So I am copying some raw string from chrome inspect tab which after pasting, the result seems to be altered: the "/n" has been replaced with unicode symbol "⏎".
My question is, is clipboard supposed to parse and interprete? why?
Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
When eagerly evaluating expressions, Chrome puts the entire output on one line. Hit enter to (uneagerly) evaluate the expression for real to get the actual value without ⏎s.
I've search both SO and Rstudio's community pages and failed to find aquestion, much less and answer to this annoyance I have experienced with Rstudio. (The Rstudio help pages won't let me post a second question within 12 hours of my first, which was explained as a bug.)
If I type:
... and then realize that test should be quoted, then putting the cursor at the end to test and entering a double-quote will give me two double-quotes "". It will not do this if I first enter a quote between ( and t and then it will also not give me doubling of the double-quote character at the end of `test. Why should it matter whether I first correct my error at the end of the symbol or at the beginning? Is there anything I can do to modify this quirk> It seems that a syntax aware console editor out to be able to tell when a doubling of quotes does not make sense. It's obviously making that "decision" when the quotes are entered between an open-paren and a character. Why not suppress the unhelpful behavior when it is between a character and a close-paren?
First, I'm using Swift. Second this line works fine in my code:
let didIt = fileManager.moveItemAtURL(originalFilePath, toURL: newFilePath, error: nil) long as there are no special characters in the newFilePath. if the newFilePath has a dollar sign or an ampersand ($, & ) in it, the line fails. My issue is that the newFilePath comes from a text field in a window where the user can type any old thing. How do I escape special characters, or encode them so they will pass the test and be included in the new filename?
thanks in advance for any pointers.
My issue is that the newFilePath comes from a text field in a window where the user can type any old thing.
Right there is your problem. Why are you not using an NSSavePanel for letting the user select a name under which to save a file?
If you insist on taking input from a text field, the docs for -URLByAppendingPathComponent: specifically say that the path component string should be "in its original form (not URL encoded)" (emphasis mine).
How did you originally create newFilePath, before appending the path component? For example, you should have used one of the methods with "[fF]ileURL" in the name.
I am trying to dump url on the terminal that needs to be clickable, and the url comes with a query parameter. For example --
orgname='foo bar'
echo "details: $orgname ($gsearch)"
But the problem is that the clickable link totally omits everything after the q=, i.e. does not include the string 'foo bar', please see the image below --
How do I make a clickable link that includes the query (i.e. the whole url in the braces above)?
Please also note that I am adding quote in the search parameter since the it may contain spaces.
Single quotes are not valid in URLs. Use the URL encoding %27 instead:
echo "details: $orgname ($gsearch)"
Note that it's the terminal and not your script that decides what's considered part of a URL for the purpose of selecting or clicking. The above results in
which is more clickable in most terminals. The script can't specify what's the extent of the URL except through expressing it in such a standard way that each individual terminal emulator has a decent chance of recognizing it.
PS: I don't think Google cares about surrounding single quotes.
I wrote an alternative fonction to open AutoCAD drawings. However, AutoCAD made it really hard to change how a document is opened when it is ran from Windows Explorer (double click the file with file association). The only method I found is to change a registry key which is "OpenDdeExec". There is a supplied argument (%1) that gives me a unescaped path to the file to open.
I need to ignore the escaping in path or replace the backslashes with double backslashes before it gets parsed as being special characters. In C#, you could do something like string s = #"I\Like random\backslashes"; and backslashes would be taken as the actualy backslashe character. In lisp, the only equivalence I found is quote which has a weird behavior (since it's normal use isn't exactly what I'm trying to acheive).
If I write something like (quote (I\Like random\backslashes)), the outcome will be (I\\Like random\\backslashes) which is ALMOST what I need. However, I have to get rid of the parenthesis. Any idea how I can acheive this?
Note: Doing this (quote I\Like random\backslashes) will break due to the space. It would, however, work on (quote I\Like\backslashes). This would output I\\Like\\backslashes just like I want.
This is the current OpenDdeExec with the described issue:
This is unfortunately not possible with AutoCAD's limited LISP.
I'm a bit confused with the '£' symbol in Ruby.
In JRuby if I do :
puts '£40'
in a .rb file I run this, I get
In JRuby IRB I get :
>> pung = 'h40'
=> "h40"
>> pung.gsub!('h', '£')
pung.gsub!('h', '£')
=> "\24340"
The pound symbol is output as \243.
In pure Ruby IRB, I cant even enter the £ symbol.. The cursor jumps to the left three spaces when I hit the £ key!
trying .toutf8 or toutf16 bring up even stranger characters!
Whats going on!??!? Why cant I just output a simple £?
Sometimes this is a problem with the way your console pastes the character. For example, the unicode character sequence may include a character the console uses to do backspace or arrow left. This is probably the issue with the IRB console not receiving your character ok.
For the script, it looks like JRuby's doing what it's supposed to. The issue with the console should probably be reported as a bug, however, since we do want IRB to support entering unicode characters. Pop over to JRuby's bug tracker at and provide show a simple session or provide steps to reproduce (which should be easy).
Most likely, the symbol is a Unicode symbol and you are converting it (perhaps unintentionally). If you can't enter the pound sterling symbol, make sure your console supports Unicode.
What do you get when you do £.class ? String? Unicode::String? Perhaps explicitly declaring the character as a Unicode::String or Unicode::Character will give different results.
'\243' is the octal escape sequence for '£'.