Image not found on <img src={{ asset(...) }} - laravel

This is my blade Looks like :
<img src="{{ asset('/assets/img/logo.png') }}" alt="logo" width="60px" height="60px">
And here's my folder structure
When i try to view the blade, its fine. But when i try to Export as PDF with Laravel-Excel, the error coming up
http://localhost:8000/assets/img/logo.png not found!
I already change asset() to url() and without laravel function but the error still coming, any suggestions?

Try this
{{ asset('assets/img/logo.png') }}
without the initial "/"

Have you try this
<img src="/assets/img/logo.png" alt="logo" width="60px" height="60px" />
<img src="{{URL::asset('/assets/img/logo.png')}}" alt="logo" width="60px" height="60px" />
Please try these!

<img src="{{ public_path('assets/img/logo.png') }}" ... />


show Image that stored on filesystem

I've try many ways to show Image that stored on my FileSystem but not work. last i try with Intervention Image package, but it still not showing, just show icon blank image not the image itself.
This is my View:
<div style="text-align: center">
<h4>Detail Keluhan</h4><hr>
<h5 style="color: gray">{{$keluhan->username}}</h5>
<img src="{{ route('product.image', ['ttd_setuju' => $keluhan->ttd_setuju]) }}" alt="ttd_setuju"/>
This is my Route:
Route::get('image/{ttd_setuju}', ['as'=>'product.image', function($ttd_setuju) {
return Image::make('app/public/img/ttd'.'/'.$ttd_setuju)->response('png');
for information, i stored it on app/public/img/ttd
and it's name on table 'keluhan' in my DB
how can i solve this guys ? please kindly help any other way its okay if its work
So finally i fix the problem with this one
<img src="{{ asset('img/ttd/'.$keluhan->gambar) }}" height="200" width="250"/>
Using asset.

Laravel : Image is Broken

i want to add two logo in the welcome page.i have stored the images in the folder named image under the public folder.In the build in homepage of Laravel i want to show these two images. i tried these
<image img src="C:\xampp\htdocs\officeapp\public\image\MB.png" alt="Logo"> </image>
<img src="{{URL::asset('/image/MB.png')}}" alt="logo" height="200" width="200">
but image is not showing only 'Logo' word is showing...what should i do?
Try this:
public_path() (Get the fully qualified path to the public directory.)
<img src="{{ public_path('/image/MB.png') }}" alt="logo" height="200" width="200">
try this one
<img href="{{ asset('/image/nashicon.ico') }}" />

How display image in laravel 5.3

I store image in public folder now i want to display the image i give the path but image not show any one help me whats the wrong in my code
My image complete path is public/admin/product
<img src="public/admin/product/<?php echo $productr['image']; ?>" height="30px" width="30px">
First thing, you should not store those images inside public directory. Instead you should use Storage directory. Please have a look to the Laravel documentation:
So, upload such images inside "storage/app/public"
Then fire below artisan command to create symbolic link:
php artisan storage:link
And then create a link to that image:
<img src="{{ echo asset('storage/file.png') }}" height="30px" width="30px">
Laravel view files blade.php supports {{}} tags to display values.
{{ $valueToBeDisplayed }}
In your case, you can do like
<img src="/admin/product/{{ $product['image'] }}" height="30px" width="30px" />
Assuming image name is abc.png.
Make sure you have that image in folder public/admin/product/abc.png
remove public from your path.., also, you might have typos on the variable $productr, (did you mean $product?) try
<img src="admin/product/<?php echo $product['image']; ?>" height="30px" width="30px">
or, using blade standard:
<img src="admin/product/{{ $product['image']; }}" height="30px" width="30px">
#if ($productr['image'])
<img src="{{ asset('images/profile/'.$productr['image']) }}" alt="{{ $category->user->image }}">
<img src="{{ asset('assets/dist/img/default-150x150.png') }}" >
<img src="{{storage/app/images/.($employee -> image)}}" width="50px">
"storage/app/images/" is the folder path to where your images are stored.
hope this will help
{{ asset('public/imagepath/image_name') }}

how to retrieve image from database in laravel 5.1?

I have image name in the database and image upload in public/image folder.
Now I want to show the image on the web page.
How do I do this?
I am using
<img src="{{ URL::to('/') }}/images/{{ $item->Photo }}" alt="{{ $item->Title }}"/>
You can use the asset() helper function, like so:
<img src="{{ asset("images/$item->Photo") }}" alt="{{ $item->Title }}" >
You could use <img src="{{ asset('/image') }}" />
Easiest way would be to add a method to your user model.
That method will return the url of your image, you will name that method getImageUrl() for example.
your function :
public function getImageUrl(){
return asset($this->image);
That way you just have to do something like this in your view
<img src="{{ $user->getImageUrl() }}" />
Then if at some point you change the storage location of your pictures you just have to change it in the getImageUrl function.
{{HTML::image("images/$item->YourDBFieldNameOfImageURL", "ALT description", "");}}

Symfony2 - Displaying uploaded image in Twig from a Data Fixture or blog text

How do I display an image in Twig loaded from a Doctrine Fixture that I've uploaded to the web/images folder? It displays when calling it from the acutal Twig but not from fixtures or entering the line when creating the blog text.
I have tried this line which doesn't load when in a fixture file (or inside the blog body when creating the blog entry) BUT when I use this line inside of the actual Twig file it does the image correctly?
<img src="{{ asset(['images/', blog.image]|join) }}" />
Using this to display the blogs in twig:
{% autoescape false %}
<p>{{|truncate(2000) }}</p>
{% endautoescape %}
I think your missing a quote mark in example 2
<img class="alignleft" src="{{ asset('images/5375a30370200.jpeg) }}" alt="" width="290" height="275" />
<img class="alignleft" src="{{ asset('/images/5375a30370200.jpeg') }}" alt="" width="290" height="275" />
Or set a new variable
{% set src = 'images/' ~ blog.image %}
<img class="alignleft" src="{{ asset( src ) }}" alt="" width="290" height="275" />
Turns out I have to use Twig's template_to_string function.
