Recursion relation and overlapping sub problems - algorithm

I am new to dynamic programming and I am trying to understand the basics of recursion and memoization while trying to solve the Max sum of non adjacent elements - Problem. After reading some theory, one of the basic properties of a recursive function is it should have over lapping sub problems. For the naïve brute force approach to this problem, for my code below, I am having a hard time seeing overlapping problems.
Is the reason I am not able to see overlapping sub problems because I don't have a recursive relation?
Do I always have to have a recurrence relation in order to have sub problems, i.e., all recursive problems may/may not have sub problems if there is no recurrence relation
How can I add memoization if 1 or 2 is holds and I just made a mistake in analysis?
public static int maxSubsetSum(int[] arr) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> cache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
return maxSumHelper(arr, 0, arr.length , 0, new ArrayList<Integer>(), cache);
public static int maxSumHelper(int[]arr, int start, int end, int sum, ArrayList<Integer>combo, HashMap<Integer, Integer> cache){
* if(cache.containsKey(start)) { return; }
for(int i = 0; i <combo.size();i++ ) {
return sum;
for(int i = start; i < arr.length; i++){
sum+= arr[i];
int withMax = maxSumHelper(arr, i + 2, end, sum, combo, cache);
combo.remove(combo.size() - 1);
int withoutMax = maxSumHelper(arr, i+ 2, end, sum, combo, cache);
//cache.put(i, Math.max(withMax, withoutMax));
max = Math.max(max,Math.max(withMax, withoutMax));
return max;

one of the basic properties of a recursive function is it should have over lapping sub problems
This is a condition for getting a benefit from dynamic programming, but is not a condition for a recursive function in general.
I am having a hard time seeing overlapping problems.
They are there. But first a correction: the second recursive call should pass i+1 as argument, not i+2. This is because it deals with the case where you do not include the value at i for the sum, and so it is allowed to include the value at i+1.
Now take this example input, and looking for a sum that is maximised:
{ 1, 2, 3, 2, 0, 3, 2, 1 }
Let's focus on the call that gets as argument start=5: the most we can add to the current sum is 3 + 1 = 4. This fact is independent on what the value is of the sum argument, and so we could benefit from a cache that would tell us what the maximised additional value is at a given index start.
There are many paths that lead to this call with start=5. The path (combo) could include any of these values from the input before index 5:
1, 3, 0
1, 2
2, 2
2, 0
3, 0
So if the first case drills down to the end and determines that for index 5 the greatest additional value is 4 (3+1), there is no need to do this search again for the other cases, and you can just do return sum + cache.get(start).
Side note
It is better practice to let the recursive function return that "additional" sum, and not pass it the sum-so-far as argument. Just add the value of the current selection (if any) to the greatest of the sums that come back from recursive calls and return that. This way it is also clearer how you can use memoization.


Quick Sort Time Complexity Best Case Input

I have to find time complexity of quick sort for BEST CASE INPUT in a c program & i have selected the last element of array as pivot.
Now i know what input values i have to enter for best case, i.e., keep 1st middle element at the last place(pivot) & next pivot should be the next middle element.
But i have to generate this kind of best case input array of very big sizes like 1000, 5000, 100000.., for quick sort.
I can code, but can anyone please help me understand how to generate that kind of best case input array for quick sort with last pivot, using c programming.
I just need the logic like how to generate that kind of array using c programming.
Basically you need to do a divide & conquer approach akin to quicksort itself. Do it with a function that given a range of indices in the output:
generates the first-half partition by recursively calling itself
generates the second-half partition by recursively calling itself
inserts the pivot value after the second-half partition.
One thing to note is that since you are just generating output not sorting anything, you don't actually have to have any values as input -- you can just represent ranges logically as a start value at some index in the array and a count.
Some C# code is below; this is untested -- don't look if you want to do this yourself.
static int[] GenerateBestCaseQuickSort(int n)
var ary = new int[n];
GenerateBestCaseQuickSortAux(ary, 0, n, 1);
return ary;
static void GenerateBestCaseQuickSortAux(int[] ary, int start_index, int count, int start_value)
if (count == 0)
if (count == 1)
ary[start_index] = start_value;
int partition1_count = count / 2;
int partition2_count = count - partition1_count - 1; // need to save a spot for the pivot so -1...
int pivot_value_index = start_index + partition1_count;
int pivot_value = start_value + partition1_count;
GenerateBestCaseQuickSort(ary, start_index, partition1_count, start_value);
GenerateBestCaseQuickSort(ary, pivot_value_index, partition2_count, pivot_value+1);
ary[start_index + count - 1] = pivot_value;

Need help understanding the solution for the Jewelry Topcoder solution

I am fairly new to dynamic programming and don't yet understand most of the types of problems it can solve. Hence I am facing problems in understaing the solution of Jewelry topcoder problem.
Can someone at least give me some hints as to what the code is doing ?
Most importantly is this problem a variant of the subset-sum problem ? Because that's what I am studying to make sense of this problem.
What are these two functions actually counting ? Why are we using actually two DP tables ?
void cnk() {
FOR(k,1,MAXN) {
FOR(n,1,MAXN) {
nk[n][k] = nk[n-1][k-1]+nk[n-1][k];
void calc(LL T[MAXN+1][MAX+1]) {
T[0][0] = 1;
FOR(x,1,MAX) T[0][x]=0;
FOR(ile,1,n) {
int a = v[ile-1];
FOR(x,0,MAX) {
T[ile][x] = T[ile-1][x];
if(x>=a) T[ile][x] +=T[ile-1][x-a];
How is the original solution constructed by using the following logic ?
FOR(u,1,c) {
int uu = u * v[done];
res += B[done][x-uu] * F[n-done-u][x] * nk[c][u];
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Let's consider the following task first:
"Given a vector V of N positive integers less than K, find the number of subsets whose sum equals S".
This can be solved in polynomial time with dynamic programming using some extra-memory.
The dynamic programming approach goes like this:
instead of solving the problem for N and S, we will solve all the problems of the following form:
"Find the number of ways to write sum s (with s ≤ S) using only the first n ≤ N of the numbers".
This is a common characteristic of the dynamic programming solutions: instead of only solving the original problem, you solve an entire family of related problems. The key idea is that solutions for more difficult problem settings (i.e. higher n and s) can efficiently be built up from the solutions of the easier settings.
Solving the problem for n = 0 is trivial (sum s = 0 can be expressed in one way -- using the empty set, while all other sums can't be expressed in any ways).
Now consider that we have solved the problem for all values up to a certain n and that we have these solutions in a matrix A (i.e. A[n][s] is the number of ways to write sum s using the first n elements).
Then, we can find the solutions for n+1, using the following formula:
A[n+1][s] = A[n][s - V[n+1]] + A[n][s].
Indeed, when we write the sum s using the first n+1 numbers we can either include or not V[n+1] (the n+1th term).
This is what the calc function computes. (the cnk function uses Pascal's rule to compute binomial coefficients)
Note: in general, if in the end we are only interested in answering the initial problem (i.e. for N and S), then the array A can be uni-dimensional (with length S) -- this is because whenever trying to construct solutions for n + 1 we only need the solutions for n, and not for smaller values).
This problem (the one initially stated in this answer) is indeed related to the subset sum problem (finding a subset of elements with sum zero).
A similar type of dynamic programming approach can be applied if we have a reasonable limit on the absolute values of the integers used (we need to allocate an auxiliary array to represent all possible reachable sums).
In the zero-sum problem we are not actually interested in the count, thus the A array can be an array of booleans (indicating whether a sum is reachable or not).
In addition, another auxiliary array, B can be used to allow reconstructing the solution if one exists.
The recurrence would now look like this:
if (!A[s] && A[s - V[n+1]]) {
A[s] = true;
// the index of the last value used to reach sum _s_,
// allows going backwards to reproduce the entire solution
B[s] = n + 1;
Note: the actual implementation requires some additional care for handling the negative sums, which can not directly represent indices in the array (the indices can be shifted by taking into account the minimum reachable sum, or, if working in C/C++, a trick like the one described in this answer can be applied:
I'll detail how the above ideas apply in the TopCoder problem and its solution linked in the question.
The B and F matrices.
First, note the meaning of the B and F matrices in the solution:
B[i][s] represents the number of ways to reach sum s using only the smallest i items
F[i][s] represents the number of ways to reach sum s using only the largest i items
Indeed, both matrices are computed using the calc function, after sorting the array of jewelry values in ascending order (for B) and descending order (for F).
Solution for the case with no duplicates.
Consider first the case with no duplicate jewelry values, using this example: [5, 6, 7, 11, 15].
For the reminder of the answer I will assume that the array was sorted in ascending order (thus "first i items" will refer to the smallest i ones).
Each item given to Bob has value less (or equal) to each item given to Frank, thus in every good solution there will be a separation point such that Bob receives only items before that separation point, and Frank receives only items after that point.
To count all solutions we would need to sum over all possible separation points.
When, for example, the separation point is between the 3rd and 4th item, Bob would pick items only from the [5, 6, 7] sub-array (smallest 3 items), and Frank would pick items from the remaining [11, 12] sub-array (largest 2 items). In this case there is a single sum (s = 11) that can be obtained by both of them. Each time a sum can be obtained by both, we need to multiply the number of ways that each of them can reach the respective sum (e.g. if Bob could reach a sum s in 4 ways and Frank could reach the same sum s in 5 ways, then we could get 20 = 4 * 5 valid solutions with that sum, because each combination is a valid solution).
Thus we would get the following code by considering all separation points and all possible sums:
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int s = 0; s <= maxS; s++) {
res += B[i][s] * F[n-i][s]
However, there is a subtle issue here. This would often count the same combination multiple times (for various separation points). In the example provided above, the same solution with sum 11 would be counted both for the separation [5, 6] - [7, 11, 15], as well as for the separation [5, 6, 7] - [11, 15].
To alleviate this problem we can partition the solutions by "the largest value of an item picked by Bob" (or, equivalently, by always forcing Bob to include in his selection the largest valued item from the first sub-array under the current separation).
In order to count the number of ways to reach sum s when Bob's largest valued item is the ith one (sorted in ascending order), we can use B[i][s - v[i]]. This holds because using the v[i] valued item implies requiring the sum s - v[i] to be expressed using subsets from the first i items (indices 0, 1, ... i - 1).
This would be implemented as follows:
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int s = v[i]; s <= maxS; s++) {
res += B[i][s - v[i]] * F[n - 1 - i][s];
This is getting closer to the solution on TopCoder (in that solution, done corresponds to the i above, and uu = v[i]).
Extension for the case when duplicates are allowed.
When duplicate values can appear in the array, it's no longer easy to directly count the number of solutions when Bob's most valuable item is v[i]. We need to also consider the number of such items picked by Bob.
If there are c items that have the same value as v[i], i.e. v[i] = v[i+1] = ... v[i + c - 1], and Bob picks u such items, then the number of ways for him to reach a certain sum s is equal to:
comb(c, u) * B[i][s - u * v[i]] (1)
Indeed, this holds because the u items can be picked from the total of c which have the same value in comb(c, u) ways. For each such choice of the u items, the remaining sum is s - u * v[i], and this should be expressed using a subset from the first i items (indices 0, 1, ... i - 1), thus it can be done in B[i][s - u * v[i]] ways.
For Frank, if Bob used u of the v[i] items, the number of ways to express sum s will be equal to:
F[n - i - u][s] (2)
Indeed, since Bob uses the smallest i + u values, Frank can use any of the largest n - i - u values to reach the sum s.
By combining relations (1) and (2) from above, we obtain that the number of solutions where both Frank and Bob have sum s, when Bob's most valued item is v[i] and he picks u such items is equal to:
comb(c, u) * B[i][s - u * v[i]] * F[n - i - u][s].
This is precisely what the given solution implements.
Indeed, the variable done corresponds to variable i above, variable x corresponds to sums s, the index p is used to determine the c items with same value as v[done], and the loop over u is used in order to consider all possible numbers of such items picked by Bob.
Here's some Java code for this that references the original solution. It also incorporates qwertyman's fantastic explanations (to the extent feasible). I've added some of my comments along the way.
import java.util.*;
public class Jewelry {
int MAX_SUM=30005;
int MAX_N=30;
long[][] C;
// Generate all possible sums
// ret[i][sum] = number of ways to compute sum using the first i numbers from val[]
public long[][] genDP(int[] val) {
int i, sum, n=val.length;
long[][] ret = new long[MAX_N+1][MAX_SUM];
ret[0][0] = 1;
for(i=0; i+1<=n; i++) {
for(sum=0; sum<MAX_SUM; sum++) {
// Carry over the sum from i to i+1 for each sum
// Problem definition allows excluding numbers from calculating sums
// So we are essentially excluding the last number for this calculation
ret[i+1][sum] = ret[i][sum];
// DP: (Number of ways to generate sum using i+1 numbers =
// Number of ways to generate sum-val[i] using i numbers)
ret[i+1][sum] += ret[i][sum-val[i]];
return ret;
// C(n, r) - all possible combinations of choosing r numbers from n numbers
// Leverage Pascal's polynomial co-efficients for an n-degree polynomial
// Leverage Dynamic Programming to build this upfront
public void nCr() {
C = new long[MAX_N+1][MAX_N+1];
int n, r;
C[0][0] = 1;
for(n=1; n<=MAX_N; n++) {
C[n][0] = 1;
for(r=1; r<=MAX_N; r++)
C[n][r] = C[n-1][r-1] + C[n-1][r];
General Concept:
- Sort array
- Incrementally divide array into two partitions
+ Accomplished by using two different arrays - L for left, R for right
- Take all possible sums on the left side and match with all possible sums
on the right side (multiply these numbers to get totals for each sum)
- Adjust for common sums so as to not overcount
- Adjust for duplicate numbers
public long howMany(int[] values) {
int i, j, sum, n=values.length;
// Pre-compute C(n,r) and store in C[][]
Incrementally split the array and calculate sums on either side
For eg. if val={2, 3, 4, 5, 9}, we would partition this as
{2 | 3, 4, 5, 9} then {2, 3 | 4, 5, 9}, etc.
First, sort it ascendingly and generate its sum matrix L
Then, sort it descendingly, and generate another sum matrix R
In later calculations, manipulate indexes to simulate the partitions
So at any point L[i] would correspond to R[n-i-1]. eg. L[1] = R[5-1-1]=R[3]
// Sort ascendingly
// Generate all sums for the "Left" partition using the sorted array
long[][] L = genDP(values);
// Sort descendingly by reversing the existing array.
// Java 8 doesn't support Arrays.sort for primitive int types
// Use Comparator or sort manually. This uses the manual sort.
for(i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
int tmp = values[i];
values[i] = values[n-i-1];
values[n-i-1] = tmp;
// Generate all sums for the "Right" partition using the re-sorted array
long[][] R = genDP(values);
// Re-sort in ascending order as we will be using values[] as reference later
long tot = 0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
int dup=0;
// How many duplicates of values[i] do we have?
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
if(values[j] == values[i])
Calculate total by iterating through each sum and multiplying counts on
both partitions for that sum
However, there may be count of sums that get duplicated
For instance, if val={2, 3, 4, 5, 9}, you'd get:
{2, 3 | 4, 5, 9} and {2, 3, 4 | 5, 9} (on two different iterations)
In this case, the subset {2, 3 | 5} is counted twice
To account for this, exclude the current largest number, val[i], from L's
sum and exclude it from R's i index
There is another issue of duplicate numbers
Eg. If values={2, 3, 3, 3, 4}, how do you know which 3 went to L?
To solve this, group the same numbers
Applying to {2, 3, 3, 3, 4} :
- Exclude 3, 6 (3+3) and 9 (3+3+3) from L's sum calculation
- Exclude 1, 2 and 3 from R's index count
We're essentially saying that we will exclude the sum contribution of these
elements to L and ignore their count contribution to R
for(j=1; j<=dup; j++) {
int dup_sum = j*values[i];
for(sum=dup_sum; sum<MAX_SUM; sum++) {
// (ways to pick j numbers from dup) * (ways to get sum-dup_sum from i numbers) * (ways to get sum from n-i-j numbers)
tot += C[dup][j] * L[i][sum-dup_sum] * R[n-i-j][sum];
// Skip past the duplicates of values[i] that we've now accounted for
i += dup-1;
return tot;

Partition algorithm without loop, only recursion

Given a list of integers. Find out whether it can be divided into two sublists with equal sum. The numbers in the list is not sorted.
For example:
A list like [1, 2, 3, 4, 6] will return true, because 2 + 6 = 1 + 3 + 4 = 8
A list like [2, 1, 8, 3] will return false.
I saw this problem in an online-practice platform. I know how to do it with for loop + recursion, but how do I solve it with no loop (or iterator)?
The way to think about this it to try to think in which ways you can break up this problem into smaller problems which are dependent on each other. The first thing that comes to mind is to split the problem according to the index. Let's try just going from left to right (increase index by 1 with every call). Our base case would be after we've gone through all elements, i.e. the end of the array. What do we need to do there? Compare the sums with each other, so we need to pass those through. For the actual recursive call, there are 2 possibilities, those being the current element added to either sum. We just need to check both of those calls and return true if one returned true.
This leads to a solution without any loops by having your recursive function take the current index along with both sums as parameters, and having 2 recursive cases - one where you add the current element to the one sum, and one where you add it to the other sum. And then compare the sums when you get to the end of the array.
In Java, it would look like this:
boolean canBeDividedEqually(int[] array)
return canBeDividedEquallyHelper(array, 0, 0, 0);
boolean canBeDividedEquallyHelper(int[] array, int i, int sum1, int sum2)
if (i == array.length)
return sum1 == sum2;
return canBeDividedEquallyHelper(array, i+1, sum1 + array[i], sum2) ||
canBeDividedEquallyHelper(array, i+1, sum1, sum2 + array[i]);
This can be improved slightly by only passing through 1 sum and either adding or subtracting from it and then comparing against 0 at the end.
Note that this is the partition problem and this brute force solution takes exponential time (i.e. it gets very slow very quickly as input size increases).

Converting this recursive solution to DP

Given a stack of integers, players take turns at removing either 1, 2, or 3 numbers from the top of the stack. Assuming that the opponent plays optimally and you select first, I came up with the following recursion:
int score(int n) {
if (n <= 0) return 0;
if (n <= 3) {
return sum(v[0..n-1]);
// maximize over picking 1, 2, or 3 + value after opponent picks optimally
return max(v[n-1] + min(score(n-2), score(n-3), score(n-4)),
v[n-1] + v[n-2] + min(score(n-3), score(n-4), score(n-5)),
v[n-1] + v[n-2] + v[n-3] + min(score(n-4), score(n-5), score(n-6)));
Basically, at each level comparing the outcomes of selecting 1, 2, or 3 and then your opponent selecting either 1, 2, or 3.
I was wondering how I could convert this to a DP solution as it is clearly exponential. I was struggling with the fact that there seem to be 3 dimensions to it: num of your pick, num of opponent's pick, and sub problem size, i.e., it seems the best solution for table[p][o][n] would need to be maintained, where p is the number of values you choose, o is the number your opponent chooses and n is the size of the sub problem.
Do I actually need the 3 dimensions? I have seen this similar problem: , but couldn't seem to adapt it.
Here is way the problem can be converted into DP :-
score[i] = maximum{ sum[i] - score[i+1] , sum[i] - score[i+2] , sum[i] - score[i+3] }
Here score[i] means max score generated from game [i to n] where v[i] is top of stack. sum[i] is sum of all elements on the stack from i onwards. sum[i] can be evaluated using a separate DP in O(N). The above DP can be solved using table in O(N)
Edit :-
Following is a DP solution in JAVA :-
public class game {
static boolean play_game(int[] stack) {
return true;
int[] score = new int[stack.length];
int n = stack.length;
score[n-1] = stack[n-1];
score[n-2] = score[n-1]+stack[n-2];
score[n-3] = score[n-2]+stack[n-3];
int sum = score[n-3];
for(int i=n-4;i>=0;i--) {
sum = stack[i]+sum;
int min = Math.min(Math.min(score[i+1],score[i+2]),score[i+3]);
score[i] = sum-min;
return true;
return false;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int[] stack = {12,1,7,99,3};
System.out.printf("I win => "+play_game(stack));
For getting a DP solution you need to visualize a problems solution in terms of the smaller instances of itself. For example in this case as both players are playing optimally , after the choice made by first one ,the second player also obtains an optimal score for remaining stack which the subproblem of the first one. The only problem here is that how represent it in a recurrence . To solve DP you must first define a recurrence relation in terms of subproblem which precedes the current problem in any way of computation. Now we know that whatever second player wins , first player loses so effectively first player gains total sum - score of second player. As second player as well plays optimally we can express the solution in terms of recursion.

Modified Parallel Scan

This is more of an algorithms question than a programming one. I'm wondering if the prefix sum (or any) parallel algorithm can be modified to accomplish the following. I'd like to generate a result from two input lists on a GPU in less than O(N) time.
The rule is: Carry forth the first number from data until the same index in keys contains a lesser value.
Whenever I try mapping it to a parallel scan, it doesn't work because I can't be sure which values of data to propagate in upsweep since it's not possible to know which prior data might have carried far enough to compare against the current key. This problem reminds me of a ripple carry where we need to consider the current index AND all past indices.
Again, don't need code for a parallel scan (though that would be nice), more looking to understand how it can be done or why it can't be done.
int data[N] = {5, 6, 5, 5, 3, 1, 5, 5};
int keys[N] = {5, 6, 5, 5, 4, 2, 5, 5};
int result[N];
serial_scan(N, keys, data, result);
// Print result. should be {5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, }
code to do the scan in serial is below:
void serial_scan(int N, int *k, int *d, int *r)
r[0] = d[0];
for(int i=1; i<N; i++)
if (k[i] >= r[i-1]) {
r[i] = r[i-1];
} else if (k[i] >= d[i]) {
r[i] = d[i];
} else {
r[i] = 0;
The general technique for a parallel scan can be found here, described in the functional language Standard ML. This can be done for any associative operator, and I think yours fits the bill.
One intuition pump is that you can calculate the sum of an array in O(log(n)) span (running time with infinite processors) by recursively calculating the sum of two halves of the array and adding them together. In calculating the scan you just need know the sum of the array before the current point.
We could calculate the scan of an array doing two halves in parallel: calculate the sum of the 1st half using the above technique. Then calculating the scan for the two halves sequentially; the 1st half starts at 0 and the 2nd half starts at the sum you calculated before. The full algorithm is a little trickier, but uses the same idea.
Here's some pseudo-code for doing a parallel scan in a different language (for the specific case of ints and addition, but the logic is identical for any associative operator):
//assume input.length is a power of 2
int[] scanadd( int[] input) {
if (input.length == 1)
return input
else {
//calculate a new collapsed sequence which is the sum of sequential even/odd pairs
//assume this for loop is done in parallel
int[] collapsed = new int[input.length/2]
for (i <- 0 until collapsed.length)
collapsed[i] = input[2 * i] + input[2*i+1]
//recursively scan collapsed values
int[] scancollapse = scanadd(collapse)
//now we can use the scan of the collapsed seq to calculate the full sequence
//also assume this for loop is in parallel
int[] output = int[input.length]
for (i <- 0 until input.length)
//if an index is even then we can just look into the collapsed sequence and get the value
// otherwise we can look just before it and add the value at the current index
if (i %2 ==0)
output[i] = scancollapse[i/2]
output[i] = scancollapse[(i-1)/2] + input[i]
return output
