Better understanding of timing and pipelining [duplicate] - performance

This question already has answers here:
What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?
(1 answer)
How to get the CPU cycle count in x86_64 from C++?
(5 answers)
How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
(5 answers)
Assembly - How to score a CPU instruction by latency and throughput
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
In this code, I'm just looping through the set of instructions a bunch of times. Without regard to how many times (100, 1000, 1000000), the timing using RDTSC shows (outputs) 6 clock cycles for the loop. I'm on a Coffee Lake I9-9900K
There are 13 instructions in the loop- I would have thought the minimum RDTSC delta would have been 13.
Would someone be able to educate me as to how this is seeming to run twice as fast as I expected it to? I'm clearly misunderstanding something basic, or I've made a ridiculous mistake.
Thank you!
rng.SetFloatScale(2.0f / 8.0f);
00C010AE vmovups ymm4,ymmword ptr [__ymm#3e0000003e0000003e0000003e0000003e0000003e0000003e0000003e000000 (0C02160h)]
Vec8f sum = 0;
const size_t loopLen = 1000;
auto start = __rdtsc();
00C010BB rdtsc
00C010BD mov esi,eax
sum += rng.NextScaledFloats();
00C010F0 vpslld ymm0,ymm2,xmm5
00C010F4 vpxor ymm1,ymm0,ymm2
00C010F8 vpsrld ymm0,ymm1,xmm6
00C010FC vpxor ymm1,ymm0,ymm1
00C01100 vpslld ymm0,ymm1,xmm7
00C01104 vpxor ymm2,ymm0,ymm1
00C01108 vpand ymm0,ymm2,ymmword ptr [__ymm#007fffff007fffff007fffff007fffff007fffff007fffff007fffff007fffff (0C02140h)]
00C01110 vpor ymm0,ymm0,ymmword ptr [__ymm#4000000040000000400000004000000040000000400000004000000040000000 (0C021A0h)]
00C01118 vmovups ymm1,ymm4
00C0111C vfmsub213ps ymm1,ymm0,ymmword ptr [__ymm#3e8000003e8000003e8000003e8000003e8000003e8000003e8000003e800000 (0C02180h)]
00C01125 vaddps ymm3,ymm1,ymm3
for (size_t i = 0; i < loopLen; i++)
00C01129 sub eax,1
00C0112C jne main+80h (0C010F0h)
auto end = __rdtsc();
00C0112E rdtsc
00C01130 mov edi,eax
00C01132 mov ecx,edx
printf("\n\nAverage: %f\nAverage RDTSC: %ld\n", fsum, (end - start) / loopLen);


Counting differences between 2 buffers seems too slow

My problem
I have 2 adjacent buffers of bytes of identical size (around 20 MB each). I just want to count the differences between them.
My question
How much time this loop should take to run on a 4.8GHz Intel I7 9700K with 3600MT RAM ?
How do we compute max theoretical speed ?
What I tried
uint64_t compareFunction(const char *const __restrict buffer, const uint64_t commonSize)
uint64_t diffFound = 0;
for(uint64_t byte = 0; byte < commonSize; ++byte)
diffFound += static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[byte] != buffer[byte + commonSize]);
return diffFound;
It takes 11ms on my PC (9700K 4.8Ghz RAM 3600 Windows 10 Clang 14.0.6 -O3 MinGW ) and I feel it is too slow and that I am missing something.
40MB should take less than 2ms to be read on the CPU (my RAM bandwidth is between 20 and 30GB/s)
I don't know how to count cycles required to execute one iteration (especially because CPUs are superscalar nowadays). If I assume 1 cycle per operation and if I don't mess up my counting, it should be 10 ops per iteration -> 200 million ops -> at 4.8 Ghz with only one execution unit -> 40ms. Obviously I am wrong on how to compute the number of cycles per loop.
Fun fact: I tried on Linux PopOS GCC 11.2 -O3 and it ran at 4.5ms. Why such a difference?
Here are the dissassemblies vectorised and scalar produced by clang:
compareFunction(char const*, unsigned long): # #compareFunction(char const*, unsigned long)
test rsi, rsi
je .LBB0_1
lea r8, [rdi + rsi]
neg rsi
xor edx, edx
xor eax, eax
.LBB0_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
movzx r9d, byte ptr [rdi + rdx]
xor ecx, ecx
cmp r9b, byte ptr [r8 + rdx]
setne cl
add rax, rcx
add rdx, 1
mov rcx, rsi
add rcx, rdx
jne .LBB0_4
xor eax, eax
Clang14 O3:
.quad 1 # 0x1
.quad 1 # 0x1
compareFunction(char const*, unsigned long): # #compareFunction(char const*, unsigned long)
test rsi, rsi
je .LBB0_1
cmp rsi, 4
jae .LBB0_4
xor r9d, r9d
xor eax, eax
jmp .LBB0_11
xor eax, eax
mov r9, rsi
and r9, -4
lea rax, [r9 - 4]
mov r8, rax
shr r8, 2
add r8, 1
test rax, rax
je .LBB0_5
mov rdx, r8
and rdx, -2
lea r10, [rdi + 6]
lea r11, [rdi + rsi]
add r11, 6
pxor xmm0, xmm0
xor eax, eax
pcmpeqd xmm2, xmm2
movdqa xmm3, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_0] # xmm3 = [1,1]
pxor xmm1, xmm1
.LBB0_7: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
movzx ecx, word ptr [r10 + rax - 6]
movd xmm4, ecx
movzx ecx, word ptr [r10 + rax - 4]
movd xmm5, ecx
movzx ecx, word ptr [r11 + rax - 6]
movd xmm6, ecx
pcmpeqb xmm6, xmm4
movzx ecx, word ptr [r11 + rax - 4]
movd xmm7, ecx
pcmpeqb xmm7, xmm5
pxor xmm6, xmm2
punpcklbw xmm6, xmm6 # xmm6 = xmm6[0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]
pshuflw xmm4, xmm6, 212 # xmm4 = xmm6[0,1,1,3,4,5,6,7]
pshufd xmm4, xmm4, 212 # xmm4 = xmm4[0,1,1,3]
pand xmm4, xmm3
paddq xmm4, xmm0
pxor xmm7, xmm2
punpcklbw xmm7, xmm7 # xmm7 = xmm7[0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]
pshuflw xmm0, xmm7, 212 # xmm0 = xmm7[0,1,1,3,4,5,6,7]
pshufd xmm5, xmm0, 212 # xmm5 = xmm0[0,1,1,3]
pand xmm5, xmm3
paddq xmm5, xmm1
movzx ecx, word ptr [r10 + rax - 2]
movd xmm0, ecx
movzx ecx, word ptr [r10 + rax]
movd xmm1, ecx
movzx ecx, word ptr [r11 + rax - 2]
movd xmm6, ecx
pcmpeqb xmm6, xmm0
movzx ecx, word ptr [r11 + rax]
movd xmm7, ecx
pcmpeqb xmm7, xmm1
pxor xmm6, xmm2
punpcklbw xmm6, xmm6 # xmm6 = xmm6[0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]
pshuflw xmm0, xmm6, 212 # xmm0 = xmm6[0,1,1,3,4,5,6,7]
pshufd xmm0, xmm0, 212 # xmm0 = xmm0[0,1,1,3]
pand xmm0, xmm3
paddq xmm0, xmm4
pxor xmm7, xmm2
punpcklbw xmm7, xmm7 # xmm7 = xmm7[0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]
pshuflw xmm1, xmm7, 212 # xmm1 = xmm7[0,1,1,3,4,5,6,7]
pshufd xmm1, xmm1, 212 # xmm1 = xmm1[0,1,1,3]
pand xmm1, xmm3
paddq xmm1, xmm5
add rax, 8
add rdx, -2
jne .LBB0_7
test r8b, 1
je .LBB0_10
movzx ecx, word ptr [rdi + rax]
movd xmm2, ecx
movzx ecx, word ptr [rdi + rax + 2]
movd xmm3, ecx
add rax, rsi
movzx ecx, word ptr [rdi + rax]
movd xmm4, ecx
pcmpeqb xmm4, xmm2
movzx eax, word ptr [rdi + rax + 2]
movd xmm2, eax
pcmpeqb xmm2, xmm3
pcmpeqd xmm3, xmm3
pxor xmm4, xmm3
punpcklbw xmm4, xmm4 # xmm4 = xmm4[0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]
pshuflw xmm4, xmm4, 212 # xmm4 = xmm4[0,1,1,3,4,5,6,7]
pshufd xmm4, xmm4, 212 # xmm4 = xmm4[0,1,1,3]
movdqa xmm5, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_0] # xmm5 = [1,1]
pand xmm4, xmm5
paddq xmm0, xmm4
pxor xmm2, xmm3
punpcklbw xmm2, xmm2 # xmm2 = xmm2[0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]
pshuflw xmm2, xmm2, 212 # xmm2 = xmm2[0,1,1,3,4,5,6,7]
pshufd xmm2, xmm2, 212 # xmm2 = xmm2[0,1,1,3]
pand xmm2, xmm5
paddq xmm1, xmm2
paddq xmm0, xmm1
pshufd xmm1, xmm0, 238 # xmm1 = xmm0[2,3,2,3]
paddq xmm1, xmm0
movq rax, xmm1
cmp r9, rsi
je .LBB0_13
lea r8, [r9 + rsi]
sub rsi, r9
add r8, rdi
add rdi, r9
xor edx, edx
.LBB0_12: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
movzx r9d, byte ptr [rdi + rdx]
xor ecx, ecx
cmp r9b, byte ptr [r8 + rdx]
setne cl
add rax, rcx
add rdx, 1
cmp rsi, rdx
jne .LBB0_12
pxor xmm0, xmm0
xor eax, eax
pxor xmm1, xmm1
test r8b, 1
jne .LBB0_9
jmp .LBB0_10
TLDR: the reason why the Clang code is so slow comes from a poor vectorization method saturating the port 5 (known to be often an issue). GCC does a better job here, but it is still far from being efficient. One can write a much faster chunk-based code using AVX-2 not saturating the port 5.
Analysis of the unvectorized Clang code
To understand what is going on it is better to start with a simple example. Indeed, as you said, modern processor are superscalar so it is not easy to understand the speed of some generated code on such architecture.
The code generated by Clang using the -O1 optimization flag is a good start. Here is the code of the hot loop produced by GodBold provided in your question:
(instructions) (ports)
movzx r9d, byte ptr [rdi + rdx] p23
xor ecx, ecx p0156
cmp r9b, byte ptr [r8 + rdx] p0156+p23
setne cl p06
add rax, rcx p0156
add rdx, 1 p0156
mov rcx, rsi (optimized)
add rcx, rdx p0156
jne .LBB0_4 p06
Modern processors like the Coffee Lake 9700K are structured in two big parts: a front-end fetching/decoding the instructions (and splitting them into micro-instructions, aka. uops), and a back-end scheduling/executing them. The back-end schedule the uops on many ports and each of them can execute some specific sets of instructions (eg. only memory load, or only arithmetic instruction). For each instruction, I put the ports that can execute them. p0156+p23 means the instruction is split in two uops: the first can be executed by the ports 0 or 1 or 5 or 6, and the second can be executed by the ports 2 or 3. Note that the front-end can somehow optimize the code so not to produce any uops for basic instructions like the mov in the loop (thanks to a mechanism called register renaming).
For each loop iteration, the processor needs to read 2 value from memory. A Coffee Lake processor like the 9700K can load two values per cycle so the loop will at least take 1 cycle/iteration (assuming the loads in r9d and r9b does not conflict due to the use of different part of the same r9 64-bit register). This processor has a uops cache and the loop has a lot of instructions so the decoding part should not be a problem. That being said, there is 9 uops to execute and the processor can only execute 6 of them per cycle so the loop cannot take less than 1.5 cycle/iteration. More precisely, the ports 0, 1, 5 and 6 are under pressure, so even assuming the processor perfectly load balance the uops, 2 cycle/iterations are needed. This is an optimistic lower-bound execution time since the processor may not perfectly schedule the instruction and there are many things that could possibly go wrong (like a sneaky hidden dependency I did not see). With a frequency of 4.8GHz, the final execution time is at least 8.3 ms. It can reach 12.5 ms with 3 cycle/iteration (note that 2.5 cycle/iteration is possible due to the scheduling of uops to ports).
The loop can be improved using unrolling. Indeed, a significant number of instructions are needed just to do the loop and not the actual computation. Unrolling can help to increase the ratio of useful instructions so to make a better usage of available ports. Still, the 2 loads prevent the loop to be faster than 1 cycle/iteration, that is 4.2 ms.
Analysis of the vectorized Clang code
The vectorized code generated by Clang is complex. One could try to apply the same analysis than in the previous code but it would be a tedious task.
One can note that even though the code is vectorized, the loads are not vectorized. This is an issue since only 2 loads can be done per cycle. That being said, loads are performed by pairs two contiguous char values so loads are not so slow compared to the previously generated code.
Clang does that since only two 64-bit values can fit in a 128-bit SSE register and a 64-bit and it needs to do that because diffFound is a 64-bit integer. The 8-bit to 64-bit conversion is the biggest issue in the code because it requires several SSE instructions to do the conversion. Moreover, only 4 integers can be computed at a time since there is 3 SSE integer units on Coffee Lake and each of them can only compute two 64-bit integers at a time. In the end, Clang only put 2 values in each SSE register (and use 4 of them so to compute 8 items per loop iteration) so one should expect a code running more than twice faster (especially due to SSE and the loop unrolling), but this is not much the case due to fewer SSE ports than ALU ports and a more instructions required for the type conversions. Put it shortly, the vectorization is clearly inefficient, but this is not so easy for Clang to generate an efficient code in this case. Still, with 28 SSE instructions and 3 SSE integer units computing 8 items per loop, one should expect the computing part of the code to take about 28/3/8 ~= 1.2 cycle/item which is far from what you can observe (and this is not due to other instruction since they can mostly be executed in parallel as they can mostly be scheduled on other ports).
In fact, the performance issue certainly comes from the saturation of the port 5. Indeed, this port is the only one that can shuffle items of SIMD registers. Thus, the instructions punpcklbw, pshuflw, pshufd and even the movd can only be executed on the port 5. This is a pretty common issue with SIMD codes. This is a big issue since there is 20 instructions per loop and the processor may not even use it perfectly. This means the code should take at least 10.4 ms which is very close to the observed execution time (11 ms).
Analysis of the vectorized GCC code
The code generated by GCC is actually pretty good compared to the one of Clang. Firstly, GCC loads items using SIMD instruction directly which is much more efficient as 16 items are computed per instruction (and by iteration): it only need 2 load uops per iteration reducing the pressure on the port 2 and 3 (1 cycle/iteration for that, so 0.0625 cycle/item). Secondly, GCC only uses 14 punpckhwd instructions while each iteration compute 16 items, reducing critical pressure on the port 5 (0.875 cycle/item for that). Thirdly, the SIMD registers are nearly fully used, at least for the comparison since the pcmpeqb comparison instruction compare 16 items at a time (as opposed to 2 with Clang). The other instructions like paddq are cheap (for example, paddq can be scheduled on the 3 SSE ports) and they should not impact much the execution time. In the end, this version should still be bounded by the port 5, but it should be much faster than the Clang version. Indeed, one should expect the execution time to reach 1 cycle/item (since the port scheduling is certainly not perfect and memory loads may introduce some stalling cycles). This means an execution time of 4.2 ms. This is close to the observed results.
Faster implementation
The GCC implementation is not perfect.
First of all, it does not use AVX2 supported by your processor since the -mavx2 flag is not provided (or any similar flag like -march=native). Indeed, GCC like other mainstream compilers only use SSE2 by default for sake of compatibility with previous architecture: SSE2 is safe to use on all x86-64 processors, but not other instruction sets like SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2. With such flag, GCC should be able to produce a memory bound code.
Moreover, the compiler could theoretically perform a multi-level sum reduction. The idea is to accumulate the result of the comparison in a 8-bit wide SIMD lane using chunks with a size of 1024 items (ie. 64x16 items). This is safe since the value of each lane cannot exceed 64. To avoid overflow, the accumulated values needs to be stored in wider SIMD lanes (eg. 64-bit ones). With this strategy, the overhead of the punpckhwd instructions is 64 time smaller. This is a big improvement since it removes the saturation of the port 5. This strategy should be sufficient to generate a memory-bound code, even using only SSE2. Here is an example of untested code requiring the flag -fopenmp-simd to be efficient.
uint64_t compareFunction(const char *const __restrict buffer, const uint64_t commonSize)
uint64_t byteChunk = 0;
uint64_t diffFound = 0;
if(commonSize >= 127)
for(; byteChunk < commonSize-127; byteChunk += 128)
uint8_t tmpDiffFound = 0;
#pragma omp simd reduction(+:tmpDiffFound)
for(uint64_t byte = byteChunk; byte < byteChunk + 128; ++byte)
tmpDiffFound += buffer[byte] != buffer[byte + commonSize];
diffFound += tmpDiffFound;
for(uint64_t byte = byteChunk; byte < commonSize; ++byte)
diffFound += buffer[byte] != buffer[byte + commonSize];
return diffFound;
Both GCC and Clang generates a rather efficient code (while sub-optimal for data fitting in the cache), especially Clang. Here is for example the code generated by Clang using AVX2:
lea r10, [rdx + 128]
vmovdqu ymm2, ymmword ptr [r9 + rdx - 96]
vmovdqu ymm3, ymmword ptr [r9 + rdx - 64]
vmovdqu ymm4, ymmword ptr [r9 + rdx - 32]
vpcmpeqb ymm2, ymm2, ymmword ptr [rcx + rdx - 96]
vpcmpeqb ymm3, ymm3, ymmword ptr [rcx + rdx - 64]
vpcmpeqb ymm4, ymm4, ymmword ptr [rcx + rdx - 32]
vmovdqu ymm5, ymmword ptr [r9 + rdx]
vpaddb ymm2, ymm4, ymm2
vpcmpeqb ymm4, ymm5, ymmword ptr [rcx + rdx]
vpaddb ymm3, ymm4, ymm3
vpaddb ymm2, ymm3, ymm2
vpaddb ymm2, ymm2, ymm0
vextracti128 xmm3, ymm2, 1
vpaddb xmm2, xmm2, xmm3
vpshufd xmm3, xmm2, 238
vpaddb xmm2, xmm2, xmm3
vpsadbw xmm2, xmm2, xmm1
vpextrb edx, xmm2, 0
add rax, rdx
mov rdx, r10
cmp r10, r8
jb .LBB0_4
All the loads are 256-bit SIMD ones. The number of vpcmpeqb is optimal. The number of vpaddb is relatively good. There are few other instructions, but they should clearly not be a bottleneck. The loop operate on 128 items per iteration and I expect it to takes less than a dozen of cycles per iteration for data already in the cache (otherwise it should be completely memory-bound). This means <0.1 cycle/item, that is, far less than the previous implementation. In fact, the uiCA tool indicates about 0.055 cycle/item, that is 81 GiB/s! One may manually write a better code using SIMD intrinsics, but at the expense of a significantly worse portability, maintenance and readability.
Note that generating a sequential memory-bound does not always mean the RAM throughput will be saturated. In fact, on one core, there is sometimes not enough concurrency to hide the latency of memory operations though it should be fine on your processor (like it is on my i5-9600KF with 2 interleaved 3200 MHz DDR4 memory channels).
Yes, if your data is not hot in cache, even SSE2 should keep up with memory bandwidth. Compare-and-sum of 32 compare results per cycle (from two 32-byte loads) is totally possible if data is hot in L1d cache, or whatever bandwidth outer levels of cache can provide.
If not, the compiler did a bad job. That's unfortunately common for problems like this reducing into a wider variable; compilers don't know good vectorization strategies for summing bytes, especially compare-result bytes that must be 0/-1. They probably widen to 64-bit with pmovsxbq right away (or even worse if SSE4.1 instructions aren't available).
So even -O3 -march=native doesn't help much; this is a big missed-optimization; hopefully GCC and clang will learn how to vectorize this kind of loop at some point, summing compare results probably comes up in enough codebases to be worth recognizing that pattern.
The efficient way is to use psadbw to sum horizontally into qwords. But only after an inner loop does some iterations of vsum -= cmp(p, q), subtracting 0 or -1 to increment a counter or not. 8-bit elements can do 255 iterations of that without risk of overflow. And with unrolling for multiple vector accumulators, that's many vectors of 32 bytes each, so you don't have to break out of that inner loop very often.
See How to count character occurrences using SIMD for manually-vectorized AVX2 code. (And one answer has a Godbolt link to an SSE2 version.) Summing the compare results is the same problem as that, but you're loading two vectors to feed pcmpeqb instead of broadcasting one byte outside the loop to find occurrences of a single char.
An answer there has benchmarks that report 28 GB/s for AVX2, 23 GB/s for SSE2, on an i7-6700 Skylake (at only 3.4GHz, maybe they disabled turbo or are just reporting the rated speed. DRAM speed not mentioned.)
I'd expect 2 input streams of data to achieve about the same sustained bandwidth as one.
This is more interesting to optimize if you benchmark repeated passes over smaller arrays that fit in L2 cache, then efficiency of your ALU instructions matters. (The strategy in the answers on that question are pretty good and well tuned for that case.)
Fast counting the number of equal bytes between two arrays is an older Q&A using a worse strategy, not using psadbw to sum bytes to 64-bit. (But not as bad as GCC/clang, still hsumming as it widens to 32-bit.)
Multiple threads/cores will barely help on a modern desktop, especially at high core clocks like yours. Memory latency is low enough and each core has enough buffers to keep enough requests in flight that it can nearly saturate dual-channel DRAM controllers.
On a big Xeon, that would be very different; you need most of the cores to achieve peak aggregate bandwidth, even for just memcpy or memset so there's zero ALU work, just loads/stores. The higher latency means a single core has much less memory bandwidth available than on a desktop (even in an absolute sense, let alone as a percentage of 6 channels instead of 2). See also Enhanced REP MOVSB for memcpy and Why is Skylake so much better than Broadwell-E for single-threaded memory throughput?
Portable source that compiles to less-bad asm, micro-optimized from Jérôme's: 5.5 cycles per 4x 32-byte vectors, down from 7 or 8, assuming L1d cache hits.
Still not good (as it reduces to scalar every 128 bytes, or 192 if you want to try that), but
#Jérôme Richard came up with a clever way to give clang something it could vectorize a short with a good strategy, with a uint8_t sum, using that as an inner loop short enough to not overflow.
But clang still does some dumb things with that loop, as we can see in his answer. I modified the loop control to use a pointer increment, which reduces the loop overhead a bit, just one pointer-add and compare/jcc, not LEA/MOV. I don't know why clang was doing it inefficiently using integer indexing.
And it avoids an indexed addressing mode for the vpcmpeqb memory source operands, letting them stay micro-fused on Intel CPUs. (Clang doesn't seem to know that this matters at all! Reversing operands to != in the source was enough to make it use indexed addressing modes for vpcmpeqb instead of for vmovdqu pure loads.)
// micro-optimized version of Jérôme's function, clang compiles this better
// instead of 2 arrays, it compares first and 2nd half of one array, which lets it index one relative to the other with an offset if we hand-hold clang into doing that.
uint64_t compareFunction_sink_fixup(const char *const __restrict buffer, const size_t commonSize)
uint64_t byteChunk = 0;
uint64_t diffFound = 0;
const char *endp = buffer + commonSize;
const char *__restrict ptr = buffer;
if(commonSize >= 127) {
// A signed type for commonSize wouldn't avoid UB in pointer subtraction creating a pointer before the object
// in practice it would be fine except maybe when inlining into a function where the compiler could see a compile-time-constant array size.
for(; ptr < endp-127 ; ptr += 128)
uint8_t tmpDiffFound = 0;
#pragma omp simd reduction(+:tmpDiffFound)
for(int off = 0 ; off < 128; ++off)
tmpDiffFound += ptr[off + commonSize] != ptr[off];
// without AVX-512, we get -1 for ==, 0 for not-equal. So clang adds set1_epi(4) to each bucket that holds the sum of four 0 / -1 elements
diffFound += tmpDiffFound;
// clang still auto-vectorizes, but knows the max trip count is only 127
// so doesn't unroll, just 4 bytes per iter.
for(int byte = 0 ; byte < commonSize % 128 ; ++byte)
diffFound += ptr[byte] != ptr[byte + commonSize];
return diffFound;
Godbolt with clang15 -O3 -fopenmp-simd -mavx2 -march=skylake -mbranches-within-32B-boundaries
# The main loop, from clang 15 for x86-64 Skylake
.LBB0_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
vmovdqu ymm2, ymmword ptr [rdi + rsi]
vmovdqu ymm3, ymmword ptr [rdi + rsi + 32] # Indexed addressing modes are fine here
vmovdqu ymm4, ymmword ptr [rdi + rsi + 64]
vmovdqu ymm5, ymmword ptr [rdi + rsi + 96]
vpcmpeqb ymm2, ymm2, ymmword ptr [rdi] # non-indexed allow micro-fusion without un-lamination
vpcmpeqb ymm3, ymm3, ymmword ptr [rdi + 32]
vpcmpeqb ymm4, ymm4, ymmword ptr [rdi + 64]
vpaddb ymm2, ymm4, ymm2
vpcmpeqb ymm4, ymm5, ymmword ptr [rdi + 96]
vpaddb ymm3, ymm4, ymm3
vpaddb ymm2, ymm2, ymm3
vpaddb ymm2, ymm2, ymm0 # add a vector of set1_epi8(4) to turn sums of 0 / -1 into sums of 1 / 0
vextracti128 xmm3, ymm2, 1
vpaddb xmm2, xmm2, xmm3
vpshufd xmm3, xmm2, 238 # xmm3 = xmm2[2,3,2,3]
vpaddb xmm2, xmm2, xmm3 # reduced to 8 bytes
vpsadbw xmm2, xmm2, xmm1 # hsum to one qword
vpextrb edx, xmm2, 0 # extract and zero-extend
add rax, rdx # accumulate the chunk sum
sub rdi, -128 # pointer increment (with a sign_extended_imm8 instead of +imm32)
cmp rdi, rcx
jb .LBB0_4 # }while(p < endp)
This could use 192 instead of 128 to further amortize the loop overhead, at the cost of needing to do %192 (not a power of 2), and making the cleanup loop worst case be 191 bytes. We can't go to 256, or anything higher than UINT8_MAX (255), and sticking to multiples of 32 is necessary. Or 64 for good measure.
There's an extra vpaddb of a fixup constant, set1_epi8(4), which turns the sum of four 0 / -1 into a sum of four 1 / 0 results from the C != operator.
I don't think there's any way to get rid of it or sink it out of the loop while still accumulating into a uint8_t, which is necessary for clang to vectorize this way. It doesn't know how to use vpsadbw to do a widening (non-truncating) sum of bytes, which is ironic because that's what it actually does when used against an all-zero register. If you do something like sum += ptr[off + commonSize] == ptr[off] ? -1 : 0 you can get it to use the vpcmpeqb result directly, summing 4 vectors down to one with 3 adds, and eventually feeding that to vpsadbw after some reduction steps. So you get a sum of matches * 0xFF truncated to uint8_t for each block of 128 bytes. Or as an int8_t, that's a sum of -1 * matches, so 0..-128, which doesn't overflow a signed byte. So that's interesting. But adding with zero-extension into a 64-bit counter might destroy information, and sign-extension inside the outer loop would cost another instruction. It would be a scalar movsx instruction instead of vpaddb, but that's not important for Skylake, probably only if using AVX-512 with 512-bit vectors (which clang and GCC both do badly, not using masked adds). Can we do 128*n_chunks - count after the loop to recover the differences from the sum of matches? No, I don't think so.
uiCA static analysis predicts Skylake (such as your CPU) will run the main loop at 5.51 cycles / iter (4 vectors) if data is hot in L1d cache, or 5.05 on Ice Lake / Rocket Lake. (I had to hand-tweak the asm to emulate the padding effect -mbranches-within-32B-boundaries would have, for uiCA's default assumption of where the top of the loop is relative to a 32-byte alignment boundary. I could have just changed that setting in uiCA instead. :/)
The only missed micro-optimization in implementing this sub-optimal strategy is that it's using vpextrb (because it doesn't prove that truncation to uint8_t isn't needed?) instead of vmovd or vmovq. So it costs an extra uop for the front-end, and for port 5 in the back end. With that optimized (comment + uncomment in the link), 5.25c / iter on Skylake, or 4.81 on Ice Lake, pretty close to the 2 load/clock bottleneck.
(Doing 6 vectors per iter, 192 bytes, predicts 7 cycles per iter on SKL, or 1.166 per vector, down from 5.5 / iter = 1.375 per vector. Or about 6.5 on ICL/RKL = 1.08 c/vec, hitting back-end ALU port bottlecks.)
This is not bad for something we were able to coax clang into generating from portable C++ source, vs. 4 cycles per 4 vectors of 32 byte-compares each for efficient manual vectorization. This will very likely keep up with memory or cache bandwidth even from L2 cache, so it's pretty usable, and not much slower with data hot in L1d. Taking a few more uops does hurt out-of-order exec, and uses up more execution resources that another logical core sharing a physical core could use. (Hyperthreading).
Unfortunately gcc/clang do not make good use of AVX-512 for this. If you were using 512-bit vectors (or AVX-512 features on 256-bit vectors), you'd compare into mask registers, then do something like vpaddb zmm0{k1}, zmm0, zmm1 merge-masking to conditionally increment a vector, where zmm1 = set1_epi8( 1 ). (Or a -1 constant with sub.) Instruction and uop count per vector should be about the same as AVX2 if done properly, but gcc/clang use about twice as many, so the only saving is in the reduction to scalar which seems to be the price for getting anything at all usable.
This version also avoids unrolling of the clean-up loop, just vectorizing with its dumb 4 bytes per iter strategy, which is about right for cleanup of size%128 bytes. It's pretty silly that it uses both vpxor to flip and vpand to turn 0xff into 0x01, when it could have used vpandn to do both those things in one instruction. That would get that cleanup loop down to 8 uops, just twice the pipeline width on Haswell / Skylake, so it would issue more efficiently from the loop buffer, except Skylake disabled that in microcode updates. It would help a bit on Haswell
Correct me if I am wrong but the answer seems to be
-march=native for the win.
the scalar version of the code was CPU bottlenecked and not RAM bottlenecked
use to have an estimate of the cycles per loop
I will try to write my own AVX code to compare.
After an afternoon tinkering around with the suggestions, here is what I found with clang:
-O1 around 10ms, scalar code
-O3 enables SSE2 and is as slow as O1, maybe poor assembly code
-O3 -march=westmere enables also SSE2 but is faster (7ms)
-O3 -march=native enables AVX -> 2.5ms and we are probably RAM bandwidth limited (close to the theoretical speed)
The scalar 10ms makes sense now because according to that awesome tool it takes
2.35 cycles per loop
47 million cycles for the whole comparison (20 million iterations)
Processor is clocked at 4.8GHz meaning it should take around 9.8ms and it is close to what is measured.
g++ seems to generate better default code when no flags are added
O1 11ms
O2 scalar still but 9ms
O3 SSE 4.5ms
O3 -march=westmere 7ms like clang
O3 -march=native 3.4ms, slightly slower than clang

32-byte aligned routine does not fit the uops cache

KbL i7-8550U
I'm researching the behavior of uops-cache and came across a misunderstanding regarding it.
As specified in the Intel Optimization Manual (emp. mine):
The Decoded ICache consists of 32 sets. Each set contains eight Ways.
Each Way can hold up to six micro-ops.
All micro-ops in a Way represent instructions which are statically
contiguous in the code and have their EIPs within the same aligned
32-byte region.
Up to three Ways may be dedicated to the same 32-byte aligned chunk,
allowing a total of 18 micro-ops to be cached per 32-byte region of
the original IA program.
A non-conditional branch is the last micro-op in a Way.
Consider the following routine:
void inhibit_uops_cache(size_t);
align 32
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
jmp decrement_jmp_tgt
dec rdi
ja inhibit_uops_cache ;ja is intentional to avoid Macro-fusion
To make sure that the code of the routine is actually 32-bytes aligned here is the asm
0x555555554820 <inhibit_uops_cache> mov edx,esi
0x555555554822 <inhibit_uops_cache+2> mov edx,esi
0x555555554824 <inhibit_uops_cache+4> mov edx,esi
0x555555554826 <inhibit_uops_cache+6> mov edx,esi
0x555555554828 <inhibit_uops_cache+8> mov edx,esi
0x55555555482a <inhibit_uops_cache+10> mov edx,esi
0x55555555482c <inhibit_uops_cache+12> jmp 0x55555555482e <decrement_jmp_tgt>
0x55555555482e <decrement_jmp_tgt> dec rdi
0x555555554831 <decrement_jmp_tgt+3> ja 0x555555554820 <inhibit_uops_cache>
0x555555554833 <decrement_jmp_tgt+5> ret
0x555555554834 <decrement_jmp_tgt+6> nop
0x555555554835 <decrement_jmp_tgt+7> nop
0x555555554836 <decrement_jmp_tgt+8> nop
0x555555554837 <decrement_jmp_tgt+9> nop
0x555555554838 <decrement_jmp_tgt+10> nop
0x555555554839 <decrement_jmp_tgt+11> nop
0x55555555483a <decrement_jmp_tgt+12> nop
0x55555555483b <decrement_jmp_tgt+13> nop
0x55555555483c <decrement_jmp_tgt+14> nop
0x55555555483d <decrement_jmp_tgt+15> nop
0x55555555483e <decrement_jmp_tgt+16> nop
0x55555555483f <decrement_jmp_tgt+17> nop
running as
int main(void){
inhibit_uops_cache(4096 * 4096 * 128L);
I got the counters
Performance counter stats for './bin':
6 431 201 748 idq.dsb_cycles (56,91%)
19 175 741 518 idq.dsb_uops (57,13%)
7 866 687 idq.mite_uops (57,36%)
3 954 421 idq.ms_uops (57,46%)
560 459 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,28%)
884 486 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,05%)
6 782 598 787 cycles (56,82%)
1,749000366 seconds time elapsed
1,748985000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
This is exactly what I expected to get.
The vast majority of uops came from uops cache. Also uops number perfectly matches with my expectation
mov edx, esi - 1 uop;
jmp imm - 1 uop; near
dec rdi - 1 uop;
ja - 1 uop; near
4096 * 4096 * 128 * 9 = 19 327 352 832 approximately equal to the counters 19 326 755 442 + 3 836 395 + 1 642 975
Consider the implementation of inhibit_uops_cache which is different by one instruction commented out:
align 32
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
; mov edx, esi
jmp decrement_jmp_tgt
dec rdi
ja inhibit_uops_cache ;ja is intentional to avoid Macro-fusion
0x555555554820 <inhibit_uops_cache> mov edx,esi
0x555555554822 <inhibit_uops_cache+2> mov edx,esi
0x555555554824 <inhibit_uops_cache+4> mov edx,esi
0x555555554826 <inhibit_uops_cache+6> mov edx,esi
0x555555554828 <inhibit_uops_cache+8> mov edx,esi
0x55555555482a <inhibit_uops_cache+10> jmp 0x55555555482c <decrement_jmp_tgt>
0x55555555482c <decrement_jmp_tgt> dec rdi
0x55555555482f <decrement_jmp_tgt+3> ja 0x555555554820 <inhibit_uops_cache>
0x555555554831 <decrement_jmp_tgt+5> ret
0x555555554832 <decrement_jmp_tgt+6> nop
0x555555554833 <decrement_jmp_tgt+7> nop
0x555555554834 <decrement_jmp_tgt+8> nop
0x555555554835 <decrement_jmp_tgt+9> nop
0x555555554836 <decrement_jmp_tgt+10> nop
0x555555554837 <decrement_jmp_tgt+11> nop
0x555555554838 <decrement_jmp_tgt+12> nop
0x555555554839 <decrement_jmp_tgt+13> nop
0x55555555483a <decrement_jmp_tgt+14> nop
0x55555555483b <decrement_jmp_tgt+15> nop
0x55555555483c <decrement_jmp_tgt+16> nop
0x55555555483d <decrement_jmp_tgt+17> nop
0x55555555483e <decrement_jmp_tgt+18> nop
0x55555555483f <decrement_jmp_tgt+19> nop
running as
int main(void){
inhibit_uops_cache(4096 * 4096 * 128L);
I got the counters
Performance counter stats for './bin':
2 464 970 970 idq.dsb_cycles (56,93%)
6 197 024 207 idq.dsb_uops (57,01%)
10 845 763 859 idq.mite_uops (57,19%)
3 022 089 idq.ms_uops (57,38%)
321 614 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,35%)
1 733 465 236 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,16%)
8 405 643 642 cycles (56,97%)
2,117538141 seconds time elapsed
2,117511000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
The counters are completely unexpected.
I expected all the uops come from dsb as before since the routine matches the requirements of uops cache.
By contrast, almost 70% of uops came from Legacy Decode Pipeline.
QUESTION: What's wrong with the CASE 2? What counters to look at to understand what's going on?
UPD: Following #PeterCordes idea I checked the 32-byte alignment of the unconditional branch target decrement_jmp_tgt. Here is the result:
Aligning onconditional jump target to 32 byte as follows
align 32
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
mov edx, esi
; mov edx, esi
jmp decrement_jmp_tgt
align 32 ; align 16 does not change anything
dec rdi
ja inhibit_uops_cache
0x555555554820 <inhibit_uops_cache> mov edx,esi
0x555555554822 <inhibit_uops_cache+2> mov edx,esi
0x555555554824 <inhibit_uops_cache+4> mov edx,esi
0x555555554826 <inhibit_uops_cache+6> mov edx,esi
0x555555554828 <inhibit_uops_cache+8> mov edx,esi
0x55555555482a <inhibit_uops_cache+10> jmp 0x555555554840 <decrement_jmp_tgt>
#nops to meet the alignment
0x555555554840 <decrement_jmp_tgt> dec rdi
0x555555554843 <decrement_jmp_tgt+3> ja 0x555555554820 <inhibit_uops_cache>
0x555555554845 <decrement_jmp_tgt+5> ret
and running as
int main(void){
inhibit_uops_cache(4096 * 4096 * 128L);
I got the following counters
Performance counter stats for './bin':
4 296 298 295 idq.dsb_cycles (57,19%)
17 145 751 147 idq.dsb_uops (57,32%)
45 834 799 idq.mite_uops (57,32%)
1 896 769 idq.ms_uops (57,32%)
136 865 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,04%)
161 314 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (56,90%)
4 319 137 397 cycles (56,91%)
1,096792233 seconds time elapsed
1,096759000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
The result is perfectly expected. More then 99% of the uops came from dsb.
Avg dsb uops delivery rate = 17 145 751 147 / 4 296 298 295 = 3.99
Which is close to the peak bandwith.
This is not the answer to the OP's problem, but is one to watch out for
See Code alignment dramatically affects performance for compiler options to work around this performance pothole Intel introduced into Skylake-derived CPUs, as part of this workaround.
Other observations: the block of 6 mov instructions should fill a uop cache line, with jmp in a line by itself. In case 2, the 5 mov + jmp should fit in one cache line (or more properly "way").
(Posting this for the benefit of future readers who might have the same symptoms but a different cause. I realized right as I finished writing it that 0x...30 is not a 32-byte boundary, only 0x...20 and 40, so this erratum shouldn't be the problem for the code in the question.)
A recent (late 2019) microcode update introduced a new performance pothole. It works around Intel's JCC erratum on Skylake-derived microarchitectures. (KBL142 on your Kaby-Lake specifically).
Microcode Update (MCU) to Mitigate JCC Erratum
This erratum can be prevented by a microcode update (MCU). The MCU prevents
jump instructions from being cached in the Decoded ICache when the jump
instructions cross a 32-byte boundary or when they end on a 32-byte boundary. In
this context, Jump Instructions include all jump types: conditional jump (Jcc), macrofused op-Jcc (where op is one of cmp, test, add, sub, and, inc, or dec), direct
unconditional jump, indirect jump, direct/indirect call, and return.
Intel's whitepaper also includes a diagram of cases that trigger this non-uop-cacheable effect. (PDF screenshot borrowed from a Phoronix article with benchmarks before/after, and after with rebuilding with some workarounds in GCC/GAS that try to avoid this new performance pitfall).
The last byte of the ja in your code is ...30, so it's the culprit.
If this was a 32-byte boundary, not just 16, then we'd have the problem here:
0x55555555482a <inhibit_uops_cache+10> jmp # fine
0x55555555482c <decrement_jmp_tgt> dec rdi
0x55555555482f <decrement_jmp_tgt+3> ja # spans 16B boundary (not 32)
0x555555554831 <decrement_jmp_tgt+5> ret # fine
This section not fully updated, still talking about spanning a 32B boundary
JA itself spans a boundary.
Inserting a NOP after dec rdi should work, putting the 2-byte ja fully after the boundary with a new 32-byte chunk. Macro-fusion of dec/ja wasn't possible anyway because JA reads CF (and ZF) but DEC doesn't write CF.
Using sub rdi, 1 to move the JA would not work; it would macro-fuse, and the combined 6 bytes of x86 code corresponding to that instruction would still span the boundary.
You could use single-byte nops instead of mov before the jmp to move everything earlier, if that gets it all in before the last byte of a block.
ASLR can change what virtual page code executes from (bit 12 and higher of the address), but not the alignment within a page or relative to a cache line. So what we see in disassembly in one case will happen every time.
OBSERVATION 1: A branch with a target within the same 32-byte region which is predicted to be taken behaves much like the unconditional branch from the uops cache standpoint (i.e. it should be the last uop in the line).
Consider the following implementation of inhibit_uops_cache:
align 32
xor eax, eax
jmp t1 ;jz, jp, jbe, jge, jle, jnb, jnc, jng, jnl, jno, jns, jae
jmp t2 ;jz, jp, jbe, jge, jle, jnb, jnc, jng, jnl, jno, jns, jae
jmp t3 ;jz, jp, jbe, jge, jle, jnb, jnc, jng, jnl, jno, jns, jae
dec rdi
ja inhibit_uops_cache
The code is tested for all the branches mentioned in the comment. The difference turned out to be very insignificant, so I provide for only 2 of them:
Performance counter stats for './bin':
4 748 772 552 idq.dsb_cycles (57,13%)
7 499 524 594 idq.dsb_uops (57,18%)
5 397 128 360 idq.mite_uops (57,18%)
8 696 719 idq.ms_uops (57,18%)
6 247 749 210 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,14%)
3 841 902 993 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,10%)
21 508 686 982 cycles (57,10%)
5,464493212 seconds time elapsed
5,464369000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
Performance counter stats for './bin':
4 745 825 810 idq.dsb_cycles (57,13%)
7 494 052 019 idq.dsb_uops (57,13%)
5 399 327 121 idq.mite_uops (57,13%)
9 308 081 idq.ms_uops (57,13%)
6 243 915 955 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,16%)
3 842 842 590 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,16%)
21 507 525 469 cycles (57,16%)
5,486589670 seconds time elapsed
5,486481000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
IDK why the number of dsb uops is 7 494 052 019, which is significantly lesser then 4096 * 4096 * 128 * 4 = 8 589 934 592.
Replacing any of the jmp with a branch that is predicted not to be taken yields a result which is significantly different. For example:
align 32
xor eax, eax
jnz t1 ; perfectly predicted to not be taken
jae t2
jae t3
dec rdi
ja inhibit_uops_cache
results in the following counters:
Performance counter stats for './bin':
5 420 107 670 idq.dsb_cycles (56,96%)
10 551 728 155 idq.dsb_uops (57,02%)
2 326 542 570 idq.mite_uops (57,16%)
6 209 728 idq.ms_uops (57,29%)
787 866 654 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,33%)
1 031 630 646 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,19%)
11 381 874 966 cycles (57,05%)
2,927769205 seconds time elapsed
2,927683000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
Considering another example which is similar to the CASE 1:
align 32
xor eax, eax
jmp t1
dec rdi
ja inhibit_uops_cache
results in
Performance counter stats for './bin':
6 331 388 209 idq.dsb_cycles (57,05%)
19 052 030 183 idq.dsb_uops (57,05%)
343 629 667 idq.mite_uops (57,05%)
2 804 560 idq.ms_uops (57,13%)
367 020 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,27%)
55 220 850 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,27%)
7 063 498 379 cycles (57,19%)
1,788124756 seconds time elapsed
1,788101000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
Performance counter stats for './bin':
6 347 433 290 idq.dsb_cycles (57,07%)
18 959 366 600 idq.dsb_uops (57,07%)
389 514 665 idq.mite_uops (57,07%)
3 202 379 idq.ms_uops (57,12%)
423 720 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,24%)
69 486 934 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,24%)
7 063 060 791 cycles (57,19%)
1,789012978 seconds time elapsed
1,788985000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
Performance counter stats for './bin':
6 417 056 199 idq.dsb_cycles (57,02%)
19 113 550 928 idq.dsb_uops (57,02%)
329 353 039 idq.mite_uops (57,02%)
4 383 952 idq.ms_uops (57,13%)
414 037 dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles (57,30%)
79 592 371 frontend_retired.dsb_miss (57,30%)
7 044 945 047 cycles (57,20%)
1,787111485 seconds time elapsed
1,787049000 seconds user
0,000000000 seconds sys
All these experiments made me think that the observation corresponds to the real behavior of the uops cache. I also ran another experiments and judging by the counters br_inst_retired.near_taken and br_inst_retired.not_taken the result correlates with the observation.
Consider the following implementation of inhibit_uops_cache:
align 32
;nops 0-9
jmp t1
;nop 0-6
dec rdi
ja t0
Collecting dsb2mite_switches.penalty_cycles and frontend_retired.dsb_miss we have:
The X-axis of the plot stands for the number of nops, e.g. 24 means 2 nops after the t1 label, 4 nops after the t0 label:
align 32
jmp t1
dec rdi
ja t0
Judging by the plots I came to the
OBSERVATION 2: In case there are 2 branches within a 32-byte region that are predicted to be taken there is no observable correlation between dsb2mite switches and dsb misses. So the dsb misses may occur independently from the dsb2mite switches.
Increasing frontend_retired.dsb_miss rate correlate well with the increasing idq.mite_uops rate and decreasing idq.dsb_uops. This can be seen on the following plot:
OBSERVATION 3: The dsb misses occurring for some (unclear?) reason causes IDQ read bubbles and therefore RAT underflow.
Conclusion: Taking all the measurements into account there are definitely some differences between the behavior defined in the Intel Optimization Manual, Decoded ICache

Why is my SSE assembly slower in release builds?

I've been playing around with some x64 assembly and the XMM registers to do some float math, and I'm seeing some performance that is puzzling me.
As a self-learning exercise, I wrote some SSE assembly to approximate the 'sin' function (using the Taylor series), and called this from some basic C++ in a loop to compare to the standard library version. Code is below, and I've pasted the output for some typical runs after that. (I'm not looking for a critique of the code or approach here, just trying to understand the perf numbers).
What I don't get is why with a "Release" build, where the actual running assembly is identical (I've stepped though the debugger to double check), is consistently about 40 - 50 cycles slower. (Uncommenting the LFENCE instructions adds about 100 cycles to both Debug and Release, so the delta remains the same). As a bonus question, why is the very first iteration typically in the thousands!!
I get this stuff is very complex and subtly impacted by numerous factors, but everything that pops in my head as a potential cause here just doesn't make sense.
I've checked the MSCSR flags in both runs, and this is identical across builds also (with the default value of 1f80h which has all exceptions masked).
Any idea what would cause this? What further analysis could I do to figure this out an an even deeper level?
_RDATA segment
pi real4 3.141592654
rf3 real4 0.1666666667
rf5 real4 0.008333333333
rf7 real4 0.0001984126984
_RDATA ends
_TEXT segment
; float CalcSin(float rads, int* cycles)
CalcSin PROC
; "leaf" function - doesn't use the stack or any non-volatile registers
mov r8, rdx ; Save the 'cycles' pointer into R8
rdtsc ; Get current CPU cyles in EDX:EAX
; lfence ; Ensure timer is taken before executing the below
mov ecx, eax ; Save the low 32 bits of the timer into ECX
movss xmm2, xmm0
mulss xmm2, xmm2 ; X^2
movss xmm3, xmm0
mulss xmm3, xmm2 ; x^3
movss xmm4, rf3 ; 1/3!
mulss xmm4, xmm3 ; x^3 / 3!
subss xmm0, xmm4 ; x - x^3 / 3!
mulss xmm3, xmm2 ; x^5
movss xmm4, rf5 ; 1/5!
mulss xmm4, xmm3 ; x^5 / 5!
addss xmm0, xmm4 ; x - x^3 / 3! + x^5 / 5!
mulss xmm3, xmm2 ; x^7
movss xmm4, rf7 ; 1/7!
mulss xmm4, xmm3 ; x^7 / 7!
subss xmm0, xmm4 ; x - x^3 / 3! + x^5 / 5! - x^7 / 7!
; lfence ; Ensure above completes before taking the timer again
rdtsc ; Get the timer now
sub eax, ecx ; Get the difference in cycles
mov dword ptr [r8], eax
CalcSin ENDP
_TEXT ends
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
const float PI = 3.141592654f;
extern "C" float CalcSin(float rads, int* cycles);
void DoCalcs(float rads) {
int cycles;
float result = CalcSin(rads, &cycles);
printf("Sin(%.8f) = %.8f. Took %d cycles\n", rads, result, cycles);
printf("C library = %.8f\n", sin(rads));
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::vector<float> inputs{PI / 1000, PI / 2 - PI / 1000, PI / 4, 0.0001f, PI / 2};
for (auto val : inputs) {
return 0;
With a "Debug" build (I'm using Visual Studio 2019), I typically see the below timing reported:
Sin(0.00314159) = 0.00314159. Took 3816 cycles
C library = 0.00314159
Sin(1.56765473) = 0.99984086. Took 18 cycles
C library = 0.99999507
Sin(0.78539819) = 0.70710647. Took 18 cycles
C library = 0.70710680
Sin(0.00010000) = 0.00010000. Took 18 cycles
C library = 0.00010000
Sin(1.57079637) = 0.99984306. Took 18 cycles
C library = 1.00000000
The exact same code with a "Release" build, I typically see the below:
Sin(0.00314159) = 0.00314159. Took 4426 cycles
C library = 0.00314159
Sin(1.56765473) = 0.99984086. Took 70 cycles
C library = 0.99999507
Sin(0.78539819) = 0.70710647. Took 62 cycles
C library = 0.70710680
Sin(0.00010000) = 0.00010000. Took 64 cycles
C library = 0.00010000
Sin(1.57079637) = 0.99984306. Took 62 cycles
C library = 1.00000000
====UPDATE 1====
I changed the code to load the constants as immediates, instead of referencing the .rdata segment as Peter mentioned, and this got rid of the slow first iteration, i.e. replaced the commented out line with the 2 lines following:
; movss xmm4, rf5 ; 1/5!
mov eax, 3C088889h ; 1/5! float representation
movd xmm4, eax
Warming up the CPU didn't help, but I did notice the first iteration in Release was now just as fast as debug, and the rest were still slow. As the printf isn't called until after the first calculation, I wondered if this had an impact. I change the code to just store the results as it ran, and print them once complete, and now Release is just as fast. i.e.
Updated C++ code
extern "C" float CalcSin(float rads, int* cycles);
std::vector<float> values;
std::vector<int> rdtsc;
void DoCalcs(float rads) {
int cycles;
float result = CalcSin(rads, &cycles);
// printf("Sin(%.8f) = %.8f. Took %d cycles\n", rads, result, cycles);
// printf("C library = %.8f\n", sin(rads));
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::vector<float> inputs{PI / 1000, PI / 2 - PI / 1000, PI / 4, 0.0001f, PI / 2};
for (auto val : inputs) {
auto cycle_iter = rdtsc.begin();
auto value_iter = values.begin();
for (auto& input : inputs) {
printf("Sin(%.8f) = %.8f. Took %d cycles\n", input, *value_iter++, *cycle_iter++);
printf("C library = %.8f\n", sin(input));
return 0;
And now Release is pretty much identical to debug, i.e. around 18 - 24 cycles consistently on each call.
I'm not sure what the printf call is doing in Release builds, or maybe the way it was linked/optimized with Release settings, but strange it negatively impacted the identical and distinct assembly calls as it did.
Sin(0.00314159) = 0.00314159. Took 18 cycles
C library = 0.00314159
Sin(1.56765473) = 0.99984086. Took 18 cycles
C library = 0.99999507
Sin(0.78539819) = 0.70710647. Took 24 cycles
C library = 0.70710680
Sin(0.00010000) = 0.00010000. Took 20 cycles
C library = 0.00010000
Sin(1.57079637) = 0.99984306. Took 24 cycles
C library = 1.00000000
====UPDATE 2====
To rule out the CPU ramp-up down, I went in and tweaked a few bios settings (disabled Turbo, set a consistent core voltage, etc.), and can now see via the "AI Suite" ASUS app for the motherboard the CPU is a consistent 3600MHz. (I'm running an Intel Core i9-9900k # 3.6GHz on Windows 10 x64).
After setting that... still no change.
Next thing that occurred to me is that with the 'printf' I have a call out to the C-runtime library between each loop, which is a different DLL between Debug and Release builds. To remove any other variation I starting building from the command-line instead of VS. Compiling with maximum speed optimizations and the release CRT DLLs (/O2 and /MD respectively), I still see the same slow-down. Switching to the debug CRT DLLs, I see some improvement. If I switch static linking in the CRT, then it doesn't matter if I use the debug or release versions, or if I compile with optimizations or not, I regularly see the 24 cycles per call, i.e.
ml64 /c ..\x64simd.asm
cl.exe /Od /MT /Feapp.exe ..\main.cpp x64simd.obj
Sin(0.00314159) = 0.00314159. Took 24 cycles
Sin(1.56765473) = 0.99984086. Took 24 cycles
Sin(0.78539819) = 0.70710647. Took 24 cycles
Sin(0.00010000) = 0.00010000. Took 24 cycles
Sin(1.57079637) = 0.99984306. Took 24 cycles
So it's definitely something in calling out to the CRT Release DLLs causing the slow-down. I'm still puzzled as to why, especially as the Debug build in VS is also using CRT via DLLs.
You're timing in reference cycles with rdtsc, not core clock cycles. It's probably the same speed both times, in core clock cycles, but with the CPU running at different frequencies.
Probably a debug build gives the CPU time to ramp up to max turbo (more core cycles per reference cycle) before your function gets called. Because the calling code compiles to slower asm. And especially with MSVC, a debug build adds extra stuff like poisoning the stack frame to catch use of uninitialized vars. And also overhead for incremental linking.
None of this slows down your hand-written function itself, it's just "warm up" that you neglected to do manually in your microbenchmark.
See How to get the CPU cycle count in x86_64 from C++? for lots more details about RDTSC.
A factor of ~3 between idle CPU clock and max-turbo (or some higher clock) is very plausible for modern x86 CPUs. My i7-6700k idles at 0.8GHz with rated frequency of 4.0GHz, max single-core turbo of 4.2. But many laptop CPUs much lower non-turbo max (and might only ramp to non-turbo initially, not max turbo right away, depending on energy_performance_preference HW governor, or especially software governor on older CPUs.)
As a bonus question, why is the very first iteration typically in the thousands!!
Probably dTLB miss and cache miss for loading rf3 from data memory. You could try loading those from C (by declaring extern volatile float rf3) to prime the TLB + cache for that block of constants, assuming they're all in the same cache line.
Possibly also an I-cache miss after the rdtsc, but the first load is probably before the end of an I-cache line so those could happen in parallel. (Putting the rdtsc inside your asm function means we probably aren't waiting for an iTLB miss or i-cache miss inside the timed region to even fetch the first byte of the function).
Code review:
Don't use movss between XMM registers unless you want to blend the low 4 bytes into the old value of the destination. Use movaps xmm2, xmm0 to copy the whole register; it's much more efficient.
movaps can be handled by register renaming without needing any back-end execution unit, vs. movss only running on one execution unit in Intel CPUs, port 5. Also, movaps avoids a false dependency on the old value of the register because it overwrites the full reg, allowing out-of-order exec to work properly.
movss xmm, [mem] is fine, though: as a load it zero-extends into the full register.

Why does re-initializing a register inside an unrolled ADD loop make it run faster even with more instructions inside the loop?

I have the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#define ITERATIONS "10000"
int main()
The first case: the MOV is outside the loop.
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
asm("mov $100, %eax\n"
"mov $200, %ebx\n"
"mov $" ITERATIONS ", %ecx\n"
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 1
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 2
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 3
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 4
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 5
"loop lp_test_time1\n");
auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t2 - t1).count();
std::cout << time;
The second case: the MOV is inside the loop (faster).
t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
asm("mov $100, %eax\n"
"mov $" ITERATIONS ", %ecx\n"
" mov $200, %ebx\n"
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 1
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 2
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 3
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 4
" add %eax, %ebx\n" // 5
"loop lp_test_time2\n");
t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t2 - t1).count();
std::cout << '\n' << time << '\n';
The first case
I compiled it with
gcc version 9.2.0 (GCC)
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O0 -o proc proc.cpp
and its output is
I also compiled it with Clang with the same result.
So, why the second case is faster (almost 3x speedup)? Does it actually related with some microarchitectural details? If it matters, I have an AMD's CPU: “AMD A9-9410 RADEON R5, 5 COMPUTE CORES 2C+3G”.
mov $200, %ebx inside the loop breaks the loop-carried dependency chain through ebx, allowing out-of-order execution to overlap the chain of 5 add instructions across multiple iterations.
Without it, the chain of add instructions bottlenecks the loop on the latency of the add (1 cycle) critical path, instead of the throughput (4/cycle on Excavator, improved from
2/cycle on Steamroller). Your CPU is an Excavator core.
AMD since Bulldozer has an efficient loop instruction (only 1 uop), unlike Intel CPUs where loop would bottleneck either loop at 1 iteration per 7 cycles. ( for instruction tables, microarch guide, and more details on everything in this answer.)
With loop and mov taking slots in the front-end (and back-end execution units) away from add, a 3x instead of 4x speedup looks about right.
See this answer for an intro to how CPUs find and exploit Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP).
See Understanding the impact of lfence on a loop with two long dependency chains, for increasing lengths for some in-depth details about overlapping independent dep chains.
BTW, 10k iterations is not many. Your CPU might not even ramp up out of idle speed in that time. Or might jump to max speed for most of the 2nd loop but none of the first. So be careful with microbenchmarks like this.
Also, your inline asm is unsafe because you forgot to declare clobbers on EAX, EBX, and ECX. You step on the compiler's registers without telling it. Normally you should always compile with optimization enabled, but your code would probably break if you did that.

why for loop has 1 extra instruction than expected?

I write a lot of vectorized loops, so 1 common idiom is
volatile int dummy[1<<10];
for (int64_t i = 0; i + 16 <= argc; i+= 16) // process all elements with whole vector
int x = dummy[i];
// handle remainder (hopefully with SIMD too)
But the resulting machine code has 1 more instruction than I would like (using gcc 4.9)
leaq -16(%rax), %rdx
addq $16, %rax
cmpq %rcx, %rax
movl -120(%rsp,%rdx,4), %edx
jbe .L3
If I change the code to for (int64_t i = 0; i <= argc - 16; i+= 16), then the "extra"
instruction is gone:
movl -120(%rsp,%rax,4), %ecx
addq $16, %rax
cmpq %rdx, %rax
jbe .L2
But why the difference? I was thinking maybe it was due to loop invariants, but too vaguely. Then I noticed in the 5 instruction case, the increment is done before the load, which would require an extra mov due to x86's destructive 2 operand instructions.
So another explanation could be that it's trading instruction parallelism for 1 extra instruction.
Although it seems there would hardly be any performance difference, can someone explain this mystery (preferably who knows about compiler transformations)?
Ideally I would like to keep the i + 16 <= size form since that has a more intuitive meaning (the last element of the vector doesn't go out of bounds)
If argc were below -2147483632, and i was below 2147483632, the expressions i+16 <= argc would be required to yield an arithmetically-correct result, while the expression and i<argc-16 would not. The need to give an arithmetically-correct result in that corner case prevents the compiler from optimizing the former expression to match the latter.
