fragment caching cakephp 4 - cakephp-3.x

Good morning all
I want create a cache helper for my cakephp application
I'm going something like this
this-> begin-> cache ()
// code here
this-> end-cache ()
I will put all this found between these two tags in the cache
I want to know how I can create caching for cakephp views please help
thank you


Caching of HTML template in Polymer

Does anyone know how to cache html between routes in polymer. I am not referring to offline caching here.I am a novice in Polymer, any help is greatly appreciated.
For example, If while I am in template A I make some operations and show few data on the UI as a result of those operations, then I go to template B, if I come to template A again the entire UI is refreshed and the previous data is not shown on UI. How do I stop this from happening.
In angular for instance we set cache:true in routes to retain the page contents. I am looking for something in similar to that.

In Laravel project, Insert update delete data code on same page?

I am new for Laravel coding, Actually I want to data Insert, view, Update, Delete on same. Please give some project link or code.
use ajax call to achieve the the operations and the corresponding api should be present at back-end.. to achieve the same you can use RESTFul Controllers or define your own.
You want to learn RESTful controllers:

How to programmatically clear a cached View in Drupal 7?

In Drupal 7 Views 3 how do I programmatically clear the cache of a view I've created?
I don't want to clear all caches or even all views caches, just a specific view.
Try this:
cache_clear_all('field:node:' . $node->nid, 'cache_field');
You may delete it from database or use Drupal Cache API.
Here you have info about many different ways to clear cache. as CodeIgniter Backend

I have googled and searched SO for the title above but didn't get much help. I am new on backend side (usually working on frontend), and my boss suddenly want to use Parse for our backend. My questions are:
Is it possible to use it with CodeIgniter? A friend of mine suggested to discard CodeIgniter if I use Parse.
If it is possible, do I just need to make a call to the API through CI's controller to post/get data?
Add the following lines to the head of all the pages that require Parse:
<script src=""></script>
In your code, before using any Parse classes, add the initialization call with your Application ID and JavaScript key:
Parse.initialize("XVRsi5WgBbUrEXNc6zfGnvNbSFDmWD9sSda2X3iP", "XeuUDEzRJGOS5NtpBdeeswdRWDu3olmuMJvO9yN2");
If you are converting an existing Backbone application to use Parse, read the conversion instructions.

Codeigniter Cache

I'm trying to implement caching in code igniter. I'm completely new to this so it might be a dumb question but lets see if there's an answer out there.
I've gone to database.php and enabled caching and placed my path. I believe the path is fine because my delete all files call removes the index.html and the htaccess file from that folder. However nothing gets cached as I use the app. I've tried to turn cache on using $this->db_cacheon() but nothing seems to write any files to that folder. My setup is that I have models to handle the connection to the database table in question. So inside of that model I would do a select from tablename and try to have that cached but nothing seems to happen. Does anyone have an idea what I could do to fix this?
There are three types of caching. I don't know much about database caching. I have done output caching.
Whatever page you want to cache,
you can use this in controller function which loads your view page.
You can find your cache pages in system/cache folder.
Do you mean $this->db->cache_on()
Have a look at the manual:
