code] => 220

I am using twitter login for magento i configure everything but when get the user informations the give the following error.Your credentials do not allow access to this resource [code] => 220. if some body face this type of problem then help me and thanks in advance.
my code is
$twitteroauth = new TwitterOAuth($CONSUMER_KEY, $CONSUMER_SECRET);
$request_token = $twitteroauth->getRequestToken($OAUTH_CALLBACK);
$_SESSION['oauth_token'] = $request_token['oauth_token'];
$_SESSION['oauth_token_secret'] = $request_token['oauth_token_secret'];
$url = $twitteroauth->getAuthorizeURL($request_token['oauth_token']);
echo $url;
$twitteroauth = new TwitterOAuth($CONSUMER_KEY, $CONSUMER_SECRET, $_SESSION['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']);
$access_token = $twitteroauth->getAccessToken($_GET['oauth_verifier']); $_SESSION['access_token'] = $access_token;
$user_info = $twitteroauth->get('account/verify_credentials');
} else {
die('Something wrong happened.');
Make sure your keys were created with the correct permissions. You can check this in the "Keys and tokens" section of your Twitter developer dashboard:

Google+ insert moment using google-api-dotnet-client

I am trying to write an activity in Google+ using the dotnet-client. The issue is that I can't seem to get the configuration of my client app correctly. According to the Google+ Sign-In configuration and this SO question we need to add the requestvisibleactions parameter. I did that but it did not work. I am using the scope and I even added the scope but the insert still did not work.
This is what my request url looks like:
As you can see from there that there is a request_visible_actions and I even added one that has no underscore in case I got the parameter wrong (requestvisibleactions).
Let me say that my app is being authenticated successfully by the API. I can get the user's profile after being authenticated and it is on the "insert moment" part that my app fails. My insert code:
var body = new Moment();
var target = new ItemScope();
target.Id = referenceId;
target.Image = image;
target.Type = "";
target.Description = description;
target.Name = caption;
body.Target = target;
body.Type = "";
var insert =
new MomentsResource.InsertRequest(
// this is a valid service instance as I am using this to query the user's profile
Moment result = null;
result = insert.Fetch();
catch (ThreadAbortException)
// User was not yet authenticated and is being forwarded to the authorization page.
catch (Google.GoogleApiRequestException requestEx)
// here I get a 401 Unauthorized error
catch (Exception ex)
} `
For the OAuth flow, there are two issues with your request:
request_visible_actions is what is passed to the OAuth v2 server (don't pass requestvisibleactions)
plus.moments.write is a deprecated scope, you only need to pass in plus.login
Make sure your project references the latest version of the Google+ .NET client library from here:
I have created a project on GitHub showing a full server-side flow here:
As Brettj said, you should be using the Google+ Sign-in Button as demonstrated in the latest Google+ samples from here:
First, ensure you are requesting all of the activity types you're writing. You will know this is working because the authorization dialog will show "Make your app activity available via Google, visible to you and: [...]" below the text that starts with "This app would like to". I know you checked this but I'm 90% sure this is why you are getting the 401 error code. The following markup shows how to render the Google+ Sign-In button requesting access to Add activities.
<div id="gConnect">
<button class="g-signin"
Assuming you have a PlusService object with the correct activity type set in data-requestvisibleactions, the following code, which you should be able to copy/paste to see it work, concisely demonstrates writing moments using the .NET client and has been tested to work:
Moment body = new Moment();
ItemScope target = new ItemScope();
target.Id = "replacewithuniqueforaddtarget";
target.Image = "";
target.Type = "";
target.Description = "The description for the activity";
target.Name = "An example of add activity";
body.Target = target;
body.Type = "";
MomentsResource.InsertRequest insert =
new MomentsResource.InsertRequest(
Moment wrote = insert.Fetch();
Note, I'm including Google.Apis.Plus.v1.Data for convenience.
Ah it's that simple! Maybe not? I am answering my own question and consequently accept it as the answer (after a few days of course) so others having the same issue may be guided. But I will definitely up-vote Gus' answer for it led me to the fix for my code.
So according to #class answer written above and as explained on his blog the key to successfully creating a moment is adding the request_visible_actions parameter. I did that but my request still failed and it is because I was missing an important thing. You need to add one more parameter and that is the access_type and it should be set to offline. The OAuth request, at a minimum, should look like:
For the complete and correct client code you can get Gus' example here or download the entire dotnet client library including the source and sample and add what I added below. The most important thing that you should remember is modifying your AuthorizationServerDescription for the Google API. Here's my version of the authenticator:
public static OAuth2Authenticator<WebServerClient> CreateAuthenticator(
string clientId, string clientSecret)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientId))
throw new ArgumentException("clientId cannot be empty");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientSecret))
throw new ArgumentException("clientSecret cannot be empty");
var description = GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description;
var uri = description.AuthorizationEndpoint.AbsoluteUri;
// This is the one that has been documented on Gus' blog site
// and over at Google's (
// This is not in the dotnetclient sample by the way
// and you need to understand how OAuth and DNOA works.
// I had this already, see my original post,
// I thought it will make my day.
if (uri.IndexOf("request_visible_actions") < 1)
var param = (uri.IndexOf('?') > 0) ? "&" : "?";
description.AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(
uri + param +
// This is what I have been missing!
// They forgot to tell us about this or did I just miss this somewhere?
uri = description.AuthorizationEndpoint.AbsoluteUri;
if (uri.IndexOf("offline") < 1)
var param = (uri.IndexOf('?') > 0) ? "&" : "?";
description.AuthorizationEndpoint =
new Uri(uri + param + "access_type=offline");
// Register the authenticator.
var provider = new WebServerClient(description)
ClientIdentifier = clientId,
ClientSecret = clientSecret,
var authenticator =
new OAuth2Authenticator<WebServerClient>(provider, GetAuthorization)
{ NoCaching = true };
return authenticator;
Without the access_type=offline my code never worked and it will never work. Now I wonder why? It would be good to have some explanation.

Windows Phone with DropNet

I am writing a Windows App on Windows Phone Emulator to communicate with DropBox account and am using DropNet package from NuGet gallery.
The page that I am referring is:
Here are the steps I have done:
Step 1) Creating the client
DropNetClient GlobalClient = new DropNetClient("TOKEN", "SECRET", "testUserName", "testPassword");
I am not sure what goes in userToken and userSecret, it can't be hard-coded username and password!
Step 2) Requesting Token
GlobalClient.GetTokenAsync((userToken) =>
//Dont really need to do anything with userLogin,
//DropNet takes care of it for now
(error) =>
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
Step 3) Building authorizing URL
var url = GlobalClient.BuildAuthorizeUrl("");
Step 4) Redirecting browser to DropBox Login Page. After this, DropBox does allow to login, but it displays this warning: "The request to link the app is invalid" And more importantly, the browser does not get redirected to This indicates something went wrong. Not sure what though.
Uri testUri = new Uri(url.ToString());
WebBrowserTask task = new WebBrowserTask();
task.Uri = testUri;
Step 5) This does not work. GlobalClient.UserLogin.Token and GlobalClient.UserLogin.Secret does not get set.
GlobalClient.GetAccessTokenAsync((accessToken) =>
//Store this token for "remember me" function
GlobalClient.UserLogin.Token = accessToken.Token;
GlobalClient.UserLogin.Secret = accessToken.Secret;
(error) =>
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
Anybody knows how to fix this?
I figured out the problem. In Step 2, request token needs to be stored in order to build correct authorize URL and that request token needs to be passed as the first parameter. However when I try to store in the statement lambda like this, it does not get stored. What's the issue here? I think it's the way I might be using lambdas.
GlobalClient.GetTokenAsync((userToken) =>
infoTextBlock.Text = userToken.Token;
GlobalClient.UserLogin.Token = userToken.Token;
(error) =>
The issue is in the following code:
UserLogin.Token = userToken.Token;
Assigning a value to token doesn't mean the underlying credentials are set for the request. This is only done when you call the following:
UserLogin = userToken;
Poor design in the class interface if you ask me. There should be no difference between calling UserLogin.Token = Something, and UserLogin = NewLogin (with regards to underlying business rules).
