Why is UWP crashing after adding CarouselView? - xamarin

Can someone explain me why UWP is crashing after adding CarouselView to ContentPage. Am i missing some library (on UWP) for rendering or?
This is the error I'm getting:
Thanks in advance.


Xamarin Forms App crashes after splash screen on iOS device

My Xamarin Forms App works fine in Android devices, but when trying do deploy on a real iOS device it crashes after the splash screen, I said real because I can run without any problem on the simulator.
I try to debug the App on a real iOS device, and I found that the crash happen when the App try to load the XAML file on:
private void InitializeComponent() {
global::Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.Extensions.LoadFromXaml(this, typeof(LoginPage));
Please take a look at the debug steps:
I found the problem. The [XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)] was missing on the code behind C# file, and because of that some methods used by click events of controls on the XAML were not available. But still can't find explanation for this not happening on the simulator!
In case it is a help to anyone, I had the same symptom for a different reason. I am using single page simple navigation in the app in question setting MainPage to the current page in the app. After few days of troubleshooting, happened to notice the checkbox in Application section of info.plist, "Supports Multiple Windows" was checked. Unchecking this restored my app to working condition. There were no diagnostic messages that seemed related, just a crash after splash in release mode, and a black screen in debug mode.

using Xcode designer for xamarin storyboard

I try to use xcode storyboard designer & xamarin ios designer on the same storyboard and I am experiancing some issues/inconsitencies . Does any one has experience to make it work or could recommend me to not mix both designer ?
You should be able to switch between Xcode's Interface Builder and the iOS Designer at will, without issue so it sounds like you are running into an edge case.
Would you mind filling a bug report at Bugzilla against the iOS Designer explaining the issue, and if possible attach the Storyboard in issue?

Xamarin iOs Build failed : Storyboards

It has been a month that I can't build my Xamarin iOs project. This seemed to have started after I updated to the new Xcode for the free provisioning. Since then, I tried finding a solution to this problem, but I haven't seem to find one.
When building the application, Xamarin Studio prompt me with an error that only indicates the name of my storyboard without any description. (The build action used for my storyboard is InterfaceDefinition which is the default one I guess)
Xamarin Studio also opens the Storyboard when the build failed.
I tried to open the storyboard in Xcode and everything went fine. So I really don't understand what is happening with my storyboards.
I even tried to open it with Visual Studio and the build failed but with no error.
Any help would be welcomed !
Thank you in advance :)
I got the same error.
I found the problem. In my storyboard, I added a tableview with static cell. => this caused the error.
Static table views are only valid when embedded in UITableViewController instances
Just changed my tableview to dynamic Prototype and it worked.
One of the cause can be using same storyboard identifier for two view controllers. I faced this error and was able to detect it by opening storyboard file in Xcode.
Having the same StoryBoard.Id property set on different UIViewControllers is another cause.

I still cannot view story board in xamarin

Ive been running through forums and still can't find a fix. is there a library I'm missing? If there is a forum with an answer somewhere please let me know. Thanks.
Im using mac, version 9.5.1 build 3 Xamarin studio
the error message is: there was a problem rendering this document. Then it gives me an option to view in Xcode.
If I am missing any other details please let me know. I was able to view it once and I have no idea what I did then the program crashed and I cannot view it again. Im just trying to view it as I open the project to add a user interface.
Thanks again

How to fix missing method exception in Xamarin.Forms PCL Android mobile app

I'm getting a System.MissingMethodException error after updating Xamarin.Forms package for Android Mobile App.
In MainActivity.cs line #22:
LoadApplication (new App ());
Application Output:
[] Missing method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv::StartCreateInstance(Type,string,JValue*) in assembly Mono.Android.dll, referenced in assembly /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/XAMLDataBindings_PCL.Droid/files/.__override__/Xamarin.Android.Support.v4.dll
I have tried Clean & Rebuild All as mentioned on the Xamarin forum but still not working. The project works for iOS so not sure why Android project won't run now?
I also had the same problem today. I removed all Xamarin.* NuGets from the Android project, re-installed Xamarin.Forms and it fetched the previous versions of Xamarin.Android.* NuGets, which is All is working fine now. I am waiting for a fix.
I had the exact same error. Solved it by Upgrading instead of Downgrading which is a bit nicer.
'Xamarin Studio' -> 'Check for Updates'
Answered: "Up to date"
But when looking at the Solution tree at the left of the screen under your xxx.Droid project it wrote that the 'Packages' had some updates.
After opening the 'Packages' folder it tells you exactly which package can be updated.
Right click -> Update.
I updated the Xamarin.Android.Support.v4
It worked.
I got this exception just for iOS simulator, cause I use tablet device for Android debugging. Eventually I found it just happened when computer had no Internet access.
So I think the real reason is: there is an exception caused by network, but Xamarin Studio can't give the real detail, and just can give a stupid fake exception like "System.MissingMethodException: Attempted to access a missing method."
In my case was the FloatingActionButton cause the problems!
