I use a _layout.cshtml file that have a language selection, when the user change language I need to only pass lang=gb. Since this layout is applied to several views/controllers I need to pass the lang parameter to the view/controller that is currently rendered. What helper method do I use then?
This post helped me out Getting controller name from razor
There I could get the current controller and pass the lang parameter like this..
I'm working on a dotnet 6 mvc application using RazorPages, and I'm having a problem with strange routing behavior.
I have a RazorPage /Pages/News.cshtml
This page is accessible using the default route /news
When called without any parameters this page will display an index of news articles.
I also want this page to be able to display a specific news article, via a path like this...
To achieve this, I've added a config like so...
builder.Services.AddRazorPages(options =>
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/News", "News/{id:regex(^\\d+\\-.*)?}");
In my templates, I can then use links like this...
<a asp-page="/News" asp-all-route-data="#(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "id", "1234-my-news-article" } })">My News Article</a>
<a asp-page="/News">All Articles</a>
However, once I've navigated to a specific article, the index link doesn't render correctly, and will instead link again to the same article. It appears to be re-using the current routing parameters.
Is there some way to avoid this?
I've found a work-around, if I use this tag instead...
<a asp-page="/News" asp-route-id="">All Articles</a>
then it will link correctly to "/news".
It seems a bit counter-intuitive to have to explicitly set this to blank. I would have assumed it would default to unset, unless explicitly set otherwise.
This is known as ambient route values (https://www.learnrazorpages.com/razor-pages/tag-helpers/anchor-tag-helper#ambient-route-values), where the current route values are automatically added to outbound links which are generated by the anchor tag helper if the destination page is the same as the current page. In older versions of Razor Pages, this was the default behaviour for all pages.
As you have discovered, you can override this by setting the route value to an empty string, or as suggested elsewhere, to use a plain anchor tag for your link.
asp-page tag helper will add id value to the route by default.It is by design.If you don't want to add it,you can try to use href to replace asp-page:
All Articles
I have a view mypage.blade.php and a route.
The url is like : https://example.com/mypage/param1/param2. The route use param1 and param2 and generate the page.
Question 1
In that page, I try to get its HTML code. Is there a way to do it?. I tried render() but I don't get what I want.
Question 2
In the view, can I get the HTML code of an other view by specifying a path ?
You had the right idea. Not sure why it wouldn't work for you.
In the controller, set the view into a variable:
$view = view('myBaseView', compact('people', 'places', 'things'));
Now, if you dump the rendered view variable, you have the page's HTML:
To get the html of another view by specifying the path and using the internal controller, you would need to set up some kind of a wrapper or catch so that the view variable is not returned as a view, but rendered out to html as above. Your method would need to trap whatever the original controller was sending before it pushed out the view.
Of course, old school php can get the other page's rendered html too possibly if your server is set to allow this:
$html = file_get_contents('http://mypage.com/');
Something else you might find handy is the Laravel sections method. If you just want to render part of the page you can do so by calling whatever section you want from a partial view:
$sections = $view->renderSections(); // returns an associative array of 'content', 'pageHeading' etc
dd($sections['modalContent']); // this will only dump whats in the content section
I don't know what you want to do with this html, but if you wish to display it on a page, once you send it (you'd possibly want to return the view along with a compact of the variable $view... as a normal variable if so), remember to use this format:
{!! $view !!}
Currently my users must get the visit form given by Route::get then fill it in to get back a result view given by Route::post. I need to create a shareable link such as /account/search/vrm/{vrm} where {vrm} is the VRM that is usually filled in on the form page. This VRM then needs to redirected to Route::post as post data. This needs to be done by my controller. How can I do this in my controller?
// Shows form view
Route::get('/account/search', 'User\AccountController#getSearch')->name('account.search');
// Shows result view
Route::post('/account/search', 'User\AccountController#runSearch');
// Redirect to /account/search as POST
Route::get('/account/search/vrm/{vrm}', function($vrm) { ???????? });
POSTs cannot be redirected.
Your best bet is to have them land on a page that contains a form with <input type="hidden"> fields and some JavaScript that immediately re-submits it to the desired destination.
You can redirect to a controller action or call the controller directly, see the answer here:
In summary, setting the request method in the controller, or calling a controller's action.
Ps: I don't want to repeat the same thing.
For those who comes later:
If you are using blade templating engine for the views, you can add '#csrf' blade directive after the form starting tag to prevent this. This is done by laravel to prevent cross site reference attacks. By adding this directive, you can get around this.
return redirect()->route('YOUR_ROUTE',['PARAM'=>'VARIABLE'])
So normally I am doing something like this:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.MyDateTime)
Then I have a custom template DateTime.cshtml that is used as the editor.
Whatever the date value of Model.MyDateTime is will be displayed as expected, and as expected the name of the field on the next POST will be MyDateTime.
My desire is to use the custom template in the Html.EditorFor WITHOUT binding in the model object, instead I wish to give it a form field name to be POSTed but have it start out blank.
However I can't find an override of Html.EditorFor() that will allow me to not specify a model object, so I can only specify the template to use and the html form field name so it starts empty.
Note: I tried #Html.EditorForModel("DateTime", "MyDateTime") but just got an error so I think that I misunderstood what that is for.
(I know I could just have MyDateTime be null coming back from the controller but that is not what I am asking here.)
Why would you want to use an EditFor that is going to edit nothing (no model passed)? Instead of going down that road, you should probably look at using a View or PartialView which do not require having a Strongly-Typed model.
I have a C#.Net web app and I am trying to access one of the HTML/ASP Text Boxes in the Controller for the Edit View of my Proposal model. In a non-MVC app, I was able to do this using Control.ControlCollection.Find(). Is there an equivalent for a MVC3 project?
You ask for an equivalent of Control.ControlCollection.Find() in MVC?
In MVC your controller is not aware of controls.
The controller just receives data via parameters and returns data via the function result.
What do you want to do with the control in your controller code?
If you want to access the value, you should bind it to a parameter:
<input name="MyControl" type="text" />
public ActionResult MyAction(string MyControl) {
// MyControl contains the value of the input with name MyControl
The MVC pattern was designed to keep things separated.
The View has no knowledge of the controller at all
The Controller only knows that a view exists and what kind of data that it needs. It do not know how the data is render.
Hence, you can never get information about controls/tags in the view from the controller. You need to use javascript/jQuery in the view and invoke the proper action in the controller.
In an MVC-application you don't have controls like in a webform-application.
In MVC you collect your required data in the controller and pass it to the view.
Typicaly the view is a HTML-page with embedded code.
In opposite to controls in webforms which produce HTML and handles the post-backs in MVC you have to do all this manually. So you don't have controls with properties and events wich you can access easily in the controller and you have to handle all your posts with your own code.
Thats sounds as it is a lot of more work - and indeed it could be if you implement the behaviour of complex controls - but MVC applications are much better to maintain and you have 100% influence to the produced HTML.
Well probably i am late for this but it should help others in future...u can store ur value in hidden field in view and then access that value in controller by following code..
Point - hfAnswerOrder is the ID of the hidden field
My Control in cshtml page..
#Html.Hidden("hfAnswerOrder", Model.Answers.ToList()[0].AnswerOrder)