Laravel deployment issue on Linux sharded server - laravel

I have built my Laravel application on a Windows10 machine. For the deployment on my Linux server (shared server), i have followed this youtube tutorial
My Application works fine on my developpement computer. The method of the tutorial works fine on window machine. But when i made the deployment on Linux with the same package i have tested on my Windows machine, for a page that does not call a controller, it works but for any page where a controller is called, i receive this error message (an example for a page that requires the kitContrller):
Target class [App\Http\Controllers\kitController] does not exist.
My problem is that the target controller existes in the indicated folder without any case problem but the message says that it does not existe.
Please, help.

After some other verifications, i saw that the problem was in my router: In the router, i have written the name of the Controller with lower case (Example: kitController in stead of KitController.
k(Lower case) in stead of K(upper case): That was the problem. I have changed things and it works fine.
Thank u for suggestions.


Unable to locate the model you have specified - All i did was change servers

I have a codeigniter website, using the latest version of the frame work. I was hosting my website on Azure, and it was working fine - never any issues.
I've just moved all the files to a different server, a linux one - standard normal web hosting type server with cpanel.
My site loads up, however a lot of pages I use that require models, are giving off errors, as if the files do not exist
Unable to locate the model you have specified: UsersModel
Just note : I have read so many articles today, that you need to have uppercase / lowercase and all that stuff, but that's how i already have it setup, it just does not work since changing servers. and it worked perfectly fine yesterday on the Azure server.
Also, when going to the actual file in my address bar, it takes me to the 404 error. not sure if this has anything to do with it?
Did you change your base url in config file ?
All model , controllers, helper ,library name must me capital letter.
If you change server remove index.php from config file where you will get config['index']= ""; and save this.
Still you get error then save base url like domain/project_name/index.php

intervention-image with laravel 5.2 on ubuntu-server breaks the other calls

I am using laravel 5.2 to write services for a mobile app. all the calls are working fine. My project is deployed in ubuntu server.
Now I want to resize the uploaded images inorder to maintain same performance. I thought of trying intervention-image.
In local machine it worked fine. I installed intervention-image and set the provider and alias name, I included the alias name to controller. Once I do that and update the server, all the other calls are getting effected. I am getting 505 error.
It's the intervension-image which is causing this problem, I checked with previous upload and I am getting all the calls. Any suggestions?
I suggest you create a dev environment like your production , use vagrant . About error 505 check you error log file to have more detail about the bug

Error 404 for rest webservice request in offline app in GeneXus Ev3 U9

I'm developing an offline Android app with Genexus Ev3 U9 and when I try the app in the device I see there is no initial synchronization, even when I try to execute a manual sync the app shuts down. The cat log shows that request made to URLs like
worked fine but when the app tries to get this URL returns 404 I tried the same link in my laptop and it's like the requested resource was not created by GeneXus.
What could be wrong?
There are actually a couple of things you might want to check.
When you accessed you got data but that just means that the virtual directory was successfully created. (which is good of course)
Then you need to check if the WCF module is installed correctly, in order to do that you could try to go to or any other service in your KB. That goes straight to the service implementation. (you can check you web.config file in order to see the actual rewriting rules)
If that works it's certainly a URL Rewrite problem like Sandro and Guscarr suggested.
You can download and install the module from here:
It seems that you're generating to .net, right?
If so, it could be some problem with iis rewrite module.
Anyway you might check gx software requirements...
It seems that REST services cannot be run on your IIS, as Sandro said, try installing URLRewrite.
Further info at,Android%20-%20FAQ%20and%20Common%20Issues

Issue with CI Bonifre Module

Im using the latest version of bonfire. I created new module called 'contacts' which works fine on my localhost (public/index.php/admin/content/contacts).
I uploaded everything to the server and it works perfect... except my module. It gives me a 404.
Any ideas?
I had a similar issue. On my localhost the controllers of my new module created by the module builder work fine. But when I tried the same in the production environment I got the 404 error when viewing the module in the admin panel.
To fix the issue you need to capitalise all the controller file in your new module /application/modules/. Make sure that the class names in the controllers are capitalised as well. This fixed the issue for me.
Not sure why the localhost acts differently. Hope that helps.

My Working Application MVC3 Razor Unexplainably stopped working :-( IIS 7

I have the following projects within my solution.
MyWebApplication.Data --> Here i interact with my Data Repository
MyWebApplication.Services --> Here i interact with the Data Layer
MyWebApplication.Web --> The UI which relies on the Service Layer
MyWebApplication.Tests --> Unit testing project
For MONTHS i have had NO problems with IIS in my local dev environment. Ready for a long weekend of programming but all day i have been getting 500 Server Errors when simply trying to resolve the Home page. Before I went to bed all was well, the entire day thereafter i could NOT even load the home/index view.
After looking at the logs it says continually MyWebApplication.Data.System (which is a class i created called System()) does not include Web. But no where in code is this true. Then i get another error of mismatching files in the Temp Directory.
Steps I have taken:
Deleted all temp files
Created a new repository in IIS and pointed URL there, No luck
Cleaned solution
Deleted all bin folders to have regenerated... No Luck
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without the details of the error messages, one strategy may be to create a new MVC project and copy/paste the files over to it.
A few other common causes:
Are you referencing any 64-bit libraries but compiling the project as 32-bit (or vice-versa)? Try changing the "bitness" of your application.
If your application is 32-bit and is running on a 64-bit server, you need to enable running 32-bit apps in IIS. See
If all else fails, please post the exact error messages. If all it says is "HTTP 500: Internal Server Error", you should enable debug output or run your app from the server itself (actually using a web browser on the server), which will tell IIS it's "safe" to display full debug information. The debugging messages have actually been pretty useful in my experience.
Figured it out. In
MyWebApplication.Web project, within the Shared/Site.Master I added a imported a reference to my Data Layer. (i.e., <%# Import Namespace="MyWebApplication.Data" %>
I resolved by removing the static reference to my ShoppingCart class in the Data layer and just created an ActionResult to return the same and in the MasterPage (which currently holds the javsscript to allow the user to peek into their cart from anywhere in the site without a redirect to a specific page) used the Html.RenderAction() and just returned Content(shoppingCartString).
Guess I have learned that within the Site.Master page it is complied differently than every other page in an MVC application. I can positively say this because in other pages I am doing exactly as I attempted to do here without any issues. Maybe its the build process?
Anyhow, problem solved and hopefully it can help someone else too.
