Chef::Exceptions::nginx didn't start when installing nginx-1.16.1 from source - ruby

I am trying to install nginx from source , My requirement is to install specific version of nginx i.e., 1.16.1 because of which i am downloading from source.
After running installNginx.rb , i see nginx.conf file got updated with default nginx configs , but nginx -v says command not found.
below is my configuration -
include_recipe 'nginx::source'
t = resources(:template => 'nginx.conf')
t.source 'nginx.conf'
t.cookbook 'my_nginx'
rescue Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound
Chef::Log.warn "Could not find template nginx.conf to modify"
service 'nginx' do
action :restart
node.default['nginx']['source']['version'] = '1.16.1'
node.default['nginx']['source']['url'] = ''
node.default['nginx']['source']['checksum'] = 'f11c2a6dd1d3515736f0324857957db2de98be862461b5a542a3ac6188dbe32b'
depends 'nginx'
After analysing what I observed on cookbook logs is: The source version I gave is 1.16.1 but for some reason, the nginx::source recipe is pulling in 1.12.1 and nginx is not starting
"nginx": {
"version": "1.12.1",
"package_name": "nginx",
"port": "80",
"dir": "/etc/nginx",
"script_dir": "/usr/sbin",
"log_dir": "/var/log/nginx",
"log_dir_perm": "0750",
"binary": "/opt/nginx-1.12.1/sbin/nginx",
"default_root": "/var/www/nginx-default",
"ulimit": "1024",
"cleanup_runit": true,
"repo_source": "nginx",
"install_method": "package",
"user": "webadmin",
"upstart": {
"runlevels": "2345",
"respawn_limit": null,
"foreground": true
"init_style": "init",
"source": {
"version": "1.16.1",
"prefix": "/opt/nginx-1.12.1",
"conf_path": "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf",
"sbin_path": "/opt/nginx-1.12.1/sbin/nginx",
"default_configure_flags": [
"url": "",
"checksum": "f11c2a6dd1d3515736f0324857957db2de98be862461b5a542a3ac6188dbe32b",
"modules": [
INFO: remote_file[nginx source] created file /var/chef/runs/58bffee4-b5aa-4632-97cd-0eeacc4ebd4c/local-mode-cache/cache/nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz
INFO: remote_file[nginx source] updated file contents /var/chef/runs/58bffee4-b5aa-4632-97cd-0eeacc4ebd4c/local-mode-cache/cache/nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz
I am unable to figure out where the issue is, any help is appreciated.

The attributes file in the nginx cookbook refers to the default version in multiple places. For example, it uses the default version to define the directory where nginx is installed to as well as download URL for the nginx sources as
default['nginx']['source']['prefix'] = "/opt/nginx-#{node['nginx']['source']['version']}"
default['nginx']['source']['url'] = "{node['nginx']['source']['version']}.tar.gz"
Thus, if you later update the version attribute in your own cookbook, the download URL will not automatically be updated with the new version since it has no reference to it anymore.
To resolve this, you have two options
You can manually set all related attributes in your cookbook. This is likely error-prone and may lead to inconsistencies as you have seen.
You can reload the default nginx attributes file after having set the overridden attributes. This can look like this in your attributes file:
override['nginx']['version'] = '1.16.1'
override['nginx']['source']['checksum'] = 'f11c2a6dd1d3515736f0324857957db2de98be862461b5a542a3ac6188dbe32b'
# Reload nginx::source attributes with our updated version
node.from_file(run_context.resolve_attribute('nginx', 'source'))
Note that the nginx cookbook maintains two nginx versions: node['nginx']['version'] and node['nginx']['source']['version'], with the latter value being set to the former value by default.
In your ohai output, you have only seen the node['nginx']['version'] attribute (which you have not overridden).
By overriding this attribute and reloading the attributes/source.rb file as shown about, things should be consistent again.


Override aliases defined in package's composer.json with Laravel app config defined ones

I am using 3 packages in my Laravel 5.8 application:
Backpack CRUD (which uses Backpack Base)
These are clashing because Backpack Base relies on the Global Alias for "Alert" being set to use PrologueAlert. See an example of how it uses \Alert here:
private function checkLicenseCodeExists()
if ($this->app->environment() != 'local' && !config('backpack.base.license_code')) {
\Alert::add('warning', "<strong>You're using unlicensed software.</strong> Please ask your web developer to <a target='_blank' href=''>purchase a license code</a> to hide this message.");
Because I haven't bought that license yet I started seeing an error caused because that above snippet was trying to pass a string to Alert::add() but it was calling the add() method on Styde\Html\Alert\Container::add() which expects the parameter to be an instance of Styde\Html\Alert\Message instead of calling it on Prologue's version of Alert which accepts a string. It's calling the wrong "Alert"!
Even though my application is specifically set to use PrologueAlert for Alert
// config/app.php
'aliases' => [
'Alert' => Prologue\Alerts\Facades\Alert::class
I have discovered the reason is that in version 1.7 Styde moved the Aliases for his package from the protected $globalAliases variable on HTMLServiceProvider.php to the composer.json auto-discover section
"extra": {
"laravel": {
"providers": [
"aliases": {
"Field": "Styde\\Html\\Facades\\Field",
"Alert": "Styde\\Html\\Facades\\Alert",
"Menu": "Styde\\Html\\Facades\\Menu",
"Form": "Collective\\Html\\FormFacade",
"Html": "Collective\\Html\\HtmlFacade"
"dont-discover": [
Now, it seems my application is prioritising Styde's alias of "Alert" over my own application-set value!
Other than rolling back to use version 1.6 of Styde, how can I force Laravel to prioritise my own defined aliases over ones discovered via the composer.json?
I found the solution! It was actually inspired by a snippet in my original post.
You can add an extra section to your application's composer.json that get read by the Laravel application and used to decide which packages to ignore during auto-discover like this:
// composer.json
"extra": {
"laravel": {
"dont-discover": [
This then allows you to pick and choose aliases from the problematic package and define as many or as few of the them as you like in your config/app.php (for my application I was only using the Field alias from Styde/Html so that was the only one I had to add to my App config).
I think as more and more package maintainers start leveraging the auto-discover feature this is going to become a more widely used feature.
Afterthought: This is a shift in the relationship between Composer and Laravel. Whereas the composer.json file was traditionally just a package manager that would be run at installation and then not used when the application is running, it is now a config file that is read by the application. I learned this the hard way as our pipeline that packages-up and deploys the code used to tidy up files that weren't required in the production environment. It was deleting composer.json which started the error happening again in our QA environment.

Chronos can't run a private Docker container

I'm playing on localhost with a DC/OS installation. While everything works fine, I can't seem to run a docker image located inside a private repo. I'm using python to communicate with chronos:
#celery.task(name='add-job', soft_time_limit=5)
def add_job(job_id):
job_document ={
'_id': job_id
if job_document:
worker_document = mongo.workers.find_one({
'_id': job_document['workerId']
if worker_document:
job = {
'async': True,
'name': job_document['_id'],
'owner': '',
'command': "python /code/",
"disabled": False,
"shell": True,
"cpus": worker_document['cpus'],
"disk": worker_document['disk'],
"mem": worker_document['memory'],
'schedule': 'R1//PT300S',# start now,
"epsilon": "PT60M",
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"forcePullImage": True,
"image": "",
"network": "HOST",
"volumes": [{
"containerPath": "/images/",
"hostPath": "/images/",
"mode": "RW"
"uris": [
return chronos_client.add(job)
return 'worker not found'
return 'job not found'
The job runs fine with a public image (alpine:latest) but it fails without any error inside the dcos installation.
The job gets executed but it fails immediately. The error log of the job inside chronos looks like this:
I1212 12:39:11.141639 25058 fetcher.cpp:498] Fetcher Info: {"cache_directory":"\/tmp\/mesos\/fetch\/slaves\/61d6d037-c9f5-482b-a441-11d85554461b-S1\/root","items":[{"action":"BYPASS_CACHE","uri":{"cache":false,"executable":false,"extract":false,"value":"file:\/\/\/images\/docker.tar.gz"}}],"sandbox_directory":"\/var\/lib\/mesos\/slave\/slaves\/61d6d037-c9f5-482b-a441-11d85554461b-S1\/docker\/links\/7029bbea-4c3d-439a-8720-411f6fe40eb9","user":"root"}
I1212 12:39:11.143575 25058 fetcher.cpp:409] Fetching URI 'file:///images/docker.tar.gz'
I1212 12:39:11.143587 25058 fetcher.cpp:250] Fetching directly into the sandbox directory
I1212 12:39:11.143602 25058 fetcher.cpp:187] Fetching URI 'file:///images/docker.tar.gz'
I1212 12:39:11.143612 25058 fetcher.cpp:167] Copying resource with command:cp '/images/docker.tar.gz' '/var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves/61d6d037-c9f5-482b-a441-11d85554461b-S1/docker/links/7029bbea-4c3d-439a-8720-411f6fe40eb9/docker.tar.gz'
I1212 12:39:11.146726 25058 fetcher.cpp:547] Fetched 'file:///images/docker.tar.gz' to '/var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves/61d6d037-c9f5-482b-a441-11d85554461b-S1/docker/links/7029bbea-4c3d-439a-8720-411f6fe40eb9/docker.tar.gz'
Stdout is empty. Executed directly inside marathon as an application with the same settings the authentication works and my image is downloaded & executed. Is this something that chronos does not support? It should...I mean, it has commands for docker...
Update: digging deeper into the agent logs I found this:
Failed to run 'docker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock pull': exited with status 1; stderr='Error: Status 403 trying to pull repository username/container: "{\"error\": \"Permission Denied\"}"
I tried the archive with it's config.json file on the agent itself and it can download when triggered from the command line. I just can't seem to understand why chronos is not using it properly. I can't find any other reference on how to put my credentials other than this.
As it turns out...the uris param is deprecated in favor of fetch. I started from scratch with a marathon config applied to chronos and watched the logs carefully when I saw this: {'message': 'Tried to add both uri (deprecated) and fetch parameters on aBPepwhG5z33e4teG', 'status': 'Bad Request'}. Then I changed my uris parameter into:
"fetch": [{
"uri": "/images/docker.tar.gz",
"extract": true,
"executable": false,
"cache": false
...and it worked.
your post looked a little like this one, which turned out to be a problem with volumes.

Vagrant Meta Data is Corrupt

Hope someone can help out here. I'm trying to version self hosted vagrant boxes, so doing this without using Vagrant Cloud.
I've created the following meta data file:
"description": "How about this",
"name": "Graphite",
"versions": [
"version": "1.8",
"providers": [
"name": "virtualbox",
"url": "http://desktopenvironments/Graphite/"
This is taken directly from the vagrant (somewhat lacking) documentation found at:
When running a vagrant add (taking the box file that contains this file directly from disk) I get:
The metadata associated with the box 'graphite' appears corrupted.
This is most often caused by a disk issue or system crash. Please
remove the box, re-add it, and try again.
Any assistance as to why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.
Was generating my metadata file from a c# app I wrote, using UTF8 for text encoding. This is not enough. You need to use UTF8 without BOM.
Once the Byte Order Mark was removed it all works 100s.
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new LowercaseContractResolver() };
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata, Formatting.None, settings);
var utf8WithoutBom = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false);
using (var sink = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath, false, utf8WithoutBom))

Cannot update yii2 via composer bower-asset/jquery could not be found

I was updating my yii2 via composer then reverted back to the old beta version.
Here is the error on my composer:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- The requested package bower-asset/jquery could not be found in any version, there may be a typ
o in the package name.
Potential causes:
- A typo in the package name
- The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setti
see <> for more details.
Read <> for further common problems.
Tried searching for bower-asset/jquery at packagist but it is not found.
Thanks for the help :)
Finally fixed it, just followed the steps on the doc
If you are using Composer to upgrade Yii, you should run the following command first (once for all) to install the composer-asset-plugin:
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"
(See for latest version.)
You may also need to add the following code to your project's composer.json file :
"extra": {
"asset-installer-paths": {
"npm-asset-library": "vendor/npm",
"bower-asset-library": "vendor/bower"
Hopes this helps :)
For me helps to remove folder ~/.composer and execute command:
php composer.phar global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.*"
Then just run again
php composer.phar update
Found a cleaner solution. Just add following repository in your composer.json file
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
and watch the magic
If you don't want to use fxp/composer-asset-plugin then all you have to do is to follow these simple instructions from Yii2 documentation.
Using asset-packagist repository
This way will satisfy requirements of the majority of projects, that need NPM or Bower packages.
Note: Since 2.0.13 both Basic and Advanced application templates are
pre-configured to use asset-packagist by default, so you can skip this
In the composer.json of your project, add the following lines:
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
Adjust #npm and #bower aliases in you application configuration:
$config = [
'aliases' => [
'#bower' => '#vendor/bower-asset',
'#npm' => '#vendor/npm-asset',
Visit to know, how it works.
If you don't need the update for bower-asset, you can require yidas/yii2-composer-bower-skip before yiisoft/yii2. in composer.json file:
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0",
"yidas/yii2-composer-bower-skip": "~2.0.0",
"yiisoft/yii2": "~2.0.5",
"yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap": "~2.0.0"
After that, you can update Composer smoothly without bower-asset.
Just in case for anyone upgrading Yii 2.0.41 - 2.0.43,
should be noted that you need to install the "external" bower-asset.
Run the following
composer require yidas/yii2-bower-asset
Then, need to update the aliases inside config (depends on your structure) for the Yii to handle the new bower-asset folder.
// here is important part
'aliases' => [
'#bower' => '#vendor/yidas/yii2-bower-asset/bower',
//below is just another config just ignore. example purpose don't copy
'components' => [
'db' => [
Then, reload your Yii app. Should be fine.
Here is the example of the composer.json for anyone who need the updates to 2.0.43
"name": "yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced",
"description": "Yii 2 Advanced Application Template",
"keywords": ["yii2", "framework", "advanced", "application template"],
"homepage": "",
"type": "project",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"forum": "",
"wiki": "",
"irc": "irc://",
"source": ""
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0",
"yiisoft/yii2": "2.0.43",
"yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "~2.0#dev",
"yiisoft/yii2-redis": "~2.0.0",
"yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch": "~2.0.0",
"bryglen/yii2-apns-gcm": "1.0.5",
"snhccm/baidu-push": "dev-master",
"google/cloud": "dev-master",
"minishlink/web-push": "6.0.7",
"understeam/yii2-fcm": "~0.1",
"yidas/yii2-bower-asset": "2.0.13"
"require-dev": {
"codeception/codeception": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-debug": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-gii": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-faker": "*"
"config": {
"process-timeout": 1800
"extra": {
"asset-installer-paths": {
"npm-asset-library": "vendor/npm",
"bower-asset-library": "vendor/bower"
As described in YII2 repository documentation:
We can solve this problem by adding aliases on those folders in our config.
It will looks like that:
$config = [
'aliases' => [
'#bower' => '#vendor/bower-asset',
'#npm' => '#vendor/npm-asset',
It works perfectly!
Simple and clean solution:
In composer.json just replace the bower-asset/jquery line with:
I propose we add also bower-asset/datatables to the yidas/yii2-bower-asset
My Problems with accepted solution of adding fxp/composer-asset-plugin are that the plugin is significantly slowing down the composer system, impacts everywhere, isn't always portable across operating systems and environments, has errors with PHP7.2 relating to inconsistent method names. So, I prefer my quicker to develop, faster at runtime, more local, and more compatible solution.
I tried all the mentioned steps like adding following in main.php
$config = [
'aliases' => [
'#bower' => '#vendor/bower-asset',
'#npm' => '#vendor/npm-asset',
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
Doing "composer install/update" was still not installing bower packages given by yii2-bootstrap.
I found, I was using composer.phar 2x to set this up. I downgraded composer.phar to 1x and all works well without having the need of fxp/composer-asset-plugin plugin.

sublime text build system for jekyll

I'm trying to get a build system for the Jekyll gem in sublime text. In my sublime-project I have the following:
I have tried playing around with env as well as different options above, but always get some sort of error pertaining to ruby or jekyll not found or env: ruby_noexec_wrapper not found
I'm running 10.8.2 and my path :
kaass:~ kaass$ echo $PATH
Everything I'm trying to call is already in my path.
I had a similar problem running rake within the correct rvm environment.
This is the sublime-project file I ended up with:
"path": "data"
"name": "rake",
"cmd": "source ~/.rvm/environments/ruby-1.9.3-p194#mygemset && rake",
"shell": true,
"path": "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:~/.rvm/bin",
"working_dir": "$project_path"
The trick was to add ~/.rvm/bin to the path and to source the environment of the rvm gemset.
Then I can even use the "rake" command without specifying a full path.
The rest is straight-forward.
