Changing language of Geany from Arabic to English - geany

How can I change the language of the IDE "Geany" to English, And how change the theme to black
And thanks.

The answer is given by the Geany FAQ and I quote,
How can I change the language of the user interface? On Windows
The easiest way to use English instead of your system's locale is to
deselect the "Language Files" (a.k.a translations) option when running
the Windows installer. Then no translation files are installed and
Geany will use English as language.
On non-Windows systems
Simply start Geany like this:
LANG=C geany
And in case you cannot reinstall geany for some reason,on windows you can do something like this:
cmd.exe /c "set ^"LANG=en^" & start /D ^"C:\installed-path\Geany\bin\^" geany.exe"
Check our that link for further possibilities.
p.s. it helps sometimes to generalize a question, like "How to change the language of Geany", I think.

In the 'c:\Program Files\Geany\share\locale' folder you can delete all folders with localization files (or move them to another location, just in case), leaving only the English localization - folders 'en', 'en # boldquot' , 'en # quot', 'en # shaw'
The next time you start Geany, it will start up with an English interface.
To change the theme to black, you need to select the 'View' menu item and select 'Change Color Scheme'. In the window that appears, you can choose a theme to your liking - the interface changes interactively.


Displaying unicode characters in Windows 10 cmd

I want to type and print in windows 10 CMD sinhala unicode characters. but it just display question mark surrounded by a square for each sinhala character i type.
Is there any mechanism to display exact unicode characters in windows console?
Try modifying the registry settings for the cmd console (run regedit). Unfortunately, I am uncertain exactly which value you should enter for the font family, since it is a number.
The screen shot below shows my registry settings for a font of 'Courier New', which somehow translates to 30 (hexidecimal, 48 in base 10) in the registry. Hopefully you can experiment some and determine what number corresponds to a Sinhala font you have installed on your machine.
Additionally, you can select fonts using the cmd window's property dialog, illustrated in the screen shot below. Possibly you already have a font installed that you can use:
You've probably already done 1-3 since you can already type Sinhala, but you need a supporting font. Try the following:
Go to Region & language settings.
Add a language and select, Sinhala.
Click the language, Select Options, and you can select a keyboard type.
For Chinese, I was able to add a language pack, which gave me console fonts that support Chinese. I don't see that option for Sinhala. You may have to manually install a monospace font that support Sinhala. I couldn't find one, but if you do, this answer explains how to install it.

How to change UI language in Visual Studio Code?

How to change UI language in Visual Studio Code (1.0 released April 2016)?
Open VScode
Press F1 and type 'display'
Choose 'Configure display language'
Select your language. On top are installed languages, below are other languages. The one you select will be installed as an extension.
Accept to restart.
you can see that the language you choose has been added to the extensions by selecting 'extension' icon on the left toolbar (look for 'xxx language Pack')
More info Here
Previous original answer (for older vscode):
Open VSCode
Press F1 and type 'language'
Choose "Configure language" in the menu
Change the 'locale' value. See 'here' for available languages.
Example: "locale":"en-US"
Restart vscode
Since my Chinese (or whatever language this is in your screenshot) is pretty bad I describe how to set the display language to american English without using VSCode.
Close VSCode
Open the file locale.json with a text editor (I suggest not to use VSCode).
On Windows the file is located under C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Code\User
On Linux it's under $HOME/.config/Code/User
On a Mac it's under $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User
Change the file content to
Open VSCode again
See "Display Language"
I had trouble with this and the answer from Eric Bole-Feysot did not help as it is missing an important step.
Open VS Code
Press F1
Type "configure display language"
Select "configure display language" from the options displayed beneath the inputbox
Change JSON to
"locale": "en-US"
Close window and be prompted to save.
Re-start VS code
Hope that helps.
For Windows user,
Go to following folder,
Edit locale.json or create it, if not exist with following content
Supported locales can be found in the following links
search "LanguageName Language Pack"
(example) "English Language Pack"
Please refer to VSCode Display Language.
Change language for temporary folder
click: File->Preferences->Settings, User seting json file will open and add " "locale"="en" ", save the file and restart.
Or you can use a command: >>> code . --locale=[lang] (lang refer to language code)
Permanently change language
Press Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the Command Palette then start typing "config" to filter and display the Configure Language command. Add " "locale"="en" " into the Jason file, save and restart
In Visual Studio Community for Mac 7.0 go to
Settings->Visual Style->User Interface Language
For mac OS user:
At $home/Library/Application Support/Code/User,
create a new file with name "locale.json" (it wasn't there for me), and type:
"locale": "en-US"
Worked for me. The latter part is the same to others' answer I guess, just there wasn't "locale.json" for me so I tried creating it myself, found it worked.
As a Ubuntu user, the only option that seemed available to me was to start Visual Studio Code at the command line, explicitly specifying the language:
code --locale en
(The interface had been in French, due to the language I'd applied for my operating system. I'm trying to learn French, but having VSCode in French was a bit much, I still need to earn money writing software 😛)

AppleScript to Speak Selected text in Chinese Language

I'd like to generate an AppleScript that perform the equivalent of "Start Speaking," which exists in the context menu of my Mavericks 10.9.2 system. Currently if I select an English selection, the OS will speak English.
I want to create an AppleScript that produces audio text-to-speech service but using Mandarin Chinese. I initially suspected that my language locale might have something to do with OSX responding in a particular language, but I am no longer certain (since changing locale on my system had no effect). I've looked into the issue and have found that the following preferences need to be set to enable the text to speech functionality. Once enabled I can select text in Safari and some other apps to use the Start Speaking Service. I am interested in the following approaches:
Use of defaults (can I use defaults to get OSX to recognize the
selected Chinese characters?)
Use of some other internal settings that can help me accomplish
text-to-speech (Chinese)
Use of an external link that will add the selected text to a query
string which can then be opened via Safari to a translation site
(I'm leaning more towards this option with
Number (3) three seems promising and I'd appreciate if anyone could provide a practical use-case for any of the approaches above.
I've tried a few items already including setting up an Automator Service with speak text and an AppleScript to open a web location with the uri encoded data.
on run {input, parameters}
set targetURI to urlEncode(input)
open location "" & targetURI --input
end run
on urlEncode(str)
local str
return (do shell script "/bin/echo " & quoted form of str & ¬
" | perl -MURI::Escape -lne 'print uri_escape($_)'")
on error eMsg number eNum
error "Can't urlEncode: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end urlEncode
After incorporating the following instructions I was able to use the built in Speech > Start Speaking context menu in Safari/Notes to accomplish the needed functionality. Full credit and thanks for the info that led me to an appropriate solution.
Navigate to System Preferences > Dictation & Speech
Select the Text to Speech tab
Select the System voice popup button
Select Customize...
Search "chin" (no quotes)
Select the available Chinese voices (Sin-ji speaks Cantonese,
Ting-Ting speaks Beijing Mandarin, Mei-jia speaks Taiwanese
Change the System Voice to the Appropriate Chinese dialect you want
In Safari and elsewhere, use the default context menu on highlighted
Chinese text and system will speak in the current Chinese dialect
You just need to open automator and create a new service. Set the automator service to "service receives text from any application". Then add a "speak text" action. In the list of voices choose whatever language you want to hear. Hopefully you have a Chinese language speaking voice. Save it.
Now when you highlight some text, right-click on it, go to the services menu, and choose your automator service.

How to change current keyboard layout in powershell?

I have two languages set in my windows settings - Czech (default) and English (for programming). I want to switch between them in powershell.
I generally work in Czech language, and it is my default language on my PC. So whenever I (re)start any app, it starts with Czech keyboard layout.
But I am programming with English layout. So I always need to tap Alt+Shift when I am starting new programming app - i.e. powershell window.
Is there some way to do this with some command in powershell? Or in C#, possibly through some win32 api call (as I could make myself small cmdlet for this)?
I found this question (and some others), but I didn't understand it(them) much...
I never worked with Win API, so I don't know what exactly is possible and how to work with it...
Does somebody has some cmdlet or little tutorial how to do this?
I found nice and very easy solution! There is WASP project on Codeplex. This project allows to manipulate windows, send keys to them and send clicks to them.
Solution for my problem is to import the WASP module when powershell is starting, then select powershell window (using WASP) and send Alt+Shift keystroke to it (using WASP).
Here is the code to include to the powershell profile.ps1 file in order to change language to the next one:
Import-Module WASP
Select-Window powershell | Send-Keys "%+" # '%' = ALT key, '+' = SHIFT key
Go to the Control Panel, open Regional and Language Options.
Click the Details...
Click Add and Remove to manage the languages you need.
add your language. Click OK to exit.
The keyboard layout is changed, you can switch them via Language Bar.
you can also check this link:

Open dot-file with dialogue in OSX

Since the GUI-side of OSX treats all dot-files (such as .htaccess) as hidden, it doesn't display them in any of the graphical UI:s, e.g. Finder or the Open-dialogues.
How can I open a dot-file (.htaccess in this case) in a graphical editor, without doing that thing for all hidden files, universally and without going through
Edit: I'm on Leopard, if that makes a difference.
Edit2: TextWrangler and TextMate seem to have features that allow you to open hidden files, which partly answers my question.
In an "Open File" dialog you can use Command-Shift-. to see dot files.
You could tell Finder to display hidden files as well (enter in Terminal):
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
But that’s not really nice since there are a lot more hidden files. So I recommend to use an editor that allows you to view those in the open dialog like Chuck mentioned.
If you only want to do this for one specific file, you can create a symbolic link to the dot-file. Open up, cd to the directory containing your dot-file, and run
ln -s .htaccess dot_htaccess
Then you should be able to double-click the file dot_htaccess as a regular file, and any edits you make will really go into .htaccess.
TextMate (a really nice text editor for OS X) open dialog has a "Show hidden files" option, and TextWrangler (and its big brother BBEdit) has it has a menu item.
In the command line, for a file named FILE, type:
open -e FILE
The open command will open the file in TextEdit (-e flag). Check out "man open" for more flags (e.g., specify the app to open with -a)
Smultron (another nice OS X editor mentioned in the comment above and similar to TextMate, but free) has an "Open Hidden..." file menu item that works splendidly for this purpose.
Sad news: Smultron is apparently no longer being developed further beyond v3.5.1 (which requires Leopard), according to a post from its author at its homepage:
jEdit is another free option that has hidden file support: (sorry for the lack of 'http' in the link -- being a new user, my posts are limited to just one link. Alas...)
