What's the best pattern for exception handling when using coroutines in kotlinjs? - kotlin-coroutines

I have a kotlinjs app. I handle a particular event (dropping of data onto a component) like this:
onEvent {
drop = { event ->
GlobalScope.async {
dropTask(y, data)
// ...
// this function has to be a suspend function because model's is
private suspend fun dropTask(y: Int, taskId: TaskId) {
// ... prepare data
model.insertBefore(taskId!!, insertBefore?.id)
// ... Model's function is defined like this:
suspend fun insertBefore(taskToInsert: TaskId, taskBefore: TaskId?) {
val (src, _) = memory.find(taskToInsert)
// ... and finally, the find function is:
fun find(taskId: TaskId): Pair<Task?, Int> {
// ...
return if (task != null) {
// ...
} else {
throw Exception("Couldn't find task with id $taskId!!")
The issue is that the Exception gets thrown, but isn't reported anywhere.
I have tried:
a) Installing a CoroutineExceptionHandler into the GlobalScope.async (i.e.:
val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, e ->
console.log("Caught exception: $e")
GlobalScope.async(handler) {
...but this never gets called. This would be relatively clean if I could make it work. It would be even nicer if this was default behavior for kotlinjs, so that exceptions weren't accidentally unreported.
b) Calling await:
drop = { event ->
GlobalScope.launch {
GlobalScope.async() {
// ...
dropTask(y, data)
This does result in the exception being logged to the console, but it's so ugly. It's not possible to call .await() outside of a suspend function or coroutine, so for this particular event handler I have to wrap the async call in a launch. I must be doing something wrong. Anybody have a better pattern that I should be using?


My MapsActivity crashes without any error message

I think that the problem is I don't know to use well the Coroutines. In Maps Activity you'll see that I access to a PointsDao suspend function that returns a List of objects that I want to use to create marks at my Google Maps Activity.
class MapsActivity : AppCompatActivity(), OnMapReadyCallback {
private lateinit var mMap: GoogleMap
private lateinit var binding: ActivityMapsBinding
private lateinit var requestPermissionLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Array<String>>
private val permissions = arrayOf(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
private lateinit var fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient
private val mapsViewModel: MapsViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMapsBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
requestPermissionLauncher = registerForActivityResult(
) {
permissions ->
if (permissions.getOrDefault(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, false)) {
Log.d("fine_location", "Permission granted")
} else {
Log.d("fine_location", "Permission not granted")
Toast.makeText(this, "Necessites acceptar els permisos de geolocalització per a realitzar la ruta", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
if (permissions.getOrDefault(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, false)) {
Log.d("coarse_location", "Permission granted")
} else {
Log.d("coarse_location", "Permission not granted")
Toast.makeText(this, "Necessites acceptar els permisos de geolocalització per a realitzar la ruta", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
// Obtain the SupportMapFragment and get notified when the map is ready to be used.
val mapFragment = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentById(R.id.map) as SupportMapFragment
fusedLocationClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this)
* Manipulates the map once available.
* This callback is triggered when the map is ready to be used.
* This is where we can add markers or lines, add listeners or move the camera.
override fun onMapReady(googleMap: GoogleMap) {
mMap = googleMap
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
val listOfPoints = getRoutePoints()
for (point in listOfPoints) {
mMap.addMarker(MarkerOptions().position(LatLng( point.latitude, point.longitude)))
if (point == listOfPoints[0]) {
mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude), 18f))
private fun requestLocationPermissions() {
when (PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) -> {
Log.d("fine_location", "Permission already granted")
ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) -> {
Log.d("coarse_location", "Permission already granted")
else -> {
private fun getBackToMainActivity() {
val intent = Intent(this, MainActivity::class.java)
private fun getRouteId(): Int {
return intent.getIntExtra("routeId", 0)
// Gets the points from room repository through ViewModel
private fun getRoutePoints(): List<PointOfInterest> {
val route = getRouteId()
var points = emptyList<PointOfInterest>()
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
points = mapsViewModel.getRoutePoints(route)
return points
This is my ViewModel for this Activity:
class MapsViewModel #Inject constructor(private val repository: RoomRepository): ViewModel() {
suspend fun getRoutePoints(routeId: Int): List<PointOfInterest> {
return repository.getPointsByRouteId(routeId)
And the Dao:
interface PointsDao
#Query("SELECT * FROM points_tbl WHERE route_id = :routeId")
suspend fun getRoutePoints(routeId: Int): List<PointOfInterest>
My stracktrace error:
Process: com.buigues.ortola.touristics, PID: 27515
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method addObserver must be called on the main thread
at androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry.enforceMainThreadIfNeeded(LifecycleRegistry.java:317)
at androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry.addObserver(LifecycleRegistry.java:172)
at androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandleController.attachToLifecycle(SavedStateHandleController.java:49)
at androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandleController.create(SavedStateHandleController.java:70)
at androidx.lifecycle.AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory.create(AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory.java:67)
at androidx.lifecycle.AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory.create(AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory.java:84)
at dagger.hilt.android.internal.lifecycle.HiltViewModelFactory.create(HiltViewModelFactory.java:109)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider.get(ViewModelProvider.kt:171)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider.get(ViewModelProvider.kt:139)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy.getValue(ViewModelLazy.kt:44)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy.getValue(ViewModelLazy.kt:31)
at com.buigues.ortola.touristics.ui.MapsActivity.getMapsViewModel(MapsActivity.kt:39)
at com.buigues.ortola.touristics.ui.MapsActivity.getRoutePoints(MapsActivity.kt:123)
at com.buigues.ortola.touristics.ui.MapsActivity.access$getRoutePoints(MapsActivity.kt:31)
at com.buigues.ortola.touristics.ui.MapsActivity$onMapReady$1.invokeSuspend(MapsActivity.kt:85)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:571)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:750)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:678)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:665)
The problem is here in getRoutePoints().
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
points = mapsViewModel.getRoutePoints(route)
The by viewModels() in your ViewModel property does a lazy load of the ViewModel. As a result, if you access your ViewModel property for the first time when you are not on the main thread, it will try to create it on the wrong thread, triggering this crash. ViewModels must be constructed on the main thread.
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO) means you are creating a coroutine scope that by default uses background IO threads, so this code is run on a background thread.
You should not be creating a CoroutineScope for this anyway, because your Activity already has one that is properly managed by the Activity lifecycle (so it will cancel any in-progress jobs if the activity is closed, to avoid wasting resources).
Also, getRoutePoints() is a suspend function. There's no reason for you to be using Dispatchers.IO here. A suspend function by convention is safe to call from any dispatcher. (It is however possible to write one that breaks convention, but Room is properly designed and does not break convention.)
To fix the crash and run a coroutine properly, you should use lifecycleScope.launch { //.... However, this function as you have designed it won't do what you expect. It launches a coroutine to retrieve a value, but then it immediately returns before that coroutine has finished running, so in this case will just return the initial emptyList(). When you launch a coroutine, you are queuing up background work, but the current function that called launch continues synchronously without waiting for the coroutine results. If it did, it would be a blocking function. There's more information about that in my answer here.
So, you should instead make this a suspend function:
// Gets the points from room repository through ViewModel
private suspend fun getRoutePoints(): List<PointOfInterest> {
val route = getRouteId()
return mapsViewModel.getRoutePoints(route)
And your onMapReady function should also be fixed to use proper scope:
override fun onMapReady(googleMap: GoogleMap) {
mMap = googleMap
lifecycleScope.launch {
val listOfPoints = getRoutePoints()
for (point in listOfPoints) {
mMap.addMarker(MarkerOptions().position(LatLng( point.latitude, point.longitude)))
if (point == listOfPoints[0]) {
mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude), 18f))

What's the Promise equivalent of CompositeFuture in Vert.x 3.8.1+?

I have a Vert.x 3.7.1 method that deploys a bunch of verticles and if all of the deployments succeed, sends a message through the event bus that does some startup work. The structure of the method looks like this:
void deploy() {
Future<Void> v1Future = Future.future();
Future<Void> v2Future = Future.future();
// ...
vertx.deployVerticle(new SomeVerticle(), result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
} else {
// ...
List<Future<Void>> allFutures = ImmutableList.of(v1Future, v2Future);
CompositeFuture.all(allFutures).setHandler(result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
I want to replicate this same functionality with Promises in Vert.x 3.8.1+, since Future.future() and most of the associated methods are now deprecated. The problem is, there's no CompositePromise or anything that seems similar to Futures. How can I execute a series of deployments and then if and only if all deployments succeed, do something else using the new Promise class in Vert.x 3.8.1+?
CompositeFuture still exists and it will not be replaced. The reason is that what needs to be composed are the asynchronous results, not the promises.
Here is how you can compose the futures corresponding to each promise:
void deploy() {
Promise<Void> v1Promise = Promise.promise();
Promise<Void> v2Promise = Promise.promise();
// ...
vertx.deployVerticle(new SomeVerticle(), result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
} else {
// ...
List<Future> allFutures = ImmutableList.of(v1Promise.future(), v2Promise.future());
CompositeFuture.all(allFutures).setHandler(result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
vertx.eventBus().send("some-address", message);

is this right to use coroutines in a non coroutine context

Having a Processor class, trying to replace some of the code with coroutines. Since it is in a non coroutines context so val serviceScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + serviceJob) is added and used for start coroutines.
Added CoroutineScope, and using serviceScope.launch{} in the place which was using Thread{}.start().
Inside the function restart(), it replaced the using of CountDownLatch with
serviceScope.launch {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
Question: this launch/withContext actually does not stop the code execution of the next if (!conDoProcess) -- so it fails to do what the latch used to do.
what is the right way to stop the code execution until the doReset() . is done?
Another question, when dispose this Processor object it calls serviceScope.cancel(),
what is the difference if call with serviceJob.cancel()?
class Processor {
private val serviceJob = Job()
private val serviceScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + serviceJob)
/* return false if the it does not start the processing */
fun restart(): Boolean {
synchronized(_lock) {
// 1.old code using latch to wait
val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
streamThreadPoolExecutor.execute {
doReset() //
latch.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // wait at most for 3 seconds if no one calls countDown
// 2. change to using coroutines to suspend
serviceScope.launch {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// wait until reset is done
if (!conDoProcess) {// the doRest() should update conDoProcess
return false
for (i in providers.indices) {
val pr = provider[i]
serviceScope.launch {
return true
fun dispose() {
synchronized(_lock) {
// or should it use
// serviceJob.cancel()
I think it used the serviceScope.launch wrong, it should include the rest part after the blocking part withContext(Dispatchers.IO), but inside the serviceScope.launch.
// 2. change to using coroutines to suspend
serviceScope.launch {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// wait until reset is done
if (!conDoProcess) {// the doRest() should update conDoProcess
return false
for (i in providers.indices) {
val pr = provider[i]
serviceScope.launch {
return true

Dont understand how to make flux subscription working in kotlin

I'm new to reactive programming. I expect to see
test provider started
Beat 1000
Beat 2000
in logs but there is only test provider started and no Beat or on complete messages. Looks like I miss something
class ProviderService {
fun start(){
val hb: Flux<HeartBeat> = Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(1)).map { HeartBeat(it) }
val provider = Provider("test", hb)
open class Provider(name: String, heartBests: Flux<HeartBeat>) {
companion object {
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Provider::class.java)!!
init {
log.info("$name provider started")
heartBests.doOnComplete { log.info("on complete") }
heartBests.doOnEach { onBeat(it.get().number) }
fun onBeat(n: Number){
log.info("Beat $n")
class HeartBeat(val number: Number)
three pretty common mistakes here:
operators like doOnEach return a new Flux instance with the added behavior, so you need to (re)assign to a variable or use a fluent style
nothing happens until you subscribe() (or a variant of it. blockXXX do also subscribe under the hood for instance...)
such a pipeline is fully asynchronous, and runs on a separate Thread due to the time dimension of the source, interval. As a result, control would immediately return in init even if you had subscribed, potentially causing the main thread and then the app to exit.
In your code lambda from 'doOnComplete' has been never called, because you created infinite stream. Method 'doOnEach' as 'map' is intermediate operations (like map in streams), its doesn't make a call.
And you have another mistake, reactive suggests "fluent pattern".
Try this simple example:
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux
import java.time.Duration
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val flux = Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(1)).map { HeartBeat(it) }
.doOnEach { println("on each $it") }
.map { println("before map");HeartBeat(it.value * 2) }
.doOnNext { println("on next $it") }
.doOnComplete { println("on complete") }
.subscribe { println("subscribe $it") }
data class HeartBeat(val value: Long)

Reconnect to source and continue from last emitted value

I'm trying to figure out how to implement reconnect to observable after a transient failure, to continue from a last emitted value.
Assume I have the following method:
interface MyQuery {
fromId: number;
toId: number;
interface MyItem {
id: number;
val: string;
function observeUnstable(query: MyQuery): Observable<MyItem>;
The method observableUnstable lets to subscribe to a stream which emits values and may emit the following error in case of intermittent connection failure:
class DisconnectedError extends Error;
I want to compose a new observable which would wrap the original observable above and have transparent resubscribe from the position at which the previous subscription has failed.
The data types are going to be opaque, so I would want to make the reconnection logic generic, probably as an operator which would accept a high order selector function:
let startQuery = { fromId: 1, toId: 10 };
let reconnectable = observeUnstable(startQuery)
.lift(new ReconnectOperator<MyItem>((err, lastValue?) => {
if (err instanceof DisconnectedError) {
// This error indicates that we've been disconnected,
// resubscribing from the place we have stopped
let continueQuery = {
fromId: lastValue ? lastValue.id + 1 : startQuery.fromId,
toId: startQuery.toId
return observeUnstable(continueQuery);
} else {
// Rethrowing error we don't expect
throw err;
Here are my ReconnectOperator and ReconnectSubscriber:
class ReconnectOperator<T> implements Operator<T, T> {
constructor(private handler: (err: any, lastValue?: T) => Observable<T>) {
call(subscriber: Subscriber<T>, source: any): any {
return source.subscribe(new ReconnectSubscriber(subscriber, this.handler));
class ReconnectSubscriber<T> extends Subscriber<T> {
private lastValue?: T;
constructor(destination: Subscriber<T>, private handler: (err: any, lastValue?: T) => Observable<T>) {
protected _next(value: T) {
this.lastValue = value;
error(err: any) {
if (!this.isStopped) {
let result: Observable<T>;
try {
result = this.handler(err, this.lastValue);
} catch (err2) {
// TODO: ???
// this._unsubscribeAndRecycle();
//this.add(subscribeToResult(this, result));
This subscriber is very similar to CatchSubscriber with only one difference is that CatchSubscriber returns original observable in selector method, in my case I want to return last value so the selector could use it to compose a brand new observable rather than reusing the original one.
But I messed with resubscribe logic somehow so the resulting observable never returns complete for small amount of test values, and crashes with stack overflow for bigger amount of test values.
Also, my idea here is to implement a new operator but if it's possible to implement it in a single method just using composition of existing operators, in a generic way, that would be even better :)
Example of an alternative method but without operator:
function observeStable<T, Q>(
query: Q,
continueQueryFunc: (query: Q, lastValue?: T) => Observable<T>
): Observable<T> {
return observeUnstable<T>(query).catch((err, ???) =>
if (err instanceof DisconnectedError) {
let lastValue = ???
let continueQuery = continueQueryFunc(query, lastValue);
return observeUnstable(continueQuery);
} else {
throw err;
