how do the two software status fields work? - onem2m

How are the software.installStatus and software.activeStatus supposed to behave during the various software actions (install, uninstall, activate & deactivate)?
There's absolutely no discussion of these fields in the spec, that I can see, and there's no indication of what values they should have, or when those values should change.

You are right, in previous releases of the spec these attributes have been neglected. However in the new R4 specs of TS-0001 (currently 4.9) and with the introduction of the <softwareCampaign> resource type a better description is written in clause 10.2.28 "Software Management":
If the softwareOperation attribute has a value of INSTALL or UNINSTALL, the Hosting CSE shall accordingly set the install or uninstall attribute to TRUE for each [software] specialization linked through the softwareLinks attribute. When the Hosting CSE receives a notification that the installStatus attribute of a [software] specialization has been updated to a value of installed or uninstalled, the Hosting CSE shall update the corresponding entry in the individualSoftwareStatus attribute to a value of INSTALLED or UNINSTALLED, accordingly. When the Hosting CSE detects that the installStatus attribute of all the [software] specializations have been updated to installed or uninstalled, the Hosting CSE shall update the aggregatedSoftwareStatus attribute to INSTALLED or UNINSTALLED, accordingly.
If the softwareOperation attribute has a value of ACTIVATE or DEACTIVATE, the Hosting CSE shall accordingly set the activate or deactivate attribute to TRUE for each [software] specialization linked through the softwareLinks attribute. When the Hosting CSE receives a notification that the activeStatus attribute of a [software] specialization has been updated to a value of activated or deactivated, the Hosting CSE shall update the corresponding entry in the individualSoftwareStatus attribute to a value of ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED, accordingly. When the Hosting CSE detects that the activeStatus attribute of all [software] specializations have been updated to a value of activated or deactivated, the Hosting CSE shall update the aggregatedSoftwareStatus attribute to ACTIVATED or DEACTIVATED, accordingly.


You can not complete this action for this component because of the configuration of its managed properties

I am trying to make a field optional in the Dynamics CRM
The name of the entity is Case and the internal name of the field is customerid
When I try to change it from mandatory to optional, I get the below error message
You can not complete this action for this component because of the
configuration of its managed properties.
this is happening in Dynamics CRM online
I'm pretty sure you won't be able to.
It's one of the few fields where mandatory behaviour is enforced at the platform level, whilst most mandatory fields are enforced only on the user interface.
If I remember correctly, tring to create a case without a customer via the API will result in an exception.
Looking at the managed properties for the customerid field on my recently provisioned CRM Online, shows that I'm unable to change the requirement level - I don't even get the option for setting it as optional.
I wanted to remove the field from the form, but I was not able to do it from the UI
So I used XRMToolBox.
There is a plugin called as FormXML Manager, enable it in the XRMToolBox and load the entities. Once this is done you can remove the required field and publish the form

Hyperledger Composer "FROM" query language

The documentation for Query language ( mentions the keyword FROM.
Is there an example on how/when to use FROM?
The FROM keyword allows the query to reference resources stored in a custom registry. By default assets of a given type are stored in a registry named with the same name as the fully qualified type name. Using FROM allows the developer to override this default behaviour.
For example, an application developer could choose to store some car assets in a registry called ImportedCars, separate from other cars.

Manual Url Culture Rewriting in DotNetNuke Request

I'm working with dotnetnuke 7.
I'm not using any rewriting modules and don't want to use them.
When content localization is enabled, url has the following view:
I want to change manually the display url so, that instead of full culture in query, the two letter culture (neutral culture) will show:
Does anyone have similar problem ?
If you ever change your mind about using a rewriting module, UrlMaster is the module for that. If not, then DNN 7.1 now adds support for creating url providers as extensions. More details at
I am using Open URL Rewriter for DNN - it does exactly what you ask for with it's default installation - no further config required.
And it's open source in comparison with UrlMaster.
In case of you use version 1.3.1 of Open URL Rewriter with DNN 7.04 to get two letters only for multilingual sites you have to make sure:
you create site aliases for each language with the two letter part you desire and
enable those entries as primary aliases (you need one primary alias for each language), for example for two languages (en & fr) you need to set three primary aliases like the following:
✔ us-US
✔ fr-FR

Dynamics CRM 2011 - Processes updating non-form fields?

I'm evaulating Dynamics CRM 2011 currently so I'm still learning how things work.
If a field marked as read-only on a form, is it possible to update it via a process step "update record"? I was trying to have some sort view-only fields that get dynamically updated via a process but in the interface those fields are not accessible to be set?
What if I wrote my own plug-in - would these fields still not be updateable via the assembly?
In order to update a readonly field with a workflow, you have to set it writable until you have the workflow configured. The field will then be accessible and you can add your update action. After that you can set the field to readonly again.
Plugins are not affected by this setting because it is only used for the forms.

Lookup site column not saving/storing metadata for Office 2007 documents?

I'm having this issue on several server environments.
We have a list at the site collection root. There is a site column created as a multi-value lookup on that list's Title field. This site column is used in document libraries in subsites as a required field. When we upload anything but an Office 2007 document, the user is presented with the document metadata fill-in screen (EditForm.aspx?Mode=Upload), the user fills in the appropriate data (including picking a value(s) for this lookup), and clicks "check in" - the document is checked in as expected, with the lookup field's value filled in.
With an Office 2007 document, this fails. The user selected values for the lookup field do not ever make it to the server - no errors are thrown, but the field is not saved with the document. We have an event listener on these document libraries, and if we inspect the incoming SPListItem on the event listener method before a single line of our code has run, we see that the value for the lookup field is null.
It smells like a SharePoint bug to me - but before I go calling Microsoft, has anyone seen this & worked around it?
Edit: the only entry I see in the SP trace logs relating to the problem:
CMS/Publishing/8ztg/Medium/Got List Item Version, but item was null
Wound up having to open a ticket with Microsoft for this one, and found a bug in the MSDN documentation to boot.
In order to get a multiselect lookup, we had been setting the "Mult" attribute in our lookup field CAML to "true" in the XML we passed to SPFieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml. However, even though the API will throw no errors & appear to work in the UI, this clashes with how Office 2007 & 2010 documents & their SharePoint integration works.
The official, supported way to add a multiselect lookup field is to use the LookupMulti field type in the Field CAML. Doing this, and setting the "Mult" attribute to "true" gives the result I was looking for.
The MSDN documentation for "Mult" has still not been updated for the SP 2007 documentation, and can safely be ignored as it is completely wrong.
