Spring boot restTemplate connection timeout - spring

Hello im using spring boot restTemplate to consume an api by a post request, but the call will take a long time maybe hours or days to have a response, is there a way to set the timeout connection of restTemplate to infinite for example until it gets a response or an error is thrown in the distant server.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.


set InputBufferSize and Timeout of connection for Netty (Reactive Spring) and heartbeats in Reactive WebSocket?

Maybe somebody has experienced this and can help me out.
I have a Reactive WebSocket server (WebFlux Spring Boot).
I checked the connection to the server by Postman and all is good, the connection lasts a long time, but I don't know how long this connection will last with another clients, so I want to set a couple of parameters: InputBufferSize and Timeout, I found how can do it for some servers (Jetty, TomCat,..):
But I cannot find how can do it for Netty (I use Reactive WebSocket, based on Netty).
How can set InputBufferSize and Timeout of connection for Netty (Reactive Spring)?
And another question is how to send ping-pong (heartbeats), I think I can do it in MyHandler (that implements org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.WebSocketHandler), in
public Mono handle(WebSocketSession session)
WebSocketMessage has field type (enum: TEXT, BINARY, PING, PONG) I can use it for ping-pong (heartbeats) between any client and my server part. But many forums write that the Netty has already implemented this process (ping-pong) and it will be superfluous - to add it manually in WebSocketHandler. I'm confused here, should I write additional processing (ping-pong in WebSocketHandler) or it will be an unnecessary layer on top of the already made part in Netty?

How to make Spring Boot REST controller asynchronous?

My application is simple 3-tier Spring Boot rest web-service with usual synchronous endpoints.
But since the period of getting response from downstream system where my service sends requests is quite long (kind of 60 seconds), I need to add support of asynchronous REST calls to my service to save upstream systems from a response awaiting. In other words, if a response to a downstream system is going to take more than 60 seconds (timeout), then the upstream system break the connection with my service and keeps its doing...
But when the response come, my service using "reply-to" header from the upstream system will send the response to the upstream system.
All the things above are kind of call back or webhook.
But I didn't find any examples of implementation.
How to implement this mechanism?
How can I find more information?
Does Spring Boot have something to implement it out-of-box?
Thank you for attention!
You can use the #Async annotation from Spring. You will also need to enable in your application this by setting #EnableAsync.
An important note is that your method with the #Async annotation should be on a different class from where it is being called. This will let the Spring proxy intercept the call and effectively do it asynchronous.
Please find here the official tutorial.

how to get the raw http request/response url/header/body information from spring webclient

Its an old question asked by someone, e.g. how to log Spring 5 WebClient call, Spring Boot - How to log all requests and responses with exceptions in single place?
Above solutions have limitation, e.g. webclient solution can't log body info and not sure the log level can be dynamically changed without restart.
So, as a spring webclient consumer, because webclient wrap low level things for us, e.g. http client, servlet, http stuff, etc. So I think its natural for webclient to give us some additional info as titled, because these info is more often needed, especially when debugging, trouble shooting. you know sometime we print the entity bean may be not exactly the http messages send out or received. and also sometime we need to know the header info. all these info can be logged based on dynamically configurable log level. So its better webclient can supply an interface to get these info from somewhere and let consumer to use it convenient.

Spring ResponseEntity - how to return HTTP 100 Continue

Having rest services using Spring-boot 1.5.8.RELEASE some of the services may take time to process.
My idea is to use HTTP 100 Continue so the response will not time out and then return the final response.
I haven't find any way how to do that
Thanks for any hint

spring actuator increases the metric counter.status.200.{my endpoint} even if the endpoint returns a 500

I've developed my first rest service with Spring Boot, Spring MVC Spring Actuator using embedded tomcat 8.
For some reason, when the endpoint fails due to an exception which is not caught, the returned response from the endpoint has the status 500, but the metric of counter.status.200. was increased.
I debug a bit the code and looks like the status of the response in the class ResponseFacade (from tomcat) is set after the metric is increased on the MetricFilterAutoConfiguration.MetricsFilter.
Does someone has an idea how can I get the right status code counter (counter.status.500.{my endpoint}) increased?
Thanks in advance
