How to break infinite loop assembly Windows x64 - windows

I'm trying to add arrA and arrB and store the values into arrC and print out.. once I run the code it takes me to infinite loop. How can I break the loop? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
ExitProcess PROTO
WriteHex64 PROTO
arrA BYTE 10h, 30h
arrB BYTE 0E0h, 40h
arrC BYTE 0, 0
string BYTE ", ", 00h
main PROC
mov rdi, OFFSET arrA
mov rsi, OFFSET arrB
mov rbx, OFFSET arrC
mov rdx, OFFSET string
mov rcx, LENGTHOF arrA
mov rax, 0
mov rax, [rdi]
mov rax, [rsi]
add rdi, TYPE arrA
add rsi, TYPE arrB
mov [rbx], rax
add rbx, TYPE arrC
call WriteHex64
call WriteString
loop L1
mov ecx, 0
call ExitProcess
main ENDP


Comparing input to character not working in x86_64 Mac assembly nasm

In nasm assembly on mac with the processor architecture x86_64, I am struggling to compare input to a string or character. When comparing input (stdin) to a character, it's not being true when it should be. I am new to assembly.
Here is my code.
global start
section .bss
input resb 10
section .text
;getting the input
mov rax, 0x2000003 ;meaning read
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi, input
mov rdx, 10
syscall ;special
;here is where I do the comparing
mov rax, r
mov rbx, input
cmp rax, rbx
je right
;jumping to the return function
jmp ret
mov rax, 0x2000004 ;meaning write
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, right_way
mov rdx, right_len
syscall ;special
mov rax, 0x2000001 ;return 0
xor rdi, rdi ;which means to make rdi = 0 could be replaced with mov rdi, 0 but xor is faster
section .data
right_way: db "You are correct!", 10, 0
right_len: equ $-right_way
r: db "r", 10
At the "je right" line, it should jump to the right function but it does not. Do I need to convert the input to something else?
Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Declaring variables in Yasm

Here's is a simple program:
%include 'utils/'
section .data
first: db 'First is bigger', 0xA,0
second: db 'Second is bigger', 0xA,0
a: db 18
b: db 20
section .text
global start
mov rax, [a wrt rip]
mov rbx, [b wrt rip]
cmp rax, rbx
jle else
mov rsi, qword first
mov rdx, 0x10
jmp end
mov rsi, qword second
mov rdx, 0x11
xor rax, rax
xor rbx, rbx
mov rax, 0x2000004
mov rdi, stdout
xor rdi, rdi
mov rax, 0x2000001
The problem is that variable a contains a different value than 18.
Here's what lldb shows me:
(lldb) p a
(void *) $0 = 0x0000000000001412
(lldb) p b
(void *) $1 = 0x0000000000000014
(lldb) p --format decimal a
Any ideas what's going on? I know that if I declare a as dq, it will be alright, but I want to understand why it's happening.

x64 Assembly Optimization

I am trying to optimize several assembly procedures for size, I am not concerned about the speed.
The optimizations I am familiar with are situations as follows:
;the following two lines
mov rbp, rsp
add rbp, 50h
;can be changed to
lea rbp, [rsp+50h]
What other optimizations I can use to reduce the number of bytes in the following procedure?
I am not asking anyone to fully optimize this procedure, just point out where I can improve.
;get procedure address
asmGetProc proc
push rcx ;pointer to function name
push rdx ;DllBase address (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER pointer)
push r8 ;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY
push r9 ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->NumberOfNames
push rbx ;saved pointer to function name
push r10 ;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNames
;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNameOrdinals
;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfFunctions
mov rbx, rcx ;save the function name pointer to rax
mov r8d, [rdx+3ch] ;IMAGE_DOS_HEADER->e_lfanew (DWORD) (Offset to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64)
add r8, rdx ;add DllBase to the e_lfanew offset
add r8, 88h ;18h - IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64->OptionalHeader (IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64) 18h bytes
;70h - skip entire IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 structure
;r8 points to the IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY structure
mov r8d, [r8] ;IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY->VirtualAddress (DWORD)
add r8, rdx ;add DllBase to VirtualAddress (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)
mov r9d, [r8+18h] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->NumberOfNames
mov r10d, [r8+20h] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNames (DWORD)
add r10, rdx ;add DllBase to AddressOfNames (DWORD)
;decrement function name counter
dec r9
;load current index of AddressOfNames into r11
lea rcx, [r10 + 4 * r9] ;AddressOfNames[i] - function string RVA (relative virtual address)
mov ecx, [rcx] ;r11d is the AddressOfName[r9] RVA (DWORD)
add rcx, rdx ;add DllBase to string RVA DWORD
call asmHsh ;hash the function name
cmp rax, rbx ;compare the function name hash with the passed hash
jnz for_each_function ;jump to top of loop is not a match
;r8 - export directory
;r9 - function name counter
;r10 - AddressOfNameOrdinals / AddressOfFunctions array
;rax - final point to function
mov r10d, [r8+24h] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNameOrdinals (DWORD)
add r10, rdx ;add DllBase to AddressOfNameOrdinals DWORD
mov r9w, [r10+2*r9] ;AddressOfNameOrdinals[2*r9] - (2*r9 = 2 bytes * function name counter)
mov r10d, [r8+1ch] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfFunctions (DWORD)
add r10, rdx ;add DllBase to AddressOfFunctions DWORD
mov eax, [r10+r9*4] ;AddressOfFunctions[4*r9] - (4*r9 = 4 bytes * function ordinal)
add rax, rdx ;add DllBase to function ordinal RVA DWORD
pop r10
pop rbx
pop r9
pop r8
pop rdx
pop rcx
ret ;return from procedure
asmGetProc endp
EDIT: Added asmHsh (my bad)
;hash function (djb2)
asmHsh proc
;rcx - null terminated function name
push rcx
push rdx
mov rax, 5381d
mov rdx, rax
shl rax, 5
add rax, rdx
xor al, [rcx]
inc rcx
;check for null termination
mov dl, [rcx]
cmp dl, 00h
jne short hl
pop rdx
pop rcx
asmHsh endp
Optimizing assembly for space in 64-bit mode one should: (1) use DWORD width when that suffices (less prefixes); (2) stick to the old X86 registers eax-edx / esi / edi / ebp (tighter encoding).
Hopefully what's done below illustrates the idea. ML64 assembled the original routines to 135 bytes and the modified version to 103 bytes.
Examples of changes: (1) used rbp / rsi / rdi instead of r8 / r9 / r10; (2) shrunk instruction sequences that could be accomplished via multi-component address modes; (3) used DWORD dec where the data is known to be 32-bits; (4) used IMUL in place of shift/add.
" ;- " is in front of removed lines " ;## delta " is appended to added lines, where delta is the byte difference the new code produced. No attempt was made to adjust the comments.
;hash function (djb2)
asmHsh proc
;rcx - null terminated function name
push rcx
;-push rdx ;## -1
mov rax, 5381d
;- mov rdx, rax
;- shl rax, 5
;- add rax, rdx
imul rax,rax,33 ;## -6
xor al, [rcx]
inc rcx
;check for null termination
;-mov dl, [rcx]
;-cmp dl, 00h
cmp byte ptr [rcx], 00h ;## -2
jne short hl
;-pop rdx ;## -1
pop rcx
asmHsh endp
;get procedure address
asmGetProc proc
push rcx ;pointer to function name
push rdx ;DllBase address (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER pointer)
;-push r8 ;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY
push rbp ;## -1
;-push r9 ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->NumberOfNames
push rsi ;## -1
push rbx ;saved pointer to function name
;-push r10 ;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNames
push rdi ;## -1
;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNameOrdinals
;pointer to IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfFunctions
mov rbx, rcx ;save the function name pointer to rax
;-mov r8d, [rdx+3ch] ;IMAGE_DOS_HEADER->e_lfanew (DWORD) (Offset to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64)
mov ebp, [rdx+3ch] ;## -1
;-add r8, rdx ;add DllBase to the e_lfanew offset
;-add r8, 88h ;18h - IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64->OptionalHeader (IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64) 18h bytes
;- ;70h - skip entire IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 structure
;- ;r8 points to the IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY structure
;-mov r8d, [r8] ;IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY->VirtualAddress (DWORD)
mov ebp, [rbp+rdx+88h] ;## -5
;-add r8, rdx ;add DllBase to VirtualAddress (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)
add rbp, rdx ;## 0
;-mov r9d, [r8+18h] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->NumberOfNames
mov esi, [rbp+18h] ;## -1
;-mov r10d, [r8+20h] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNames (DWORD)
mov edi, [rbp+20h] ;## -1
;-add r10, rdx ;add DllBase to AddressOfNames (DWORD)
add rdi, rdx ;## 0
;decrement function name counter
;- dec r9
dec esi ;## -1
;load current index of AddressOfNames into r11
;- lea rcx, [r10 + 4 * r9] ;AddressOfNames[i] - function string RVA (relative virtual address)
;- mov ecx, [rcx] ;r11d is the AddressOfName[r9] RVA (DWORD)
mov ecx, [rdi + 4 * rsi] ;## -3
add rcx, rdx ;add DllBase to string RVA DWORD
call asmHsh ;hash the function name
cmp rax, rbx ;compare the function name hash with the passed hash
jnz for_each_function ;jump to top of loop is not a match
;r8 - export directory
;r9 - function name counter
;r10 - AddressOfNameOrdinals / AddressOfFunctions array
;rax - final point to function
;-mov r10d, [r8+24h] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfNameOrdinals (DWORD)
mov edi, [rbp+24h];## -1
;-add r10, rdx ;add DllBase to AddressOfNameOrdinals DWORD
add rdi, rdx; ## 0
;-mov r9w, [r10+2*r9] ;AddressOfNameOrdinals[2*r9] - (2*r9 = 2 bytes * function name counter)
mov si, [rdi+2*rsi] ;## -1
;-mov r10d, [r8+1ch] ;IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY->AddressOfFunctions (DWORD)
mov edi, [rbp+1ch] ;## -1
;-add r10, rdx ;add DllBase to AddressOfFunctions DWORD
add rdi, rdx ;## 0
;-mov eax, [r10+r9*4] ;AddressOfFunctions[4*r9] - (4*r9 = 4 bytes * function ordinal)
mov eax, [rdi+rsi*4] ; ## -1
add rax, rdx ;add DllBase to function ordinal RVA DWORD
;-pop r10
pop rdi ; ## -1
pop rbx
;-pop r9
pop rsi
;-pop r8
pop rbp ;## -1
pop rdx
pop rcx
ret ;return from procedure
asmGetProc endp

Finding Smallest Number in List

My goal in this code is to find the smallest number in the list. I used bubble sort method in this case; unfortunately, the code is not giving me the smallest/minimum number. Please take a look, Thanks:
input byte 100 dup(0)
stringinput byte "Enter any string: ",0
totallength byte "The total length is: ",0
minimum byte "The minimum value is: ",0
stringLength proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push ecx
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
mov ecx, [ebx] ;you can use ecx, cx, ch, cl
cmp ecx, 0 ;you can use ecx, cx, ch, cl
add ebx, 1
add eax, 1
jmp L1
pop ecx
pop ebx
mov ebp, esp
pop ebp
ret 4
stringLength endp
BubbleSort PROC uses ECX
push edx
xor ecx,ecx
mov ecx, 50
push ecx
xor ecx,ecx
mov ecx,14
mov esi, OFFSET input
xor ebx,ebx
xor edx,edx
mov bl, byte ptr ds:[esi]
mov dl, byte ptr ds:[esi+1]
cmp bl,dl
jg SWAP1
add esi,2
mov esi, OFFSET input
pop ecx
xchg bl,dl
mov byte ptr ds:[esi+1],dl
mov byte ptr ds:[esi],bl
pop edx
ret 4
BubbleSort ENDP
main proc
call clrscr
mov edx, offset stringinput
call writeString
mov edx, offset input
call writeString
call stringLength
mov edx, offset input
mov ecx, sizeof input
call readstring
call crlf
mov edx,offset totallength
call writestring
call writedec
call crlf
mov edx, offset minimum
call crlf
call writeString
push offset input
call BubbleSort
mov edx, offset input
call writeString
call crlf
main endp
end main
I haven't looked over your code, because sorting is an over complicated method for what you want to do. Not only that, but most of us don't pay too much attention to uncommented code. Just takes to long to figure out what you're trying to do.
Simply iterate through the entire list and start with 255 (FFH) in AL let's say. Each time you come across a number that is smaller than the one in AL, then replace it with that value and then when loop is finished, AL will have the lowest value.
If you need to know where it is in the list, you could maybe use AH which would be the difference between start address and current address. Knowledge of the instruction set is essential as finding the length of the string can be simplified by;
mov di, input ; Point to beginning of buffer
mov cx, -1 ; for a maximum of 65535 characters
xor al, al ; Looking for NULL
rep scasb
neg cx
dec cx ; CX = length of string.
Remember, ES needs to point to #DATA

How to set a value in the Windows registry in assembly language?

Ok. So I have this program that attempts to create a value in the Windows registry. Unfortunately, nothing happens. I have been trying to figure out if any of the parameters are wrong. Here is the code:
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Kernel32.lib
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Advapi32.lib
extern RegOpenKeyExA : proc
extern RegSetValueExA : proc
extern ExitProcess : proc
dseg segment para 'DATA'
vlnm db 'Startup', 0
sbky db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0
phkr dd 0
path db 'C:\Users\School\AppData\Roaming\Startups.exe', 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para 'CODE'
start proc
lea rdx, [phkr]
push rdx
sub rsp, 28h
mov r9d, 2
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [sbky]
mov ecx, 80000001h
call RegOpenKeyExA
add rsp, 28h
push 45
lea rbx, [path]
push rbx
sub rsp, 28h
mov r9d, 1
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [vlnm]
mov ecx, phkr
call RegSetValueExA
call ExitProcess
start endp
cseg ends
Any suggestions?
Allow me to answer my own question. The problem does not truly concern incorrect parameters, but a mistake that I made allocating stack space. Whereas I was expected to allocate 20h of stack space for rcx, rdx, r8, and r9, and align the return address on a 16-byte boundary, I had mistakenly created a template as follows:
*empty* (rsp-8)
param2 (rsp-16)
param1 (rsp-24)
*empty* (rsp-32... causes incorrect parameters and convention!)
space for r9 (rsp-40)
space for r8 (rsp-48)
space for rdx (rsp-56)
space for rcx (rsp-64)
return address (rsp-72... not on a 16-byte boundary!)
The correct template would be
*empty* (rsp-8)
param2 (rsp-16)
param1 (rsp-24)
space for r9 (rsp-32)
space for r8 (rsp-40)
space for rdx (rsp-48)
space for rcx (rsp-56)
return address (rsp-64)
I had unintentionally allocated an extra 8 bytes between the stack parameters and register parameters, before the RegSetValueEx call, thus supplying an incorrect parameter. Here is the correct code:
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Kernel32.lib
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Advapi32.lib
extern RegOpenKeyExA : proc
extern RegSetValueExA : proc
extern ExitProcess : proc
dseg segment para 'DATA'
vlnm db 'Startup', 0
sbky db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0
phkr dd 0
path db 'C:\Users\Games\AppData\Roaming\Startups.exe', 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para 'CODE'
start proc
lea rdx, [phky]
push rdx
sub rsp, 20h
mov r9d, 2
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [sbky]
mov ecx, 80000001h
call RegOpenKeyExA
add rsp, 20h
push 44
lea rbx, [path]
push rbx
sub rsp, 20h
mov r9d, 1
xor r8, r8
lea rdx, [vlnm]
mov ecx, phkr
call RegSetValueExA
fini: call ExitProcess
start endp
cseg ends
You're only allocating 2 bytes for your key (phkr dw 0). It seems to me like it should be at least 4 bytes.
Apart from that, I suggest that you add some error checks. Both RegOpenKeyEx and RegSetValueEx return non-zero error codes if they fail.
