`APPEND` variable does not update kernel command line - embedded-linux

The manual https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/2.5/kernel-dev/kernel-dev.html at section C.1.6 states that:
The Linux kernel command line is typically specified in the machine
config using the APPEND variable.
in my bbappend of my embedded linux recipe I added:
APPEND_append = " isolcpus=2"
I forced a rebuild of virtual/kernel and the image recipe but find /sys/devices/system/cpu/isolated to be empty.
Do I have to set this variable in the machine config? If yes, why is it stated that this is 'typically' done there?
What else could have gone wrong?
EDIT: I put APPEND += "isolcpus=2" into my local.conf. Unfortunately, that line still doesn't make it into my /proc/cmdline of my target image.


Patch bitbake to use custom `wpa_supplicant.conf`

I have a wpa_supplicant.conf that I want to use at first boot. I tried to patch poky's recipe as follows. This is my wpa_supplicant_2.6.bbappend:
SRC_URI_append = " file://wpa_supplicant.conf"
I have the conf file stored relative to the bbappend in wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf. Still the original poky conf file is always added to the image.
How can I inject my config file?
(I'm on branch warrior)
NOTE/EDIT: For quick and efficient problem solving I recommend also discussing issues in the IRC channel (as also happened in this case). Super helpful people there!
First, the recipe is called wpa-supplicant and not wpa_supplicant so you need to name the bbappend wpa-supplicant_2.6.bbapend and not wpa_supplicant_2.6.bbappend. Remember, no underscore, no uppercase letter in recipe or package name.
One can check that a bbappend is parsed by using bitbake-layers show-appends wpa-supplicant. You'd have seen that your bbappend was not taken into account.
Then, one should usually use FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := because you want your path to be traversed before all the other ones.
Finally, since the recipe is named wpa-supplicant and not wpa_supplicant, ${PN} will be wpa-supplicant, thus you need to put your file in wpa-supplicant/ and not wpa_supplicant.
To check in which order paths are traversed for files, one can run bitbake -e wpa-supplicant | grep -e "^FILESPATH=", the paths are traversed from leftmost to rightmost. The first file which matches the full path will be taken.
After discussing on IRC with you, I can add that we also figured out that wpa_supplicant.conf is installed in the documentation directory but wpa_supplicant.conf-sane is the one that will be used as wpa_supplicant.conf in the final image for the target. So one would need to name the wpa_supplicant.conf file as wpa_supplicant.conf-sane in order for it to replace the wpa_supplicant.conf file in the final image.
c.f. https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/recipes-connectivity/wpa-supplicant/wpa-supplicant_2.6.bb?h=thud#n88 and https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/recipes-connectivity/wpa-supplicant/wpa-supplicant_2.6.bb?h=thud#n91

autoconf: how do I substitute the library prefix?

CLISP's interface to PARI is configured with the configure.in containing AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS([pari]) from lib-link.m4.
The build process also requires the Makefile to know where the datadir of PARI is located. To this end, Makefile.in has
DATADIR = #datadir#
and expects to find $(DATADIR)/pari/pari.desc (normally
/usr/share/pari/pari.desc or /usr/local/share/pari/pari.desc).
This seems to work on Mac OS X where PARI is installed by homebrew in /usr/local (and LIBPARI_PREFIX=/usr/local), but not on Ubuntu, where PARI is in /usr, and LIBPARI_PREFIX is empty.
How do I insert the location of the PARI's datadir into the Makefile?
PS. I also asked this on the autoconf mailing list.
PPS. In response to #BrunoHaible's suggestion, here is the meager attempt at debugging on Linux (where LIBPARI_PREFIX is empty).
$ bash -x configure 2>&1 | grep found_dir
+ found_dir=
+ eval ac_val=$found_dir
+ eval ac_val=$found_dir
You are trying to use $(prefix) in an unintended way. In an Autotools-based build system, the $(prefix) represents a prefix to the target installation location of the software you're building. By setting it in your Makefile.in, you are overriding the prefix that configure will try to assign. However, since you appear not to have any installation targets anyway, at least at that level, that's probably more an issue of poor form than a cause for malfunction.
How do I insert the location of the PARI's datadir into the Makefile?
I'd recommend computing or discovering the needed directory in your configure script, and exporting it to the generated Makefile via its own output variable. Let's take the second part first, since it's simple. In configure.in, having in some manner located the wanted data directory and assigned it to a variable
, you would make an output variable of that via the AC_SUBST macro:
Since you are using only Autoconf, not Automake, you would then manually receive that into your Makefile by changing the assignment in your Makefile.in:
Now, as for locating the data directory in the first place, you have to know what you're trying to implement before you can implement it. From your question and followup comments, it seems to me that you want this:
Use a data directory explicitly specified by the user if there is one. Otherwise,
look for a data directory relative to the location of the shared library. If it's not found there then
(optional) look under the prefix specified to configure, or specifically in the specified datadir (both of which may come from the top-level configure). Finally, if it still has not been found then
look in some standard locations.
To create a configure option by which the user can specify a custom data directory, you would probably use the AC_ARG_WITH macro, maybe like this:
AC_ARG_WITH([pari-datadir], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pari-datadir],
[explicitly specifies the PARI data directory])],
[], [with_pari_datadir=''])
Thanks to #BrunoHaible, we see that although the Gnulib manual does not document it, the macro's internal documentation specifies that if AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS locates libpari then it will set LIBPARI_PREFIX to the library directory prefix. You find that that does work when the --with-libpari option is used to give it an alternative location to search, so I suggest working with that. You certainly can try to debug AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS to make it set LIBPARI_PREFIX in all cases in which the lib is found, but if you don't want to go to that effort then you can work around it (see below).
Although the default or specified installation prefix is accessible in configure as $prefix, I would suggest instead going to the specified $datadir. That is slightly tricky, however, because by default it refers to the prefix indirectly. Thus, you might do this:
eval "datadir_expanded=${datadir}"
Finally, you might hardcode a set of prefixes such as /usr and /usr/local.
Following on from all the foregoing, then, your configure.in might do something like this:
for d in \
${with_pari_datadir} \
${datadir_expanded}/pari \
/usr/local/share/pari \
AS_IF([test -r "$[]d/pari.desc"], [DATADIR="$[]d"; break])
AS_IF([test x = "x$DATADIR"], [AC_MSG_ERROR(["Could not identify PARI data directory"])])
Instead of guessing the location of datadir, why don't you ask PARI/GP where its datadir is located? Namely,
$ echo "default(datadir)" | gp -qf
does the trick.

CMake override cached variable using command line

As I understand it, when you provide a variable via the command line with cmake (e.g. -DMy_Var=ON), that variable is stored inside the cache. When that variable is then accessed on future runs of the CMake script, it will always get the value stored inside the cache, ignoring any subsequent -DMy_Var=OFF parameters on the command line.
I understand that you can force the cache variable to be overwritten inside the CMakeLists.txt file using FORCE or by deleting the cache file, however I would like to know if there is a nice way for the -DMy_Var=XXX to be effective every time it is specified?
I have a suspicion that the answer is not to change these variables within a single build but rather have separate build sub-dirs for the different configs. Could someone clarify?
I found two methods for changing CMake variables.
The first one is suggested in the previous answer:
cmake -U My_Var -D Mu_Var=new_value
The second approach (I like it some more) is using CMake internal variables. In that case your variables will be still in the CMake cache, but they will be changed with each cmake invocation if they are specified with -D My_Var=.... The drawback is that these variables would not be seen from GUI or from the list of user's cache variables. I use the following approach for internal variables:
set(BUILD_NUMBER "unknown")
It allows me to set the BUILD_NUMBER from the command line (which is especially useful on the CI server):
cmake -D BUILD_NUMBER=4242 <source_dir>
With that approach if you don't specify your BUILD_NUMBER (but it was specified in previous invocations), it will use the cached value.
You could use
CMake -UMy_Var -DMy_Var=new_value
see documentation https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.9/manual/cmake.1.html
I hope this helps.
Find this post by coincidence.
It seems the behavior described by OP isn't the case for CMake 3.12 onwards. For previous releases, I didn't make some tests so cannot confirm.
Variables provided by -D on command line are stored in CMakeCache.txt. They can be overridden, even the same variable is repeatedly provided and the last one is set to the value for that variable.
For example, a very easy CMake script
message(STATUS "FOO = " ${FOO})
$ cmake -DFOO=123 -DFOO=321 .. # the last one takes effect
-- FOO = 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: xxx
$ cmake .. # cache is remembered
-- FOO = 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: xxx
$ cmake -DFOO=changed .. # override it
-- FOO = changed
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: xxx

How to load addtional parameter in CMake?

I want to build a project #local dictionary.
And in 'CMakeLists.txt' the project A want to find another library B using 'FIND_PACKAGE' command.
The problem is that library B can be found in system directory while I rebuild it # my local directory, so how can I control that case by inputting a additional parameter when typing 'cmake .'?
You can give specify variable values using CMake's -D command line option.
Note that the variable in question has to be stored in the cache for this to work, as the command line simply sets a cache entry and local variables hide cache variables of the same name.
cmake -DMY_AWESOME_VARIABLE=Foo <path_to_source>
# set a default value that will be used if no option is given on the command line
# this line will output the current value from cache; so either the default
# value or whatever was given last on the command line
# local variables hide cache entry, so the next message will always print "Local"
you could temporarily change the PATH environment variable to only your local bin aud or usr... by running cmake with:
PATH=~/bin:~/usr:~/usr/bin cmake
But then you have to put all the required executables in that/those folders.

What is the `#Name#` in command line?

I'm looking for Tsung source code. There is a line like following in file tsung.sh.in:
ERL_OPTS=" $ERL_DIST_PORTS -smp auto +P $MAX_PROCESS +A 16 +K true #ERL_OPTS# "
What does the #ERL_OPTS# mean?
This seems to be something that gets substituted by autoconf during the build process.
Generally, a .in file gets preprocessed by some build script. Autoconf uses #IDENTIFIER# to indicate the place where the actual value has to be put in. The preprocessed version loses the .in extension, thus generating tsung.sh in this particular case.
