Using awk with gedit external tools - macos

I have used gedit with Ubuntu a lot and now transitioning on Macos. I noticed that some of the plugins in the Macos version are missing. For instance, there is no (AFAIK) an out-of-the-box option to comment/uncomment code. However, there is the possibility to define an external tool to basically have whatever you want.
I want to just comment the text selection in R/python style (prepending a # before each line of the input). I went to Tools -> Manage External Tools and defined a "Comment Code" tool in this way:
awk '{print "#" $0}'
and set Input as "Current Selection" and output as "Replace Current Selection".
It works if you select a text; however if you don't select anything, it stalls forever, since (for what I understood) awk is waiting for an input.
How can I avoid this problem? Of course I don't need a awk (or whatever) solution, whatever works is fine. I'm not much expert of bash tools like awk or sed, so very likely I'm missing something very simple.

See for how to implement a read timeout with GNU awk.
With input from stdin (enter 7 then Enter/Return then Control-D):
$ gawk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["-", "READ_TIMEOUT"]=5000} {print "#" $0}'
or with input from a pipe:
$ seq 2 | gawk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["-", "READ_TIMEOUT"]=5000} {print "#" $0}'
or from a file:
$ seq 2 > file
$ gawk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["-", "READ_TIMEOUT"]=5000} {print "#" $0}' file
but if you don't provide any input and wait 5 seconds:
$ gawk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["-", "READ_TIMEOUT"]=5000} {print "#" $0}'
gawk: cmd. line:1: fatal: error reading input file `-': Connection timed out
You can always redirect stderr the usual way if you don't want to see the timeout message:
$ gawk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["-", "READ_TIMEOUT"]=5000} {print "#" $0}' 2>/dev/null
but of course that would mask ALL error messages so you might want to do this instead to just mask that one message:
{ gawk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["-", "READ_TIMEOUT"]=5000} {print "#" $0}' 2>&1 >&3 |
grep -v 'fatal: error reading input file'; } 3>&1
$ { gawk 'BEGIN{print "other error" >"/dev/stderr";
PROCINFO["-", "READ_TIMEOUT"]=5000} {print "#" $0}' 2>&1 >&3 |
grep -v 'fatal: error reading input file'; } 3>&1
other error
Obviously change the 5000 to however many milliseconds you want the script to wait for input.


Bash can't write file from sh script

I have a bash script that basically does some math with awk and then exports the results to a file on the machine, but it doesn't create the file or even modify the file if I create it for it. It works fine on my Mac, but can't seem to get it working on Ubuntu. Below is my code.
awk -v a="$topnum" -v b="${allArray[2]}" 'BEGIN { if (a==b) print 2 >"/home/skyler/Documents/SkyMine/arp_nr.var" }'
Try to separate awk and get the result into a new file using tee command.
Option 1. Using tee command.
awk -v a="$topnum" -v b="${allArray[2]}" 'BEGIN { if (a==b) print 2 }' | tee "/home/skyler/Documents/SkyMine/arp_nr.var"
Option 2. Using the output (STDOUT) redirection
awk -v a="$topnum" -v b="${allArray[2]}" 'BEGIN { if (a==b) print 2 }' > "/home/skyler/Documents/SkyMine/arp_nr.var"
PS. You should post your data file example, it would be easier to understand and help you.

File name substitution using awk and for loop

Hi I am trying to write dynamic filenames using variable substitution and I unable to figure out what am i missing here.
for i in `cat justPid.csv`
awk -v var="$i" -F"," '{if ($1==var) {print $0 }}' uniqPid.csv > "$i"file.txt
I have also tried the one below and many other combinations but it wont print multiple file names based on the $i.
for i in `cat justPid.csv`
awk -v var="$i" -F"," '{if ($1==var) {print $0 }}' uniqPid.csv > ${i}_file.txt
Any suggestions?
my original intent is to split a 27gb file into manageable chunks based on PID (identifier in the file) so that it can be loaded onto R Studio for analysis. I am working on my laptop and not on a server hence the need to break them into small files.
Also I am using the ("new") ubuntu bash shell on windows.
The smaller test files I am working on look like what Jithin has posted. I will try out the suggestions and will update this post!
$cat justPid.csv
$cat uniqPid.csv
I am not quite sure this is what you are looking for, let
input files
$cat justPid.csv
$cat uniqPid.csv
script using for loop
for i in $(cat justPid.csv)
awk -v var=${i} -F, '$1==var' uniqPid.csv > ${i}_file.txt
script using while loop
while read -r i
awk -v var=${i} -F, '$1==var' uniqPid.csv > ${i}_file.txt
done < justPid.csv
$ cat aaaa_file.txt
$ cat bbbb_file.txt
$ cat cccc_file.txt
note: It is not advised to use for loop, see the link Use a while loop and the read command , Don't Read Lines With For
Without sample input/output it's just an untested guess but I THINK all you need is either::
awk -F, '{print > ($1"_file.txt")}' uniqPid.csv
or maybe:
awk -F, 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next} $1 in a{print > ($1"_file.txt")}' justPid.csv uniqPid.csv
So far I don't see any reason for a loop at all. You might need to close the output files as you go but we can address that if/when you provide sample input/output and tell us whether or not you have GNU awk.

Awk double-slash record separator

I am trying to separate RECORDS of a file based on the string, "//".
What I've tried is:
awk -v RS="//" '{ print "******************************************\n\n"$0 }'
Where the "******" etc, is just a trace to show me that the record is split.
However, the file also contains / (by themselves) and my trace, ****** is being printed there as well meaning that awk is interpreting those also as my record separator.
How can I get awk to only split records on // ????
UPDATE: I am running on Unix (the one that comes with OS X)
I found a temporary solution, being:
sed s/"\/\/"/"*"/g | awk -v RS="*" ...
But there must be a better way, especially with massive files that I am working with.
On a Mac, awk version 20070501 does not support multi-character RS. Here's an illustration using such an awk, and a comparison (on the same machine) with gawk:
$ /usr/bin/awk --version
awk version 20070501
$ /usr/bin/awk -v RS="//" '{print NR ":" $0}' <<< x//y//z
$ gawk -v RS="//" '{print NR ":" $0}' <<< x//y//z
If you cannot find a suitable awk, then pick a better character than *. For example, if tabs are acceptable, and if your shell supports $'...', then you could use this incantation of sed:
sed $'s,//,\t,g'

Unix Output of command to text file

I'm reading from a file called IMSI.txt using the following command:
$awk 'NR>2' IMSI.txt | awk '{print $NF}'
I need the output of this command to go to a new file called NEW.txt
So i did this :
$awk 'NR>2' IMSI.txt | awk '{print $NF}' > NEW.txt
This worked fine, but when i open the file, the output from the command are on the same line.
The new line is being neglected.
As an example, if i get an output in the console
i open the text file and i get
How can i fix that ?
Thank you for your help :)
PS: i am using Cygwin on windows
I am guessing your (Windows-y) editor would like to see Carriage Returns at the end of lines, not Linefeeds (which is what awk outputs). Change your print to this
print $NF "\r"
so it looks like this altogether:
awk 'NR>2 {print $NF "\r"}' IMSI.txt
Simply set your ORS to "\r\n" which allows Awk to generate DOS line endings for every output. I believe this is the most natural solution:
awk -v ORS="\r\n" '{print $NF}' > NEW.txt
Tested on a virtual XP system with Cygwin.
From Awk's manual:
ORS The output record separator, by default a newline.

tail -f, awk and output to file >

I am attempting to filter a log file and am running into issues, what I have so far is the following, which does not work,
tail -f /var/log/squid/accesscustom.log | awk '/username/;/user-name/ {print $1; fflush("")}' | awk '!x[$0]++' > /var/log/squid/accesscustom-filtered.log
The goal is to take a file that contains
ipaddress1 username
ipaddress2 user-name
ipaddress1 username
ipaddress3 username
ipaddress4 user-name
and save to accesscustom-filtered.log
It works without the output to accesscustom-filtered.log but something in the > isn't working right and the file ends up empty.
Edit: Changed the original example to be correct
Use tee:
tail -f /var/log/squid/accesscustom.log | awk '/username/;/user-name/ {print $1}' | tee /var/log/squid/accesscustom-filtered.log
See also: Writing “tail -f” output to another file and Turn off buffering in pipe
Note: awk doesn't buffer like grep in the superuser example, so you shouldn't need to do anything special with your awk command. (more info)
