FailSafe plugin is not running feature files in parallel - maven

I have included failsafe plugin with parallel methods and threadcount 4. And framework is cucumber with junit. I'm trying to run features in parallel with failsafe plugin of maven. i have different profiles for different environments and use maven verify goal with command
verify -D environment=int
My test runner class is defined like this
#CucumberOptions(features = {"src/test/resources/feature/"},
glue = {"com.stepdefinition"},
plugin = {"pretty",
tags = "#continuousDataloggerLineChartInt or #trendLineChartInt or #standardDataloggerLineChartInt",
dryRun = false
public class TestRunner {
features folder structure:
issue is build is successful and tests are running but not in parallel mode.
what can I do here?


providing cucumber test report name through maven command

In my pom.xml I have created different profile for smoke and regression test using cucumber framework. The using the below maven command to run the tests. Following is an example of smoke test:
mvn clean test -Psmoke-test -Dcucumber.options="--plugin html:target/cucumber/smoke-test-report.html"
The test is running fine, but it is not generating the report even if I provided the -Dcucumber.options I am using a common runner class for cucumber, so I cannot give the file name as part of the #CucumberOptions annotation.
Following is the pom.xml confguration:
Your POM should be like this:
And command you can use like this:
mvn test -Dtest=Runner verify

Maven Integration Testing Command

I created Maven project using Java for automation testing. When i run mvn verify it does not open any browser. What wrong with it? I can easily run testng class from eclipse but i need to run for CI/CD.
Please help. Thanks.

Running two maven profiles

My profiles in pom.xml
So first we have got shared plugins and then two different profiles.
When i try to run them with one command
mvn clean install -P runHeadlessly,runWithHead
Only plugin with xvfb id gets executed, any ideas?
(did not post the part with default property variables)
You have defined two profiles:
First profile, runWithHead, defines an execution of the maven-surefire-plugin without specifying any goal element (within a goals section), hence an empty execution
Second profile, runHeadlessly, defines an execution and goal of the selenium-maven-plugin plugin AND again an empty execution of the maven-surefire-plugin
As such, both profiles are executed, but effectively only the xvfb of the xvfb execution of the selenium-maven-plugin would be performed.
Since the maven-surefire-plugin has only one goal, test, try to add the following to both executions:
Also note: you are configuring additional executions of the maven-surefire-plugin on top of the default default-test execution which will also be executed. Hence, enabling both profiles you will end up with three executions of this plugin.

Multiple test configurations for surefire plugin

I have an issue with my pom:
There are two types of tests running within the project:
Main set of tests using TestNG and JUnit code coverage tests. What I would like is to run JUnit tests on test-compile phase and do not run TestNG tests (which are run on test phase) if previous failed.
As of now I have the following which runs only TestNG:
<value>org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter, org.uncommons.reportng.JUnitXMLReporter</value>
I tried to play with <execution> tag but I can't provide path to TestNG suite then. Any ideas how to combine these tests using surefire plugin and specify different goals?
Solution was to add maven-failsafe-plugin separately from maven-surefire-plugin.

How to run concordion test with maven?

I am wondering how to set up maven to run concordion tests having a naming convention. The tests are on the classpath in src/test/specs. I would like to do it in a separate profile.
Thanks for the help.
I finally set the tests up is by creating a different profile to run the acceptance tests.
An example given here:
<argLine>-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m</argLine>
You can use the maven failsafe plugin to run unit Concordion tests in the integration-test phase. Its similar to the surefire plugin.
