Send file thought Actix websocket - websocket

I'm having a hard time finding documentation or tutorial in order to send a file throught a websocket.
Here is my JS:
['dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(event_name =>
document.addEventListener(event_name, function(e) {
let files = e.dataTransfer.files;
var reader = new FileReader();
for(let i=0;i<files.length; i++) {
reader.onload = function(event) {
}, false));
My rust code is based on the official examples (
impl StreamHandler<Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>> for RatioUpWS {
fn handle(&mut self, msg: Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>, ctx: &mut Self::Context,) {
// process websocket messages
println!("WS: {:?}", msg);
match msg {
Ok(ws::Message::Ping(msg)) => {
self.hb = Instant::now();
Ok(ws::Message::Pong(_)) => {self.hb = Instant::now();}
Ok(ws::Message::Text(text)) => {
Ok(ws::Message::Binary(bin)) => {
let mut pos = 0;
let mut buffer = File::create("foo.txt").unwrap(); // notice the name of the file that will be written
while pos < bin.len() {
let bytes_written = buffer.write(&bin[pos..]).unwrap();
pos += bytes_written
Ok(ws::Message::Close(reason)) => {
_ => ctx.stop(), //if file>64K, it goes here
It seems to be recognized as a text message and I don't know how to deserialize it.
actix_web::web::Form<FormDataStruct> don't seems to be appropriate.
Any idea?

Your WebSocket server is recognizing the message as text because your JavaScript code is dispatching text data with FormData() instead of using an ArrayBuffer.
To transfer a file from a browser using a WebSocket, you can use the following example code (notice the WebSocket declaration and sendFile() function):
var ws;
function connectToWS() {
var wsUri = (window.location.protocol=='https:'&&'wss://'||'ws://') + '/ws/';
ws = new WebSocket(wsUri);
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; // Note the binaryType here
ws.onopen = function() {alert("Connected.");};
ws.onmessage = function(evt) {alert(evt.msg);};
ws.onclose = function() {
ws = null;
alert("Connection is closed...");
ws.onerror = function(e) {alert(e.msg);}
function sendFile() {
var file = document.getElementById('filename').files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
var rawData = new ArrayBuffer();
reader.loadend = function() {}
reader.onload = function(e) {
rawData =;
alert("the File has been transferred.")
To process the transfered bytes in the server-side you can use the standard Rust library (std::io::Write). Changing the same example Rust code you provided to process a .txt file with std::io:
impl StreamHandler<Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>> for MyWebSocket {
fn handle(
&mut self,
msg: Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>,
ctx: &mut Self::Context,
) {
// process websocket messages
println!("WS: {:?}", msg);
match msg {
Ok(ws::Message::Ping(msg)) => {
self.hb = Instant::now();
Ok(ws::Message::Pong(_)) => {
self.hb = Instant::now();
Ok(ws::Message::Text(text)) => ctx.text(text),
Ok(ws::Message::Binary(bin)) => {
let mut pos = 0;
let mut buffer = File::create("foo.txt").unwrap(); // notice the name of the file that will be written
while pos < bin.len() {
let bytes_written = buffer.write(&bin[pos..]).unwrap();
pos += bytes_written
Ok(ws::Message::Close(reason)) => {
_ => ctx.stop(),
You can view the complete working example in this repo: (adapted from the official actix/example repository).
I hope this answer helps you.


Deno oak websocket must have a method that returns an async iterator

I am trying to build up a WebSocket with oak (not the native deno one).
The following code is how I build the server.
import {Application, Router, Context, send } from "";
const runWS = async (ctx: Context, next: () => Promise<unknown>) => {
const ws = await ctx.upgrade();
ws.onopen = () => {
ws.onclose = () => { console.log('Disconnected from the client!');};
}catch{await next();}
let sockets = new Map<string, WebSocket>();
const chatConnection = async (ws: WebSocket) => {
console.log('new websocket, ws: ',ws);
const uid = globalThis.crypto.randomUUID();
console.log('socket: ',sockets);
for await (const ev of ws){
console.log('ev: ', ev);
export const wsRoutes = new Router()
.get('/ws', runWS);
But in the for loop (at the end), for ws it says Type 'WebSocket' must have a '[Symbol.asyncIterator]()' method that returns an async iterator.. What's the deal with this and how to fix it?
The error message is providing you with useful information: the WebSocket is not AsyncIterable, which means that it cannot be used with a for await...of loop.
Here is the type documentation for WebSocket in Deno. It is (for the most part) the same as the WHATWG standard WebSocket that is documented on MDN.
If your intention is to respond to incoming message events, you'll need to attach an event listener:
webSocket.addEventListener("message", (messageEvent) => {
// Do something in response to each message event
Here's an observation based on the code you've shown, but not in response to your question:
It's probably more ergonomic to store the sockets as the keys of your map, and the associated state data in the values. (This is the inverse of what you've shown). Here's an example of why:
import {
type RouterMiddleware,
} from "";
// You seem to want to log data to the console.
// This function will help you easily log only certain properties of objects:
* Functional implementation of the type utility
* [`Pick<Type, Keys>`](
function pick<T, K extends keyof T>(
obj: T,
keys: readonly K[],
): Pick<T, K> {
const result = {} as Pick<T, K>;
for (const key of keys) result[key] = obj[key];
return result;
type SocketData = { id: string };
const socketMap = new Map<WebSocket, SocketData>();
// Do something when a connection is opened
function handleOpen(ev: Event, ws: WebSocket) {
const socketData: SocketData = { id: window.crypto.randomUUID() };
socketMap.set(ws, socketData);
event: pick(ev, ["type"]),
// Do something when an error occurs
function handleError(ev: Event, ws: WebSocket) {
const socketData = socketMap.get(ws);
event: pick(ev, ["type"]),
// Do something when a connection is closed
function handleClose(ev: CloseEvent, ws: WebSocket) {
ev.code; // number
ev.reason; // string
ev.wasClean; // boolean
const socketData = socketMap.get(ws);
event: pick(ev, ["type", "code", "reason", "wasClean"]),
// Do something when a message is received
// Change `unknown` to the type of message payloads used in your application.
// (for example, JSON messages are `string`)
function handleMessage(ev: MessageEvent<unknown>, ws: WebSocket) {; // unknown
ev.lastEventId; // string
ev.ports; // readonly MessagePort[]
const socketData = socketMap.get(ws);
if (socketData) {; // string
event: pick(ev, ["type", "data", "lastEventId", "ports"]),
const webSocketMiddleware: RouterMiddleware<"/ws"> = async (ctx, next) => {
const ws = ctx.upgrade();
ws.addEventListener("open", (ev) => handleOpen(ev, ws));
ws.addEventListener("error", (ev) => handleError(ev, ws));
ws.addEventListener("close", (ev) => handleClose(ev, ws));
ws.addEventListener("message", (ev) => handleMessage(ev, ws));
await next();
export const router = new Router();
router.get("/ws", webSocketMiddleware);
This is my updated code. It avoids the problem entirely
import {Application, Router, Context, send } from "";
interface BroadcastObj{
name: string,
mssg: string
const runWS = async (ctx: Context, next: () => Promise<unknown>) => {
const uid = globalThis.crypto.randomUUID();
const ws = await ctx.upgrade();
ws.onopen = () => {
ws.onmessage = (m) => {
let mssg = as string;
if(typeof(mssg) === 'string'){
ws.onerror = (e) => {console.log('error occured: ', e);};
ws.onclose = () => { chatDisconnect(uid);};
}catch{await next();}
let sockets = new Map<string, WebSocket>();
const chatConnection = async (ws: WebSocket, uid: string) => {
await sockets.set(uid,ws);
const chatMessage = async (msg: BroadcastObj) => {
await sockets.forEach((ws: WebSocket) => {
const chatDisconnect = async (uid: string) => {
await sockets.delete(uid);
export const wsRoutes = new Router()
.get('/ws', runWS);

RxJS v7: How to dynamically add/remove and pause/resume observables?

Given some arrays:
const recordings = {
foo: [{delay: 5, data: 'a'}, {delay: 2, data: 'b'}],
bar: [{delay: 3, data: 'x'}, {delay: 7, data: 'y'}, {delay: 4, data: 'z'}]
Is there a way that I can pass them to a playback method that will do something like the following?:
beginPlayback(timeline, fromIndex = 0) {
let postedIndex = -1;
const observable = from(timeline.slice(fromIndex)).pipe(
concatMap((instant, i) => of({ i, instant }).pipe(delay(instant.delay))),
tap(async ({i, instant}) => {
try {
await post(;
postedIndex = i;
} catch (err) {
// Continue playback
const handle = {
subscription: observable.subscribe()
return handle;
...and then allow me to manage concurrent playback with an external/public interface like this?:
const handles = {};
const paused = {};
onAddNewRecordingRequest(id, timeline) {
recordings[id] = timeline;
onBeginPlaybackRequest(id) {
handles[id] = beginPlayback(recordings[id]);
onPauseRequested(id) {
const handle = handles[id];
paused[id] = handle.postedIndex;
handle.subscription.unsubscribe() // dispose of observable
onResumeRequested(id) {
const alreadyThroughIndex = paused[id];
handles[id] = beginPlayback(recordings[id], alreadyThroughIndex);
delete paused[id];
onStopRequested(id) {
const handle = handles[id];
handle.subscription.unsubscribe() // dispose of observable
Is there also a way to automatically remove the observable and the handle when the observable is completed?

Firebase Function Returns Before All Callback functions complete execution

I'm using the Google Storage NodeJS client library to list GCS Bucket paths.
Here's the code to the Firebase Function:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import { Storage } from '#google-cloud/storage';
import { globVars } from '../admin/admin';
const projectId = process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT;
// shared global variables setup
const { keyFilename } = globVars;
// Storage set up
const storage = new Storage({
export const gcsListPath = functions
.runWith({ timeoutSeconds: 540, memory: '256MB' })
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
if (context.auth?.token.email_verified) {
const { bucketName, prefix, pathList = false, fileList = false } = data;
let list;
const options = {
autoPaginate: false,
delimiter: '',
if (pathList) {
options.delimiter = '/';
let test: any[] = [];
const callback = (_err: any, _files: any, nextQuery: any, apiResponse: any) => {
test = test.concat(apiResponse.prefixes);
console.log('test : ', test);
console.log('nextQuery : ', nextQuery);
if (nextQuery) {
storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(nextQuery, callback);
} else {
// prefixes = The finished array of prefixes.
list = test;
storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(options, callback);
if (fileList) {
const [files] = await storage
list = =>;
return { list }; //returning null as it exec before callback fns finish
} else {
return {
error: { message: 'Bad Request', status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' },
My problem is that my Firebase function returns the list (null) before all the callback functions finish execution.
Could someone spot and point out what needs to be changed/added to make the function wait for all the callback functions to finish. I've tried adding async/await but can't seem to get it right.
The reason for your error is that you use a callback. It's not awaited in the code. I would recommend to turn the callback code to a promise. Something like this.
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import { Storage } from "#google-cloud/storage";
import { globVars } from "../admin/admin";
const projectId = process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT;
// shared global variables setup
const { keyFilename } = globVars;
// Storage set up
const storage = new Storage({
const getList = (bucketName, options) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let list;
let test: any[] = [];
const callback = (
_err: any,
_files: any,
nextQuery: any,
apiResponse: any
) => {
test = test.concat(apiResponse.prefixes);
console.log("test : ", test);
console.log("nextQuery : ", nextQuery);
if (nextQuery) {
storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(nextQuery, callback);
} else {
// prefixes = The finished array of prefixes.
list = test;
try {
storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(options, callback);
} catch (error) {
export const gcsListPath = functions
.runWith({ timeoutSeconds: 540, memory: "256MB" })
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
if (context.auth?.token.email_verified) {
const { bucketName, prefix, pathList = false, fileList = false } = data;
let list;
const options = {
autoPaginate: false,
delimiter: "",
if (pathList) {
options.delimiter = "/";
list = await getList(bucketName, options);
if (fileList) {
const [files] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(options);
list = =>;
return { list }; //returning null as it exec before callback fns finish
} else {
return {
error: { message: "Bad Request", status: "INVALID_ARGUMENT" },
I'm not sure if the part with fileList will work as expectedt. It looks like the API doesn't support await but only callbacks.
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import { GetFilesOptions, Storage } from "#google-cloud/storage";
import { globVars } from "../admin/admin";
const projectId = process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT;
// shared global variables setup
const { keyFilename } = globVars;
// Storage set up
const storage = new Storage({
const getList = (bucketName: string, options: GetFilesOptions) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// let test: any[] = [];
let list: any[] = [];
const callback = (
_err: any,
_files: any,
nextQuery: any,
apiResponse: any
) => {
list = list.concat(apiResponse.prefixes);
console.log("list : ", list);
console.log("nextQuery : ", nextQuery);
if (nextQuery) {
storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(nextQuery, callback);
} else {
// prefixes = The finished array of prefixes.
try {
storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(options, callback);
} catch (error) {
export const gcsListPath = functions
.runWith({ timeoutSeconds: 540, memory: "256MB" })
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
if (context.auth?.token.email_verified) {
const { bucketName, prefix, pathList = false, fileList = false } = data;
let list;
const options = {
autoPaginate: false,
delimiter: "",
if (pathList) {
options.delimiter = "/";
list = await getList(bucketName, options);
if (fileList) {
const [files] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles(options);
list = =>;
return { list }; //returning null as it exec before callback fns finish
} else {
return {
error: { message: "Bad Request", status: "INVALID_ARGUMENT" },

how to send react-native-audio-record recorded audio file to server?

I need to be record audio and upload audio to server and for the record audio i am using "react-native-audio-record" react native package.
When i am using file_get_contents($request->file('inputFile')) all time file_get_contents returning 500 internal server error to me in Laravel.
I tried form-data, blob object.
Here is my React Native code and everything what i used to solve this:
onStartRecord = async () => {
this.setState({ isPlaying: false })
let dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
try {
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(
title: 'Permissions for write access',
message: 'Give permission to your storage to write a file',
buttonPositive: 'ok',
if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
console.log('You can use the storage');
} else {
console.log('permission denied');
} catch (err) {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
try {
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(
title: 'Permissions for write access',
message: 'Give permission to your storage to write a file',
buttonPositive: 'ok',
if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
console.log('You can use the camera');
} else {
console.log('permission denied');
} catch (err) {
const path ={
ios: 'hello.m4a',
//android: dirs.DocumentDir+'/hello.aac',
android: 'sdcard/hello.mp3',
const audioSet: AudioSet = {
// AudioEncoderAndroid: AudioEncoderAndroidType.AAC,
// AudioSourceAndroid: AudioSourceAndroidType.MIC,
// AVEncoderAudioQualityKeyIOS: AVEncoderAudioQualityIOSType.high,
// AVNumberOfChannelsKeyIOS: 2,
// AVFormatIDKeyIOS: AVEncodingOption.aac,
//console.log('audioSet', audioSet);
const uri = await this.audioRecorderPlayer.startRecorder(path);
console.log("URI => ",uri);
// RNFS.readFile(uri, 'base64')
// .then(res =>{
// console.log(res);
// });
// RNFetchBlob.fs.writeFile(path, base64Str, 'base64');
//, 'application/aac');
this.audioRecorderPlayer.addRecordBackListener((e: any) => {
//console.log("E ====>>>>>>>>>",e);
recordSecs: e.current_position,
recordTime: this.audioRecorderPlayer.mmssss(
//alert(`uri: ${uri}`);
// var body = new FormData();
// //console.log("BODY",abc);
// body.append('file', uri);
// console.log("+++++++=========body=========++++++",body);
var body = new FormData();
body.append('inputFile', {
name: 'sound.mp4',
type: 'audio/mp3',
uri: uri
// console.log("BODY",body);
// RNFS.readFile(uri, "base64").then(data => {
// // binary data
// console.log("+++++++=========URI=========++++++",data);
// });
// const formData = [];
// formData.push({
// name: "sound",
// filename: `sound.mp4`,
// data: RNFetchBlob.wrap(uri)
// });
const blob = await (await fetch(uri)).blob();
// const file = new File(this.state.recordTime, `me-at-thevoice${1}.mp3`, {
// type: blob.type,
// lastModified:
// });
// console.log("Bolb data file",file);
var bodyData = new FormData();
bodyData.append('inputFile', { blob });
// console.log("RNFetchBlob blob",blob);
// await new Promise(resolve => {
// var reader = new FileReader();
// reader.readAsDataURL(blob);
// reader.onloadend = () => {
// var base64data = reader.result;
// console.log("reader",reader);
// console.log("base64data =--->>>",base64data);
// // let pth = path
// // RNFetchBlob.fs.writeFile(pth, reader.result.substr(base64data.indexOf(',')+1), 'base64').then((res) => {
// // console.log("RNFetchBlob res",res);
// // blob.close()
// // resolve();
// // });
this.props.uploadAudio(bodyData).then(result => {
console.log("this.props.audioRecordingResponse |||||=====|||||",this.props.audioRecordingResponse);
if (this.props.audioRecordingResponse.success) {
// this.refs["sign"].resetImage();
// this.setState({
// signatures: [],
// isDragged: false,
// signatureCount: 0
// })
//this.props.navigation.navigate('AudioRecording',{templateId:templateId, documentId: documentId});
} else {
// }
// })
Please let me know if anyone having solution for the same.
I am not sure whether this answers your specific case, but this is how I send my code from a react native app:
import AudioRecord from 'react-native-audio-record';
import * as RNFS from 'react-native-fs'
record = () => {
if (!this.state.recording) {
this.setState({recording: true}, () => {
} else {
AudioRecord.stop().then(r => {
this.setState({recording: false})
RNFS.readFile(r, 'base64') // r is the path to the .wav file on the phone
.then((data) => {
this.context.socket.emit('sendingAudio', {
sound: data
I use sockets for my implementation but you can use pretty much anything as all I am sending is a long string. On the server side I then decode the string as so:
export async function sendingAudio(data) {
let fileName = `sound.wav`
let buff = Buffer.from(data.sound, 'base64');
await fs.writeFileSync(fileName, buff)
So basically I create a wav file on the phone, then read it into a base64 encoding, send that to the server and on the server I decode it from base64 into a .wav file.
For Laravel I believe this could help you Decode base64 audio . Just dont save it as mp3 but a wav.

Angularfire multiple upload

I want to upload few images and I have code as below. It returns the download link, but for only one image. How can I get a list of links to uploaded images?
constructor(private storage: AngularFireStorage, public afs: AngularFirestore, ) {
this.files = this.afs.collection('files').valueChanges();
uploadFile(event) {
// reset the array
this.uploads = [];
const filelist =;
const allPercentage: Observable<number>[] = [];
for (const file of filelist) {
const filePath = `${}`;
const fileRef =;
const task =, file);
const _percentage$ = task.percentageChanges();
// observe percentage changes
this.uploadPercent = task.percentageChanges();
// get notified when the download URL is available
finalize(() => {
this.downloadURL = fileRef.getDownloadURL();
// this.downloadURLs.push(this.downloadURL);
uploadFile(files) {
<ion-input type="file" (change)="uploadFile($event)" multiple="multiple"></ion-input>
<button (click)="onAddItem()" ion-button block>Добавить</button>
Easy way: Clear this.downloadURLs before uploaded, then add url in finalize step
uploadFile(event) {
// reset the array
this.uploads = [];
this.downloadURLs = [];
const filelist =;
const allPercentage: Observable<number>[] = [];
for (const file of filelist) {
const filePath = `${}`;
const fileRef =;
const task =, file);
const _percentage$ = task.percentageChanges();
// observe percentage changes
this.uploadPercent = task.percentageChanges();
// get notified when the download URL is available
finalize(() => {
fileRef.getDownloadURL().subscribe((url) => {
this.downloadURLs = this.downloadURLs.concat([url]);
// this.downloadURLs.push(this.downloadURL);
Rxjs way: First combine all latest result, then subscribe to assign results. Note: You can use forkJoin too
import { combineLatest, from } from 'rxjs';
import { map, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
uploadFile(event) {
// reset the array
this.uploads = [];
const filelist =;
const allPercentage: Observable<number>[] = [];
const downloadUrls$ = => {
const filePath = `${}`;
const fileRef =;
const task =, file);
const _percentage$ = task.percentageChanges();
// observe percentage changes
this.uploadPercent = task.percentageChanges();
// get notified when the download URL is available
return task.snapshotChanges().pipe(
filter((task) => task.state ===
switchMap(() => from(fileRef.getDownloadURL()))
.subscribe((urls) => this.downloadURLs = urls)
