get method hierarchy through static code analyser tools - static-analysis

One of our project, we are trying to find all the leaf method call for a method programmatically. I notice that jdt internal provides to get all the method hierarchy. But those jars not available. Using static code analysis tools, can we get method hierarchy ? or can we get any useful this static code analyser tool for my requirement . Please help me to get this requirement implementation.

You can try JArchitect (
It could give you all the methods called by another one.


Joomla4: howto create a controller via MVCFactory

I am in the process to cleanup the code of my extensions to fit the requirements for the joomla4 API.
Unfortunately there are no migration documentations available to support this effort. I also could not find any refrences or
implementations with the current joomla4 code. If you look into this code you will find mostly the use of depecated (old) methods.
Also searching the web did not help either. Would be fine if someone could help with some hints - especially with this
topic below:
Create a controller instance version 3.0 API:
$controller = BaseController::getInstance($prefix);
I get a hint for the deprecated "getInstance":
Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController::getInstance(string $prefix, array $config=[]) : static
Deprecated. 5.0 Get the controller through the MVCFactory instead
Unfortunately there are no docs nor any samples how to create my controller via MVCFactory - can somebody help with this issue?

how to display all the mothods called in the codeigniter profiler

is there any way to display all the methods called in the codeigniter profiler.
Also like to display which method calls which method and which method trigger the query
Unfortunately, your question is not very clear to me. I am not really sure of what you want to do.
there is a PHP command available in later versions called debug-backtrace.
this gives you the stack trace of all commands executed to get to a particular method.
The codeigniter profiler is a system library. If there is a feature you really need it is possible to extend the profiler class to have the functionality you require. the CI manual explains how to do this in the section about 'Extending Native Libraries'

Selenium Webdriver/TestNG/Maven/Xvfb - take screenshot on fail?

wanted to ask you about the best way to take screenshot on fail in such project?
Should I do it in the Selenium code, or in the Maven project via some command or with Xvfb?
Im using Firefox headless via Xvfb.
I have seen a few classes on the internet that take screenshots, but Im missing the big picture here.
How does this class know when to take the screenshot?
How does Jenkins tell the java test code that it has failed, so it will take a picture?
Where in the test code should I reference the take screenshot class?
Should I use a try catch on the whole test?
Isnt there a Jenkins plugin that will automatically save screenshot on fail?
I just found an article that explains a much better way to do it:
How does it work?
Effectively, you pass in a custom WebDriverEventListener, which has functions that will be called on certain events. One of those events is onException(). So every time an exception is thrown by WebDriver, you can write the code to take a screenshot.
I have seen three different ways to do this:
If you have a static driver, the easiest way is to set up a listener in TestNG (Overridding TestListenerAdapter), and then to take a screenshot in the onTestFailure() method.
My personal method is to use the Selenium Page Object pattern, but modified a bit. I have created an EnhancedWebElement object that wraps and extends a normal WebElement, and has a reference to the driver. Then in each of the methods that WebElement has, I perform the call in a try/catch and in the catch, I then take a screenshot. I'm open to sharing the code, but I'd have to trim away quite a bit to post here, so please tell me if you want to see it.
Alternatively, you can set up a proxy around the WebElement or the Driver itself and have it catch everything. I haven't done this, but I've seen it work on other projects.
just found an article that explains a much better way to do it:
But this dicision have some problem. it will save screenshoot on any exception even when you try/catch some in your code.
I use methods from that article. But in my testng.xml files i add
<listener class-name="MyListener" />
And than i create
public class MyListener implements ITestListener{
//almost all methods i create blank
//but implement only onTestFailure
//here i used methods from article ubove
And screenshots done only in case when my #Test fail.

Get resources in converter?

What is the best way to get resource string or drawable in convert method of MvxConverter?
Can I access to current context or I have to manage static tracking?
What is the best way to get resource string or drawable in convert method of MvxConverter?
There are some standard bindings that get access to resources, e.g.
There's also at least one example of using resources in a custom binding:
You could do similar code in an MvxValueConverter rather than in a custom binding if you would prefer it (but that converter would not then be usable across multiple platforms).
Can I access to current context?
You can normally get access to Android Context objects using Mvx.Resolve<T> on:
For i18n text cross-platform alternatives to Android strings are also available - from Vernacular and from Mvx - see
I have to manage static tracking?
No idea what this is. Sorry

Generating version specific help documentation pages for ASP.NET Web API application

I am using the WebAPI Versioning package to version my API by the X-Api-Header by using the "VersionHeaderVersionedControllerSelector". I am also using the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage to autogenerate documentation for the APIs.
In order for controller versionign to work, they need to be namespaced with the VersionXYZ as the suffix in the namespace so that the "VersionHeaderVersionedControllerSelector" is able to route the request to the appropriate version of the controller like so:
namespace WEBAPI.Api.Controllers.Version1
{ public class ProductsController : ApiController {} }
namespace WEBAPI.Api.Controllers.Version2
{ public class ProductsController : ApiController {} }
This works as intended but when I look at the generated help pages the ApiDescription is including the "VersionXYZ" suffix from the namespace in the ID (GETapi/Version1.Products) and RelativePath(api/Version1.Products) properties.
Ideally what I'd like to do is to have a top level help page which just the API Version numbers and drilling in would show the API the normal way i.e. The ApiDescription.ID = GETapi/Products and the ApiDescription.RelativePath = api/Products
Is there a way to achieve this using the Out of the Box APIs or am I going to need to rollout my own implementation of ApiExplorer
Check out this answer Get Help page works with Api Versioning
Make sure you have configure the versioning right, and you need to get a documentation XML file from your project XXXX.Api.v1 project and place it in the bin folder of the XXXX.Api project.
Unfortunately ApiExplorer does not support duplicate controller names. So by implementing controller versioning this way, your (or the package code) doesn't play nicely with the system.
Consider another alternative where you actually change the controller name (and yes you will have to implement your own solution, but honestly its not that complex). For example make the version be part of the controller name itself (rather than its name space).
e.g. Ver1_ProcuctsController
Now these will start showing up on your help page, and since help page is just content package you can change the logic to make the names that start with verxxx_ to mutate.
