swipeEnabled doesn't work on iOS NativeScript tabs - nativescript

I want to use ns tabs with swipe gesture, and watching its doc, I put swipeEnabled='true' on Tabs tag, but it doesn't work on iOS (working correctly on android).
My code:
<Tabs selectedIndex="0" swipeEnabled="true">
<!-- Tabs -->
Any idea why it doesn't work?

I found a possible solution for this, that also fix RadListView problem with tabs component, just add animationEnabled="false" to Tabs tag.


Render Icon in Button Text - Nativescript 6.1.1 and ios 13/Xcode 11

I've had to take over a nativescript project from a former co-worker. We are trying to get the code updated to work properly on ios 13, but I can't figure out why previously working icons in a Button now just render as a '?'. Here is what the code looks like:
<FlexboxLayout class="toolbar">
<Button class="fa-light toolbar-button" (tap)="onNotesTap()" text="Hi"></Button>
<Button class="fa-light toolbar-button" (tap)="onAddTaskTap()" text=""></Button>
<Button class="fa-light toolbar-button" (tap)="onDirectionsTap()" text=""></Button>
<Button class="fa-light toolbar-button" [ngClass]="phoneCallEnabled ? '' : 'disabled'" (tap)="onPhoneTap()" text="" [isEnabled]="phoneCallEnabled"></Button>
Does anyone have any recommendations or things that I can look at to figure out why this is no longer working? I updated tns-core-modules to the latest version, which fixed RadListView not rendering rows, but now I have this issue. Thanks!
So, it has SOMETHING to do with the app.css file not being read properly. I have looked all over the place and in the documentation, but I think that my app.css is set up properly. The reason I think this is that I copied the classes from the app.css to the css for the component, and it shows the images. Any ideas?
Getting this error in my logs from tns-core-modules/trace/trace.js:174:0.
Error: Could not load CSS from app.css: TypeError: Expected module identifier to be a string.

Eliminate flash of unstyled content in Vuetify

Click any of the CodePen links on (for example) this page: https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/navigation-drawers
Notice the flash of unstyled content. How do you eliminate this?
I see it in my project when I do a hard refresh. I tried v-cloak but of course that did not work.
You need to first hide the app
<div id="app" hidden>...</div>
Then use mounted.nextTick to unhide the app once it is ready
new Vue({

Windows 8 App Bar By default in app development

I want to create an app bar for my javascript app , as we know we see app bar when pressing right click , but I want it to be show by default , without right click. here is my html code
<div id="appbar" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBar">
<!-- Commands for show/hide -->
<button data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBarCommand"
data-win-options="{id:'showHideButton', label:'Show/Hide Picker', icon:'view'}">
thank you
In your app startup code, get the appbar element and call "show()" on it.
// This is essentially what you need to do inside your app startup code
// After all the elements are loaded (After the WinJS.UI.processAll() I believe)

Firefox 4 toolbar overlay

i'm trying to make an own firefox toolbar and I have problem with overlay.
So i already setup my environment (i can see my extension in FF extensions manager), now I'm trying to add new overlay.
content sandbox chrome/content/
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://sandbox/content/overlay.xul
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<toolbox id="browser-toolbox">
<toolbar id="findfile_toolbar">
<label control="findfile_filename" value="Search for files named:"/>
<textbox id="findfile_filename"/>
<label control="findfile_dir" value="Directory:"/>
<textbox id="findfile_dir"/>
<button label="Browse..."/>
When i restart my FF i don't see result, where is the problem?
I think the problem might be that your toolbox element ID is "browser-toolbox" not navigator-toolbox. In Firefox, if you want to add a toolbar to the UI, you need to use "navigator-toolbox" as the toolbox ID.
You can read more about toolbar development at the Born Geek toolbar tutorial.

SyntaxHighlighter not showing toolbar

I am using the latest SyntaxHighlighter within my app and for some reason the toolbars do not show in IE, Firefox or Chrome. The code highlights without issue, but I want to have toolbars. What makes things worse is that the toolbar demo on the official website is not working either.
Am I missing something obvious? Below are the code nuggets.
<script src="Scripts/syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushCSharp.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="Scripts/syntaxhighlighter/styles/shCoreDefault.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// Highlight code
<pre class="brush: csharp; ruler: true; title: 'Test'; toolbar: true;">
public static bool HelloWorld()
// Return
return false;
I've been trying to figure this one out myself. I won't claim to be 100% correct here, but from what I can tell, this is the answer:
Toolbar was changed in update from version 2 to version 3.
Toolbar no longer includes the icons and whatnot.
The default toolbar is now the simple '?'.
This pretty much sucks, if it's true. The pop-up toolbar w/ icons is one of the things that made me choose SH over the other options.
This is what I'm guessing comparing the included CSS files in the latest package to the CSS available on sites that have a version with the "proper" toolbar enabled.
Here's a link to one I was snooping in: ramymostafa.com
While I would like the toolbar myself, it seems that one of the toolbars features - copy & paste - have been included without the need for a toolbar item:
If you double click anywhere on the code, the entire code view is replaces with a pre-selected view from which users can copy with a simple Ctrl/Cmd-C. Clicking anywhere else returns the view to the original state.
I would still like the pop out feature, but less buttons is a good thing, I guess?
the same problem here. looks like there is no toolbar in v3.
i use v2 again: http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/download/download.php?sh_2.1.382
if you copy the css and js around, don't forget to include the images in folder styles
The toolbar can be easily be showing simply go to the plugin configuration, on the Highlighter Version set to VERSION 2X. This way the toolbar will be shown again!
I confirm that in Version 3 the toolbar does not show.
