Simple web CRUD WebFlux application: how can Netty be useful? - spring-boot

I learned from here: What's the difference between Jetty and Netty?
Netty is not a server at all.
but from here: I see it's the server.
Anyway I guess to run a web application there should be a server. So does Netty help to solve it? Or anyway need some kind of server ( Tomcat or Jetty or whatever)?
But from here: Don't spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-webflux work together? I learned Netty is not compatible with Tomcat...
Clarify please, what is the easiest way to create a reactive WebFlux crud application? How can Netty helps? What would be the server in case of using Netty? How Netty is compatible with it?
Ok, I see Netty is not a server by itself, need to write something like:
public class NettyServer {
private int port;
// constructor
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int port = args.length > 0
? Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
: 8080;
new NettyServer(port).run();
public void run() throws Exception {
EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
try {
ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)
.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch)
throws Exception {
ch.pipeline().addLast(new RequestDecoder(),
new ResponseDataEncoder(),
new ProcessingHandler());
}).option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 128)
.childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
ChannelFuture f = b.bind(port).sync();;
} finally {
But I also believe literally noone do this when creating a simple WebFlux CRUD service. So still the issue: How can Netty helps? What would be the server in case of using Netty? How Netty is compatible with it?
Edit 2: after hours of browsing I realized: Netty - is not a server, it's just a framework using cahnnels/NIO2, but spring-boot-starter-reactor-netty offers non-blocking and backpressure-ready TCP/HTTP/UDP clients & servers based on Netty framework.
But can use spring-boot-starter-tomcat, spring-boot-starter-jetty, or spring-boot-starter-undertow instead in this manner:
<!-- Exclude the Netty dependency -->
<!-- Use Jetty instead -->
So just 2 concepts are confusing and mess each other: Netty and spring-boot-starter-reactor-netty


Access token not propagated in Spring Boot 2.7

We use Spring Boot with an OIDC integration to provide authentication and authorization to our users.
Our application acts as Client in the OIDC code flow, calling downstream Resource servers through Http requests to serve user requests.
To have the Client pass the access token of the authenticated user to Resource servers we use the ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction and apply that to the org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient handling downstream requests.
We recently upgraded from Spring Boot 2.6.7 to 2.7.3 and discovered that the Authentication header containing the access token is no
longer added to outgoing requests, if those requests are scheduled on a thread other than the one serving the original request:
public class MyController {
public Mono<ProductSearchResult> searchByName(SearchProductsQuery query) {
List<String> sortOrder = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("--OUTER: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
return resourceServere.searchByName(query)
.doOnNext(searchResponse -> sortOrder.addAll(searchResponse.getIds()))
.flatMap(searchResponse ->
.map(tuple3 ->, tuple3.getT2(), tuple3.getT3()));
private Mono<List<String>> getSomething(List<String> ids) {
System.out.println("--INNER: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
if (ids.isEmpty()) {
return Mono.just(new ArrayList<>());
return otherResourceServerClient.getStuff(ids);
Which prints
--OUTER: http-nio-8080-exec-6
--INNER: reactor-http-nio-3
Debugging ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction we discovered that the request in the http-nio-thread has the Authentication:
Debugger stopped in ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction
whereas the request in the reactor-http thread does not:
Debugger stopped in ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction
I can certainly provide more information about our setup, I'm just a bit uncertain what would be relevant.
For starters though, we depend on both spring-starter-webflux and spring-boot-starter-web, as well as on spring-boot-starter-security
Curious to hear if anyone has experienced the same issue?

Spring - Websockets - JSR-356

I implemented websockets into my application. I copied the configuration and dependencies from jHipster generated app, but I am getting the following errors:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No 'javax.websocket.server.ServerContainer' ServletContext attribute. Are you running in a Servlet container that supports JSR-356?
org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
I believe these errors are the reason for the socket connection not being consistent and the therefore the client is not able to send and/or receive any messages.
I searched for a solution but other post didn't help (ie. adding glassfish dependencies).
These are my ws dependencies:
Do I need to include some other dependencies or is the problem elsewhere?
I found a solution here.
I added these 2 beans:
public TomcatServletWebServerFactory tomcatContainerFactory() {
TomcatServletWebServerFactory factory = new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();;
return factory;
public TomcatContextCustomizer tomcatContextCustomizer() {
return new TomcatContextCustomizer() {
public void customize(Context context) {
context.addServletContainerInitializer(new WsSci(), null);

Spring Boot upgrade can't add RequestContextListener

So I just upgraded my Spring Boot web app to 2.0.0, In my main Application class I have this method:
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
WebApplicationContext rootAppContext = createRootApplicationContext(servletContext);
if (rootAppContext != null) {
servletContext.addListener(new RequestContextListener());
else {
logger.debug("No ContextLoaderListener registered");
But now I am getting a compile error:
The method addListener(RequestContextListener) is undefined for the type ServletContext
What's weird is that the ServletContext is the problem, not Spring boot. It no longer has any add* methods. Did Spring5/Boot2 upgrade the servlet specs, and
What is the correct way to do this now?
It was a ServletContext issue. Spring boot 2 uses servlet specs 3.1.0, and apparently no longer support 2.5, which is what I had in my pom. So I replaced it with this:
And it worked fine. Hope this helps someone.

spring boot elastic search -configure data source

I am tryinging to configure spring data boot sand ES project
in my pom.xml i have :
#EnableElasticsearchRepositories(basePackages = "com.yoyo.elastic.repository")
public class ElasticConfiguration {
public NodeBuilder nodeBuilder() {
return new NodeBuilder();
public ElasticsearchOperations elasticsearchTemplate() throws IOException {
File tmpDir = File.createTempFile("elastic", Long.toString(System.nanoTime()));
System.out.println("Temp directory: " + tmpDir.getAbsolutePath());
final Client client = nodeBuilder().local(true).node().client();
return new ElasticsearchTemplate(client);
in my pom xml I have this dep :
which should supplay the driver but i keep on getting :
Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE
If you want an embedded database please put a supported one on the classpath. If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to active it (no profiles are currently active).
I had the same issue when trying to run some exercises with Spring Boot and ElasticSearch.
Right now I figured out that if you have the
Alongside spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch and don't add additional config classes (where you would configure the DataSource) spring boot will complain.
Other solution would be to actually add a datasource property to and configure standalone database (like H2)

Library for distributed spring config (outside springboot)

I am looking for solution for distributed spring configuration. I am thinking of storing it in zookeeper. does have that functionality but apparently it requires to use spring-boot.
Is there any similar library that I can use outside spring-boot
Consul by HashiCorp
Consul is a popular option because it is:
Open Source
Includes Service Discovery & Configuration
Support Multi-Datacenter out of the box
It doesn't require you to use Spring Boot, it just provides the auto-configurations in case you do decide to go with Spring Boot. In other words, if you're not using Spring Boot, none of the configurations will apply automatically, you'll have to provide the configuration yourself.
Zookeeper is a good option, go for it.
To use Zookeeper without Spring Boot, you'd need to register the appropriate beans either manually or by importing the auto-configuration classes that Spring Boot would import for you implicitly. This rule of thumb generally applies to all Spring Boot-enabled modules.
In your case, you'd most likely need to import just the ZookeeperConfigBootstrapConfiguration and ZookeeperConfigAutoConfiguration. The classes are to be found within spring-cloud-zookeeper-config module so no Spring Boot dependencies needed.
Alternatively, you should look at those classes and their #Imports and declare the beans manually.
I found a solution for using spring-cloud-zookeeper without Spring Boot, based on the idea provided here
First, create a CloudEnvironement class that will create a PropertySource from Zookeeper :
public class CloudEnvironment extends StandardServletEnvironment {
protected void customizePropertySources(MutablePropertySources propertySources) {
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("failed to initialize cloud config environment", ex);
private PropertySource<?> initConfigServicePropertySourceLocator(Environment environment) {
ZookeeperConfigProperties configProp = new ZookeeperConfigProperties();
ZookeeperProperties props = new ZookeeperProperties();
CuratorFramework fwk = curatorFramework(exponentialBackoffRetry(props), props);
ZookeeperPropertySourceLocator propertySourceLocator = new ZookeeperPropertySourceLocator(fwk, configProp);
PropertySource<?> source= propertySourceLocator.locate(environment);
return source ;
private CuratorFramework curatorFramework(RetryPolicy retryPolicy, ZookeeperProperties properties) {
CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder builder = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder();
CuratorFramework curator = builder.retryPolicy(retryPolicy).build();
try {
curator.blockUntilConnected(properties.getBlockUntilConnectedWait(), properties.getBlockUntilConnectedUnit());
catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return curator;
private RetryPolicy exponentialBackoffRetry(ZookeeperProperties properties) {
return new ExponentialBackoffRetry(properties.getBaseSleepTimeMs(),
Then create a custom XmlWebApplicationContext class : it will enable to load the PropertySource from Zookeeper when your webapplication start and replace the bootsrap magic of Spring Boot:
public class MyConfigurableWebApplicationContext extends XmlWebApplicationContext {
protected ConfigurableEnvironment createEnvironment() {
return new CloudEnvironment();
Last, in your web.xml file add the following context-param for using your MyConfigurableWebApplicationContext class and bootstraping your CloudEnvironement.
If you use a standard property file configurer, it should still be loaded so you can have properties in both a local file and Zookeeper.
For all this to work you need to have spring-cloud-starter-zookeeper-config and curator-framework jar in your classpath with their dependancy, if you use maven you can add the following to your pom.xml
