Visual Studio Clickonce Specific Target tab missing - visual-studio

Following instructions in this link to deploy with Clickonce:
I right click in the project and select Publish, and the Publish wizard opens, with the "Target" tab selected as expected, and I select "Folder" option. Then, when I click the "Next" button, it does not appear the "Specific tab", but it goes directly to "Publish location" tab. The problem with this is that I cannot select "Clickonce" anywhere because I do not see the "Specific target" tab, so there is no "Install location", "Settings", "Sign manifests" or "Configuration" tabs.
This is the expected tab that not appears:
And this is the screen I see (sorry, it is in Spanish):
It is a .NET Framework 4.8 project.
Why is Clickonce missing? What can I do to get the right screen in the wizard so I can use Clickonce?
Thank you
UPDATE: I have tried to update to .NET 5, and then magically ClickOnce appears in the Publish wizard. So, how can I use ClickOnce with net48 in a SDK scheme project? Any help?

.Net Framework ClicOnce is not compatible with the SDK style projects, here the link discussion. So the correct answer here would be: is not possible.
What you could do is either downgrade your csproj style to old version or update your project to a .net core 5 or use cli msbuild to deploy.

The "expected tab" is the update content for .NET Core & .NET 5. As you said, when you update the target framework to .NET 5, the tab will be shown.
If you are developing with .NET Framework 4.8, you still can right-click the project and click Publish. Because it will be published via ClickOnce bu default.
Or follow the steps Project => Properties => Publish.


.NET core - Publish page not showing on VS 2019 (version 16.3.4)

Since I updated Visual Studio Professional 2019 to latest version (16.3.4), I'm not able to publish my .NET Core console app to a folder anymore (I'm not using online services).
I used to right click on my executable project, click on "Publish" menu item, configure my publish profile in a dedicated window and then, of course, publish. This configuration was saved in a XML file in <myProjectFolder>\Properties\PublishProfiles\.
Now all I can see when I click on "Publish" menu item is the following empty page, from which I can do nothing, neither configure a publish profile nor actually publish.
Is there a way to fix this?

Xamarin iOS Release Build fails

I am using Xamarin iOS in Visual Studio 2017 for Windows!
Building and debugging the debug Version of my App via a build host works great. But when I try to build the Release Version it says:
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3463,5): error MSB6006: "sgen.exe" exited with code 1.
Signing Identities are installed and vislible in VS.
I also found this Blog post. But the workaround is only for Mac Users.
Does anyone know what's wrong here?
Have you configured your iOS release? if not this may be the solution.
In Visual Studio, open Solution Explorer (Keyboard: Ctrl + Alt + L).
Right-click your solution and then click Configuration Manager.
On the configuration manager dialog box open the active solution configuration drop-down menu and click New.
On the new solution configuration dialog box:
For Name, enter iOS Release
Open Copy settings from drop-down menu and select Release.
Clear the Create new project configurations dialog box.
Open the Active solution platform drop-down menu:
Select iPhoneSimulator and clear the check boxes on all rows except
your Xamarin.iOS project and any projects (for example, portable class libraries) it depends on.
Repeat this step for iPhone.

Visual Studio 2015 TFS New build definition button not showing up?

I am using VS2015 and am connected to my TFS. However when i click Team Explorer/Builds, the "New Build Definition" button does not show up. The strange thing is this all works in VS2013. Is there a toolkit i am possibly missing or is the button hidden? Not sure what i could be overlooking for the button to not show up in one version and show up in the other...
Open page Team Foundation Server in browser. And open your project. And find tab Build.
You need to update the application VS2015.
Or open in VS TeamExplorer then Builds and:
Build Definitions -> Actions -> Security...
and configure security access control.
Make sure you have expanded the Build Definitions by clicking the triangle:

Trying to add reference to project in Visual Studio 2012, "no items found"

I'm trying to add a reference to System.dll and System.drawing.dll to my project in Visual Studio 2012. I'm doing this by right clicking the project, clicking "references", and then clicking "Add new reference".
It seems like the following screen should have a lot of options, but for me it simply says "No Items Found". In the screen it says my targeted framework is .NETFramework, Version=v4.0.
Is there anything else I need to be doing in order to make the options show up?
You need to enable CLR support in your application. You can do that in the properties of your project: Properties|General||Common Language Runtime Support: Common Language Runtime Support (/clr)

change .net framework after create new project

I've written a program with Visual Studio 2012 and .Net Framework 4.5.
Now I want to change the .Net Framework to .Net Framework 4.
How can I change it?
Right click on the project, choose Properties.
Under "Application" you have a dropdown called TargetFramework. Change that to 4.0
Right mouse button click on project within Solution Explorer. There is TargetFramework dropdown on Application tab.
