prolog unary numbers - evaluating expression - prolog

I am trying to understand Prolog and I came up to following situation. I have defined natural numbers (unary) in following way:
n(s(X)) :- nat(X).
Which means that 0 is 0, s(0) is 1, s(s(0)) is 2 etc...
Then I defined predicate add:
add(0, Y, Y) :- nat(Y).
add(s(X), Y, s(Z)) :-
add(X, Y, Z).
Which adds two unary numbers and result stores to Z.
Now I have following predicate "test" what demonstrates my problem:
Then in interpret I type:
add(s(0),0,R). %result: R = s(0), which is correct
Then i try:
test(add(s(0),0,R), 0).
So the first argument should result in R = s(0), second argument is zero, so the whole expression should be evaluated as true, but prolog says false. I guess that it has something to do with the point, that the add(s(0),0,R) inside the "test" predicate does not evaluate the way I think. Could anyone please explain this to me or eventually provide some link that describes this behaviour? Thanks for any help!

No, prolog does not work the way you assume it to.
When you ask
?- test(add(s(0),0,R), 0).
prolog tries to find a matching clause. However, there is no matching clause in your database, since s(0) does not match add(s(0),0,R). Two structures can only match if the have the same functor.
s(0) has the functor s while add(s(0),0,R) has the functor add.


Why does returning false? [duplicate]

I implemented the following power program in Prolog:
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
The code does what is supposed to do, but after the right answer it prints "false.". I don't understand why. I am using swi-prolog.
Can do like this instead:
puissance(X,N,P) :-
( N > 0 ->
A is N-1,
P is Z*X
; P = 1 ).
Then it will just print one answer.
(Your code leaves a `choice point' at every recursive call, because you have two disjuncts and no cut. Using if-then-else or a cut somewhere removes those. Then it depends on the interpreter what happens. Sicstus still asks if you want ((to try to find)) more answers.)
Semantic differences
Currently, there are 3 different versions of puissance/3, and I would like to show a significant semantic difference between some of them.
As a test case, I consider the query:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
What does this query mean? Declaratively, it is clearly equivalent to false. This query is very interesting nevertheless, because it terminates iff puissance/3 terminates universally.
Now, let us try the query on the different variants of the program:
Original definition (from the question):
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Accepted answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Other answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Obviously, the solution shown in the accepted answer yields a different result, and is worth considering further.
Here is the program again:
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Let us ask something simple first: Which solutions are there at all? This is called the most general query, because its arguments are all fresh variables:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1.
The program answers: There is only a single solution: Y=0, Z=1.
That's incorrect (to see this, try the query ?- puissance(0, 1, _) which succeeds, contrary to the same program claiming that Y can only be 0), and a significant difference from the program shown in the question. For comparison, the original program yields:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
That's OK: On backtracking, the program throws an instantiation error to indicate that no further reasoning is possible at this point. Critically though, it does not simply fail!
Improving determinism
So, let us stick to the original program, and consider the query:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1 ;
We would like to get rid of false, which occurs because the program is not deterministic.
One way to solve this is to use zcompare/3 from library(clpfd). This lets you reify the comparison, and makes the result available for indexing while retaining the predicate's generality.
Here is one possible solution:
puissance(X, N, P) :-
zcompare(C, 0, N),
puissance_(C, X, N, P).
puissance_(=, _, 0, 1).
puissance_(<, X, N, P) :-
A #= N-1,
puissance(X, A, Z),
P #= Z*X.
With this version, we get:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1.
This is now deterministic, as intended.
Now, let us consider the test case from above with this version:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Aha! So this query neither throws an instantiation error nor terminates, and is therefore different from all the versions that have hitherto been posted.
Let us consider the most general query with this program:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
X = Z,
Y = 1,
Z in inf..sup ;
Y = 2,
Z in 0..sup ;
Y = 3,
_G3136 in 0..sup ;
Aha! So we get a symbolic representation of all integers that satisfy this relation.
That's pretty cool, and I therefore recommend you use CLP(FD) constraints when reasoning over integers in Prolog. This will make your programs more general and also lets you improve their efficiency more easily.
You can add a cut operator (i.e. !) to your solution, meaning prolog should not attempt to backtrack and find any more solutions after the first successful unification that has reached that point. (i.e. you're pruning the solution tree).
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Layman's Explanation:
The reason prolog attempts to see if there are any more solutions, is this:
At the last call to puissance in your recursion, the first puissance clause succeeds since P=1, and you travel all the way back to the top call to perform unification with P with the eventual value that results from that choice.
However, for that last call to puissance, Prolog didn't have a chance to check whether the second puissance clause would also be satisfiable and potentially lead to a different solution, therefore unless you tell it not to check for further solutions (by using a cut on the first clause after it has been successful), it is obligated to go back to that point, and check the second clause too.
Once it does, it sees that the second clause cannot be satisfied because N = 0, and therefore that particular attempt fails.
So the "false" effectively means that prolog checked for other choice points too and couldn't unify P in any other way that would satisfy them, i.e. there are no more valid unifications for P.
And the fact that you're given the choice to look for other solutions in the first place, exactly means that there are still other routes with potentially satisfiable clauses remaining that have not been explored yet.

How to tell Prolog that two literals are equivalent

Anyone knows how to tell Prolog that n(n(p)) and n(p) represent the same thing?
Or how to reduce n(n(p)) to n(p)?
Anyone knows how to tell Prolog that n(n(p)) and n(p) represent the same thing?
Prolog's unification system has a clear meaning of when two things are the same. n(n(p)) and n(p) are not the same thing. You can construct a predicate that defines a more generic equivalence relation than (=)/2.
Normally in Prolog two constants are different if they have a different name. Two compound terms are the same only if the functor is the same (the name of the functor and the number of parameters), and the parameters are equal as well.
We thus can define a predicate like:
equiv_(n(n(p)), n(p)).
equivalence(L, R) :-
equiv_(L, R).
equivalence(L, R) :-
equiv_(R, L).
equivalence(L, L).
If you the match with equivalence(n(n(p)), n(p)), it will return true.
#false Can't I define a predicate n(n(p)) that returns n(p). What I want, in fact, is that all occurrences of the within a list to be replaced with the latter.
You can make a predicate that unifies a second parameter with n(p) if the first one is n(n(p)):
replace_nnp(X, n(p)) :-
X == n(n(p)).
replace_nnp(X, X) :-
X \== n(n(p)).
Then we can use maplist/3 [swi-doc] to map a list of items to another list of items:
replace_nnp_list(LA, LB) :-
maplist(replace_nnp, LA, LB).
For example:
?- replace_nnp_list([n(n(p)), p, n(p), n(n(p))], X).
X = [n(p), p, n(p), n(p)] ;

Prolog program returns false

I implemented the following power program in Prolog:
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
The code does what is supposed to do, but after the right answer it prints "false.". I don't understand why. I am using swi-prolog.
Can do like this instead:
puissance(X,N,P) :-
( N > 0 ->
A is N-1,
P is Z*X
; P = 1 ).
Then it will just print one answer.
(Your code leaves a `choice point' at every recursive call, because you have two disjuncts and no cut. Using if-then-else or a cut somewhere removes those. Then it depends on the interpreter what happens. Sicstus still asks if you want ((to try to find)) more answers.)
Semantic differences
Currently, there are 3 different versions of puissance/3, and I would like to show a significant semantic difference between some of them.
As a test case, I consider the query:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
What does this query mean? Declaratively, it is clearly equivalent to false. This query is very interesting nevertheless, because it terminates iff puissance/3 terminates universally.
Now, let us try the query on the different variants of the program:
Original definition (from the question):
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Accepted answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Other answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Obviously, the solution shown in the accepted answer yields a different result, and is worth considering further.
Here is the program again:
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Let us ask something simple first: Which solutions are there at all? This is called the most general query, because its arguments are all fresh variables:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1.
The program answers: There is only a single solution: Y=0, Z=1.
That's incorrect (to see this, try the query ?- puissance(0, 1, _) which succeeds, contrary to the same program claiming that Y can only be 0), and a significant difference from the program shown in the question. For comparison, the original program yields:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
That's OK: On backtracking, the program throws an instantiation error to indicate that no further reasoning is possible at this point. Critically though, it does not simply fail!
Improving determinism
So, let us stick to the original program, and consider the query:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1 ;
We would like to get rid of false, which occurs because the program is not deterministic.
One way to solve this is to use zcompare/3 from library(clpfd). This lets you reify the comparison, and makes the result available for indexing while retaining the predicate's generality.
Here is one possible solution:
puissance(X, N, P) :-
zcompare(C, 0, N),
puissance_(C, X, N, P).
puissance_(=, _, 0, 1).
puissance_(<, X, N, P) :-
A #= N-1,
puissance(X, A, Z),
P #= Z*X.
With this version, we get:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1.
This is now deterministic, as intended.
Now, let us consider the test case from above with this version:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Aha! So this query neither throws an instantiation error nor terminates, and is therefore different from all the versions that have hitherto been posted.
Let us consider the most general query with this program:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
X = Z,
Y = 1,
Z in inf..sup ;
Y = 2,
Z in 0..sup ;
Y = 3,
_G3136 in 0..sup ;
Aha! So we get a symbolic representation of all integers that satisfy this relation.
That's pretty cool, and I therefore recommend you use CLP(FD) constraints when reasoning over integers in Prolog. This will make your programs more general and also lets you improve their efficiency more easily.
You can add a cut operator (i.e. !) to your solution, meaning prolog should not attempt to backtrack and find any more solutions after the first successful unification that has reached that point. (i.e. you're pruning the solution tree).
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Layman's Explanation:
The reason prolog attempts to see if there are any more solutions, is this:
At the last call to puissance in your recursion, the first puissance clause succeeds since P=1, and you travel all the way back to the top call to perform unification with P with the eventual value that results from that choice.
However, for that last call to puissance, Prolog didn't have a chance to check whether the second puissance clause would also be satisfiable and potentially lead to a different solution, therefore unless you tell it not to check for further solutions (by using a cut on the first clause after it has been successful), it is obligated to go back to that point, and check the second clause too.
Once it does, it sees that the second clause cannot be satisfied because N = 0, and therefore that particular attempt fails.
So the "false" effectively means that prolog checked for other choice points too and couldn't unify P in any other way that would satisfy them, i.e. there are no more valid unifications for P.
And the fact that you're given the choice to look for other solutions in the first place, exactly means that there are still other routes with potentially satisfiable clauses remaining that have not been explored yet.

Prolog List Squaring, Modifying element in List

I am trying to write a short Prolog program which takes a list of numbers and returns a list where all numbers have been squared.
Ie: [2,4,5] => [4,16,25]
My code so far:
list_of_squares([X], L) :-
L is X^2.
list_of_squares([X|XS], [X^2|M]) :-
list_of_squares(XS, M).
For some reason though Prolog doesn't like me squaring X while adding it to a list... Any thoughts on how I could do this?
You're not that far off, but you make two small mistakes:
Firstly, you mix element X with list L. Your first clause should be:
list_of_squares([X], [Y]):-
Y is X ^ 2.
Secondly, you cannot perform an arithmetic function in list notation.
Your second clauses should be as follows:
list_of_squares([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]):-
Y is X ^ 2,
list_of_squares(Xs, Ys).
Thirdly, there is a more fundamental problem. With the first two fixes, your code works, but the base case, i.e. the first clause, is not that well chosen. (A) the code cannot process the empty list. (B) For a singleton list the code is needlessly nondeterministic, because both clauses apply. This is solved by choosing the base case wisely:
squares([], []).
squares([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]):-
Y is X ^ 2,
squares(Xs, Ys).
Here is a general method how you can localize such an error. First, let's start with your exemple:
?- list_of_squares([2,4,5],[4,16,25]).
Oh no! It fails! There is a very general method what to do in such a situation:
Generalize the query
So we replace [4,16,25] by a new, fresh (ah, true freshness!) variable:
?- list_of_squares([2,4,5],L).
L = [2^2,4^2|25]
; false.
That's way better: Now you know that there is a "result", but that result it not what you expected.
Minimize the query
The list is way too long, so I will chop off some elements. Say, the first two:
?- list_of_squares([5],L).
L = 25
; false.
Again, wrong, but smaller. Now, where is the error for that? To get it
Specialize your program
list_of_squares([X], L) :-
L is X^2.
list_of_squares([X|XS], [X^2|M]) :- false,
list_of_squares(XS, M).
That program, again gives the same wrong answer! So in there is a bug in the visible part. What we expect is
?- list_of_squares([5],[25]).
this to succeed. But where is the error? Again:
Generalize the query
?- list_of_squares([5],[X]).
Now, you should realize that that rule might be:
list_of_squares([X], [Y]):-
Y is X ^ 2.
And the same (is)/2 should be used in the recursive rule. And, why not accept [].
I, personally, would rather write using library(lambda):
list_of_squares(Xs, Ys) :-
maplist(\X^XX^(XX is X^2), Xs, Ys).
Or, even better, using library(clpfd)
list_of_squares(Xs, Ys) :-
maplist(\X^XX^(XX #= X^2), Xs, Ys).
Prolog doesn't have a 'functional' mindset, but some standard builtin predicate can help working with lists. In this case
list_of_squares(L,S) :- findall(Sq,(member(E,L),Sq is E*E),S).
?- list_of_squares([2,4,5], R).
R = [4, 16, 25].
in this case, member/2 play a role similar to lambda expressions, giving a 'name' to each element E available in L. findall/3 compute all solutions of its goal ,(member(E,L),Sq is E*E),, and collects results (the 'template' expression, that is, Sq).

prolog instantiation error with =:= operator

I'm writing a function called subseq which checks if one list is a subsequence of another.
subseq([X|Xs],[Y|Ys]) :- X=:=Y, subseq(Xs,Ys).
subseq([X|Xs],[Y|Ys]) :- X=\=Y, subseq([X|Xs],Ys).
When I try subseq(X,[1,2]) I get:
X = [] ? ;
uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,(=:=)/2)
Why is this happening? My guess is that [] is being operated on by =:=, but how do I check for/prevent this error?
You use =:= and =\= in the wrong context here. Those two operators should be used when you have two expressions at hand and want to evaluate and compare them. In your test, because X is not known beforehand, Prolog couldn't evaluate X and compare with Y. More information about =:= and =\= could be found here: Prolog Operator =:=.
In your code you only need unification for atoms so one possible fix could be:
subseq([X|Xs],[Y|Ys]) :- X=Y, subseq(Xs,Ys).
subseq([X|Xs],[Y|Ys]) :- X\=Y, subseq([X|Xs],Ys).
