Conditional to move forward depending on what shell is used - bash

I'm trying to write a .functions dotfile, with the purpose of loading it (source $HOME/.functions) in my bash, zsh and fish configuration files. I already did it with another (.aliases), successfully. However now I am facing a problem derived from fish not being posix-compliant.
The thing is that aliases share syntax among the three shells, but when it comes to functions fish has its own syntax (function my_func; #code; end instead of function my_func { #code; }). As an example, consider:
function say_hello
echo "hello";
say_hello() {
echo "hello";
This disables me from just writing them in the file "as is", so I was thinking of writing a conditional such as if [ "$0" = "bash" ] || [ "$0" = "zsh" ]; then #functions_POSIX; else #functions_fish; fi. However, this conditional syntax is also not available in fish!
That's where I'm stuck rn. I would rather not have separate files for each shell.
Thank you in advance.

The only workable answer, in my opinion, is to separate the definitions.
Even if you figure out some way to hack around the fact that fish checks the syntax for the entire file (so wherever you put a bash function definition it will give a syntax error without executing anything), this won't yield a readable file that's nice to edit. You'll just be fighting the hacks.
And function definitions can't be shared anyway, as it's not just a simple search-and-replace of fi to end - the semantics are different, e.g. a command substitution will only be split on newlines, the various special variables ($#) work in different ways, arrays are entirely different, etc...
That means making it a single file isn't workable or helpful, so make your functions scripts instead (if they don't modify the shell's environment) or make a wrapper around a script that does the environment changing, or just write them twice.


How do I pass a command parameter in a variable holding the command?

I want to produce the same output as this:
bash utilities.bash "is_net_connected"
But I don't know how to pass "is_net_connected" if command and file is stored in a variable like this:
T=$(bash utilities.bash)
I've tried these but it doesn't seem to work. It's not picking up ${1} in utilities.bash.
$(T) "is_net_connected"
$(T "is_net_connected")
Not the best way to inport but I'm trying to avoid cluttering my main script with function blocks.
T=$(bash utilities.bash) doesn't save the command; it runs the command and saves its output. You want to define a function instead.
T () {
bash utilities.bash "$#"
# Or on one line,
# T () { bash utilities.bash "$#"; }
T "is_net_connected"
will run bash utilities.bash with whatever arguments were passed to T. In a case like this, an alias would work the same: alias T='bash utilities.bash'. However, any changes to what T should do will probably require switching from an alias to a function anyway, so you may as well use the function to start. (Plus, you would have to explicitly enable alias expansion in your script.)
You might be tempted to use
T="bash utilities.bash"
$T is_net_connected
Don't be. Unquoted parameter expansions are bad practice that only work in select situations, and you will get bitten eventually if you try to use them with more complicated commands. Use a function; that's why the language supports them.

Way to create multiline comments in Bash?

I have recently started studying shell script and I'd like to be able to comment out a set of lines in a shell script. I mean like it is in case of C/Java :
/* comment1
How could I do that?
Use : ' to open and ' to close.
For example:
: '
This is a
very neat comment
in bash
Multiline comment in bash
This is a heredoc (<<) redirected to a NOP command (:).
The single quotes around END_COMMENT are important,
because it disables variable resolving and command resolving
within these lines. Without the single-quotes around END_COMMENT,
the following two $() `` commands would get executed:
$(gibberish command)
`rm -fr mydir`
Note: I updated this answer based on comments and other answers, so comments prior to May 22nd 2020 may no longer apply. Also I noticed today that some IDE's like VS Code and PyCharm do not recognize a HEREDOC marker that contains spaces, whereas bash has no problem with it, so I'm updating this answer again.
Bash does not provide a builtin syntax for multi-line comment but there are hacks using existing bash syntax that "happen to work now".
Personally I think the simplest (ie least noisy, least weird, easiest to type, most explicit) is to use a quoted HEREDOC, but make it obvious what you are doing, and use the same HEREDOC marker everywhere:
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
Single-quoting the HEREDOC marker avoids some shell parsing side-effects, such as weird subsitutions that would cause crash or output, and even parsing of the marker itself. So the single-quotes give you more freedom on the open-close comment marker.
For example the following uses a triple hash which kind of suggests multi-line comment in bash. This would crash the script if the single quotes were absent. Even if you remove ###, the FOO{} would crash the script (or cause bad substitution to be printed if no set -e) if it weren't for the single quotes:
set -e
something something ${FOO{}} something
more comment
You could of course just use
set -e
something something ${FOO{}} something
more comment
but the intent of this is definitely less clear to a reader unfamiliar with this trickery.
Note my original answer used '### BLOCK COMMENT', which is fine if you use vanilla vi/vim but today I noticed that PyCharm and VS Code don't recognize the closing marker if it has spaces.
Nowadays any good editor allows you to press ctrl-/ or similar, to un/comment the selection. Everyone definitely understands this:
# something something ${FOO{}} something
# more comment
# yet another line of comment
although admittedly, this is not nearly as convenient as the block comment above if you want to re-fill your paragraphs.
There are surely other techniques, but there doesn't seem to be a "conventional" way to do it. It would be nice if ###> and ###< could be added to bash to indicate start and end of comment block, seems like it could be pretty straightforward.
After reading the other answers here I came up with the below, which IMHO makes it really clear it's a comment. Especially suitable for in-script usage info:
<< ////
This script launches a spaceship to the moon. It's doing so by
leveraging the power of the Fifth Element, AKA Leeloo.
Will only work if you're Bruce Willis or a relative of Milla Jovovich.
As a programmer, the sequence of slashes immediately registers in my brain as a comment (even though slashes are normally used for line comments).
Of course, "////" is just a string; the number of slashes in the prefix and the suffix must be equal.
I tried the chosen answer, but found when I ran a shell script having it, the whole thing was getting printed to screen (similar to how jupyter notebooks print out everything in '''xx''' quotes) and there was an error message at end. It wasn't doing anything, but: scary. Then I realised while editing it that single-quotes can span multiple lines. So.. lets just assign the block to a variable.
echo "these lines will all become comments."
echo "just make sure you don_t use single-quotes!"
ls -l
what's your opinion on this one?
function giveitauniquename()
so this is a comment
echo "there's no need to further escape apostrophes/etc if you are commenting your code this way"
the drawback is it will be stored in memory as a function as long as your script runs unless you explicitly unset it
only valid-ish bash allowed inside for instance these would not work without the "pound" signs:
1, for #((
2, this #wouldn't work either
function giveitadifferentuniquename()
echo nestable
Here's how I do multiline comments in bash.
This mechanism has two advantages that I appreciate. One is that comments can be nested. The other is that blocks can be enabled by simply commenting out the initiating line.
# : <<'####.block.A'
echo "foo {" 1>&2
fn data1
echo "foo }" 1>&2
: <<'####.block.B'
fn data2 || exit
exit 1
echo "can't happen" 1>&2
In the example above the "B" block is commented out, but the parts of the "A" block that are not the "B" block are not commented out.
Running that example will produce this output:
foo {
./example: line 5: fn: command not found
foo }
can't happen
Simple solution, not much smart:
Temporarily block a part of a script:
if false; then
while you respect syntax a bit, please
do write here (almost) whatever you want.
but when you are
done # write
A bit sophisticated version:
time_of_debug=false # Let's set this variable at the beginning of a script
if $time_of_debug; then # in a middle of the script
echo I keep this code aside until there is the time of debug!
in plain bash
to comment out
a block of code
i do
of code

Can I portably define a variable based on a function argument?

I'd like to define a function defvar which defines a variable, e.g.
defvar FOO BAR ## equivalent to FOO=BAR
However, the naive way of defining such a function does not work (presumedly because the shell ends up executing the whole string as a single command?)
defvar () { $1=$2; } ## no dice
One way around this is to explicitly perform the assignment as part of an export call, e.g.
defvar () { export $1=$2; } ## works, but not portable to some older shells
which works in my local bash shell, but it sounds like this may not be portable, and may not work on some older shells.
Is there a portable mechanism for accomplishing this?
We can solve this using eval:
defvar () {
eval "$1='$2'"
We construct a statement to evaluate using the function arguments, e.g. "$1='$2'", and then evaluate the constructed string (thereby performing the assignment).
Since eval is defined by the POSIX standard, it's about as portable as it gets. It seems to even work on the heirloom bourne shell, so I imagine this will work on even the older shells out there.
That said, using eval is kind of icky, since someone could write something like:
defvar FOO "'; echo Ouch; '"
That is, it's easy to use that to execute arbitrary code, so either this should only be run with trusted inputs, or sanitized / validated input.

How to find or make a Bash utility script library? [closed]

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Is there any commonly used (or unjustly uncommonly used) utility "library" of bash functions? Something like Apache commons-lang for Java. Bash is so ubiquitous that it seems oddly neglected in the area of extension libraries.
If not, how would I make one?
Libraries for bash are out there, but not common. One of the reasons that bash libraries are scarce is due to the limitation of functions. I believe these limitations are best explained on "Greg's Bash Wiki":
Functions. Bash's "functions" have several issues:
Code reusability: Bash functions don't return anything; they only produce output streams. Every reasonable method of capturing that stream and either assigning it to a variable or passing it as an argument requires a SubShell, which breaks all assignments to outer scopes. (See also BashFAQ/084 for tricks to retrieve results from a function.) Thus, libraries of reusable functions are not feasible, as you can't ask a function to store its results in a variable whose name is passed as an argument (except by performing eval backflips).
Scope: Bash has a simple system of local scope which roughly resembles "dynamic scope" (e.g. Javascript, elisp). Functions see the locals of their callers (like Python's "nonlocal" keyword), but can't access a caller's positional parameters (except through BASH_ARGV if extdebug is enabled). Reusable functions can't be guaranteed free of namespace collisions unless you resort to weird naming rules to make conflicts sufficiently unlikely. This is particularly a problem if implementing functions that expect to be acting upon variable names from frame n-3 which may have been overwritten by your reusable function at n-2. Ksh93 can use the more common lexical scope rules by declaring functions with the "function name { ... }" syntax (Bash can't, but supports this syntax anyway).
Closures: In Bash, functions themselves are always global (have "file scope"), so no closures. Function definitions may be nested, but these are not closures, though they look very much the same. Functions are not "passable" (first-class), and there are no anonymous functions (lambdas). In fact, nothing is "passable", especially not arrays. Bash uses strictly call-by-value semantics (magic alias hack excepted).
There are many more complications involving: subshells; exported functions; "function collapsing" (functions that define or redefine other functions or themselves); traps (and their inheritance); and the way functions interact with stdio. Don't bite the newbie for not understanding all this. Shell functions are totally f***ed.
One example of a shell "library" is /etc/rc.d/functions on Redhat based system. This file contains functions commonly used in sysV init script.
I see some good info and bad info here. Let me share what I know since bash is the primary language I use at work (and we build libraries..).
Google has a decent write up on bash scripts in general that I thought was a good read:
Let me start by saying you should not think of a bash library as you do libraries in other languages.
There are certain practices that must be enforced to keep a library in bash simple, organized, and most importantly, reusable.
There is no concept of returning anything from a bash function except for strings that it prints and the function's exit status (0-255).
There are expected limitations here and a learning curve especially if you're accustomed to functions of higher-level languages.
It can be weird at first, and if you find yourself in a situation where strings just aren't cutting it, you'll want to leverage an external tool such as jq.
If jq (or something like it) is available, you can start having your functions print formatted output to be parsed & utilized as you would an object, array, etc.
Function Declarations
There are two ways to declare a function in bash.
One operates within your current shell, we'll call is Fx0.
And one spawns a subshell to operate in, we'll call that Fx1.
Here are examples of how they're declared:
Fx0(){ echo "Hello from $FUNCNAME"; }
Fx1()( echo "Hello from $FUNCNAME" )
These 2 functions perform the same operation - indeed.
However, there is a key difference here.
Fx1 cannot perform any action that alters the current shell.
That means modifying variables, changing shell options and declaring other functions.
The latter is what can be exploited to prevent name spacing issues that can easily creep up on you.
# Fx1 cannot change the variable from a subshell
Fx0(){ Fx=0; }
Fx1()( Fx=1 )
Fx=foo; Fx0; echo $Fx
# 0
Fx=foo; Fx1; echo $Fx
# foo
That being said, The only time you should use an "Fx0" kind of function is when you're wanting to redeclare something in the current shell.
Always use "Fx1" functions because they are safer and you you don't have to worry about the naming of any functions declared within it.
As you can see below, the innocent function is overwritten inside of Fx1, however, it remains unscathed after the execution of Fx1.
echo ":)"
innocent_function()( true )
Fx1 #prints nothing, just returns true
# :)
This would have (likely) unintended consequences if you had used curly braces.
Examples of useful "Fx0" type functions would be specifically for changing the current shell, like so:
set -eEu -o pipefail
set -Tx
set +Tx
Regarding Declarations
The use of global variables, or at least those expected to have a value, is bad practice all the way around.
As you're building a library in bash, you don't ever want a function to rely on an external variable already being set.
Anything the function needs should be supplied to it via the positional parameters.
This is the main problem I see in libraries other folks try to build in bash.
Even if I find something cool, I can't use it because I don't know the names of the variables I need to have set ahead of time.
It leads to digging through all of the code and ultimately just picking out the useful pieces for myself.
By far, the best functions to create for a library are extremely small and don't utilize named variables at all, even locally.
Take the following for example:
echo "This should be a help page"
) >&2
test "$(type -t "$1")" = "function"
nc -zw1 "$(getHostname)" "$(getPortNumber)"
) &>/dev/null
echo localhost
echo 80
if isRunning
then echo OK
else echo DOWN
grep -c "ERROR" /var/log/apache2/error.log
echo "Service status: $(getStatus)"
echo "Errors logged: $(getErrorCount)"
if isValidArg "$1"
then "$1"
else showUsage
Typically, what you would see near the top is local hostname=localhost and local port_number=80 which is fine, but it is not necessary.
It is my opinion that these things should be functional-ized as you're building to prevent future pain when all of a sudden some logic needs to be introduced for getting a value, like: if isHttps; then echo 443; else echo 80; fi.
You don't want that kind of logic placed in your main function or else you'll quickly make it ugly and unmanageable.
Now, serviceClient has internal functions that get declared upon invocation which adds an unnoticeable amount of overhead to each run.
The benefit is now you can have service2Client with functions (or external functions) that are named the same as what serviceClient has with absolutely no conflicts.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that redirections can be applied to an entire function upon declaring it. see: isRunning or showUsage
This gets as close to object-oriented-ness as I think you should bother using bash.
# This should be a help page
if serviceClient isRunning
then serviceClient printDetails
# Service status: OK
# Errors logged: 0
I hope this helps my fellow bash hackers out there.
Here's a list of "worthy of your time" bash libraries that I found after spending an hour or so googling.
bashmenot is a library that is used by Halcyon and Haskell on Heroku. The above link points to a complete list of available functions with examples -- impressive quality, quantity and documentation.
MBFL offers a set of modules implementing common operations and a script template. Pretty mature project and still active on github
You need to look at the code for a brief description and examples. It has a few years of development in its back.
This has the fewer most basic functions. For documentation you also have to look at the code.
Variables declared inside a function but without the local keyword are global.
It's good practice to declare variables only needed inside a function with local to avoid conflicts with other functions and globally (see foo() below).
Bash function libraries need to always be 'sourced'. I prefer using the 'source' synonym instead of the more common dot(.) so I can see it better during debugging.
The following technique works in at least bash 3.00.16 and 4.1.5...
source ./TECHNIQUES.source
echo "Send user prompts inside a function to stderr..."
foo() {
echo " Function foo()..." >&2 # send user prompts to stderr
echo " Echoing 'this is my data'..." >&2 # send user prompts to stderr
echo "this is my data" # this will not be displayed yet
fnRESULT=$(foo) # prints: Function foo()...
echo " foo() returned '$fnRESULT'" # prints: foo() returned 'this is my data'
echo "Passing global and local variables..."
GLOBALVAR="Reusing result of foo() which is '$fnRESULT'"
echo " Outside function: GLOBALVAR=$GLOBALVAR"
function fn()
local LOCALVAR="declared inside fn() with 'local' keyword is only visible in fn()"
GLOBALinFN="declared inside fn() without 'local' keyword is visible globally"
echo " Inside function fn()..."
# call fn()...
# call fnX()...
echo " Outside function..."
echo " GLOBALinFNx=$GLOBALinFNx"
The sourced function library is represented by...
function fnX()
local LOCALVARx="declared inside fnX() with 'local' keyword is only visible in fnX()"
GLOBALinFNx="declared inside fnX() without 'local' keyword is visible globally"
echo " Inside function fnX()..."
echo " GLOBALinFNx=$GLOBALinFNx"
Running TECHNIQUES produces the following output...
Send user prompts inside a function to stderr...
Function foo()...
Echoing 'this is my data'...
foo() returned 'this is my data'
Passing global and local variables...
Outside function: GLOBALVAR=Reusing result of foo() which is 'this is my data'
Inside function fn()...
GLOBALVAR=Reusing result of foo() which is 'this is my data'
LOCALVAR=declared inside fn() with 'local' keyword is only visible in fn()
GLOBALinFN=declared inside fn() without 'local' keyword is visible globally
Inside function fnX()...
GLOBALVAR=Reusing result of foo() which is 'this is my data'
LOCALVARx=declared inside fnX() with 'local' keyword is only visible in fnX()
GLOBALinFNx=declared inside fnX() without 'local' keyword is visible globally
Outside function...
GLOBALVAR=Reusing result of foo() which is 'this is my data'
GLOBALinFN=declared inside fn() without 'local' keyword is visible globally
GLOBALinFNx=declared inside fnX() without 'local' keyword is visible globally
I found a good but old article here that gave a comprehensive list of utility libraries:
I can tell you that the lack of available function libraries has nothing to do with Bash's limitations, but rather how Bash is used. Bash is a quick and dirty language made for automation, not development, so the need for a library is rare. Then, you start to have a fine line between a function that needs to be shared, and converting the function into a full fledged script to be called. This is from a coding perspective, to be loaded by a shell is another matter, but normally runs on personal taste, not need. So... again a lack of shared libraries.
Here are a few functions I use regularly
In my .bashrc
cd () {
local pwd="${PWD}/"; # we need a slash at the end so we can check for it, too
if [[ "$1" == "-e" ]]; then
# start from the end
[[ "$2" ]] && builtin cd "${pwd%/$1/*}/${2:-$1}/${pwd##*/$1/}" || builtin cd "$#"
# start from the beginning
if [[ "$2" ]]; then
builtin cd "${pwd/$1/$2}"
builtin cd "$#"
And a version of a log()/err() exists in a function library at work for coders-- mainly so we all use the same style.
log() {
echo -e "$(date +%m.%d_%H:%M) $#"| tee -a $OUTPUT_LOG
err() {
echo -e "$(date +%m.%d_%H:%M) $#" |tee -a $OUTPUT_LOG
As you can see, the above utilities we use here, are not that exciting to share. I have another library to do tricks around bash limitations, which I think is the best use for them and I recommend creating your own.

Exclamation point in bash function name - should I?

I'm writing a bash script and it's really convenient to use an exclamation point in a function name.
function hello! {
echo goodbye
function hello {
echo hello
And it works!
After looking through the specs, I found this:
A word consisting solely of letters, numbers, and underscores, and beginning with a letter or underscore. Names are used as shell variable and function names. Also referred to as an identifier.
I feel like I'm breaking the rules here. Is this wrong? Will this mess something up in the future? What's actually going on?
Since it violates the Bash spec, I'd say you're exploiting a bug in Bash, so your code might not work when the bug is fixed. Drop the !
Out of burning curiousity, why is it so much more convenient to use the exclamation point in your function name?
Generally, for portability reasons, you may not want to use the bang; just because the interpreter on that particular OS accepts it, if you need to deploy that script elsewhere, other interpreters of slightly different flavors/versions may not be as accepting.
I'm not sure about the implications in this case, but if the specification states something this clearly, I'd say anything beyond that is undefined behavior and should be avoided.
It's not a good idea to use ! in a function name if you want your code to be portable. bash --posix or invoking bash as "sh" both reject "hello!" as a function name. But I suspect that bash silently permits aberrant function names ("hello?" "hello-" and "hello/" also work, to name a few) because one important use of functions is allowing the user to override normal commands and these commands (e.g. ls, rm, etc.) can contain any sort of character allowed by the filesystem.
Note that "hello!" as a variable name doesn't work.
If your function is meant to be invoked by an user as a command from the terminal, i. e. it's defined in .bashrc, then you could give it a longer name and create an alias with the bang at the end.
function cd_mkdir {
mkdir -p "$DEST"
cd "$DEST"
alias cd!=cd_mkdir
Now, while in terminal I can invoke this as:
cd! foo/bar/baz
And the foo, bar and baz directories get created if they don't exists.
The exclamation mark at the end is a nice and easy mnemonic of "shouting" the familiar command to be force executed, even if the original variant of the command couldn't.
