hello everyone I am new to Linux and of course bash by default. I have set up an Amazon light sail server, I am using the LAMP stack and to my knowledge, it doesn't have a GUI, so I had to use bash over SSH., not the end of the world except for I made a bit of a mistake and don't even know what to google.
I was trying to clone a Github repo into my htdocs folder. the problem is that I didn't cd into the folder first. the following
bitnami#ip-xxx-xx-x-xxx:~$ git clone https://github.com/myaccount/folder.git .
fatal: destination path '.' already exists and is not an empty directory.
when I read this I realised what I did, then I cd'ed into the right directory and did deleted everything in there with the rm -rf * command. when I checked my webserver I knew something was wrong. instead of a blank index of/ page, like normal it had a git item in it.
I then ran the command again to be sure, but it was still there.
I tried looking around within the file tree but I cannot find an extra or out of place git folder and would have no idea how to undo what I did.
when I run it properly it says:
bitnami#ip-xxx-xx-x-xxx:/opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs$ git clone https://github.com/myaccount/folder.git .
fatal: destination path '.' already exists and is not an empty directory.
thank you for your time
As is shown in the image,I'm not sure if the failure is caused by some missing property while setting up webstorm .
The issue is not resolved after a lot of efforts.As a learner,I don't know what to do now.
Meanwhile,something seems wrong as shown in git bash.I've no idea whether the two are directly related.
If you have ever faced these difficulties,could you please give me some idea? Even if it's only a web address.
What I want to do is only pushing my code. Anyone who pushed successfully in any other way will be welcomed to share your method.
If I'm being honest I'm not sure that I completely understand your question, but I will supply some information that will hopefully lead you down the right track.
First in the bash shell, cd (change directory) into your project directory like this:
$ cd /c/foo/bar/yourprojectfolder
In your project top most directory, do you have a .git folder? You may have to show hidden folders in windows to see this directory. If not, you need to initialize a repository with the init command.
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/foo/bar/yourprojectfolder/.git/
After running this command, you should see a .git folder inside of the directory you changed to (used cd to get to) earlier.
Next, in order to push, you first need a remote repository to push to. Based on your first picture, I believe that you have successfully created a repository on GitHub. If not however, just log into GitHub and click the 'New Repository' button:
Once a repo has been created, you need to add it as a remote to your local git (in git bash). To do this you need a url (either SSH or HTTPS) to your repo. You can find this url inside of your repository in online GitHub. If you are not certain you have set up SSH, it's best to use the HTTPS url. It should look something like this, but the url itself will be different and specific to your repository:
Copy that url to your clipboard, and then back in git bash run:
$ git remote add origin <PASTE YOUR URL HERE>
You need to make an initial commit of your code to have something to push:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
Finally, with the origin repo set up and a commit made, you should be able to push to your origin repo
$ git push -u origin master
You should now be able to view your code on GitHub.
I've got a series of HTML pages and other files for a website hosted on heroku sitting under a folder named 'sitename' on the User level of my computer - Windows 8 64 bit (that is, the files are in 'C:\Users\Me\sitename'
I'm trying to deploy them to the site using this code:
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "make it better"
$ git push heroku master
When I execute '$ git add .', the console starts returning tons of messages naming certain files and saying 'The file will have its original line endings in your working directory. warning: LF will be replaced by CLRF'.
Reading the question here, I found that it probably wouldn't affect anything in my code. However, when I run the code, it doesn't just affect the files in my git repository (which I think is set up correctly by running '$ git init', which creates a .git folder on the same level as the sitename folder), but starts to affect files in my AppData folder, e.g. iTunes.
Is this expected behavior? Will it affect anything? And is there a way to direct 'git add' towards only the repository?
I would recommend investigating where your git folder really is for your project first. Because it seems like you have somehow added files from the Appdata folder to your project, this indicates that the git folder you have created is not seperated from the other folders on the server. For example you have your git folder in:
'C:\Users\Me' instead of 'C:\Users\Me\sitename'
To easily see what files that have been added to your git project/Hasn't been added you can execute the command:
git status
This will also show your current staged files and if you have commited something.
To add single files/folder just write:
git add example.html
Where example is the name of the file you want to add (it can be any extension).
To remove files just do the same but use git rm.
First, let me tell you that I have already checked all the similar threads and searched google to find what the problem may be, but no success. My problem is that I'm trying to use sparse checkout in git, but I get this error:
error: Sparse checkout leaves no entry on working directory
I have this 60GB repository, which I need to clone. I need only a part of it, so to save a disk space I wanted to use sparse checkout. This is what I do:
mkdir repoDir
git init repoDir
cd repoDir
git remote add origin <repo url>
git config core.sparsecheckout true
echo "some/dir/" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
git pull --depth=1 origin master
Note I add the remote without -f flag, so nothing is fetched.
The result:
error: Sparse checkout leaves no entry on working directory
I tried several things:
Instead of initialising new repo and adding the remote manually, I did git clone --no-checkout and then set up the sparse checkout. This didn't help as my git status showed as if I deleted all the files in my repo. The git pull origin master command results in the same error.
Tried all possible combination of paths in step 6, with preceding slashes, slashes after the path, stars, spaces between path and > or >>. Btw I'm confused what is the correct format here, from the comments on SO I see mutually exclusive ways of formatting this.
Tried to make sure my .git/info/sparse-checkout is ASCII, and has proper line endings as found here. This is probably only problematic on Windows, but I just checked this anyway.
My git version: git version 1.9.3 (Apple Git-50)
OSX Yosemite 10.10.2 (14C109)
It turns out that "some/dir/" was wrong, since I didn't have the repository I didn't know it's real structure. I was able to browse it through web interface but I just discovered the folders don't correspond exactly to the real repository folder structure.
Lesson for the future: make sure you know the folder structure before creating sparse-checkout file.
The sequence of operations I wanted to follow is similar, namely the one suggested in this other post https://stackoverflow.com/a/13738951/5459638. I get the error message
error: Sparse checkout leaves no entry on working directory
when launching git pull <remote> <branch> with branch being master.
As #lawicko said, in the project webpage I can click my way to the subdirectory to be cloned and copy the URL of that page; ctrl+L ctrl+C makes doing this nice and quick. This URL has the form
The part that my sparse-checkout file accepts is the children of master
with the trailing slash.
As an alternative to the same aim, there is another path in the form <project>/<subdir>/<subdir> to the right of the drop-down menu for switching branches at the top of the webpage.
In this case, I would have copied and pasted the children of <project> plus the trailing slash.
And this path is not as easy to copy and paste as the URL is.
Note that if you are using sparse-checkout on windows, you may need to add core.protectNTFS false per https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/2777
trying to find an answer to this, have seen it hinted at, but no solution.
Not entirely new to git, but haven't used it in a few months... this is my first time using it on windows. using git bash.
I have a cake PHP site that I want to add exluding any cache files my .gitignore file contains only:
Here is the most basic thing I have tried:
git init
git add .
git commit
I get a message on commit saying there are untracked files - all files and dirs at the root directory.
git status
gives me the same message.
However, if I type
git add .htaccess
it stages the .htaccess file.
Also, if I do:
git add app/.htaccess
It will add that file too.
I have also tried
git add app/*
no luck.
Thanks in advance.
The files aren't ignored, because otherwise you would be forced to do a git add --force afile.
However, you might want to check GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable, and see if they reference another repository, which could explain the discrepancy between the index and what you think is your working tree.
Here is my problem
I am using heroku to develop an app and I am using github along with it for a project.
Now when I try and use github(clone) without heroku to work on a different project it says...
michael#michael-HP-PavilionNotebook-PC:~$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/michael/.git/
michael#michael-HP-PavilionNotebook-PC:~$ ls
Desktop Downloads gifiniti Music Pictures Templates Ubuntu One
Documents examples.desktop gifinitiApr24 oldgifiniti Public tmp Videos
michael#michael-HP-PavilionNotebook-PC:~$ git clone git#github.com:toadiferus/SecretTunnel
Cloning into SecretTunnel...
! Invalid path.
! Syntax is: git#heroku.com:<app>.git where <app> is your app's name.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
How would I resolve this error? Can't find any support online for this specific problem.
HOw can I change the syntax of the commands? I want to just clone a project from github not heroku.
Your ~/.ssh/config may have been hijacked by if you used the heroku accounts plugin. Same thing happened to me. I removed the contents of my ssh config and all is well!
Firstly, you don't need to init before you clone - init is used to turn a project folder into a git repository unless you really intended to turn your entire user directory into a git repo? I would suggest you delete the .git folder that would have been created from your doing this.
To be sure you're using the correct path go to your projects on github and use the icon that looks like a clipboard to copy the correct url to your clipboard, paste onto your command line and see what happens then.
I also don't understand why when you do a
git clone git#github.com:toadiferus/SecretTunnel
Cloning into SecretTunnel...
you get what looks like a Heroku push error??? Git clone from a github URL should simply clone the project from github to your local machine.
! Invalid path.
! Syntax is: git#heroku.com:<app>.git where <app> is your app's name.
Are you editing the output you are pasting?
The git url should have .git on the end, ie. git#github.com:toadiferus/SecretTunnel.git.