Pushing Laravel project to digitalocean - laravel

I created an Ubuntu droplet in digitalocean and installed Nginx, PHP and Mysql, I created bare git repository and connected to it remotely to push my local project, when I push my project it shows me that uploaded successfully but when I enter my server and access my project path the folder is empty.
I followed below guide link

Like you say: your repository is a bare repository, therefore you only see data being populated in the .git folder itself.
You need to clone that bare repository to the folder you want your Laravel app to be installed. This way, your bare repository remains the remote (origin) repository, and your clone is the local repository (even though they are in the same "remote" server).


I cut/pasted a folder into a local repository mid-clone - the clone failed and the folder disappeared. Is the folder I pasted gone forever?

I wanted to put my local code into a GitHub repository.
I created a repo on GitHub and tried cloning with HTTPS.
The clone was taking a moment but the folder was created on my laptop so I decided to cut/paste my local code into the local repo folder.
Well, the clone ended up failing and the repo folder just disappeared, along with all of its contents.
The folder I added to the local repo also disappeared.
I can't even find it in the recycling bin. Is it gone forever?
Next time:
make sure you have installed gh, the GitHub CLI
create a repository locally where your code is
publish to GitHub (that will create the remote repository)
That way, no clone, no hazardous code migration.
The command to create the remote repository is (after a gh auth login):
gh repo create.
Inside a git repository, and with no arguments, gh will automatically create a repository on GitHub on your account for your current directory, using the directory name.

The best way to automate deploy with bitbucket and a remote server (like digital ocean droplet) is with git hooks or pipelines?

I'm working on a project and now is the stage of deployment. I have a droplet in digital ocean and I could just clone my git repository from bitbucket inside this droplet and every time I do a git push to my remote repository I just do a git pull inside my droplet. I really don't want to do this every time, so I searched how could I automate this and I found two ways:
Git hooks
In this link show how to do it (I don't like the fact the after clone my git repository from bitbucket I have also to remote link with my droplet)
Using BitBucket Pipelines to Deploy onto VPS via SSH Access I also find this way that I just do my git pull inside my pipeline
So here is my question: between these two ways, which one is better? The only thing that I don't like in the git hooks way is that every time I clone my bitbucket repository in a new machine, I have to add new remote repository to automate the deployment.

Gitlab Remote Repository (locally-hosted)

I'm new to Git and Gitlab. I downloaded and installed Gitlab to my PC so I could have a private Git repository. I would like like to ask a few things regarding git-data in my private Gitlab setup (local only).
I was able to find my project name in the gitlab repository. It has some files/folders inside but I couldn't find the source code I pushed. I could see HEAD, INFO, etc. I was expecting to find my project folder which I pushed to this remote repository containing my source codes. Am I wrong to expect a copy of my project folder here with the source codes? Or is my pushed source code being stored in a compiled manner hence I couldn't find it?
Security-wise, can I assume that Gitlab doesn't send or push any of my code elsewhere in the Internet?

Xcode 5 with JGit repository

How can I use Xcode with a JGit repository instead of a Git repository? The checkout dialog offers only the types “Git” and “Subversion”.
If I try to open a JGit repository as a traditional Git type, the error message says “fatal: Unable to find remote helper“.
Xcode doesn't directly support a repo stored on S3 (it's something unique to JGit).
That said, you should be able to access a repo there by using a combination of FUSE for OS X and s3fs. You will need to install FUSE (which allows the use of filesystems from userland) and then s3fs (to mount the S3 bucket) and then mount the bucket containing the repo somewhere on your local filesystem. Once that's done, you'll be able to reference it using the local filesystem mountpoint.
JGit is just a Jave interface to work with Git repositories, so there is no Jgit-Repository. Git repositories can be handled with Git or JGit, the resulting repository is identical.

Redmine Project Repository Location

I have redmine set up using bitnami on windows I created a project and added a repository by location successfully. Now I'm trying to clone this via redmine,
git clone http://localhost/git/myproject
git clone http://localhost/redmine/git/myproject
The repository of the project is located in the htdocs\git\myproject folder, but when I try this it says repo not found. What is the link for redmine repos, or do I have to move the local repo elsewhere on the server to work?
I'm not sure about git, but for Mercurial you need to insert the local path of the repository. It looks like that also the case for git. So you'll need to set the repository to /htdocs/git/myproject
