Laravel Resource Call Relationship from other Relationship - laravel

is there a way to get relationship of other relationship in Laravel resource?
I try something like this:
'customers' => $this->customers()->files()->get(),
I am actually inside Products. Products hasMany Customers and also Customers hasMany Files. What I'm trying to do is to get files of customer. Is there a solution for this?

Should work if proper relationships are setup.
The simplest solution to get count as well will be

Assuming these are your models
class Products extends Model
public function customers(){
return $this->hasMany(Customers::class, 'product_id');
class Customers extends Model
public function files(){
return $this->hasMany(Files::class, 'customer_id');
To access all the files of one customer ($this is product)
$customers = $this->customers;
foreach($customers as $customer){
$file = $customer->files;
If you want to access all the files of all the customers you can add another method to your Product model like below and $files = $product->files
class Products extends Model
public function customers(){
return $this->hasMany(Customers::class, 'product_id');
public function files(){
return $this->hasManyThrough(Files::class, Customers::class);


Laravel - Return related models of parameter in controller

I have the following route:
Route::get('/api/products/{product}', 'ProductController#get');
My Product model looks like this:
class Product extends Model
public function ingredients()
return $this->belongsToMany(Ingredient::class)->withPivot('value');
In my controller, the method is:
public function get(Product $product)
return $product;
This only returns the attributes of the Product object as a JSON. I would also like to return the related ingredients and pivot table values (as it would with the with method), and possibly other related models.
return $product->with('ingredients') creates a collection of all Products, so that doesn't really work, I have to filter it again by the product ID. I can obviously construct the JSON myself, but that becomes tedious if I want multiple related models included. Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
You have three options:
Using $with in model
class Product extends Model
protected $with = ['ingredients'];
public function ingredients()
return $this->belongsToMany(Ingredient::class)->withPivot('value');
Load the relation and return product:
public function get(Product $product)
return $product;
Use the load method on the product:
public function get(Product $product)
return $product->load('ingredients');

Laravel Polymorphic Many to Many relationship

I am very new to polymorphic relationships and am struggling on my first task. My real life scenario is complicated, so for the purpose of this question, I have simplified it a little.
I have a range of products. Each of these products can be 'tagged' to one or more "Categories", "Brand" and "Consumer". For example:
I figured with this setup, I would need a table for my polymorphic relationships as below:
I have created a new Taggable class which contains the following
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Taggable extends Model
public function taggable()
return $this->morphTo();
...and added a method to my Product class:
public function taggedCategories()
return $this->morphMany(Taggable::class, 'taggable');
Finally, in my ProductController, I am trying to retrieve all products with their relationships as such:
$products = Product::with('taggedCategories')
Whilst this isn't producing an error, there are no categories returned in my results. Looking at the SQL output in LaravelDebugBar, I see the following SQL.
select * from `taggables` where `taggables`.`taggable_id` in (1) and `taggables`.`taggable_type` = 'App\Models\Product'
This clearly is not right, but I cannot for love nor money figure out where I have gone wrong. I feel I am close, but not quite there.
Can anyone explain what is wrong? Also, would I need to do something different for getting the "Brand" as this is a one-to-many relationship, not many-to-many?
Your model structure is going to be like:
class Categories extends Model
public function products()
return $this->morphToMany('App\Tag', 'productable');
class Brand extends Model
public function products()
return $this->morphToMany('App\Tag', 'productable');
// and Consumers, ....
User Model:
class Product extends Model
public function categories()
return $this->morphedByMany('App\Categories', 'productable');
public function brands()
return $this->morphedByMany('App\Brunds', 'productable');
Database schema:
id - integer
id - integer
id - integer
product_id - integer
productable_id - integer
productable_type - string
Now, you can retrieve the relations:
$categories = App\Categories::find(1);
// retrieve product of a type
foreach ($categories->products as $product) {
$product = App\Product::find(1);
// retrieve categories of a product
foreach ($product->categories as $categories) {
Actually, your type product (categories, brands, consumers) are productable.

Laravel Sum of relation

I want to return the sum of "amount" from my payments table. There can be many payments for one invoice. The below "->sum('amount') does not work, it returns:
Call to a member function addEagerConstraints() on a non-object.
How to return the sum of all payments for each invoice in my relation?
Invoices Model:
class Invoices extends Eloquent {
public function payments()
return $this->hasMany('Payments')->sum('amount');
Expenses Model:
class Payments extends Eloquent {
public function invoices()
return $this->belongsTo('Invoices');
My table "payments" holds the foreign key of my tables invoices, which is invoices_id.
Starting by Laravel 8 you can simply use withSum() function.
use App\Models\Post;
$posts = Post::withSum('comments', 'votes')->get();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo $post->comments_sum_votes;
class Invoices extends Eloquent {
public function payments()
return $this->hasMany('Payments');
class Payments extends Eloquent {
public function invoices()
return $this->belongsTo('Invoices');
In your controller
Invoice::with(['payments' => function($query){
You can show this package
$invoices = Invoices::withSum('payments:amount')->get();
First decide which Invoice (for example id 1)
$invoice = Invoices::find(1);
Then eager load all the corresponding payments
$eagerload = $invoice->payments;
Finally assuming you have the amount field in your Invoice model you can simply find the sum using the method below:
$totalsum = $eagerload->sum('amount');
This is also possible. we can do by model itself.
class Invoices extends Eloquent {
public function payments()
return $this->hasMany('Payments')
->selectRaw('SUM(payments.amount) as payment_amount')
->groupBy('id'); // as per our requirements.
payments is tableName
amount is fieldName
I found a simple way to acomplish this in here, you can use withPivot() method.
You can redefine a bit your relation to something like following
public function expenses()
return $this->belongsToMany('Expenses', 'invoices_expenses')
->withPivot('name', 'amount', 'date');

Laravel query multiple tables using eloquent

hi sorry bit of a newbie here but I am have three tables users, profiles, friends. they all have the user_id fields within them and I want fetch all of the fields in one statement using Eloquent and not DB::statement and doing the table joins.
How can I achieve this?
Try this
use the User class and the with method that laravel has to query model relationships
$user = User::with(['profile', 'friend'])->get();
Ensure your models has the correct relationships as follows:
public function friend () {
return $this->hasMany('Friend');
public function profile () {
return $this->hasOne('Profile');
public function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('User');
public function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('User');
use some thing like this:
You should define relations in your models with hasOne, hasMany.
class Review extends Eloquent {
public function relatedGallery()
$this->hasOne('Gallery', 'foreign_id', 'local_id');
class Gallery extends Eloquent {
public function relatedReviews()
$this->hasMany('Review', 'foreign_id', 'local_id');
$gallery = Gallery::with('relatedReviews')->find($id);
Will bring the object Gallery with
$gallery->relatedReviews // array containing the related Review Objects

Laravel 4 eloquent

Is there any way I can do this with eloquent?
$orders = Customer::with('orders','')->where('','=','Japan')->get()
Customers, orders and shop are tables where 1 customer has many orders and each order has one shop only.
Location is a column in the shop table
I keep getting an error stating is a column not found.
Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.
You need to defined relationship in your model classes.
Customer model:
public function orders()
return $this->hasMany('Order');
Order model:
public function customer()
return $this->belongsTo('Customer');
Then if you want orders of a special customer you just have to do :
$orders = Customer::find($id)->orders;
Or find the user attatched to an order:
$user = Order::find($id)->user;
You can also use the same kind of relation between your Shop and Order model and do something like this:
$orders = Order::with(array('shop' => function($query)
$query->where('location', '=', 'japan');
Which should give you all orders for a shop located in japan.
More informations about this type of request:
in CostumerModel you need set a relationship (One To Many):
public function order()
return $this->hasMany('OrderModel', 'foreign_key_in_orderTable');
in OrderModel too:
public function costumer()
return $this->belongsTo('CostumerModel', 'foreign_key_in_orderTable');
then in OrderModel one more relationship with Shop (One To One):
public function shop()
return $this->hasOne('ShopModel', 'foreign_key');
Now in ShopModel (One To One):
public function order()
return $this->belongsTo('OrderModel', 'local_key');
$orders = Customer::with('costumer', 'shop')->where('location','=','Japan')->get();
