How do I find formatting settings for CSV on Mac? - macos

I have a Python program that extracts data from an API, applies transformations, and converts it to a csv to be used in Tableau. When I view the file in excel and Google Sheets, it looks fine. No data formatting or read errors as it is formatted in standard UTF8.
When I read it in Tableau, different story. You will notice how the columns lose shape and get parsed incorrectly.
I am thinking it has to do with the fact that my data set is text heavy and contains punctuation, but I have been able to work with data in this format just fine without having to do any custom formatting.

It looks like your csv has multiline fields (which are quoted).
You'll somehow have to tell the Tableau reader/parser to read your data as quoted (and multiline).
Also check the escaping of the quotes (if they are inside a field) - usually this is done with another quote, but could also be with a backslash.


what is the best output format / platform to display different sorts of extracted data?

I am writing a script, that extracts different types of data from different kind of custom log files.
But before I continue to write, I want to determine in what output format / platform I want it to be, so it is displayed properly or it can be read properly.
sometimes it is certain lines of text with an important word in it
sometimes it is a block of text between a start and end phrase
sometimes it are data points, which i then want to visualize better in a line chart
OR it is a combination of those
At first i thought i write it so that it is in a markdown file format, so i can for instance create fold able blocks, so that i just unfold the part that i want to read.
But markdown is not versatile. Meaning I cant create line charts or other kinds of stuff (thinking about the future)
So know I put the different types of data in different type of output formats and visualize them in an HTML file.
meaning, the blocks of text in a markdown file, which I then import though a java-script markdown viewer
the data points, I create a line chart through a java-script chart
HOWEVER, I am not sure that this is the best/correct way to go .....
What is your advice ?

Performing conditional change in .ods file in bash

How can I do a conditional change in an .ods document? I have two columns. One of them stores a string and the second a value. I want to search the document with a particular string that I have, say "xyz". If this matches any of the strings that are shown in the first column, I would like a value of 1 to be deducted from the cell in the same row, but from the second column. The data in the .ods document are separated by the different adjoining cells (so a tab?)
As an example, consider the following:
xyz 23
xxy 42
xzz 76
If I have the string "xxy", I would like the bash script to update the .ods file such that it looks as so:
xyz 23
xxy 41
xzz 76
Now, the strings that I am searching for are stored in a seperate .txt file. I would like to iterate over all of the strings in the .txt file and repeatedly perform the described operation in the .ods file. There can be cases where the are multiple occurrences of the same string. Any helps with this?
This should be a comment, but its a bit long
am searching for are stored in a text file.
No. A MS Excel files is not a text file. Its not even a file but rather an embedded filesystem where content is encapsuleted in OLE, or more recently as an xml tree. While there are both OLE and XML parsers available on Unix (I assume you want to run this on Linux/Unix/Posix since you've flagged this with bash, awk and sed) that just gets you access to where the data is stored. You still need a detailled understanding of the file format to be able to make changes. While it may be possible to do this in bash, it would be a lot easier in a dedicated programming language. Several do come with libraries for processing Excel files but vary in their support for file formats. Alternatively you could load it up in openoffice using its UNO API.

FTP batch report with chinese characters to excel

We have a requirement to FTP the batch report to a excel sheet in .csv format. The batch report contains both single byte and double byte characters, for example, English and Chinese. The data in mainframe is in Base64 format and when this is FTP’ed in either Binary or ASCII mode, the resulting .csv spreadsheet shows only junk characters. We need a method to FTP the batch report file, so that the FTP’ed report is in readable format.
Request your help in resolving this issue.
I'm not familiar with Chinese character sets but I would think if you're not restricted to CSV, you might try to format an XML document for excel whereby you can specify the fonts as part of the spreadsheet definition.
Assuming that isn't an option I would think the Base64 format might need to be translated to ASCII (from EBCDIC) before transmission and then delivered in BINARY. Otherwise you risk having the data translated to something you didn't expect.
Another way to see what is really happening is send the data as ASCII and retrieve the data as BINARY and then compare the before and after results to see what characters were changed enroute during transmission. I recall having to do something similar to this once to resolve different code sets in Europe vs. U.S.
I'm not sure any of these suggestions would represent a "solution" to your problem, but these would be ideas that I would explore. I would be interested in hearing how you resolve this.

Testing for extended characters in watir-webdriver

I need to check for text with extended character set characters in my watir-webdriver scripts.
For example checking for a link has the follow text;
I read the text from a CSV file, which when edited looks like the above text.
But when running the test in FireFox I get the following failure.
Wrong values on attribute table after add all save.
<"Wei\247"> expected but was
I tried saving it in the CSV as Wei\303\237 but the expected value then had double backslash characters.
How can I encode this in the CSV so I can check the text value safely cross platform and browser?
I had this problem, and I got around it by writing it in the spreadsheet as something like {S} and gsubbing it when I read the file into Ruby. If you gsub the text when you check the link too then basically you have your own encoding method for special characters. This is a long way around, so I'd be very interested in other answers.
The double backslash is probably because when your code reads from the CSV it escapes the backslashes in the file to preserve the text. Therefore you can't put the unicode in your CSV file. I don't really know a way around this. I hear that Ruby unicode support isn't that great, but is being worked on as of 1.9.x.

Is there a standard format for describing a flat file?

Is there a standard or open format which can be used to describe the formating of a flat file. My company integrates many different customer file formats. With an XML file it's easy to get or create an XSD to describe the XML file format. I'm looking for something similar to describe a flat file format (fixed width, delimited etc). Stylus Studio uses a proprietary .conv format to do this. That .conv format can be used at runtime to transform an arbitrary flat file to an XML file. I was just wondering if there was any more open or standards based method for doing the same thing.
I'm looking for one method of describing a variety of flat file formats whether they are fixed width or delimited, so CSV is not an answer to this question.
For complex cases (e.g. log files) you may consider a lexical parser.
About selecting existing flat file formats: There is the Comma-separated values (CSV) format. Or, more generally, DSV. But these are not "fixed-width", since there's a delimiter character (such as a comma) that separates individual cells. Note that though CSV is standardized, not everybody adheres to the standard. Also, CSV may be to simple for your purposes, since it doesn't allow a rich document structure.
In that respect, the standardized and only slightly more complex (but thus more useful) formats JSON and YAML are a better choice. Both are supported out of the box by plenty of languages.
Your best bet is to have a look at all languages listed as non-binary in this overview and then determine which works best for you.
About describing flat file formats: This could be very easy or difficult, depending on the format. Though in most cases easier solutions exist, one way that will work in general is to view the file format as a formal grammar, and write a lexer/parser for it. But I admit, that's quite† heavy machinery.
If you're lucky, a couple of advanced regular expressions may do the trick. Most formats will not lend themselves for that however.‡ If you plan on writing a lexer/parser yourself, I can advise PLY (Python Lex-Yacc). But many other solutions exists, in many different languages, a lot of them more convenient than the old-school Lex & Yacc. For more, see What parser generator do you recommend?
  †: Yes, that may be an understatement.
  ‡: Even properly describing the email address format is not trivial.
COBOL (whether you like it or not) has a standard format for describing fixed-width record formats in files.
Other file formats, however, are somewhat simpler to describe. A CSV file, for example, is just a list of strings. Often the first row of a CSV file is the column names -- that's the description.
There are examples of using JSON to formulate metadata for text files. This can be applied to JSON files, CSV files and fixed-format files.
Look at
This is IBM's sMash (Project Zero) using JSON to encode metadata. You can easily apply this to flat files.
At the end of the day, you will probably have to define your own file standard that caters specifically to your storage needs. What I suggest is using xml, YAML or JSON as your internal container for all of the file types you receive. On top of this, you will have to implement some extra validation logic to maintain meta-data such as the column sizes of the fixed width files (for importing from and exporting to fixed width). Alternatively, you can store or link a set of metadata to each file you convert to the internal format.
There may be a standard out there, but it's too hard to create 'one size fits all' solutions for these problems. There are entity relationship management tools out there (Talend, others) that make creating these mappings easier, but you will still need to spend a lot of time maintaining file format definitions and rules.
As for enforcing column width, xml might be the best solution as you can describe the formats using xml schemas (with the length restriction). For YAML or JSON, you may have to write your own logic for this, although I'm sure someone else has come up with a solution.
See XML vs comma delimited text files for further reference.
I don't know if there is any standard or open format to describe a flat file format. But one industry has done this: the banking industry. Financial institutions are indeed communicating using standardized message over a dedicated network called SWIFT. SWIFT messages were originally positional (before SWIFTML, the XMLified version). I don't know if it's a good suggestion as it's kinda obscure but maybe you could look at the SWIFT Formatting Guide, it may gives you some ideas.
Having that said, check out Flatworm, an humble flat file parser. I've used it to parse positional and/or CSV file and liked its XML descriptor format. It may be a better suggestion than SWIFT :)
CSV is a delimited data format that has fields/columns separated by the comma character and records/rows separated by newlines. Fields that contain a special character (comma, newline, or double quote), must be enclosed in double quotes. However, if a line contains a single entry which is the empty string, it may be enclosed in double quotes. If a field's value contains a double quote character it is escaped by placing another double quote character next to it. The CSV file format does not require a specific character encoding, byte order, or line terminator format.
The CSV entry on wikipedia allowed me to find a comparison of data serialization formats that is pretty much what you asked for.
The only similar thing I know of is Hachoir, which can currently parse 70 file formats:
I'm not sure if it really counts as a declarative language, since it's plugin parser based, but it seems to work, and is extensible, which may meet your needs just fine.
As an aside, there are interesting standardised, extensible flat-file FORMATS, such as IFF (Interchange File Format).
