Spring rest api same url for bulk and single request - spring

I would like to have this API in a Spring boot app:
POST /items
"name": "item1"
POST /items
"name": "item1"
"name": "item2"
So the same endpoint could accept array or a single element in a json body.
Unfortunatelly this doesn't work:
public ResponseEntity<String> items(#RequestBody Item item) {}
public ResponseEntity<String> items(#RequestBody List<Item> items) {}
I also tried this:
public ResponseEntity<String> items(#RequestBody #JsonFormat(with= JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY) List<Item> items) {}
it doesn't work.
If I wrap the list like:
public class Items {
#JsonFormat(with= JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY)
private List<item> items;
then unfortunately my request body would look like:
"items": [
"name": "item1"
"name": "item2"
Do you know how I can have such API with spring boot?

You want a variable that can directly hold an Array or an Object. There is no straightforward way to achieve something like that because of the Static Typing restrictions of Java.
The only way I can imagine so far to achieve something like this is to create a single API that takes some generic type.
Like an Object:
public ResponseEntity<String> items(#RequestBody Object body) {
if(body instanceof List) {
} else {
Or a String:
public ResponseEntity<String> items(#RequestBody String body) {
if(body.charAt(0) == '[' && body.charAt(body.length() - 1) == ']') {
} else if(body.charAt(0) == '{' && body.charAt(body.length() - 1) == '}') {
} else {
You'll have to do a lot of work manually.
Also, you can't create two APIs with the same path /items and the same method POST, they will raise a compile-time error.


How can I put a list as a variable in GraphQL tester in Spring?

If there is an array inside the DTO, I tried using List<Map<String, Object>> but it doesn't work properly. Could you possibly know how?
Below is my code.
Below is my code.
void graphqlTest() {
Map<String, Object> tag = new ConcurrentHashMap<>() {{
put("id", 1L);
put("name", "aaaaa");
List<Map<String, Object>> tagInputList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Object> input = new ConcurrentHashMap<>() {{
put("list", tagInputList);
.variable("input", input)
Below is error message.
Response has 1 unexpected error(s) of 1 total. If expected, please filter them out: [server operation something wrong]
Request: document='query queryTags {
queryTags {
list {
query queryFollowedTags {
queryFollowedTags {
list {
mutation followMyTags($input: TagsInput!) {
followMyTags(input: $input) {
list {
mutation unfollowMyTags($input: TagsInput!) {
unfollowMyTags(input: $input) {
list {
}', operationName='followMyTags', variables={input={list=[{name=aaaaa, id=1}]}}
java.lang.AssertionError: Response has 1 unexpected error(s) of 1 total. If expected, please filter them out: [server operation something wrong]
I tried using an array instead of a list via toArray, but it still didn't work.

Webflux subscribe to nested Publishers and serialize them to JSON

I have a UserDto with related items taken from repository which is Project-Reactor based, thus returns Flux/Mono publishers.
My idea was to add fields/getters to DTO, which themselves are publishers and lazily evaluate them (subscribe) on demand, but there is a problem:
Controller returns Flux of DTOs, all is fine, except spring doesn't serialize inner Publishers
What I'm trying to achieve in short:
class RelatedItemsRepo {
static Flux<Integer> findAll() {
// simulates Flux of User related data (e.g. Orders or Articles)
return Flux.just(1, 2, 3);
class UserDto {
// Trying to get related items as field
Flux<Integer> relatedItemsAsField = RelatedItemsRepo.findAll();
// And as a getter
Flux<Integer> relatedItemsAsMethod() {
return RelatedItemsRepo.findAll();
// Here was suggestion to collect flux to list and return Mono
// but unfortunately it doesn't make the trick
Mono<List<Integer>> relatedItemsAsList() {
return RelatedItemsRepo.findAll().collectList();
// .. another user data
#RequestMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class MyController {
Flux<UserDto> dtoFlux() {
return Flux.just(new UserDto(), new UserDto(), new UserDto());
And this is the response I get:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
transfer-encoding: chunked
"related_items_as_method": {
"prefetch": -1,
"scanAvailable": true
"related_items_collected_to_list": {
"scanAvailable": true
"related_items_as_method": {
"prefetch": -1,
"scanAvailable": true
"related_items_collected_to_list": {
"scanAvailable": true
"related_items_as_method": {
"prefetch": -1,
"scanAvailable": true
"related_items_collected_to_list": {
"scanAvailable": true
It seems like Jackson doesn't serialize Flux properly and just calls .toString() on it (or something similar).
My question is: Is there existing Jackson serializers for Reactor Publishers or should I implement my own, or maybe am I doing something conceptually wrong.
So in short: how can I push Spring to evaluate those fields (subscribe to them)
If I understand correctly, what you try to achieve is to create an API that needs to respond with the following response:
HTTP 200
"relatedItemsAsField": [1,2,3]
"relatedItemsAsField": [1,2,3]
"relatedItemsAsField": [1,2,3]
I would collect all the elements emitted by the Flux generated by RelatedItemsRepo#findAll by using Flux#collectList, then map this to set the UserDto object as required.
Here is a gist.

Call GraphQL api from Rest endpoint in spring boot returning null value

From my rest endpoint I am trying to call 3rd party graphql api but in response I am getting null values.
"query": "query($id: String!) { hiringOrganization (id: $id) { name } }",
"variables": {
"id": "seekAnzPublicTest:organization:seek:93WyyF1h"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"data": {
"hiringOrganization": {
"name": "Acme Corp"
Inside the resource folder I have placed Query and variable request:
query($id: String!) { hiringOrganization (id: $id) { name } }
"id": "hiringId"
From Postman I am getting the below response:
[![enter image description here][3]][3]
Calling the Query and variables from resource folder:
public static String getSchemaFromFileName(final String fileName) throws IOException {
log.info("inside variables::"+fileName);
return new String(
} else {
log.info("inside query::"+fileName);
return new String(
.getResourceAsStream("seekGraphQL/query/" + fileName + ".graphql")
Calling the graphql endpoint:
public Mono<HiringDTO> getHirerDetails(final String id) throws IOException {
GraphqlRequestBody requestBody=new GraphqlRequestBody();
final String query= GraphqlSchemaReaderUtil.getSchemaFromFileName("hiringQuery");
final String variables= GraphqlSchemaReaderUtil.getSchemaFromFileName("hiringVariables");
log.info("before id::"+id);
return webclient.post()
My rest end point is a post request which has hiring Id in request body . I don't know why I am getting the null values. Please assist me to find out the issues.
Postman request/response:

Spring ModelAndView to RestController json response

I have a legacy spring code where they use ModelAndView and they add the objects to it as below.
ModelAndView result = new ModelAndView();
result.addObject("folders", folders);
return result;
for the above i am getting response as
"folders": [
"recordCount": 0,
"folderContentType": "Reports",
"folderId": 34,
"recordCount": 2,
"folderContentType": "SharedReports",
"folderId": 88,
I have changed these to use Spring's RestController with a POJO backing the results returned from DB.
public List<Folder> getAllFolders() {
return Service.findAllFolders(1,2);
This returns a JSON as below
"folderId": 359056,
"folderName": "BE Shared Report Inbox",
"folderDescription": "BE Shared Report Inbox",
"folderId": 359057,
"folderName": "BE Shared Spec Inbox",
How could i return this as exactly as my legacy code response. I know i can convert the List to Map and display. But, is there any equivalent
You can put your result into a map.
public List<Folder> getAllFolders() {
return Service.findAllFolders(1,2);
Change to:
public Map<String,List<Folder>> getAllFolders() {
Map<String,List<Folder>> map = new HashMap<>();
return map;

Consuming REST Service in Spring

I'm frightfully new to Spring and Java but I'm trying to consume some code for some rule validations in Easy Rules but I can't quite figure it out.
#RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = "author/field", produces= MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Enum> getField(#RequestParam(value="field", required=true) String field){
Enum enum = mongoService.findByField(field);
if(enum == null){
return new ResponseEntity<Enum>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
return new ResponseEntity<Enum>(enum,HttpStatus.OK);
So I'm trying something like:
import com.mongoservice.Enum
import com.mongoservice.Enums
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String uri = "http://localhost:9000";
//This is my confusion
List<Enums> response = restTemplate.getForObject(uri +
"/author/field?={field}", Enum.class,"a").getEnums();
String value = response.getValue().toString().trim();
//this is the record i'm checking against that is pulling a specific string value and what i'm expecting
String record = "a";
return (value == record);
The JSON data I'm trying to pull back is modeled like this but I need to validate to make sure that record equals one of the values from enums[] json array
"field": "a",
"descriptor": "blah",
"enums": [
"value": "h",
"description": "blah"
"value": "e",
"description": "blah"
"value": "l",
"description": "blah"
"value": "p",
"description": "blah"
What is the problem that you are seeing is it just not matching? If so it could be because you are using == instead of String.equals. Try modifying your code to:
return record.equals(value);
See Java String.equals versus == for more.
Can you change String uri = "http://localhost:9000"
and missed the path variable name field it should be like author/field?field={field} as per your controller description.
