Can Power Query differentiate between domains and apps? - powerquery

I have a column that could be either domains or apps, for example:
Can you have an automated Type column that will determine - by the "address" alone - which type is it?


How to use Entity in a Multilingual Agents

I am having a problem with how to use the entity type correctly in multilingual Agents.
If I were to make an entity type in a language let's say in THAI and a route for that specific entity using the $session.params.(entitytype) = something but then if my agent is multilingual then when I go to the same entity type in another language let's say English all the entity in my default language does not show up on the English agent. Do I just add all the English matching words to the Thai entity type? Or is it better the build 1 agent for each language? Or do I route to the samepage using a new $session.params.(entitytype) = english something and so one for each lang
Defult Thai Agent
Same Agent but English
Switching agents Is one approach, but if you want to use multilingual entities, yes, you should add all the matching words to the Thai entity type. For dialog flow, each language entity is separated from the in my experience, also you need to add both languages at the agent. some simpler entities can be handled by the agent that way.
Here is more info about it:
Entity entries are language-specific data.
First, you need to add entity entries to the entity type for each language. Then you can create multiple routes with conditions like $session.params.<entity_type_name> = "<some_text_in_Thai>" and $session.params.<entity_type_name> = "<some_text_in_English>".

Thunderbird - Get the user email address

I am developing a Mozilla Thunderbird plug-in and need to get the user's email address.
Question: How do I retrieve this address?
I will use it inside a JavaScript.
You should first keep in mind that a user can have multiple e-mail addresses (from multiple accounts or even multiple identities for one account), and you have to decide in which one you are interested.
Note: there may exist an easier way then described below, e.g. a helper function in the existing Thunderbird Code. You could try to search comm-central for it
You somehow have to get the nsIMsgIdentity for the identity you are interested in. It has an email property, with the e-mail adress as a string.
One way to get all Identities should be via the allIdentities of nsIMsgAccountManager (didn't test it).
Use the follwing code to get the nsIMsgAccountManager:
let accountManager = MailServices.accounts
If you have an nsIArray of nsIMsgIdentity, you can use the following code to loop over them:
for (let identity in fixIterator(identities, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity)) {
References which could be useful:
Overview of some interesting interfaces:
Some account example Code:

CustomerInfo nickname and reference_id usage in different platforms

I find that the nickname and reference_id fields work differently across platforms and I'd like to get clarification on how they should be used.
With the API, I can retrieve and set both these fields.
In the web-based dashboard, both fields are displayed and can be edited if present, but there's no way to enter a nickname when creating a new customer.
In the Register iOS app, none of these fields are shown or editable. They're also absent when creating a new customer.
What I want to do is map Square Customers to our existing members, but we're facing three problems:
reference_id seems to map perfectly with our existing member numbers but, as mentioned, it's nowhere to be seen in the Register app.
Searching customers in the Register app only searches in names and emails. It would really help us if it searched in reference_id as well.
CustomerGroupInfo is read-only via the API (and not even an endpoint). We would map these to our membership levels.
As of now, I'm looking at ugly workarounds, but I wanted to know if something in the roadmap could help us out. Thanks in advance to the people at Square!

LookupAccountNameW returns SidTypeAlias, but expected SidTypeGroup

I'm trying to define the type of entered credentials with:
resolved=LookupAccountNameW (NULL,L"builtin\users",&sid,&cbsid,buff,&dd,&pe);
No matter if I enter "builtin\users" or "users" it resolves successfully but returns SidTypeAlias in pe enum.
But I expect SidTypeWellKnownGroup or SidTypeGroup.
Question: How to reliably define if given string is a Windows Group name ?
The MSDN page Well-known SIDs briefly describes the meaning of "alias" in this context:
The following table has examples of domain-relative RIDs that you can use to form well-known SIDs for local groups (aliases).
One of the table entries is for the Users group, so the behaviour you are describing is as expected.
You can continue to use LookupAccountName() as you planned, you simply need to modify your code to recognize that any of SidTypeAlias, SidTypeWellKnownGroup, or SidTypeGroup represent groups.
The Glossary of the Security Account Manager Remote Protocol specification gives some hints as to what SidTypeAlias might be:
alias object: See resource group.
resource group: A group object whose membership is added to the authorization context only if the server receiving the context is a member of the same domain as the resource group.
This suggests that "alias" means "Domain Local group" in this context.
I confirmed this in my domain, by obtaining all domain groups using DirectorySearcher and calling LookupAccountName on each. Results:
all Global and Universal groups had SidTypeGroup;
all non-builtin Domain Local groups (groupType 0x80000004) had SidTypeAlias;
builtin Domain Local groups (those with groupType 0x80000005 = system-created domain local, such as Account Operators or Users) also had SidTypeAlias, but I had to run the code on a DC - when executed on a member workstation, LookupAccountName failed (ERROR_NONE_MAPPED) for all such groups except IIS_IUSRS.
Bottom line - SidTypeAlias should be treated as a group.

Best practices for allowing users to choose a display name on a social networking website?

I run a social networking / blogging website ( ), and currently the users are identified by their unique (and unchangeable) username everywhere. Many have requested the ability to have a display name as well that they can choose. I'd like to support this, but I'm worried about spoofing and identity theft. So, I'm wondering if anyone has dealt with this and has any advice?
Here's what I'd like to avoid:
I'm known as Micah on the site. I don't want anyone to be able to choose my name as their display name and then impersonate me to others on the site. Similarly, I don't want people to be able to impersonate each other.
Here are some possible avenues I've identified:
Let them choose whatever name they want (within reason: profanity, racism, hate speech, etc.)
Don't allow users to choose a display name that overlaps with an existing unique username
Don't allow users to choose a display name that overlaps with an existing unique username OR an existing display name.
Am I being too paranoid? Should I just chill out and let users pick whatever names they want?
I'd go with the principle of least astonishment, in this case "Don't allow users to choose a display name that overlaps with an existing unique username OR an existing display name." Otherwise you could have 10 different people with nickname Piskvor talking to each other ;)
If the account is linked to a profile with some statistic I think you doesn't require to have to be unique username. If at StackOverFlow someone try to use my name and he is under 1 000 reps, I think it's obvious that I am the real. Of course, someone can use my name here and try to be me, in that case I would require assistance from administrator so maybe you should have a système to report abuse.
In the other way, I have a system that validate the username to be unique. That way, it's simpler. I do this because registered people doesn't have any profile page so it would be hard to know who is the real one.
Hope that help you.
