Consequences of setting QueueExpiration in MassTransit? - masstransit

If I set QueueExpiration in MassTransit during configuration to 5 hours, does that mean that the queue will be deleted if no activity has happened in the queue for 5 hours, or will it delete itself even if there is activity, after 5 hours?
Edit: I am using RabbitMQ transport, and I am setting it inside the IOC configuration step.

The queue will be deleted if there is no activity for five hours. A connected bus with a receive endpoint on the queue is considered "activity" even if there are no messages received.


MassTransit consumers didn't acknowledge some messages

I have a question about some strange behaviour of consumer.
Recently we had strange situation on production environment. Two consumers on two different microservices were stuck at some messages. The first one was holding 20 messages from rabbitMQ queue and the second one 2 messages and they weren't processing them. These messages were visible as Unacked in RabbitMQ for two days. They went back to Ready state just when that two microservices were restarted. At that time when consumers took this messages the whole program was processing thousands messages per hour, so basically our Saga and all consumers were working. When these messages went back to Ready state they were processed in one second after that so I don't think that it's problem with them.
The messages are published by Saga to Exchange and besides these two stucked consumers we have also EventLogger consumer subscribed to all messages and this EventLogger processed this 22 messages normally without any problems (from his own queue). Also we have connected Application Insights to consumers and there is no information about receiving these 22 messages by these two consumers (there are information about receiving it by EventLogger).
The other day we had the same issue with one message on test environment.
Recently we updated version of MassTransit in our project from version 6.2.0 to 7.1.6 and before that we didn't notice any similar issues with consumers but maybe it's just coincidence. We also have retry, redelivery, circuit breaker and in memory outbox mechanisms but I don't think that's problem with them because the consumer didn't even start to process these 22 messages.
Do you have any suggestions what could happened to this consumers?
Usually when a consumer doesn't even start to consume the message once it has been delivered to MassTransit by RabbitMQ, it could be an issue resolving the consumer from the container, such as a dependency to another backing service (database, log server, file, network connection, device, etc.).
The message remains unacknowledged on the broker because the transport/delivery mechanism to the consumer is waiting for a resource to become available. If there isn't anything in the logs for that time period indicating an issue with a resource, it's hard to know what could have blocked those messages from being consumed. The fact that they were ultimately consumed once the services were restarted seems to indicate the message content itself was fine.
Monitoring the lack of message consumption (and likely an associated queue depth increase) would give an indication that the situation has occurred. If it happens again, I'd increase the logging detail levels to see if the issue occurs again and can then be identified.

Delayed RabbitMQ messages

We have a RabbitMQ cluster (3 nodes, with 1 primary and 2 secondary, RabbitMQ version - 3.7.24) between 2 of our Microservices. The first service produces a message and pushes the messages to 2 different HA enabled queue. The second micro service consumes the message from both the queues. It was running good for several months until few days back.
2 days back our first service pushed around 100 messages at different time to both the queues for the whole day, out of which, around 60 were consumed immediately but the rest 40 messages were delivered/consumed only on the next day, all together at the same time from both the queues.
We dont have any delay settings and our microservices were not restarted for several months and there is no RabbitMQ connection issue as well as there were messages received throughout the day. Its very hard to find why this happened ? Do someone have any clue how this could have happened ? Thank you.

ActiveMQ not delivering/dispatching persistent messages on queues

I am using ActiveMQ v5.10.0 and having an issue almost every weekend where my ActiveMQ instance stops delivering persistent messages sent on queues to the consumers. I have not been able to figure out what could be causing this.
While the issue was happening I tried following things:
I added a new consumer on the affected queue but it didn't receive
any messages.
I restarted the original consumer but it didn't receive any messages after the restart.
I purged the messages that were held on the queue but then messages started accumulating again and broker didn't deliver any of the new messages. When I purged the expiry count didn't increase neither the dequeue and dispatch counters.
I sent 100 non-persistent messages on the affected queue, surprisingly it received those messages.
I tried sending 100 persistent messages on that queue, it didn't deliver anyone of them, all the messages were held by broker.
I created a fresh new queue and sent 100 persistent messages and none of them was delivered to the consumer whereas all the non-persistent messages were delivered.
The same things happen if I send persistent or non-persistent messages from STOMP producers. Surprisingly all this happened only for queues, topic consumers were able to receive persistent as well as non-persistent messages.
I have already posted this on ActiveMQ user forum: but no one from ActiveMQ has suggested anything.
The jstack output also isn't very helping.
More details:
1. I am not using any selectors, message groups feature
2. I have disabled producer flow control in my setup
I want some suggestions as to what configuration values might cause this issue- memory limits, message TTL etc.

Removing a message that is being redelivered

I have a set up of an ActiveMQ broker and a single consumer. Consumer gets a message that he is not able to process because a service that it depends has a bug (once fixed it will be fine). So the message keeps being redelivered (consumer redelivery) - we use JMS sessions. With our current configuration it will keep redelivering it every 10 minutes for 1 day. That obviously causes a problem because other messages are not being consumed.
In order to solve this problem I have accessed the queue through JMX and tried to delete that message but it is not there. I guess it is cached on the consumer and not visible at the broker.
Is there any way to delete this message other than restarting the application?
Is it possible to configure the redelivery mechanism so that such message (that causes a live lock eventually) is put at the end of the queue so that other messages can be processed?
The 10 minutes for 1 day redelivery policy should stay as is.
I think you're right that the messages are stuck in the consumer's prefetch buffer, and I don't know of a way to delete them from there.
I'd change your redelivery policy to send to the DLQ after the second failure, with a much shorter interval between them, like 30 seconds, and I'd configure the DLQ strategy as an individualDeadLetterStrategy so you get a separate DLQ containing only messages from this particular queue. Then set up a consumer on this DLQ to move the messages to (the end of) the main queue whenever your reprocessing condition is met (whether that's after a certain delay, or based on reading some flag value from a database, or whatever). This consumer is where you'd implement "every 10 minutes for 1 day" logic, instead of in the redelivery policy where you currently have it.
That will keep the garbage ones out of the main queue so they don't delay other messages from being consumed, but still ensure that they will be reprocessed later. And it will put them on the broker instead of in the consumer's prefetch buffer, where you can view and delete them.
The only way to get it to the back of the queue is to reproduce it to the queue. Redelivery polices can only be configured down to the destination on the connection factory.
Given that you already have a connection, it shouldn't be to hard to create a producer that can either move the given message to a DLQ or produce it back to the queue when you run into that particular bug.
Setting jms.nonBlockingRedelivery=true on the connection factory resolved the problem. Now even if there is a message redelivered it does not block processing of other Messages.

Message queue that delivers delayed messages and checks for uniqness

I have an online service that receives incoming events (few every second). Service needs to process a job when there were no events for 30 seconds or more. Service is distributed across several PCs and uses Amazon webservices (SQS and SimpleDB) as a backbone.
I understand how can I schedule a job when there IS an incoming event (just put a message into message queue and you are done), but how can I schedule a job when the condition is "NO EVENTS FOR X SECONDS" ?
Ideally I would want a message queue that does not allow duplicate messages, allows scheduling for the future and allows adjusting "delivery date" on each message.
Is there such a message queue implementation?
Is this problem can be solved at all without persisting some data in database?
Thank you
Both BizTalk or SQL Server Service Broker fit your requirements. If they are too heavyweight, you could write a simple service that peeks the queue every couple of seconds and times out if it does not see anything in 30 seconds. That would be more difficult to scale horizontally across machines, however.
