Send an struct array across a FREERTOS queue - esp32

I am starting with ESP32 and FREERTOS, and I am having problems sending an Struct array across a queue. I have already sent another kind of variables but never an array of Structs and I am getting an exception.
The sender and the receiver are in different source files and I am starting to thing that maybe is the problem (or at least part of the problem).
My simplified code looks like this:
struct dailyWeather {
// Day of the week starting in Monday (1)
int dayOfWeek;
// Min and Max daily temperature
float minTemperature;
float maxTemperature;
int weather;
#pragma once
#ifndef _FILE1_
#define _FILE1_
// Queue
extern QueueHandle_t weatherQueue;
#include "common.h"
#include "file1.h"
// Queue
QueueHandle_t weatherQueue = xQueueCreate( 2, sizeof(dailyWeather *) ); // also tried "dailyWeather" without pointer and "Struct dailyWeather"
void task1(void *pvParameters) {
for (;;) {
dailyWeather weatherDATA[8] = {};
// Code to fill the array of structs with data
if (xQueueSend( weatherQueue, &weatherDATA, ( TickType_t ) 0 ) == pdTRUE) {
// The message was sent sucessfully
#include "common.h"
#include "file1.h"
void task2(void *pvParameters) {
for (;;) {
dailyWeather *weatherDATA_P; // Also tried without pointer and as an array of Structs
if( xQueueReceive(weatherQueue, &( weatherDATA_P ), ( TickType_t ) 0 ) ) {
dailyWeather weatherDATA = *weatherDATA_P;
When I run this code on my ESP32 it works until I try to print the data with Serial.println. The "Received" message is printed, but it crash in the next Serial.println with this error.
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
I am locked with this problem and I am not able to find a way to fix it, so any help will be very apreciated.
I am thinking that maybe a solution will be just to add an order item to the struct, make the queue bigger (in number) and send all the Structs separately to the queue. Then use that order in reader to order it again.
Anyway, will be nice to learn what I am doing wrong with the above code.

freeRTOS queues operate by using the buffer and data size you specify during initialization, when you call xQueueCreate(), to make copies of the data you want to send-receive.
When you call xQueueSend(), which is equivalent to xQueueSendToBack(), it makes a copy into that buffer.
If another task is awaiting for the queue in a call to xQueueReceive(), at the moment it becomes ready to run, xQueueReceive() will make a copy of the item in front of the queue's buffer into the destination buffer you specify in your call to xQueueReceive().
If the data you want to send is of pointer/array type, dailyWeather * in your case, then you need to make sure the memory pointed to by the pointer does not get out of scope before being read by the task that receives the pointer by calling xQueueReceive(). Local variables are created in the calling task's stack and will certainly get out of scope, and very likely overwritten, after the function returns.
IMO, best solution if you really need to pass pointers is to allocate the structures array in the function that generates the data and deallocate it in the task that consumes the data.
For many scenarios it is highly desirable not to abuse of dynamic memory handling, so in several communications stacks you will find the use of buffer pools, which at the end are also queues that are initialized during application startup. Operation is approximately as follows:
Initialize the buffer pool queues (simple queues of pointers).
Fill the buffer pools with dynamically allocated buffers of appropriated sizes.
Initialize the queues for inter- task communications.
Task that provides the data:
Get (Receive) a buffer pointer from one buffer pool.
Fill the buffer with data.
Send the buffer pointer to the communications queue.
Task that receives the data:
Get (Receive) the data buffer pointer from the communications queue.
Use the data.
Return (Send) the buffer pointer to the buffer pool.
In case your structures are small, so you have a more or less constrained copy-then-copy overhead, it makes more sense to create the queue so you work directly with structure instances and structure copies instead of structure buffer pointers.

Firstly it's not a good idea to create the queue in the global scope like you do. A global queue handle is OK. But run xQueueCreate() in the same function that creates task1 and task2 (queue must be created before the tasks), something like this:
QueueHandle_t weatherQueue = NULL;
void main() {
weatherQueue = xQueueCreate(32, sizeof(struct dailyWeather));
if (!weatherQueue) {
// Handle error
if (xTaskCreate(task1, ...) != pdPASS) {
// Handle error
if (xTaskCreate(task2, ...) != pdPASS) {
// Handle error
Secondly, the code in task1() does the following in a loop:
Create a new array of 8 dailyWeather structs in stack (in the scope of a single loop iteration)
Copy a pointer to first item in weatherDATA[] to the queue (task2 will receive it a bit later, when it's time to switch tasks)
Release the array of 8 dailyWeather (because we're exiting loop scope)
A bit later task2() executes and tries to read the pointer to first item in weatherDATA[]. However this memory has probably been released already. You can't dereference it.
So you're passing pointers to invalid memory over the queue.
It's much, much easier to work with a queue if you just pass the data you want to send instead of a pointer. Your structure is small and consists of elementary data types, so it's a good idea to pass it over the queue in its entirety, one at a time (you can pass an entire array if you want, but this way is simpler).
Something like this:
void task1(void *pvParameters) {
for (;;) {
dailyWeather weatherDATA[8] = {};
// Code to fill the array of structs with data
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// Copy the structs to queue, one at a time
if (xQueueSend( weatherQueue, &(weatherDATA[i]), ( TickType_t ) 0 ) == pdTRUE) {
// The message was sent successfully
On the receiver side:
void task2(void *pvParameters) {
for (;;) {
dailyWeather weatherDATA;
if( xQueueReceive(weatherQueue, &( weatherDATA ), ( TickType_t ) 0 ) ) {
I cannot recommend the official FreeRTOS book enough, it's a great resource for beginners.

Thanks for all for the answers.
Finally I have added a variable to track the item position and I have passed all the data through the queue to the destination task. Then I put all those structs back into another array.
#include <stdint.h>
struct dailyWeather {
// Day of the week starting in Monday (1)
uint8_t dayOfWeek;
// Min and Max daily temperature
float minTemperature;
float maxTemperature;
uint8_t weather;
uint8_t itemOrder;
// Queue
extern QueueHandle_t weatherQueue;
#include "common.h"
#include "file1.h"
// Queue
QueueHandle_t weatherQueue = xQueueCreate( 2 * 8, sizeof(struct dailyWeather) );
void task1(void *pvParameters) {
for (;;) {
dailyWeather weatherDATA[8];
// Code to fill the array of structs with data
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
weatherDATA[i].itemOrder = i;
if (xQueueSend( weatherQueue, &weatherDATA[i], ( TickType_t ) 0 ) == pdTRUE) {
// The message was sent sucessfully
#include "common.h"
#include "file1.h"
void task2(void *pvParameters) {
dailyWeather weatherDATA_D[8];
for (;;) {
dailyWeather weatherDATA;
if( xQueueReceive(weatherQueue, &( weatherDATA ), ( TickType_t ) 0 ) ) {
weatherDATA_D[weatherDATA.itemOrder] = weatherDATA;
Best regards.


ESP32 heap corruption error when releasing allocated memory

I am currently programming the ESP32 board in C++ and I am having trouble with my dataContainer class and releasing/allocating memory.
I do use the following DataContainer class (simplyfied):
template <typename Elementtype>
class DataContainer
Elementtype **datalist;
int maxsize;
std::size_t currentsize; // How much data is saved in datalist
DataContainer(int maxcapacity);
...some methods...
void reset_all_data();
And here is the reset_all_data() definition:
/* Deletes all Data of Datacontainer and allocates new memory*/
template <typename Elementtype>
void DataContainer<Elementtype>::reset_all_data()
for (int i = 0; i < currentsize; i++)
if (datalist[i])
delete datalist[i]; <-- Error is triggered here!!!
delete datalist;
datalist = new Elementtype *[maxsize];
for (int i = 0; i < maxsize; i++) // Declare a memory block of size maxsize (maxsize = 50)
datalist[i] = new Elementtype[5];
currentsize = 0;
As you can see, I have added some integrity checks, but the one before delete datalist (this seems to trigger the error). When I call reset_all_data() from my main.cpp at a certain point in my program the following error is triggered:
CORRUPT HEAP: Bad head at 0x3ffbb0f0. Expected 0xabba1234 got 0x3ffb9a34
assert failed: multi_heap_free multi_heap_poisoning.c:253 (head != NULL)
Backtrace:0x40083881:0x3ffb25400x4008e7e5:0x3ffb2560 0x40093d55:0x3ffb2580 0x4009399b:0x3ffb26b0 0x40083d41:0x3ffb26d0
0x40093d85:0x3ffb26f0 0x4014e3f5:0x3ffb2710 0x400d2dc6:0x3ffb2730 0x400d31e3:0x3ffb2750 0x400d9b02:0x3ffb2820
One more thing, the error is only triggered when a certain function is called right before it, even when the whole code inside this function is commented. This is the function's head: void write_data_container_to_file(fs::FS &fs, const char *path, DataContainer<uint16_t> data, const char *RTC_timestamp)thus, the mere call of the function plays an import role here.
Right now I am completely lost - any suggestion/idea is welcome on how to proceed.
EDIT: The dataContainer holds a 2D array of uint16_t.
I finally tracked down the, rather obvious, reason for the HEAP CORRUPTION. In the end I only called delete datalist but it would have been correct to call delete[] datalist after the for loop. The reason is, that within the for loop I delete the pointers pointing to arrays, which represent the "rows" of my allcoated 2D memory. In the end, I also have to delete the pointer, which points to the array holding the pointers I deleted within the for loop.
So I was not paying attention and one should watch out that when it comes to releasing the previously allocated memory, care should be taken if delete or delete[]should be called.

Non-blockings reads/writes to stdin/stdout in C on Linux or Mac

I have two programs communicating via named pipes (on a Mac), but the buffer size of named pipes is too small. Program 1 writes 50K bytes to pipe 1 before reading pipe 2. Named pipes are 8K (on my system) so program 1 blocks until the data is consumed. Program 2 reads 20K bytes from pipe 1 and then writes 20K bytes to pipe2. Pipe2 can't hold 20K so program 2 now blocks. It will only be released when program 1 does its reads. But program 1 is blocked waiting for program 2. deadlock
I thought I could fix the problem by creating a gasket program that reads stdin non-blocking and writes stdout non-blocking, temporarily storing the data in a large buffer. I tested the program using cat data | ./gasket 0 | ./gasket 1 > out, expecting out to be a copy of data. However, while the first invocation of gasket works as expected, the read in the second program returns 0 before all the data is consumed and never returns anything other than 0 in follow on calls.
I tried the code below both on a MAC and Linux. Both behave the same. I've added logging so that I can see that the fread from the second invocation of gasket starts getting no data even though it has not read all the data written by the first invocation.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 100000
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
int elements=0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int total_read=0, total_write=0;
FILE *logfile=fopen(argv[1],"w");
int flags = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
flags = fcntl(fileno(stdout), F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(fileno(stdout), F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
while (1) {
int num_read=0;
if (elements < (BUFFER_SIZE-1024)) { // space in buffer
num_read = fread(&buffer[elements], sizeof(char), 1024, stdin);
elements += num_read;
total_read += num_read;
fprintf(logfile,"read %d (%d) elements \n",num_read, total_read); fflush(logfile);
if (elements > 0) { // something in buffer that we can write
int num_written = fwrite(&buffer[0],sizeof(char),elements, stdout); fflush(stdout);
total_write += num_written;
fprintf(logfile,"wrote %d (%d) elements \n",num_written, total_write); fflush(logfile);
if (num_written > 0) { // copy data to top of buffer
for (int i=0; i<(elements-num_written); i++) {
buffer[i] = buffer[i+num_written];
elements -= num_written;
I guess I could make the gasket multi-threaded and use blocking reads in one thread and blocking writes in the other, but I would like to understand why non-blocking IO seems to break for me.
My general solution to any IPC project is to make the client and server non-blocking I/O. To do so requires queuing data both on writing and reading, to handle cases where the OS can't read/write, or can only read/write a portion of your message.
The code below will probably seem like EXTREME overkill, but if you get it working, you can use it the rest of your career, whether for named pipes, sockets, network, you name it.
In pseudo-code:
typedef struct {
const char* pcData, * pcToFree; // pcData may no longer point to malloc'd region
int iToSend;
} DataToSend_T;
queue of DataToSend_T qdts;
// Caller will use malloc() to allocate storage, and create the message in
// that buffer. MyWrite() will free it now, or WritableCB() will free it
// later. Either way, the app must NOT free it, and must not even refer to
// it again.
MyWrite( const char* pcData, int iToSend ) {
iSent = 0;
// Normally the OS will tell select() if the socket is writable, but if were hugely
// compute-bound, then it won't have a chance to. So let's call WritableCB() to
// send anything in our queue that is now sendable. We have to send the data in
// order, of course, so can't send the new data until the entire queue is done.
if ( qdts has no entries ) {
iSent = write( pcData, iToSend );
// TODO: check error
// Did we send it all? We're done.
if ( iSent == iToSend ) {
free( pcData );
// OK, either 1) we had stuff queued already meaning we can't send, or 2)
// we tried to send but couldn't send it all.
add to queue qdts the DataToSend ( pcData + iSent, pcData, iToSend - iSent );
WritableCB() {
while ( qdts has entries ) {
DataToSend_T* pdts = qdts head;
int iSent = write( pdts->cData, pdts->iToSend );
// TODO: check error
if ( iSent == pdts->iToSend ) {
free( pdts->pcToFree );
pop the front node off qdts
else {
pdts->pcData += iSent;
pdts->iToSend -= iSent;
// Off-subject but I like a TINY buffer as an original value, that will always
// exercise the "buffer growth" code for almost all usage, so we're sure it works.
// If the initial buffer size is like 1M, and almost never grows, then the grow code
// may be buggy and we won't know until there's a crash years later.
int iBufSize = 1, iEnd = 0; iEnd is the first byte NOT in a message
char* pcBuf = malloc( iBufSize );
ReadableCB() {
// Keep reading the socket until there's no more data. Grow buffer if necessary.
while (1) {
int iRead = read( pcBuf + iEnd, iBufSize - iEnd);
// TODO: check error
iEnd += iRead;
// If we read less than we had space for, then read returned because this is
// all the available data, not because the buffer was too small.
if ( iRead < iBufSize - iEnd )
// Otherwise, double the buffer and try reading some more.
iBufSize *= 2;
pcBuf = realloc( pcBuf, iBufSize );
iStart = 0;
while (1) {
if ( pcBuf[ iStart ] until iEnd-1 is less than a message ) {
// If our partial message isn't at the front of the buffer move it there.
if ( iStart ) {
memmove( pcBuf, pcBuf + iStart, iEnd - iStart );
iEnd -= iStart;
// process a message, and advance iStart by the size of that message.
main() {
// Do your initial processing, and call MyWrite() to send and/or queue data.
while (1) {
select() // see man page
if ( the file handle is readable )
if ( the file handle is writable )
if ( the file handle is in error )
// handle it;
if ( application is finished )

MQL4 Function pointer / function callback solution

As far as i have seen function pointers do not exist in MQL4.
As a workaround i use:
// included for both caller as callee side
class Callback{
public: virtual void callback(){ return; }
Then in the source where a callback is passed from:
class mycb : Callback{
public: virtual void callback(){
// call to whatever function needs to be called back in this source
now mcbi can be passed as follows:
fie_to_receive_callback((Callback *)mycbi);
and the receiver can callback as:
fie_to_receive_callback(mycb *mcbi){
mcbi.callback(); // call the callback function
is there a simpler way to pass a function callback in mql4 ?
Actually there is a way, using function pointers in MQL4.
Here is an example:
typedef int(*MyFuncType)(int,int);
int addition (int a, int b)
{ return (a+b); }
int subtraction (int a, int b)
{ return (a-b); }
int operation (int x, int y, MyFuncType myfunc)
int g;
g = myfunc(x,y);
return (g);
int OnInit()
int m,n;
m = operation (7, 5, addition);
n = operation (20, m, subtraction);
return(INIT_FAILED); //just to close the expert
No. Fortunately there is not. ( . . . . . . . however MQL4 language syntax creeps * )
MQL4 Runtime Execution Engine ( MT4 ) has rather fragile process/thread handling and adding more ( and smarter ) constructs ( beyond rudimentary { OnTimer() | OnTick() | OnCalculate() } event-bound callbacks ) constitutes rather a threat to the already unguaranteed RealTime Execution of the main MT4-duties. While "New"-MQL4.56789 may provide hacks into doing so, there might be safer rather an off-loading strategy to go distributed and let MT4-legacy handlers receive "pre-baked" results from external processing Cluster, rather than trying to hang more and more and more flittering gadgets on a-years-old-poor-Xmas-tree.
To realise how brute this danger-avoidance is, just notice that original OnTimer() used 1 second resolution ( yes ns steps in the world, where stream-providers label events in nano-seconds ... )
* ): Yes, since "new"-MQL4 introduction, there were many stealth-mode changes in the original MQL4-language. After each update it is more than recommendable to review "new"-Help file, as there might be both new options & nasty surprises. Maintaining an MQL4 Code-Base with more than a few hundreds man*years, this is indeed a very devastating experience.

Using Thrift for IPC-Communication via shared Memory

I couldn't find a sufficient example on how to use apache thrift for ipc-communication via shared memory. My goal is to serialize an exisiting class with help of thrift, then send via shared memory to a different process where i deserialize it again with help of thrift. Right now i'm using TMemoryBuffer and TBinaryProtocol to serialize the data. Although this works, I have no idea on how to write it to shared memory.
Here is my code so far:
#include "test_types.h"
#include "test_constants.h"
#include "thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h"
#include "thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int shID;
char* myPtr;
Person* dieter = new Person("Dieter", "Neuer");
//Person* johann = new Person("Johann", "Liebert");
//Car* ford = new Car("KLENW", 4, 4);
PersonThrift dieterThrift;
dieterThrift.nachName = dieter->getNachname();
dieterThrift.vorName = dieter->getVorname();
boost::shared_ptr<apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer> transport(new apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer);
boost::shared_ptr<apache::thrift::protocol::TBinaryProtocol> protocol(new apache::thrift::protocol::TBinaryProtocol(transport));
test thriftTest;
u_int32_t size = thriftTest.write(protocol.get());
std::cout << transport.get()->getBufferAsString();
shID = shmget(1000, 100, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
if (shID >= 0)
myPtr = (char*)shmat(shID, 0, 0);
if (myPtr==(char *)-1)
//myPtr = protocol.get();
The main problem is the part
//myPtr = protocol.get();
How do I use thrift so that I can write my deserialized data into myPtr (and thus into shared memory). I guess TMemoryBuffer might already be a bad idea. As you may see, I'm not really experienced with this.
Kind regards and thanks in advance
After reading the question again and having a closer look at the code ... you were almost there. The mistake you made is to look at the protocol, which gives you no data. Instead, you have to ask the transport, as you already did with
std::cout << transport.get()->getBufferAsString();
The way to get the raw data is quite similar, just use getBuffer(&pbuf, &sz); instead. Using this, we get something like this:
// query buffer pointer and data size
uint8_t* pbuf;
uint32_t sz;
transport.get()->getBuffer(&pbuf, &sz);
// alloc shmem blöock of adequate size
shID = shmget(1000, sz, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
if (shID >= 0)
myPtr = (char*)shmat(shID, 0, 0);
if (myPtr==(char *)-1)
// copy serialized data into shared memory
memcpy( myPtr, pbuf, sz);
Since shmget() may give you a larger block than requested, it seems to be a good idea to additionally use the framed transport, which automatically carries the real data size in the serialized data. Some sample code for the latter can be found in the Test Client or server code.

What's the correct method for CoreAudio realtime thread to communicate with UI thread?

I need to pass data between CoreAudio's realtime thread and the UI thread (one way, RT->UI). I know I can't use any Cocoa/Objective C methods like performSelectorOnMainThread or NSNotification and I can't use anything that will allocate memory as this will potentially block the RT thread.
What is the correct method for communicating between threads? Can I use GCD message queues or is there a more basic system to use?
Thinking about this a bit more, I suppose I could use a lock free ring buffer, which the RT thread puts a message into, and the UI thread checks for messages to pull out. Is this the best way and if so is there a system already to do this in CoreAudio or available elsewhere or do I need to code it up myself?
It turns out this was a lot simpler than I expected and the solution I came up with was just to use the Portaudio ring buffer. I needed to add pa_ringbuffer.[ch] and pa_memorybarrier.h to my project and then define a MessageData structure to store in the ring buffer.
typedef struct MessageData {
MessageType type;
union {
struct {
NSUInteger position;
} position;
} data;
} MessageData;
Then I allocated some space to store 32 messages and created the ring buffer.
_playbackData->RTToMainBuffer = malloc(sizeof(MessageData) * 32);
PaUtil_InitializeRingBuffer(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB, sizeof(MessageData),
32, _playbackData->RTToMainBuffer);
Finally I started an NSTimer for every 20ms to pull data from the ring buffer
while (PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB)) {
MessageData *dataPtr1, *dataPtr2;
ring_buffer_size_t sizePtr1, sizePtr2;
// Should we read more than one at a time?
if (PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadRegions(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB, 1,
(void *)&dataPtr1, &sizePtr1,
(void *)&dataPtr2, &sizePtr2) != 1) {
// Parse message
switch (dataPtr1->type) {
case MessageTypeEOS:
case MessageTypePosition:
PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferReadIndex(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB, 1);
Then in the realtime thread, pushing a message to the ringbuffer was simply
MessageData *dataPtr1, *dataPtr2;
ring_buffer_size_t sizePtr1, sizePtr2;
if (PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteRegions(&data->RTToMainRB, 1,
(void *)&dataPtr1, &sizePtr1,
(void *)&dataPtr2, &sizePtr2)) {
dataPtr1->type = MessageTypePosition;
dataPtr1->data.position.position = currentPosition;
PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferWriteIndex(&data->RTToMainRB, 1);
A ringbuffer is a good solution. Two if you need to communicate both ways ie. inbox/outbox message passing.
This is a good implementation for iOS/Mac if you don't want to use Portaudio.
