Ng serve fails on scss error and after fixing it, it doesn't recompile the app - sass

I'm using angular 11 with scss. I'm serving the app using ng serve --aot command. It watches the files and compile the app after every change. When there are errors, the CLI detect the it and display the error. After I fix it, it recompiles the files and serves the app.
However, sometimes when there are scss errors, the CLI doesn't detect the changes I make in order to fix the error, and I have to cancel the serve command and rerun it.
For example:
I had an error because I forgot to import a scss file that contained the definition of a variable I used. The CLI showed me the error:
I fixed the error and saved the file, but the CLI didn't recompile the files. I had to press ctrl+c to cancel the ng-serve command and rerun it, and it worked.
It also happens when I make small changes in SCSS files, like adding "background color" and before I write the color itself, VS code adds ; to the line, creating an error ( because the line is : background-color: ;). After fixing it, the CLI doesn't detect the changes.
Any idea why it doesn't detect the changes I make? It happens only in scss errors. when I have TS errors, it detects the fixes perfectly.


NestJS compiling without errors but VScode showing error

When I build the NestJS application inside a docker container with docker-compose, it builds without any errors. But the VS-code file explorer is showing all my files have errors with missing modules. Please refer to screen shots as below:
Please help.
Since you haven't run npm i or the yarn equivalent, node modules folder is not populated with the actual node packages/files.
Keep in mind that as #omidh said in his comment, when you run the docker command, you make an isolate environment/container with your code and all node_modules installed correctly. That means that your code is copied inside the container, then inside the container the command npm install is being run and your code is compiled/run eventually.
So that is the reason that your container runs without any error and your editor is showing errors.

Editing SASS files (.SCSS)

I'm a complete beginner with SASS!
I have a custom built WP site which uses SASS.
When I try to edit any styles inside the .SCSS files these changes do not show on the frontend.
I'm using VS Code editor with the "Live SASS compiler" add-on but still when I make changes they do not reflect on the front end.
I'm clearly missing something here but really don't know where to start.
All I want to do is make changes to the styling of the site!
You will need to ensure that SASS is installed on your machine - check out the offical install link.
Once SASS is installed, the rest of this answer will involve using the command line with some basic commands.
Lets assume your CSS and SCSS/SASS folders are arranged like so:
Open up your preferred command line interface - like PowerShell or Command Prompt. First of all, check SASS is installed by typing the following command and hitting enter:
sass --version
You should get a number back - if not, you will need to run over the installation instructions again and make sure you did everything correctly.
If that's working as expected, you will now need to navigate to the directory containing your assets. When you load your command line interface, you should be inside your user or home directory - in this example that will be C:/Users/Me. If using PowerShell, you will see your current working directory before the flashing caret.
You can use the change directory command - cd - to navigate to your themes assets folder. Using the above example filepath:
cd development/wordpress/wp-content/themes/my-theme/assets
Once inside this directory, you can run the SASS --watch command to watch the directories for changes and compile upon save:
sass --watch scss:css
The above watches the SCSS folder and puts the compiled CSS in the CSS folder. Once you're done editing, hit CTRL/CMD + C inside your terminal (command line) and then Y to stop watching the SCSS files for changes.

Laravel Mix Build Successful but no changes sass

I'm trying to change the color theme of bootstrap with sass. I'm running the command npm run watch and when I save it does in prompt me with:
Laravel Mix Build Successful
When I view my page I do not see the changes. (I've cleared cache and hard refreshed as well as closed broswer/new browser) To do this I'm updating "warning" to be a purplish color, but bg-warning is not changing to a purplish background (I believe this is what is intended).
I'm using Laravel framework 5.5
Here is my webpack.mix.js
Here is my app.scss
Here is my base/_colors.scss
I've tried throwing my base/_colors.scss code straight into the app.scss file with no luck either. (Even though it says it builds properly.)
I've also tried running the following with no success:
npm run dev
npm run production
Edit: the other possibility is this is not how sass works with bootstrap. Do I need to actually assign things the color of $warning or does this look for all instances of $warning (.alert-warning, .bg-warning, etc.) and replace?
Try running npm hot, that helped me:
npm run hot
I would do following further steps:
check if the folder base really exists
create a a new css file which in not inside a folder (base) just to check that that does not cause an error
Write simple css in your _colors.css and check if that works
add an !important statement after your color declaration to check if it does not have to do anything relating overriding the styling

Browserify working in some folders in windows, but not others

I'm trying to setup a build flow in a Visual Studio environment (13, on Windows 7) using browserify, and I am getting some strange behaviour trying to get browserify to work. I'm new to the environment as well as the technology, so I'm fairly confused here.
For the purposes of this test, my file structure is the same as the Basic API example found here: I installed browserify using npm. It is running version 5.12.0
If I place app.js and hideElement.js in a simple directory, such as C:\Temp, and run
c:\Temp> browserify app.js
everything works fine. It bundles up all three of the required files, and spits them out. But if I run the browserify command from my project directory (C:\Users\\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\ExcelConverter\ExcelConverterWeb), the following error spits out at me:
C:\Users\<name.redacted>\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\ExcelConverter\ExcelConverterWeb>browserify app.js
Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ? while parsing json file package.json
at fns(C:\Users\<name.redacted>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\browserify\node_modules\module-deps\index.js:402:30)
at fs.js:271:14
at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
I've looked at the file in question, and I can't make heads or tails of it. So, what's going on here? How come browserify runs fine when I execute it from one directory, but not from the other? I appear to be using the same executable.
(I'm trying to use browserify as part of a gulp-based build process, but seeing as the errors produced by gulp are basically the same as those I see when I run from the command line)
I have run into "Unexpected token ?" problem. Changing package.json encoding type to 'ANSI' helped solving it. Most of the text editors have that option when "Save As" change Encoding option, then hit "Save"
See if that work for you.

"The system cannot find the path specified" when compiling SASS

I'm trying to learn SASS and so I have installed ruby through RubyInstaller and installed the sass gem.
I am able to type out my sass and have the compiler watch the file and write to another just fine, but every time I save my file I get
The system cannot find the path specified
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++)
However everything works as intended, the styles are updated and compiled just fine, but it's quite annoying hitting ctrl+s and having that error keep popping up when it doesn't seem to be affecting anything.
How do I go about troubleshooting this?
Here is a solution for anyone else having the same trouble on notepad++:
For using the Sass-Auto-Compile plugin, you first need to install
another plugin called jN. jN is a plugin for Notepad++, which executes
your JavaScript-scripts in the Notepad++ environment, meaning you can
write plugins in JavaScript
this is the link :
To get the auto-compiling working, you need to do two things:
Copy this script into the directory “Notepad++/plugins/jN/includes/” .
Now edit the script and change the variable pathToRubyBinDir to the
right value. Mine is: “C:/Program Files/Ruby193/bin/” .
OPTIONAL: There are two more configuration variables:
debugMode: can be true or false. In case of true, you will see the
command line, which calls the compiling process. You can see compiling
errors in this command line window.
outputStyle: this determines, how your .css is going to look like.
(compressed, extended…). See the comments above this variable for more
This guide is copied and pasted from
