Multipass VM not reachable via specific http ports from host - macos

I'm running an Ubuntu VM with multipass hyperkit do run microk8s. Within the VM all things checkout and available with skaffold/kubectl port forwarding. For instance:
$ multipass list
Name State IPv4 Image
microk8s-vm Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Port forwarding service/my-app in namespace default, remote port 80 ->
Within the VM:curl localhost:4503 ✅
From the host: curl🛑
I know the VM is reachable on port 80 because curl returns default ngnix not found page. FWIW I never installed ngnix and the service doesn't seem to be running /cannot turn it off.
I've been at this for a day and I'm stumped. I even tried the Vbox driver and manually configured a bridge adapter. I even created my own adapter...
$ multipass exec -- microk8s-vm sudo bash -c "cat > /etc/netplan/60-bridge.yaml" <<EOF
enp0s8: # this is the interface name from above
dhcp4: true
dhcp4-overrides: # this is needed so the default gateway
route-metric: 200 # remains with the first interface
version: 2
$ multipass exec microk8s-vm sudo netplan apply
How can I reach this VM from the host?

You cant access your pod ip /portlike this.
If you want to access your pods port over the nodes ip address, you need to define a service type NodePort and then use ipaddressOfNode:NodePort.
curl http://ipaddressOfNode:NodePort
With port-forward you must use the localhost of your host system.
kubectl port-forward svc/myservice 8000:yourServicePort
curl http://localhost:8000


how to enable port forward with micrpk8s

I'm playing around with microk8s and I simply want to run an apache server and navigate to its default page on the same machine. I'm on a mac arm m1:
microk8s kubectl run test-pod --image=ubuntu/apache2:2.4-20.04_beta --port=80
~ $ microk8s kubectl get pods 2
test-pod 1/1 Running 0 8m43s
then I try to enable the forward:
◼ ~ $ microk8s kubectl port-forward test-pod :80
Forwarding from -> 80
◼ ~ $ wget http://localhost:37551
--2022-12-24 18:54:37-- http://localhost:37551/
Resolving localhost (localhost)..., ::1
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:8080... failed: Connection refused.
Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:8080... failed: Connection refused.
the logs looks ok:
◼ ~ $ microk8s kubectl logs test-pod 130
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
dashboard proxy does work fine and I can navigate to it:
◼ ~ $ microk8s dashboard-proxy
Checking if Dashboard is running.
Dashboard will be available at
Answering myself:
I should use the Multipass' guest machine assigned IP. This is not docker :)
For some reason I haven't figured out, as asked here, the forwarding from the guest does not work properly on mac. I should open a guest's shell and forward from there. that way, it will work. See the answer on the linked post.
Hope this will spare some time on future mac users.

Can't access docker container on port 80 on OSX

In my current job we have development environment made with docker-compose.
One container is nginx, which provide routing to other containers.
Everything seems fine and work to my colleague on windows and osx. But on my system (osx El Capitan), there is problem with accessing nginx container on port 80.
There is setup of container from docker-compose.yml
build: ./dockerbuild/nginx
- 80:80
- php
- app
... and more
In ./dockerbuild/nginx there is nothing special, just nginx config as we know it from everywhere.
When I run everyting with docker-compose create and docker-compose start. Then docker ps give me
3b296c1e4775 docker_nginx "nginx -g 'daemon off" About an hour ago Up 47 minutes>80/tcp, 443/tcp docker_nginx_1
But when I try to access it for example via curl I get error. curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused
I try to run container with port 81 and everything works fine.
Port is really binded to docker
22:47 $ sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP
com.docke 14718 schovi 38u IPv4 0x6e9c93c51ec4b617 0t0 TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
Firewall in osx is turned off and I have no other security.
if you are using docker-for-mac:
Accessing by localhost:80 is correct, though you still have to ensure you do not have a local apache/nginx service running. Often leftovers from boxen/homebrew exist binding that port, because thats what developers did back then :)
if you are using dockertoolbox/virtualbox/whatever hypervisor
You will not be able to access it by localhost, by by the docker-machine ip, so write docker-machine ip default and the use http://$ip:80 in your browser
if that does not help
Ensure your nginx container actually does work, so connect to the container: docker exec -i -t <containerid> bash
and then run ps aux nginx or if telnet is installed try to connect to localhost
Problem was, that long long time ago I installed pow (super simple automated rails server which run application on app_name.local domain). And this beast left LaunchAgent script which update pf to forward port 80 to pow port.
In my current job we have development environment made with docker-compose.
A privilege to use.
[W]hen I try to access [nginx on port 80] for example via curl I get error.
Given there's nothing from causing you from accessing docker on your host os you should look at the app running inside the container to ensure it's binding to the correct host, e.g. and not localhost.
For example, if you're running Nuxt inside a container with nuxt-ts observe Nuxt will default to localhost thereby causing the container not to connect to the docker network whereas npx nuxt-ts -H gets things squared away with the container's internal server connecting to the ip of the docker network used (verify ip like docker container inspect d8af01990363).

access host's ssh tunnel from docker container

Using ubuntu tusty, there is a service running on a remote machine, that I can access via port forwarding through an ssh tunnel from localhost:9999.
I have a docker container running. I need to access that remote service via the host's tunnel, from within the container.
I tried tunneling from the container to the host with -L 9000:host-ip:9999 , then accessing the service through from within the container fails to connect. To check wether the port mapping was on, I tried
nc -luv -p 9999 # at host
nc -luv -p 9000 # at container
following this, parag. 2 but there was no perceived communication, even when doing
nc -luv host-ip -p 9000
at the container
I also tried mapping the ports via docker run -p 9999:9000 , but this reports that the bind failed because the host port is already in use (from the host tunnel to the remote machine, presumably).
So my questions are
1 - How will I achieve the connection? Do I need to setup an ssh tunnel to the host, or can this be achieved with the docker port mapping alone?
2 - What's a quick way to test that the connection is up? Via bash, preferably.
Using your hosts network as network for your containers via --net=host or in docker-compose via network_mode: host is one option but this has the unwanted side effect that (a) you now expose the container ports in your host system and (b) that you cannot connect to those containers anymore that are not mapped to your host network.
In your case, a quick and cleaner solution would be to make your ssh tunnel "available" to your docker containers (e.g. by binding ssh to the docker0 bridge) instead of exposing your docker containers in your host environment (as suggested in the accepted answer).
Setting up the tunnel:
For this to work, retrieve the ip your docker0 bridge is using via:
you will see something like this:
docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 03:41:4a:26:b7:31
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Now you need to tell ssh to bind to this ip to listen for traffic directed towards port 9000 via
ssh -L
Without setting the bind_address, :9000 would only be available to your host's loopback interface and not per se to your docker containers.
Side note: You could also bind your tunnel to, which will make ssh listen to all interfaces.
Setting up your application:
In your containerized application use the same docker0 ip to connect to the server: Now traffic being routed through your docker0 bridge will also reach your ssh tunnel :)
For example, if you have a "DOT.NET Core" application that needs to connect to a remote db located at :9000, your "ConnectionString" would contain "server=,9000;.
Forwarding multiple connections:
When dealing with multiple outgoing connections (e.g. a docker container needs to connect to multiple remote DB's via tunnel), several valid techniques exist but an easy and straightforward way is to simply create multiple tunnels listening to traffic arriving at different docker0 bridge ports.
Within your ssh tunnel command (ssh -L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [user#]hostname), the port part of the bind_address does not have to match the hostport of the host and, therefore, can be freely chosen by you. So within your docker containers just channel the traffic to different ports of your docker0 bridge and then create several ssh tunnel commands (one for each port you are listening to) that intercept data at these ports and then forward it to the different hosts and hostports of your choice.
on MacOS (tested in v19.03.2),
1) create a tunnel on host
ssh -i key.pem username#jump_server -L 3336:mysql_host:3306 -N
2) from container, you can use host.docker.internal or docker.for.mac.localhost or to reference host.
mysql -h host.docker.internal -P 3336 -u admin -p
note from docker-for-mac official doc
The host has a changing IP address (or none if you have no network access).
From 18.03 onwards our recommendation is to connect to the special DNS
name host.docker.internal, which resolves to the internal IP address
used by the host. This is for development purpose and will not work in
a production environment outside of Docker Desktop for Mac.
The gateway is also reachable as gateway.docker.internal.
I think you can do it by adding --net=host to your docker run. But see also this question: Forward host port to docker container
I'd like to share my solution to this. My case was as follows: I had a PostgreSQL SSH tunnel on my host and I needed one of my containers from the stack to connect to a database through it.
I spent hours trying to find a solution (Ubuntu + Docker 19.03) and I failed. Instead of doing voodoo magic with iptables, doing modifications to the settings of the Docker engine itself I came up with a solution and was shocked I didn't thought of this earlier. The most important thing was I didn't want to use the host mode: security first.
Instead of trying to allow a container to talk to the host, I simply added another service to the stack, which would create the tunnel, so other containers could talk to easily without any hacks.
After configuring a host inside my ~/.ssh/config:
Host project-postgres-tunnel
User sshuser
Port 2200
ForwardAgent yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
ConnectTimeout 5
ServerAliveCountMax 10
ServerAliveInterval 15
And adding a service to the stack:
image: cagataygurturk/docker-ssh-tunnel:0.0.1
- $HOME/.ssh:/root/ssh:ro
TUNNEL_HOST: project-postgres-tunnel
REMOTE_HOST: localhost
# uncomment if you wish to access the tunnel on the host
# - 5432:5432
The PHP container started talking through the tunnel without any problems:
Just remember to put your public key inside that host if you haven't already:
ssh-copy-id project-postgres-tunnel
I'm pretty sure this will work regardless of the OS used (MacOS / Linux).
I agree with #hlobit that #B12Toaster answer should be the accepted answer.
In case anyone hits this problem but with a slightly different setup with the SSH tunnel, here are my findings. In my case, instead of creating a tunnel from Docker host machine to remote machine using ssh -L, I was creating remote forward SSH tunnel from remote machine to Docker host machine using ssh -L.
In this setup, by default sshd does NOT allow gateway ports, i.e. in file /etc/ssh/sshd_config on Docker host, the GatewayPorts no should be uncommented and set to GatewayPorts yes or GatewayPorts clientspecified. I configured GatewayPorts clientspecified and configured the remote forward SSH tunnel by ssh -L user#dockerHost. Remember to restart sshd after changing /etc/ssh/sshd_config (sudo systemctl restart sshd).
Your Docker container should be able to connect to Docker host on and this in turn gets tunnelled back to SSH client's localhost:sshClientPort.
My 2 cents for Ubuntu 18.04 - a very simple answer, no need for extra tunnels, extra containers, extra docker options or exposing host.
Simply, when creating a reverse tunnel make sure ssh binds to all interfaces as, by default, it binds ports of the reverse tunnel to localhost only. For example, in putty make sure that option Connection->SSH->Tunnels Remote ports do the same (SSH-2 only) is ticked.
This is more or less equivalent to specifying the binding address for the remote part of the tunnel (more details here):
-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport
However, this did not work for me unless I allowed the GatewayPorts option in my sshd server configuration. Many thanks to Stefan Seidel for his great answer.
In short: (1) you bind the reverse tunnel to, (2) you let the sshd server to accept such tunnels.
Once this is done I can access my remote server from my docker containers via the docker gateway and port bound to the host.
On my side, running Docker in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL v1), I couldn't use docker0 connection approach. host.docker.internal also doesn't resolve (latest docker version).
However, I found out I could directly use the host-ip insider my docker container.
Get your Host IP (Windows cmd: ipconfig), e.g.
Bash into your Container and test if you can ping your host ip:
- docker exec -it d6b4be5b20f7 /bin/bash
- apt-get update && apt-get install iputils-ping
- ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from : icmp_seq=1 ttl=37 time=2.17 ms
64 bytes from : icmp_seq=2 ttl=37 time=1.44 ms
64 bytes from : icmp_seq=3 ttl=37 time=1.68 ms
Apparently, in Windows, you can directly connect from within containers to the host using the official host ip.
In case anyone needs it (like I did), solution for Windows and WSL is same as #prayagupd mentioned for Mac OS
Create an SSH tunnel to your remote service with whatever tool you prefer to whatever port you prefer, for example 3300.
Then, from Docker container you can connect to, for example, MySQL DB on tunnel port 3300 using following command:
mysql -u user -p -h host.docker.internal -P 3300
An easy example to reproduce the situation and ssh to host
Run a container. Use --network="host
docker container run --network="host" --interactive --tty --rm ubuntu bash
Now you can access your host using localhost
Now your host machine is a Linux machine that has a public-private key file to ssh into it. So copy the contents of your private key file and reproduce the key file inside your host. (However, this is just a demonstration. This is not a good way to copy key files)
Now ssh into your host. Use localhost to access it.
ssh -i key_file.pem ec2-user#localhost

How to access web page served by nginx web server running in docker container

We are trying to use docker to run nginx but for some reason I'm unable to access the nginx web server running inside the docker container.
We have booted a Docker Container using the following Dockerfile:
(Its a basic hello world using nginx running on port 8888)
To run the container we used:
docker run -it ubuntu bash
we determined the Container's IP address using the docker inspect command:
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' a9404c168b21
which is:
when I try to visit the container's IP address and the nginx port in a browser we get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
or using curl:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8888: Connection refused
To attempt to solve this we googled extensively but suspect we might be asking the "wrong" questions...
You shouldn't be trying to hit the IP address of the container, you should be using the IP address of the host machine.
What you are missing is the mapping of the port of the host machine to the port of the container running the nginx server.
Assuming that you want to use port 8888 on the host machine, you need a parameter such as this to map the ports:
docker run ... -p 8888:8888 ...
Then you should be able to access you server at http://<HOST_MACHINE_IP>:8888
EDIT: There is another gotcha if you are running on a Mac. To use Docker on a Mac it's common to use boot2docker but boot2docker adds in another layer. You need determine the IP address of the boot2docker container and use that instead of localhost to access nginx.
$ boot2docker ip
The VM's Host only interface IP address is: <X.X.X.X>
$ wget http://<X.X.X.X>:8888
Connecting to <X.X.X.X>:8888... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
EDIT: ... or with docker-machine the equivalent command would be docker-machine ip <machine-name> where <machine-name> is likely to be "default".
You may need to check if your container is running:
docker ps ( you should have an active container)
If no container is active:
docker run -p 80:80 -it /bin/bash
you will then be on your image terminal
start nginx - sudo service nginx start
ctrl p + ctrl q to quit docker without exiting the container
if you are on mac and using boot2docker you cannot use localhost to check your running nginx
so use boot2docker ip
browse using the boot2docker ip

Docker container - how to configure so it gets a viable IP address when running in vagrant?

Docker ( looks terrific. However, after installing VirtualBox, Vagrant
... and finally Docker on a Mac, I'm finding it's not possible to access the service running in the Docker container from another computer (or from a terminal session on the Mac). The service I'm trying to access is Redis.
The problem appears to be that there's no route to the IP address assigned to the Docker container. In this case the container's IP is while the Mac's IP is
A couple notes:
It IS possible to access it - but only from within the VirtualBox session. This can be done using redis-cli -h -p 6379.
I have added " :bridged" to the VagrantFile in an attempt to get the, but that didn't solve the problem.
The VM generated by vagrant is indeed isolated, in order to access it from your host, you can allocate a private network to it.
Instead of doing :bridged, try :private_network, ip: "", It should do the trick
However, this will only allow you to access the VM itself, not the containers.
In order to do so, when running the container, you can add the -p option
ex: docker run -d -p 8989 base nc -lkp 8989
This will run a netcat listening on 8989 within a container and expose the port publicly. As it is also run with -d, the container will be in detached mode and the only output will be the container's ID
In order to expose the port, Docker do a simple NAT. In order to know the real port, you can
do docker port <ID of the container> 8989
Netcat will be available from the mac at<result>
I just wrote a tutorial of how to use a host-only network and TCP routing to make this pretty easy. This way you don't have to map every specific port.
Important points ...
1) Add host-only network to Virtual Box
2) Tell the boot2docker VM to have an adapter on the host-only network
3) Add an IP for the new boot2docker VM host-only networking adapter
4) Route all Mac OS X traffic for the docker container subnet to that boot2docker VM host-only networking IP
Actual steps are on the blog with output so you can compare to what you see as you follow them.
I have installed tomcat from my Dockerfile and forwarded that to 6060 using vagrant`s port forwarding. These are the steps worked for me:
vagrant provision
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
box_name$ docker run -i -t -p 8080:8080 bsb_tomcat6 /bin/bash
Able to see tomcat up & running on localhost:6060, as I have done port forwarding to 6060 in my Vagrantfile
you also can define PRIVATE_NETWORK and FORWARD_DOCKER_PORTS environment variables to access your services that are running in docker containers:
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant up
In my case i can access postgres from Mac using
$ telnet 49154
to find out actual application port you can use
$ sudo docker port 1854499c6547 5432
