how to run amd64 docker images on arm64 host platform - macos

I have an m1 mac and I am trying to run a amd64 based docker image on my arm64 based host platform. However, when I try to do so (with docker run) I get the following error:
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested.
When I try adding the tag --platform linux/amd64 the error message doesn't appear, but I can't seem to go into the relevant shell and docker ps -a shows that the container is immediately exited upon starting. Would anyone know how I can run this exact image on my machine given the circumstances/how to make the --platform tag work?

Using --platform is correct. On my M1 Mac I'm able to run both arm64 and amd64 versions of the Ubuntu image from Docker Hub. The machine hardware name provided by uname proves it.
# docker run --rm -ti --platform linux/arm/v7 ubuntu:latest uname -m
# docker run --rm -ti --platform linux/amd64 ubuntu:latest uname -m
Running amd64 images is enabled by Rosetta2 emulation, as indicated here.
Not all images are available for ARM64 architecture. You can add --platform linux/amd64 to run an Intel image under emulation.
If the container is exiting immediately, that's a problem with the specific container you're using.

To address the problem of your container immediately exiting after starting, try using the entrypoint flag to overwrite the container's entry point. It would look something like this:
docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash image_name
Credit goes to this other SO answer that helped me solve a similar issue on my own container.


Docker run -d changes container architecture

I was trying to install software on 32-bit CentOS 4.8 and ran into a problem. I ran the container using docker run -d(or -itd). The installation software keeps pointing to a x86_64 folder where it doesn't exist. I was so confused because I'm sure I used the correct CentOS image. I ran uname -a and it tells me that my container architecture is 64-bit (x86_64).
I try to run it using docker run -it command instead and when I check uname -a it correctly shows that I'm using 32-bit image.
My question is, is there any explanation why -d flag changes the architecture?
I'm using Docker version 20.10.5 on Windows 10 (64-bit).
Edit: Even when I start a stopped container from docker run -it command using docker start, it use 64-bit architecture instead. I need to run it using docker start -i.

How to run Dockerfile at Silicon Mac M1 from Intel Mac

I'm not a native speaker of English, but I want to ask a question on Stack Overflow.
and I am a beginner at Docker.
I am trying to set up the development environment at Silicon Mac M1 from Intel mac.
set -e
. ./env.list
# Build Docker image
# docker pull store/ibmcorp/db2_developer_c:
docker build -t ${REPOSITORY}:${TAG} .
FROM store/ibmcorp/db2_developer_c:
RUN yum -y update && yum clean all
RUN curl > /tmp/glibc-common.rpm
RUN rm -f /etc/localtime
RUN mkdir /var/custom
and I got errors like below
Step 2/30 : RUN yum -y update && yum clean all
---> [Warning] The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
I already add --platform linux/amd64 another docker run command
. ./env.list
docker rm -f api-db
docker run --name api-db -h db2server --restart=always --detach --privileged=true -p 50000:50000 -p 55000:55000 --platform linux/amd64 --env-file env.list sample-app:v1.0
what should I do for a dockerfile?
Thank you so much for reading.
Have a good day! :)
Apple M1 is arm64v8 instruction set processor, so you can not run amd64 (X86_64) on it without emulation. In general, Docker has the ability to emulate other architectures if the emulation based on bitfmt is set up (and on maxOS with intel CPU it's already set-up), however the emulation for amd64 on M1 is not stable yet. This means that for some period of time you will be restricted to 'arm64' images.
To fetch the proper image for you architecture during the build you need to add the following.
FROM --platform linux/arm64 <image name>
You need to check if there are images for db2 development environment for arm by doing
docker pull --platform linux/arm64 store/ibmcorp/db2_developer_c

Docker Image built on Mac OSX won't run on AWS EC2 instance

Image built on Mac OSX with M1 processor, deployed to an EC2 instance. But when scripts are run it yields the error:
standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error
Elsewhere on Stackoverflow, this is explained as a mismatch of OS architecture. Sure enough running "uname -m" on EC2 instance shows it to be x86_64, and "docker image inspect" shows the container to have architecture arm64.
Here's what I don't understand. "uname -m" on my Mac shows that to be x86_64 too. So how does the container inherit a different architecture?
More significantly, how do I build an image on my Mac that I can run on EC2?
Docker file is simply
FROM python
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY src /src
with src containing, currently, some simple python scripts, executed thus:
docker run container/name python
This works fine on my Mac, but gives the error above when executed on AWS.
OK. Here's what's happening. My Mac has the new M1 chip and I'm running the Tech Preview version of Docker Desktop. Under the hood the chip has the arm64 architecture, but interrogating it through iTerm and VSCode it claims to be x86_64 instead, hence my confusion when I posted the question. This is probably because both those apps are being quietly run through an Intel simulator behind the scenes and that's what's responding to the uname command.
However, because the processor is really arm64, that's the base architecture when I pull Python images from Docker (I tried lots of different flavours nd version of Python - all with the same results).
To force use of an amd64 AWS-compatible image I changed the first line of the Dockerfile to:
FROM --platform=linux/x86-64 python.
When containers from this image are run on the Mac that causes a warning
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
but it's just that, a warning, and the script runs (presumably by redirecting back through the Intel simulator. The scripts now run without problem (or warning) on the EC2 instance.
I'm not sure why you're getting this error, but there is a nice way to get around it if you'd like and if you don't mind your code and images being public. I'm guessing that this is just home-stuff anyway, so it might not be too bad.
Put your code in github.
Configure a repository on for your image and configure automatic builds from
ssh onto your ec2 instance and pull your image directly
from docker hub
An alternative is to start with step 1, then log into your ec2 using ssh and clone the repo on that machine. You can then build it directly on a real linux machine (your osx machine doesn't run Linux, which is an instant mismatch with docker). If you build it on the server you should be able to run it there with no problems.
Try to run with CMD ["lscpu"] or something related like cat /proc/cpuinfo in the container, compare architectures
Another thing: you might be pulling arm architecture of python image when building, and try to run it on x86_64 (EC2)
In addition to what has been shared above, you could also Build a multi-arch image with Buildx.
Basically, The recent Docker versions come with a CLI command called buildx. You can use the buildx command on Docker Desktop for Mac and Windows to build multi-arch images, link them together with a manifest file, and push them all to a registry using a single command.
Here is what works for me:
Create a new builder which gives access to the new
multi-architecture features.
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use
Build the Dockerfile with buildx, passing the list of architectures to build for:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t username/demo:latest --push .
=> pushing layers 2.7s
=> pushing manifest for 2.2
Where, username is a valid Docker username.
The --platform flag informs buildx to generate Linux images for AMD 64-bit, Arm 64-bit, and Armv7 architectures.
The --push flag generates a multi-arch manifest and pushes all the images to Docker Hub.
To inspect the image use the below command
docker buildx imagetools inspect username/demo:latest

bluetooth in docker for windows host

My docker version is:
docker --version
Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61
My windows version is:
Nom du système d’exploitation: Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel
Version du système: 10.0.17763 N/A version 17763
Type du système: x64-based PC
My Dockerfile is:
FROM ubuntu:21.04
RUN apt update
RUN apt-get install -y bluez bluetooth usbutils
When I run the following command, I start the 'bluetooth_in_docker' container:
docker build -t bluetooth_in_docker . & docker run --privileged --net=host -it bluetooth_in_docker bash
Inside the container when I run the following, I get an error:
hciconfig dev
Can't open HCI socket.: Address family not supported by protocol
I got it working on Windows from inside WSL2, but it takes a lot of steps.
Follow to get
your bluetooth working inside WSL2. Verify that you can scan for
bluetooth devices inside your WSL2 distro.
modify your dockerfile to install bluetooth as you did (bluez and usb-utils might not be needed)
Now there are 2 options. First option shares bluetooth with container. Second option gives container exclusive control.
Sharing bluetooth between the host and the container is possible by making a volume mount of /var/run/dbus and running it with --privileged:
docker run -v /var/run/dbus/:/var/run/dbus/:z --privileged {containerImage}
Make sure that the dbus and bluetooth services are working in your host when running the container this way.
Giving the container exclusive control: in WSL2 (the host), run a docker container according to
run sudo service bluetooth stop to make your bluetooth not "claimed" by the host (the linked answer uses killall, I think sudo service ... stop is cleaner)
use a sh script to start dbus and bluetooth inside the container
run the container using
docker run --rm --net=host --privileged myimage:mytag

Docker run armv7 images on mac

My mac uses x86_64 hardware and in theory I shouldn't be able to run docker images built for armv7.
Docker documentation says:
Docker Desktop provides binfmt_misc multi-architecture support, which means you can run containers for different Linux architectures such as arm, mips, ppc64le, and even s390x.
This does not require any special configuration in the container itself as it uses qemu-static from the Docker for Mac VM.
and I'm also reading articles like this one which confirm the above
docker run -it --rm arm32v7/debian /bin/bash
should work on a mac although it doesn't work for me:
Unable to find image 'arm32v7/debian:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from arm32v7/debian
Digest: sha256:9b61eaedd46400386ecad01e2633e4b62d2ddbab8a95e460f4e0057c612ad085
Status: Image is up to date for arm32v7/debian:latest
docker: Error response from daemon: image with reference arm32v7/debian was found but does not match the specified platform cpu architecture: wanted: amd64, actual: arm.
See 'docker run --help'.
I wonder whether I'm misunderstanding something.
Docker desktop community version (48975) edge
Docker version 20.10.0-beta1, build ac365d7
MacOS version 10.15.7 (19H2)
Note: while researching the topic I've tryied to use qemu and ran:
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
which has potentially interfered with the default behaviour.
I think my problem is related to this moby issue.
The fix was quite trivial as I only needed to add the --platform argument, in my case linux/arm or linux/arm/v7:
docker run -it --rm arm32v7/debian /bin/bash
has become
docker run --platform=linux/arm -it --rm arm32v7/debian /bin/bash
and voila:
root#82c3ff8752d3:/# uname -a
Linux 82c3ff8752d3 5.4.39-linuxkit #1 SMP Fri May 8 23:03:06 UTC 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
