Doubling subscriber - opentok

I have problem with displaying subscribers. I Try to describe: I have 2 DIV containers one of them for publisher and another for subscribers. When I connect to session everything goes perfect until I disconnect from session and reconnect again. After that I begin to see 2 same subscribers, they just double. If for example I disconnect again and reconnect I will see 3 subscribers and so on. I can't understand the reason of it. Below I placed my code related to creating publisher and subscriber. Is anybody faced with the same problem? Thank you.
let session;
let st = false;
/////////Initialize session
function initializeSession(apiKey, sessionId, token) {
if (st) {
$.messager.alert("Attention", "You've already connected to session!", "info");
session = OT.initSession(apiKey, sessionId);
var layoutContainer = document.getElementById("subscriber");
var layout = initLayoutContainer(layoutContainer).layout;
session.on('streamCreated', function (event) {
if ( === 'screen') {
session.subscribe(, 'share_sub', {
insertMode: 'append',
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
}, handleError);
} else {
session.subscribe(, 'subscriber', {
insertMode: 'append',
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
}, handleError);
// Create a publisher
var publisher = OT.initPublisher('publisher', {
insertMode: 'append',
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
}, handleError);
// Connect to the session
session.connect(token, function (error) {
// If the connection is successful, initialize a publisher and publish to the session
if (error) {
} else {
session.publish(publisher, handleError);
st = true;
function conncect2Session() {
type: "POST",
url: '/Home/Connect2Session/',
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
contentType: "application/json",
traditional: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function (res) {
initializeSession(res.apiKey, res.sessionId, res.token);
}, error: function () { alert("Did not work"); }
function disconnectFromSession() {
$.messager.confirm('Attention!', 'Are you sure you want to disconnect?', function (r) {
if (r) {
st = false;

You need to destroy publisher.
Not sure which SDK you are using, but basic methods should be the same.


How to make the method getItem from the offlineStorage of the Kendo Datasource work with LocalForage

I need to setup my datasource to use localForage to manage my offline data storage.
The problem I'm having is that localForage is asynchronous by nature, only allowing us to use a callback or a promise to retrieve data.
This is how my code is set-up:
(function () {
'use strict';
var serviceId = 'employeeDataSource';
angular.module('app').factory(serviceId, function () {
var crudServiceBaseUrl = 'Data/Employees';
var dataSource = new{
type: "odata",
offlineStorage: {
getItem: function () {
localforage.getItem('employees-key').then(function (value) {
return JSON.parse(value);
setItem: function (item) {
if (item.length > 0) {
localforage.setItem("employees-key", JSON.stringify(item));
transport: {
read: {
url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/",
dataType: "json"
update: {
url: function (data) {
return crudServiceBaseUrl + "(guid'" + data.EmployeeId + "')";
create: {
url: crudServiceBaseUrl
destroy: {
url: function (data) {
return crudServiceBaseUrl + "(guid'" + data.EmployeeId + "')";
batch: false,
pageSize: 5,
serverPaging: true,
schema: {
data: function (data) {
return data.value;
total: function (data) {
return data['odata.count'];
model: {
id: "EmployeeId",
fields: {
EmployeeId: { editable: false, nullable: true },
Name: { validation: { required: true } },
Email: { validation: { required: true } },
IsManager: { type: "boolean" },
MaxHolidaysPerYear: { editable: false, type: "number", validation: { min: 0, required: true } },
HolidaysLeftThisYear: { type: "number", validation: { min: 0, required: true } }
error: function (e) {
if (e.xhr.responseText !== undefined) {
$(window).on("offline", function () {;
$(window).on("online", function () {;
return dataSource;
When off-line, the getItem gets called, then the setItem gets call as well with an empty array, hence the:
if (item.length > 0) {
localforage.setItem("employees-key", JSON.stringify(item));
When the promise finally returns the off-line data (with the correct values I expected), the Grid displays no results.
This behaviour is presumably because of the promise ?
I tried the same thing with sessionStorage and its worked perfectly... i.e.:
getItem: function () {
return JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("employees-key"));
setItem: function (item) {
sessionStorage.setItem("employees-key", JSON.stringify(item));
What can I do to get around this?
Just got a heads-up from Telerik
There is an issue logged in their GitHub repo about the same problem.
You can keep track on the progress here:

Kendo UI Grid posting back already Inserted Rows again

I am running into problem, where when an Insert is completed successfully and if i continue to insert another row, in the next insert it is also sending the row that was inserted successfully earlier, so it goes like this.
On the First insert that row is posted back to webAPI and inserted successfully.
On Next Insert Two rows are sent one of them was from first step.
On third Insert it send previous two rows as well as third row and so on.
What could be the cause of this ?
This is the Code in problem.
$(document).ready(function () {
try {
var degreeYearsArray = new Array();
function GetDegreeName(dgID, degreeName) {
for (var i = 0; i < degreeYearsArray.length; i++) {
if (degreeYearsArray[i].dgID_PK == dgID) {
return degreeYearsArray[i].Name;
return degreeName;
var degreeYearModel = {
id: "DGYR_PK",
fields: {
type: "number",
nullable: false,
editable: false
Code: {
type: "string",
validation: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxlength: 160
Year: {
type: "number",
validation: {
required: true
EffectiveDate: {
type: "date",
validation: true
TerminationDate: {
type: "date",
validation: true
var baseURL = "http://localhost:3103/api/Degree";
var degreeYearTransport = {
create: {
url: baseURL + "/PostDegreeYears", // "/PutOrgSchool",
type: "POST",
// contentType: "application/json"
dataType: "json"
read: {
url: function () {
var newURL = "";
if (window.SelectedDegree == null)
newURL = baseURL + "/GetDegreeYears"
newURL = baseURL + "/GetDegreeYears?degreeID=" + window.SelectedDegree.DGID_PK;
return newURL;
dataType: "json" // <-- The default was "jsonp"
update: {
url: baseURL + "/PutDegreeYears", //"/PostOrgSchool",
type: "PUT",
// contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json"
destroy: {
url: function (employee) {
return baseURL + "/deleteOrg" + employee.Id
type: "DELETE",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json"
parameterMap: function (options, operation) {
try {
if (operation != "read") {
options.EffectiveDate = moment(options.EffectiveDate).format("MM-DD-YYYY");
options.TerminationDate = moment(options.TerminationDate).format("MM-DD-YYYY")
var paramMap =;
delete paramMap.$format; // <-- remove format parameter.
return paramMap;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error occure in parameter Map or Degree.js" + e.message);
}; //transport
var dsDegreeYears = new{
serverFiltering: true, // <-- Do filtering server-side
serverPaging: true, // <-- Do paging server-side
pageSize: 2,
transport: degreeYearTransport,
requestEnd: function (e) {
try {
if (e.type == "update"){
title: 'Update Sucessful',
text: 'Record was Updated Successfully',
type: 'success'
if (e.type == "create") {
title: 'Insert Sucessful',
text: 'Record was Inserted Successfully',
type: 'success'
} catch (e) {
console.error("error occured in requestEnd of dsDegreeYears datasource in DegreeYears.js" + e.message);
schema: {
data: function (data) {
return data.Items; // <-- The result is just the data, it doesn't need to be unpacked.
total: function (data) {
return data.Count; // <-- The total items count is the data length, there is no .Count to unpack.
model: degreeYearModel
}, //schema
error: function (e) {
var dialog = $('<div></div>').css({ height: "350px", overflow: "auto" }).html(e.xhr.responseText).kendoWindow({
height: "300px",
modal: true,
title: "Error",
visible: false,
width: "600px"
$("#" + gridName).kendoGrid({
dataSource: dsDegreeYears,
autoBind: false,
groupable: true,
sortable: true,
selectable: true,
filterable: true,
reorderable: true,
resizable: true,
columnMenu: true,
height: 430,
editable: "inline",
toolbar: ["create"],
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
columns: [ {
field: "DGID_FK",
title: "Degree Name",
width: 140,
template: function (dataItem) {
if (window.SelectedDegree != null) {
dataItem.DGID_FK = window.SelectedDegree.DGID_PK;
return window.SelectedDegree.Name;
return "";
field: "Code",
title: "Code",
width: 140
field: "Year",
title: "Year",
width: 140
field: "Description",
width: 110
field: "EffectiveDate",
width: 110,
format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
field: "TerminationDate",
width: 110,
format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
command: ["edit"] , title: " ", width: "172px"
}); //grid
//Hide history pull-down menu in the top corner
$.pnotify.defaults.history = false;
$.pnotify.defaults.styling = "bootstrap";
// styling: 'bootstrap'
//styling: 'jqueryui'
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error occured in DegreeYears" + e.message);
}); // document
This is the Response that is sent from WebAPI
So i do see i am returning ID as suggested by the users in response to the question.
still wondering
After you have inserted a record, you need to return the id of that row, otherwise grid consider the previous row as a new row too.
In your create function you call the web API
baseURL + "/PostDegreeYears", // "/PutOrgSchool",
In the server side consider the below code.
public void Create(ABSModel model)
using (context = new Pinc_DBEntities())
tblAB tb = new tblAB();
tb.ABS = model.ABS;
tb.AreaFacility = model.AreaFacility;
model.ABSID = tb.ABSID;//this is the important line of code, you are returning the just inserted record's id (primary key) back to the kendo grid after successfully saving the record to the database.
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
please adjust the above example according to your requirement.
This will happen if you don't return the "DGYR_PK" value of the newly inserted model. The data source needs a model instance to have its "id" field set in order not to consider it "new". When you return the "ID" as a response of the "create" operation the data source will work properly.
You can check this example for fully working Web API CRUD:
Here is the relevant code:
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Product product)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, product);
response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = product.ProductID }));
return response;
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Your primary key cannot be 0 or null. If you are using auto-incrementing values then you should invoke the "re-read" of your dataSource after post. Check the values and make sure your data values are >0. Note: I have set the default value of the PK in the model to -1 in the column model to help with this.
You can attached and respond to the requestEnd event on the DataSource.
requestEnd: function(e) {
if (e.type === "create") {;
What that is saying is: "After you created a record, reread the entries (including the newly created one) into the grid". Thereby giving you the newly created entry with key and all. Of course you see that the extra read may have some performance issue.

Issue in JQuery Confirmation Dialog inside form submit

In a JQuery dialog I have four fields. When I click on Save button I needs to check and validate the following
Validate all required fields ( On submit of form using validate.js and unobstrusive.js )
Check the value of dropdown and if it is of a partcular type ie (Redundant), Show user a confirmation dialog.
If the user confirm by pressing Yes, then close the confirmation dialog and call Ajax
But the problem is when I confirm by clicking Yes button on confirmation dialog, the dialog closes but the execution is not going down.
ie, Serializing the form data and make an Ajax call to call the webservice.
Please can anyone help.
$(function () {
$('form').submit(function () {
$('#result').html(" ");
var redunt = null;
redunt = $(ClientCrud_StatusCodeId).find('option:selected').text();
if ($(ClientCrud_StatusCodeId).find('option:selected').text() == "Redundant") {
$('#clientRedundantMessage2').html("Client once made redundant cannot be reactivated. Are you sure ?");
autoOpen: false,
height: 170,
width: 420,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: "Confirmation for Redundant",
Content: "Fields cannot be left blank.",
buttons: {
"Yes": function () {
redunt = "Active";
"No": function () {
return false;
}) //.dialog("widget").draggable("option", "containment", "none");
if ($(this).valid())
if (redunt == "Active") {
url: this.action,
type: this.method,
async: false,
cache: false,
data: $(this).serialize(),
error: function (request) {
// event.preventDefault();
success: function (result) {
if (result == "success") {
url: "/Client/ClientGrid",
type: 'POST',
data: { "page": 0 },
datatype: 'json',
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
alert('Server error');
else {
var a = '<ul><li>' + result + '</li></ul>';
$("#griderrormsg1 li").hide().filter(':lt(1)').show();
return false;
editallowed = true;
I think you have a issue with the sequence of code, when the function $("#RedundantMessage2").dialog( ...... ); execute don't wait for the user response in this case "yes" or "no" so... your flag redunt = "Active" don't make sense.
the buttons option has function that execute when the opcion is choosen, so you must call a function to execute the post
$(function () {
$('form').submit(function () {
$('#result').html(" ");
var redunt = null;
redunt = $(ClientCrud_StatusCodeId).find('option:selected').text();
if ($(ClientCrud_StatusCodeId).find('option:selected').text() == "Redundant") {
$('#clientRedundantMessage2').html("Client once made redundant cannot be reactivated. Are you sure ?");
autoOpen: false,
height: 170,
width: 420,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: "Confirmation for Redundant",
Content: "Fields cannot be left blank.",
buttons: {
"Yes": function () {
redunt = "Active";
"No": function () {
return false;
}) //.dialog("widget").draggable("option", "containment", "none");
$("#griderrormsg1 li").hide().filter(':lt(1)').show();
return false;
editallowed = true;
the other js function
function trySend(){
if ($('#IdOfYourForm').valid())
if (redunt == "Active") {
url: this.action,
type: this.method,
async: false,
cache: false,
data: $(this).serialize(),
error: function (request) {
// event.preventDefault();
success: function (result) {
if (result == "success") {
url: "/Client/ClientGrid",
type: 'POST',
data: { "page": 0 },
datatype: 'json',
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
alert('Server error');
else {
var a = '<ul><li>' + result + '</li></ul>';

On confirm delete?

i have this mootools code that on click of a button deletes the record,now i want when the user clicks the delete button a confirm dialog pop up asking am i sure that i want to delete the record with the answers yes and is my code...if the user answers yes to continue this request if he answers no dont continue,it would be also great if i had another message saying that the record was deleted after he clicked yes...
window.addEvent('domready',function() {
$$('a.delete').each(function(el) {
el.addEvent('click',function(e) {
var parent = el.getParent('div');
var request = new Request({
url: '/delete.php',
link: 'chain',
method: 'get',
data: {
'delete': parent.get('id').replace('record-',''),
ajax: 1
onRequest: function() {
new Fx.Tween(parent,{
}).start('background-color', '#fb6c6c');
onSuccess: function() {
new Fx.Slide(parent,{
onComplete: function() {
it's simple.
if (confirm('message')){
// code when yes
else {
// code when no
$$('a.delete').each(function (el) {
el.addEvent('click', function (e) {
var parent = el.getParent('div');
if (confirm('are you sure you want to delete this?')) {
new Request({
url: '/delete.php',
link: 'chain',
method: 'get',
data: {
'delete': parent.get('id').replace('record-', ''),
ajax: 1
onRequest: function () {
new Fx.Tween(parent, {
duration: 300
}).start('background-color', '#fb6c6c');
onSuccess: function () {
new Fx.Slide(parent, {
duration: 300,
onComplete: function () {
} // confirm

postData not passing any parameters!

I'm not able to see any parameters value passing to server in firebug. Here is the code.
//BuyBackGridInit() start
function BuyBackGridInit(tabID){
url :'/Controls/Advertiser/BuyBackControlNew.ascx.ashx?action=getBuyBackData',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'POST',
colNames: result.colNamesData,
colModel: result.colModelData,
postData: {
advertiserID: function() { return $('#advertiser_id').text(); },
CampaignsDdlSelectedValue: function() { return $('select[id$="CampaignDdl"] option:selected').val(); },
startDate: function() { return $('input[id$="'+tabID+'_FromCalBuyBack_CalendarTbx"] ').val(); },
endDate: function() { return $('input[id$="'+tabID+'_ToCalBuyBack_CalendarTbx"] ').val(); }
rowNum : 100,
shrinkToFit :false,
altRows: true,
autowidth: true,
multiselect: true,
gridComplete:function (){
var recs = parseInt( $('table[id$="'+tabID+'_BuyBackGrid"]').getGridParam("records"),10);
if (recs == 0){
else {
serializeGridData: function (data){
return $.toJSON(data);
});//end of jQuery("#BuyBackGrid").jqGrid()
}//BuyBackGridInit() End
You current implementation of serializeGridData just remove all functions parameters from the postData. So you should either extend data parameter inside of serializeGridData instead of the usage of postData. Another way is to modify serializeGridData to the following:
serializeGridData: function (data){
var propertyName, propertyValue, dataToSend = {};
for (propertyName in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
propertyValue = data[propertyName];
if ($.isFunction(propertyValue)) {
dataToSend[propertyName] = propertyValue();
} else {
dataToSend[propertyName] = propertyValue
return JSON.stringify(dataToSend);
In the code above we enumerate all properties and call all functions explicitly. Moreover I prefer to use JSON.stringify function from json2.js. The function will be native implemented in many web browsers.
See the demo here.
