Using jq and outputting specific columns with formatting - sorting

Can anyone help me to understand how I can print countryCode followed by connectionName and load with a percentage symbol all on one line nicely formatted - all using jq - not using sed, column or any other unix external command. I cannot seem print anything other than the one column
curl --silent "" | jq -r -c "map(select(.countryCode == "US" and .load <= "99")) | sort_by(.load) | limit(20;.[]) | [.countryCode, .connectionName, .load] | (.[1])

Is this what you wanted ?
curl --silent "" |
jq -r -c 'map(select(.countryCode == "US" and .load <= 99)) |
sort_by(.load) |
limit(20;.[]) |
"\(.countryCode) \(.connectionName) \(.load)%"'


GitHub API, posting new comment using a variable

I have a file with a bunch of output from some performance tests. It looks similar to the following:
index | master | performance-fix | change %
--- | --- | --- | ---
load | 26212.8 | 28223.6 | 7.67%
type | 67.5 | 75.41 | 11.72%
minType | 56.91 | 59.6 | 4.73%
maxInserterSearch | 185.45 | 283.25 | 52.74%
minInserterHover | 25.97 | 27.55 | 6.08%
maxInserterHover | 44.47 | 44.7 | 0.52%
I am trying to submit a new comment on a Github issue using that table data. Standard text works fine, but when I try and pass the table along I'm getting the error:
"message": "Problems parsing JSON",
"documentation_url": ""
My cURL request is as follows:
NEW_COMMENT=$(curl -sS \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-d '{"body": "Results: <br />'"$TEST_RESULTS"'"}')
I have also tried creating the {"body": ...} using jq, and using the --data-urlencode flag. Both return the same "Problems parsing JSON" error.
It looks like $TEST_RESULTS contains characters that make the JSON not what you think it is, like including quotation marks and newlines
Maybe escaping the JSON output like this will help
escaped="$(printf '%s' "$TEST_RESULTS" | jq -Rs '.')"
... \
-d '{"body": "Results: <br />'"$escaped"'"}')

how to add secuential number getting output with jq

I'm getting some values with jq command like these:
curl xxxxxx | jq -r '.[] | ["\(.job.Name), \("]' | #tsv' | column -t -s ","
It gives me:
What I want is that I get is a first field with a secuencial number (1 ....) like these:
Do you know if it's possible? Thanks!
One way would be to start your pipeline with:
range(0;length) as $i | .[$i]
You then can use $i in the remainder of the program.

JQ - Argument list too long error - Large Input

I use Jq to perform some filtering on a large json file using :
paths=$(jq '.paths | to_entries | map(select(.value[].tags | index("Filter"))) | from_entries' input.json)
and write the result to a new file using :
jq --argjson prefix "$paths" '.paths=$prefix' input.json > output.json
But this ^ fails as $paths has a very high line count (order of 100,000).
Error :
jq: Argument list too long
I also went through : /usr/bin/jq: Argument list too long error bash , understood the same problem there, but did not get the solution.
In general, assuming your jq allows it, you could use —argfile or —slurpfile but in your case you can simply avoid the issue by invoking jq just once instead of twice. For example, to keep things clear:
( .paths | to_entries | map(select(.value[].tags | index("Filter"))) | from_entries ) as $prefix
| .paths=$prefix
Even better, simply use |=:
.paths |= ( to_entries | map(select(.value[].tags | index("Filter"))) | from_entries)
or better yet, use with_entries.

Merge multiple jq invocations to sort and limit the content of a stream of objects

I have a json stream of updates for products, and I'm trying to get the last X versions sorted by version (they are sorted by release date currently).
It looks like jq can't sort a stream of objects directly, sort_by only works on arrays, and I couldn't find a way to collect a stream into an array that doesn't involve piping the output of jq -c to jq -s.
My current solution:
< xx \
jq -c '.[] | select(.platform | contains("Unix"))' \
| jq -cs 'sort_by(.version) | reverse | .[]' \
| head -5 \
| jq -C . \
| less
I expected to be able to use
jq '.[] | select(...) | sort_by(.version) | limit(5) | reverse'
but I couldn't find a thing that limits and sort_by doesn't work on non arrays.
I am testing this on atlassian's json for releases:
In jq you can always contain the results to an array using the [..] that put the results to an array for the subsequent functions to operate on. Your given requirement could be simply done as
jq '[.[] | select(.platform | contains("Unix"))] | sort_by(.version) | limit(5;.[])'
See it working on jq playground tested on v1.6
and with added reverse() function, introduce an another level of array nesting. Use reverse[] to dump the objects alone
jq '[[.[] | select(.platform | contains("Unix"))] | sort_by(.version) | limit(5;.[]) ] | reverse'

Strip a particular word from the beginning of string in jq output

I am getting list of values as below using the curl command:
curl -s | jq -r '.repositories[0:5] | to_entries | map( .value )[]'
I want to make sure that output should not have the prefix cybs/ in it. for example, cybs/address-api should just be address-api
Just use sub:
curl ... | jq -r '.repositories[0:5][] | sub("^cybs/"; "")'
Also note that to_entries | map( .value ) is a NOP and should be removed.
